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Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death - Crime (4) - Nairaland

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"Pastor Leads Family To Where Kidnapped Boy Was Abandoned Inside A Bush". Photos / Why The "7-Year-Old Boy" Was Killed In Lagos - Man / Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by rhektor(m): 9:07am On Nov 17, 2016
Wtf with these police officers? They will be proving Vandame when they see yahoo boys. Now they can't trail pix online Mtchewwwwwwwww
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by stwazobia: 9:07am On Nov 17, 2016
The first photo of the little boy crying melt my heart: it makes me shed tears.. Who is without a crime in this whole world..? who is Innocent?.. Today i curse anyone that has a hand in this barbaric and heartless act... tears and sorrow will never depart from their life, all the days of their life.
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by kwynette(f): 9:10am On Nov 17, 2016
you sound ignorant, all the aluu culprits were arrested and I saw them on t.v so, "something happened " ...if we all keep thinking like you just thought then, doom's day is nigh.
you have a smart phone, Google the aluu case and you'll see that suspects were released, you are actually the ignorant one here, and I feel bad for wasting my time replying you but it's been wasted already cry
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by frankobinna(m): 9:11am On Nov 17, 2016
the poor boy ablaze

if they can do the same to one
justice Ngwuta

thanking u
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by ozoebuka1(m): 9:13am On Nov 17, 2016
Small boy cannot have dis kind of huge hips and besides this pics is nt recent cos I've com across this pix b4. But all the same jungle justice is very bad
so, because he has big hips he's not a kid? so, because he's not a kid it's fine if was murdered? so, because it's an old incident, it should be left unchallenged? our urge to sound smart or relevant also depicts how foolish we are...this video has been circulating on Facebook and you are here telling me it's an old picture Which you've seen? dude your over sabi has affected my bile level I tell ya... damn!!!
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by maximunimpact(m): 9:18am On Nov 17, 2016

Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by Kachimsicho: 9:18am On Nov 17, 2016
They're feigning ignorant. How on earth will they not have known the location. I saw the video on facebook yesterday evening and the reporter said it was ongoing. Do they want me to believe they never got to know in time? From the video, you can even see people gathered to watch a 7yr old being burnt to death. God will punish all of them in their actions and inactions. What did a seven year old steal that is worth his life? These are devils in disguise, they live among us and we think they're humans. Police investigating after the poor boy's life has been wasted is even more annoying. Only God knows the pains that boy went through before giving up the ghost. May God receive his soul and comfort his parents and family.

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Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by Orikinla(m): 9:24am On Nov 17, 2016
The perpetrators of this heinous and and barbaric act should be identified and brought to book by the police, the crowd that watches this callous people killing this kid are so brutal,So sad and barbaric, God will punish all those who watch the killing without intervening
[size=30pt]The worst offender is the one who had time to record the video, but failed to call 112![/size].

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Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by Vince77(m): 9:26am On Nov 17, 2016

Have you watched The Conjuring Pt. 2? smiley

Yes, horribly horror.
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by Skain(m): 9:26am On Nov 17, 2016
Who say dem wan investigate? Na raid dem wan go raid to make money.

Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by ozoebuka1(m): 9:27am On Nov 17, 2016
you have a smart phone, Google the aluu case and you'll see that suspects were released, you are actually the ignorant one here, and I feel bad for wasting my time replying you but it's been wasted already cry
I'm just disappointed in you, and trust me I won't quote you again!!! so, because they've "aluu" been charged to court they must be found guilty? don't be like this please. if the aluu beasts were released because the law found them innocent then, fine. these ones that just murdered this small child should also go to the law court and prove their innocence "I'm not a fan of imposed/supposed judgment "... charging these guys to court will not just deter them from indulging in such heinous crime next time but will also prove that such acts is not welcomed in the Nigerian society. thanks.
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by bigfather(m): 9:31am On Nov 17, 2016
You try to tell the Nigerian police the area now and you'll be the first suspect.

I don't know the place o

grin grin grin

But Police is ya friend naa !
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by Generalyemi(m): 9:34am On Nov 17, 2016
It's heartbreaking when I saw the news on Facebook.

morning...what was His offense
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by ekwii: 9:34am On Nov 17, 2016
What police need to do is to send their detectives on plain cloth, monitor and ask question around the vicinity to get those involve in the barbaric act. It is also important that those involve should be rounded up and dealt with severely to stop this madness of jungle justice in Nigeria.
At this time and age of civilization, Africans are still behaving like animals.
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by benswagtt(m): 9:35am On Nov 17, 2016
fake-ass unreliable naija police. couldn't go to save d boy now dey need help wen it already done. if i knew i wont tell them nothing. they are always late.
....i cant stop thinking those people who did this are somebody's husband or someone will marry them someday. God save us from lucifer.
mtchweew! because they are now omnipresent! since u're better you should have been there to save the poor boy. You didn't blame those who watched the poor burn 2 death instead u're blaming the police 4 coming late as if u called them and they came late.
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by kwynette(f): 9:36am On Nov 17, 2016
I'm just disappointed in you, and trust me I won't quote you again!!! so, because they've "aluu" been charged to court they must be found guilty? don't be like this please. if the aluu beasts were released because the law found them innocent then, fine. these ones that just murdered this small child should also go to the law court and prove their innocence "I'm not a fan of imposed/supposed judgment "... charging these guys to court will not just deter them from indulging in such heinous crime next time but will also prove that such acts is not welcomed in the Nigerian society. thanks.
if I tell you i made sense of what you just said, I'm a bloody liar
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by LordIsaac(m): 9:44am On Nov 17, 2016
I'm still praying this didn't happen in Lagos, or even in Nigeria, but just in case it really did, the police needs information. You can't burn a child to death for any reason whatsoever and not be punished by our creator. There will be punishment here on earth too. So anyone who has any info should please contact our police.

