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Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities - Investment - Nairaland

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Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by stanley99a(m): 9:38pm On Nov 25, 2016
Good evening fellow nairalander.
I decided to creat this thread because of the questions I get from people about what bitcoin is all about. Some think bitcoin is an investment itself (which somehow it's true) while many others don't know what it entails but they just know it exist. Some at the mention of bitcoin they just felt it's not for them.
I understand many already know what bitcoin entails and it's investment opportunities, but this thread is majorly created for those yet to understand what bitcoin is all about and many who will still like to invest their Bitcoin and those having difficulties in buying and selling bitcoin.
I will continue when I see the number of persons interested. Thanks

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Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by stanley99a(m): 9:57pm On Nov 25, 2016
I will prefer to go straight to the point without bugging you with much stories

Bitcoin is an electronic/digital currency.
As we have naira for Nigeria, dollars for US pounds for England, Bitcoin is a currency for the world. Its a globally accepted currency that is not controlled by a bank, economy or govt, individual or company. It not being controlled by such factors. No geographical barrier when it comes to bitcoin.
It makes the currency with the highest value in the world. Its value don't easily depreciate, instead, it keeps increasing daily n sometimes, hourly. Now 1 bitcoin, is equivalent to $731 to $751
Since bitcoin is a currency, you should have and account to deposit ur bitcoin... The most trusted and commonly used bitcoin account site is www.blockchain.info.
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by stanley99a(m): 10:04pm On Nov 25, 2016
Visit www.blockchain.info
Click on wallet and register as a new user. u create an account on d blockchain site, and u will be given a wallet ID sent to ur email address.
NOTE: your wallet ID is what is needed to log in to your blockchain acount.
Once you are logged in, you can get your wallet address by clicking Receive. You will be redirected to to where u will see your wallet address ( something like this 9v231xK69jpsK1VLWWnFo1eD3dzsQvguJ8)
Copy this and save it in your note pad
NOTE: your wallet address is like your bank account number. This is what you send to any body or company sending you bitcoin.
Also know that your wallet address changes after two transactions on that address and once you click on receive, a different address will be given to you. This is done by blockchain for security reasons.
Opening account is totally free

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Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by Evergreen4(m): 11:25pm On Nov 25, 2016
Ride on sir
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by Parpor(m): 3:01am On Nov 26, 2016
Following this thread bumper to bumper like a convoy

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Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by nicewoody6: 4:57am On Nov 26, 2016
Nice one Bro.
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by stanley99a(m): 5:48am On Nov 26, 2016
Most common questions i get is...

Now there are online exchangers. Trusted exchangers who will pay directly to your account the equivalent of the bitcoin you send to them.
One notable exchanger is bitx. You can register with them on www.bitx.com
There are also individual bitcoin buyers that can easily buy bitcoin from you or sell to you. (please in this case you have to be very careful with who you buy from because there are many scammers online)


Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by newd4all(m): 7:40am On Nov 26, 2016
Please can i have your watsapp contact?
Most common questions i get is...

Now there are online exchangers. Trusted exchangers who will pay directly to your account the equivalent of the bitcoin you send to them.
One notable exchanger is bitx. You can register with them on www.bitx.com
There are also individual bitcoin buyers that can easily buy bitcoin from you or sell to you. (please in this case you have to be very careful with who you buy from because there are many scammers online)
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by Jeezyy(m): 9:37am On Nov 26, 2016
pls sir can a WhatsApp group be created for this, m interested. if not please can I get ur WhatsApp number
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by deligatus(m): 10:05am On Nov 26, 2016
08065320186 whatsapp only
pls sir can a WhatsApp group be created for this, m interested.
if not please can I get ur WhatsApp number
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by Beejayzee8(m): 10:29am On Nov 26, 2016
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by Beejayzee8(m): 10:30am On Nov 26, 2016
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by afanide: 1:10pm On Nov 26, 2016

We are building a team of over 200 persons who are disciplined and committed to earn in bitcoin.

1btc = $749 as of yesterday and that's over N411,000 at N550 per Dollars.

There's a system we can be part of to support each other to earn up to 64btc in a few weeks.

The first system needs only 63 persons to cycle out 64btc at level 5....but I want over 200 persons because there are other systems that require more than 63 persons.

64BTC = N26,364,800 today

We are recruiting now.

Book a spot on the list. It's first come first serve basis.

Join the whatsapp group.


Why are you spamming almost every thred on this section? Am tempted to press the REPORT BOTTON.

Haba..... It's too much na.....


Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by solacong: 4:18pm On Nov 26, 2016
Always something new to learn am follwing
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by stanley99a(m): 4:20pm On Nov 26, 2016
Happy weekend nairalanders. I have been busy since been weekend.
Lecture will continue in the evening.
For those interested in Whatsapp group, I will look into that when we have a good number of participants. Thanks
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by lgboks(m): 6:02pm On Nov 26, 2016
hope this topic lasts...Also following @ op (hoping to learn some money making tips here grin)
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by Parpor(m): 8:14pm On Nov 26, 2016
Thumbs up Stanley,I am right behind you with my Rolce Royce Phantom.
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by ginjar(m): 8:58pm On Nov 26, 2016
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by stanley99a(m): 9:35pm On Nov 26, 2016
How to calculate bitcoin
Let us assume the price of one bitcoin is...

1 bitcoin = $737.66.
$10 worth of bitcoin will be
$10/$737.66 = 0.01355 btc

Let's say the market price for dollar is #530 per $1 ( depending on the seller)

1btc = 737.66*530=#393,959.8

Now in calculating the number of bitcoin to buy, using the above illustration

#100,000 worth of bitcoin will be calculated thus,
#100,000/#393,959.8 = 0.253833btc

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Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by stanley99a(m): 9:36pm On Nov 26, 2016
Thumbs up Stanley,I am right behind you with my Rolce Royce Phantom.
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by stanley99a(m): 9:39pm On Nov 26, 2016
Please if you have any questions relating to this point i have highlighted, you can signify and ask. Thank you.
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by solacong: 9:41pm On Nov 26, 2016
How to calculate bitcoin
Let us assume the price of one bitcoin is...

1 bitcoin = $737.66.
$10 worth of bitcoin will be
$10/$737.66 = 0.01355 btc

Let's say the market price for dollar is #530 per $1 ( depending on the seller)

1btc = 737.66*530=#393,959.8

Now in calculating the number of bitcoin to buy, using the above illustration

#100,000 worth of bitcoin will be calculated thus,
#100,000/#393,959.8 = 0.253833btc

I like this Breakdown

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Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by phollybee(m): 10:56pm On Nov 26, 2016
Plz group chat... 08062965723
Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by stanley99a(m): 5:34am On Nov 27, 2016

1. wallet ID
This with your password is what you need in gaining access to your account. it's kind of your username. This is sent to your email the moment you register with blockchain. It looks like this... 94z2b0c8-0de4-740b-c550-mfd856b8d93.
Some persons who are new in the system try to use their email address to login but keep referring them to use the wallet ID. You can always see the ID on your email.

2. Wallet address
As said before, this is your account number that you see the moment you click on recieve on blockchain. Copy it and save it on your notepad. It's what you give to whoever you want to receive bitcoin from.
Note that this address changes from time to time but the bitcoin paid into any of the address will still reflect in your account.
WARNING always make sure you copy the right address and save it properly to avoid stories about not receiving the amount of bitcoin requested. The person you are expecting to receive bitcoin from won't be held liable for your mistake.
In making sure that the right address is been sent, always do a cross check on the first three and the last three digit.

3. Email address .... This you know is you already use for long. No much explanation here.
Please, now that you operate bitcoin you have to always keep your email secured.

4 transaction ID
This is your proof of payment that you sent some amount of bitcoin to another bitcoin address. It's located at the top of the transaction you made after sending bitcoin.


1. Don't ever save your bitcoin account password on our email address or note pad on your phone
2. Your password should be long enough to start a primary school novel. Minimum 15 digits mixed with numbers and alphabet. It can be upper or lower case.
3. Make sure you write down the password in a note book and keep it safe.
4. Don't just see any link on your email or somewhere on the internet and click... Some hackers have devise this means to attack your phone and gain access to your email and other stuff in there.
I know most people always click on any site that say
' click to make 1 million in 15 hours,
You can grow your money to be 7 figures in 6months'
My brothers and sisters please and please never fall a victim in the hands of this fake guys on the internet.
It takes patience in making money online and growing it.

5. Make sure you use GA on you account.

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Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by stanley99a(m): 5:35am On Nov 27, 2016
Plz group chat... 08062965723

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Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by stanley99a(m): 5:39am On Nov 27, 2016

1. Don't ever save your bitcoin account password on your email address or note pad on your phone
2. Your password should be long enough to start a primary school novel. Minimum 15 digits mixed with numbers and alphabet. It can be upper or lower case.
3. Make sure you write down the password in a note book and keep it safe.
4. Don't just see any link on your email or somewhere on the internet and click... Some hackers have devise this means to attack your phone and gain access to your email and other stuff in there.
I know most people always click on any site that say
' click to make 1 million in 15 hours,
You can grow your money to be 7 figures in 6months'
My brothers and sisters please and please never fall a victim in the hands of this fake guys on the internet.
It takes patience in making money online and growing it.

5. Make sure you use GA on your account.

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Re: Understanding BITCOIN And It's Investment Opportunities by stanley99a(m): 7:43pm On Nov 27, 2016
Hello guys, I believe by now most persons have been able to understand what bitcoin entails and ways to get a bitcoin wallet.
For further enquiries, you can drop your message.

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