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4 Cars Stolen From Abuja Stadium During Under 17 Nigeria Vs New Zealand - Sports - Nairaland

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4 Cars Stolen From Abuja Stadium During Under 17 Nigeria Vs New Zealand by Nobody: 1:36am On Nov 07, 2009
4 cars where stolen from the Abuja stadium premises for for watching football in our cozy and well secured stadium.

After the game i came to my car and opened the door myself, getting in i notice my CD Player has been moved, it could have been stolen to but some cars block the view of where i packed.

I jump out sweating but start hearing someone screaming that he cant find he car where it was packed, All total lost car on that day was 4.

The same happen on the day Nigerian Super fowl Vs Tunisia played. same 4 cars where calculated to be missing.

This is a stadium where almost the whole Policemen, Mobile, and our civil whatever where walking around the stadium as if they where securing us, but things are still losing.

I just feel its better we stop going to the stadium to watch any Nigerian game, except if[b] NFF[/b] is willing to Compensate us all of 8 cars missing and my personally Cd player, going to watch game can be re-considered.
Re: 4 Cars Stolen From Abuja Stadium During Under 17 Nigeria Vs New Zealand by 9ijaprince(m): 7:33am On Nov 07, 2009
It happens everwhere. All you need to do is to secure ur car with trakking device.
Re: 4 Cars Stolen From Abuja Stadium During Under 17 Nigeria Vs New Zealand by Nobody: 3:55pm On Nov 07, 2009
what do you mean it happens everywhere?? Mention 20 countries that you have been and you hear or saw it happen.

Do you men that if i cant afford tracking device i should not go and watch match at the Nigerian stadium? [b]NFF [/b]should provide Traking device they are the one that need fans to boost their players.
Re: 4 Cars Stolen From Abuja Stadium During Under 17 Nigeria Vs New Zealand by Engine234: 5:08pm On Nov 07, 2009
Eyah! hard luck o!
Re: 4 Cars Stolen From Abuja Stadium During Under 17 Nigeria Vs New Zealand by 9ijaprince(m): 6:03pm On Nov 07, 2009
Have you ever seen the sign "vehicles are parked at owners risk" ? Now am not saying that people should not come to the stadium to watch matches. What am saying is that people should make more effort to secure their vehicles especially in a place like nigeria where security is exclusively for the rich.
Re: 4 Cars Stolen From Abuja Stadium During Under 17 Nigeria Vs New Zealand by Digriz(m): 4:53am On Nov 08, 2009
Our security personnels are nt doing their job simple, cos u dnt expect fan dat came to watch a match to be monitoring hs vehicle frm hs stand inside d stadium. Its d work of d security personnels dat were attached to d stadium bt d might hav concentrated on d few dat gave them egunje and its a lesson for u incase of anoda time. Just gv a token to one of them and ask hm to monitor ur car well. U wl neva loose anytin in ur car or ur vehicle stolen in any unsecure environment if u cn apply ths measure.
Re: 4 Cars Stolen From Abuja Stadium During Under 17 Nigeria Vs New Zealand by Nobody: 12:56pm On Nov 08, 2009
There is no where in the Abuja parking lot where it was written "cars are parked at owner's risk" the stadium is not a plaza

those security guy only stay at the gate to collect money even with the fact they said it was free. and immediately the game begin almost all of them go inside to watch the match.

The Nigerian police should be held responsible for any theft within there surveillance

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