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Cheap Salvage Vehicles - Autos - Nairaland

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*** We Help Get Cheap SALVAGE Cars, Fix & Ship Them From USA** Come & Get Yours* / Yankee Auto Salvage: Dealer Special / Salvage King. Vehicles That Runs And Drives Only Pre-order From USA today! (2) (3) (4)

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Cheap Salvage Vehicles by panifid(m): 10:45am On Nov 07, 2009
Need a cheap clean ride.Try salvage vehicles.Threre is nothing wrong with these cars.Don't believe the hype.A lot of cars in Nigeria today are salvage vehicles.Imagine a Nissan pathfinder 2007 for 2.6 M.These cars are between 20 to 40 % less than the actual car value.TRY IT.[b][/b][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] wink
Re: Cheap Salvage Vehicles by mtyekinni: 11:07am On Nov 07, 2009
At the price some people offer for vehicles, it would be better if they look at salvage vehicles, even at that some popular brands are still too expensive at salvage price.
I just wonder why Nigerians don't look more into American vehicles which tend to be better loaded & give you more bangs for the buck.
The myth of Japanese car ruggedness is just so overblown. I remember a time I wouldn't dream of driving anything but a Japanese model. Experience had since taught me that a well maintained American model will outperform most foreign models $ for $
However it is a shame that many so call 'clean title cars' are actually salvage & even dealers are easily hoodwinked as we are too busy looking for good deals to spend the nearly $40 required for a carfax report!
However how do you blame dealers for wanting to keep cost down especially the small potatoes,   whose entire savings are tied up in these cars & yet mostly have to depend on unreliable contacts back home,   who just want to get rid of the cars & recover their investment, ?
Forgive me NLders I'm just venting,  that's what frustration & lack of sleep will do to you  embarassed
Re: Cheap Salvage Vehicles by Fhemmmy: 3:07pm On Nov 07, 2009

Need a cheap clean ride.Try salvage vehicles.Threre is nothing wrong with these cars.Don't believe the hype.A lot of cars in Nigeria today are salvage vehicles.Imagine a Nissan pathfinder 2007 for 2.6 M.These cars are between 20 to 40 % less than the actual car value.TRY IT.[b][/b][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] wink

Dont just come here to knock prices here and there.
Give a price analysis and let people see what you talking about.
2007 Nissan Pathfinder for 2.6M that you talking about, i will like u to analyze that sir, cos people like you seems to be willing to sell moving coffins to people, all cos you wanna make some change and profit, that is what i call, wickedness and madness.
Here are my questions to you:
Where will the repair take place?
Will be recertified for a "road worthiness?
Any warranty and would they be able to find you after 3 months of purchase when things starts to fall off?
Would you put your wife and kids in such death traps?
Waiting for your responses and show us some pix of what you have worked with before that you have sold to people.

But dont forget to please give analysis of this your 2007 Nissan pathfinder for 2.6M
how much would you buy the accidental car, how much will you fix hopefully with good parts and not some knock offs, how much would u ship and clear it? cos such ride cost roughly 4000$ to ship and clear alone and that alone is about 650K, so i will be waiting.
Re: Cheap Salvage Vehicles by shola75: 5:44am On Nov 08, 2009
It's better not to reply people like this because they are just ignorant. Such a person has not left their village, not to talk of going abroad. I hate to insult, but why do you like to mislead people. I am suspecting that you might be one of those who keep sending fraudulence e-mails and fax. You even pose like female to catch your prey. You should be ashamed of yourself. Somebody like you will block chances of assisting and helping those who are in sincere needs. Enough is for now.
People beware, don't be deceived.
Re: Cheap Salvage Vehicles by panifid(m): 4:03pm On Nov 10, 2009
@ shola75,your ignorance befuddles me.Are you high on something.I did not pose as a girl.I don't know which hloe you crawled out of,please crawl back.Thank you.
Re: Cheap Salvage Vehicles by panifid(m): 4:29pm On Nov 10, 2009
@ fhemmmy
1) Repairs are done before the cars are shipped(it is cheaper and reliable)
2) Road worthiness is validated in the country to which the car is shipped,as standards differ from country to country.I thought some one of your "experience " would know that basic fact.
3) I am readily available,and do not need INTERPOL to track me.That is the essence of having a gurantor(reputable individual with landed property,as defined by the Nigerian police)
4) I put my mother in one of such "DEATH TRAPS" because I know the standard of repairs it underwent.
5) The only reason these vehicles are so "cheap" is because it is cheaper to buy a new vehicle(over there) with insurance claims than to pay the high cost of the premium for repaired vehicles.Some one of your acclaimed experience should know these basic facts.
6) What warranty do you have for "clean title" vehicles if some thing goes wrong.Do you make refunds grin.I thought not.
7) To answer your last question,it would be a faux pas to reveal my business secrets on line.If you need advice on the subject,JUST ASK.
Re: Cheap Salvage Vehicles by Fhemmmy: 6:02pm On Nov 10, 2009