source: http://www.gidiceleb.com/2016/11/police-needs-your-help-for-exact.html
Without any condition attached, the scripture says "thou shalt not kill." Whosoever kills with the "sword" shall die by the sword. Period! It is a law...it cannot be broken.
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by HRich(m): 9:48am On Nov 17, 2016
I know the place and the venue and the location even the place sef,
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by LordIsaac(m): 9:48am On Nov 17, 2016
I can't hold back the tears....am sure he pleaded....you can see the gesture in the pix...appealing to the on lookers....but they held back their hands in the face of evil. Well, he's gone...but his blood is surely in their hands!
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by saint047(m): 9:49am On Nov 17, 2016

In case u don't know, the real perpetrators are those who stole the future of that little boy. The accomplices are those who hail them and become e-activists for them. According to u, may God punish all those "who watched the killing without intervening" which also are those (hailers, cheerers n e-activists) to the main thieves.
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by calyto: 9:53am On Nov 17, 2016
u mean that Inglis Tisa?
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by saint047(m): 9:55am On Nov 17, 2016

Hmmmmmmm N can u please enlighten me on how u will intervene if u had been there n also watching
.... Funny u but I really don't know y M just having this strange feeling dt might even be among those watching.. hmm let's say u weren't actually there watching BUT u now have the chance of INTERVENING just like u pointed.... Instead of acting fake on the pretence of pity.... REST IN PEACE TO DT LAD but u n i know dt if u ever say u know anything to our good friend CALLED"NIGERIA POLICE" u know d rest
Is either you are myopic or you simply choose to be living in fools paradise.

By their fruit you shall know them.

What a shame
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by elampiro(m): 9:57am On Nov 17, 2016
It happened in alaafia bustop, in orile iganmu lagos. witnessed it live. why police dey find evidence?? shey they had a report about it, what did do then??

When was this, what did he steal and how old is the boy really?
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by Nobody: 9:59am On Nov 17, 2016
Those that did this are not a real human being and God will judge it.
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by Nobody: 10:03am On Nov 17, 2016

When was this, what did he steal and how old is the boy really?
It happened on saturday, he collected a phone

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Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by Kingbuhari(m): 10:04am On Nov 17, 2016
medicine after death... buhari is clueless incompetent and useless... TUFIAKWA
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by derab7: 10:05am On Nov 17, 2016
This is akure
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by Osujonajokross(m): 10:06am On Nov 17, 2016
this barbaric act need to stop and the perpetrators need to be fished out and pay severally for this act.. even if the law have to burn them as well. because I see no reason why a child should be roasted for what so ever reason..
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by itzsniper(m): 10:06am On Nov 17, 2016
fake-ass unreliable naija police. couldn't go to save d boy now dey need help wen it already done. if i knew i wont tell them nothing. they are always late.
....i cant stop thinking those people who did this are somebody's husband or someone will marry them someday. God save us from lucifer.
u guys will just jump on topic to type rubbish, is DAT handle for Nigeria police authority or for one abayomi shogunle? any way I don't blame u, I blame d Op for misleading headline. NLers can jst do anytin for fp sha
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by laykhorn(m): 10:07am On Nov 17, 2016
fake-ass unreliable naija police. couldn't go to save d boy now dey need help wen it already done. if i knew i wont tell them nothing. they are always late.
....i cant stop thinking those people who did this are somebody's husband or someone will marry them someday. God save us from lucifer.

I don't know why I always disagree with you but the Rapid Response Squad of Lagos is very fast and don't respond late. Three weeks ago when a thief was being beaten by the hoodlums in my area I called them and in not up to 5 minutes, the guy was saved from being lynched. If the i.diot who took those pictures had called 112, that boy would have been saved.
I've experienced something this heinous, I won't want to see it happen again. Sadly, anyone can be a victim of jungle justice, even you and me. So if you have the info, please give them and don't try to sway others not to. Those demons must be brought to justice.
That would also help those you claim will marry them too not to get into such.

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Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by NairaMaster1(m): 10:10am On Nov 17, 2016
Yeye police
You are truly a kid
Re: Police Needs Your Help For Exact Location Where Young Boy Was Burnt To Death by laykhorn(m): 10:11am On Nov 17, 2016
It happened on saturday, he collected a phone from someone and still stabbed that person, he is still a teenager, he should be within 18 to 22 years of age. I felt really bad, but I was in a bigger trouble then, and the police couldnot do anything. so I left.

Please ensure to give the Nigerian Police the appropriate info.


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