@ fhemmmy
1) Repairs are done before the cars are shipped(it is cheaper and reliable)
2) Road worthiness is validated in the country to which the car is shipped,as standards differ from country to country.I thought some one of your "experience " would know that basic fact.
3) I am readily available,and do not need INTERPOL to track me.That is the essence of having a gurantor(reputable individual with landed property,as defined by the Nigerian police)
4) I put my mother in one of such "DEATH TRAPS" because I know the standard of repairs it underwent.
5) The only reason these vehicles are so "cheap" is because it is cheaper to buy a new vehicle(over there) with insurance claims than to pay the high cost of the premium for repaired vehicles.Some one of your acclaimed experience should know these basic facts.
6) What warranty do you have for "clean title" vehicles if some thing goes wrong.Do you make refunds grin.I thought not.
7) To answer your last question,it would be a faux pas to reveal my business secrets on line.If you need advice on the subject,JUST ASK.

And that exactly is my point.
In a nation like Nigeria where the govt dont inspect nothing, that means the life of the people is at stake here, wont you agree with me?
That is the reason why i will object to all these kinda deal, except:
1. The accident is just some little dents here and there.
2. The accident is never a front impact.
3. The recertification is done in America and not in Nigeria - cos when American specs means american repaired and re certified afterwards
Like i said, nice to make profit and all that, but at the expense of one's life is criminal
Re: Cheap Salvage Vehicles by Busybody2(f): 6:12pm On Nov 10, 2009

Need a cheap clean ride.Try salvage vehicles.Threre is nothing wrong with these cars.Don't believe the hype.A lot of cars in Nigeria today are salvage vehicles.Imagine a Nissan pathfinder 2007 for 2.6 M.These cars are between 20 to 40 % less than the actual car value.TRY IT.[b][/b][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] wink

I don't see nothing wrong in the figure you quoted, there is no set rule on the price salvaged vehicles should go for, and a salvaged car is only worth what the buyer would pay for it, but personally, I feel the figure is too expensive, we are talking about £10,000 here which is around $16,000 for an accidented car shocked I rest my case lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed
Re: Cheap Salvage Vehicles by busybody20: 6:31pm On Nov 10, 2009

I don't see nothing wrong in the figure you quoted, there is no set rule on the price salvaged vehicles should go for, and a salvaged car is only worth what the buyer would pay for it, but personally, I feel the figure is too expensive, we are talking about £10,000 here which is around $16,000 for an accidented car shocked I rest my case lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed

Heeeheehheee What do you know about cars? undecided

You sef dey open ya mouth grin grin grin grin
Re: Cheap Salvage Vehicles by Busybody2(f): 6:55pm On Nov 10, 2009

Heeeheehheee What do you know about cars? undecided

You sef dey open ya mouth grin grin grin grin

embarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed dimming eyes angry I can see the cold don reach ya end and have started entering the wrong crevices in ya body angry If I cyber-whooze you and your big mouth ehn, you will smell pepper so BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID AND START TREMBLING IN YOUR BOOTS angry angry angry angry angry angry angry angry cheesy
Re: Cheap Salvage Vehicles by busybody20: 3:26pm On Nov 11, 2009

embarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed dimming eyes angry I can see the cold don reach ya end and have started entering the wrong crevices in ya body angry If I cyber-whooze you and your big mouth ehn, you will smell pepper so BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID AND START TREMBLING IN YOUR BOOTS angry angry angry angry angry angry angry angry cheesy

I see you have been watching lots of movies of recent. You know what i mean grin grin

@ post,

I m sorry i m not into car business

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