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Marrying A Non-catholic! - Religion - Nairaland

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Marrying A Non-catholic! by Nobody: 3:11pm On Nov 09, 2009
Catholics . . Can you marry a non-Catholic and risk leaving the Catholic church for life?

Non-Catholic . . can you marry a Catholic? Knowing you'd have to take an oath to remain the the Catholic curch for life?
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by rotimy(m): 7:15pm On Nov 09, 2009
Who cares? Marrying a Catholic or not will NEVER take one to heaven! Every thing about marriage ends here on earth,. That is why the oath says TILL DEATH DO US PART!
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by obi1o1: 7:46pm On Nov 09, 2009

Who cares? Marrying a Catholic or not will NEVER take one to heaven! Every thing about marriage ends here on earth,. That is why the oath says TILL DEATH DO US PART!
thanks 4 d above.Am sure paul was answering ur sort in 1corinthians12-13
So d question is DID D CATHOLIC CHURCH DIE 4 U?
4 me,ur relationship with CHRIST is more important&it only comes by studying ur bible(REGARDLESS of ur church).
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by Nobody: 9:34pm On Nov 09, 2009
If u find true love go for it. Catholic or no Catholic. LOVE is it. wink
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by Sissy3(f): 1:15am On Nov 10, 2009
I cant
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by bawomolo(m): 1:54am On Nov 10, 2009
Why do i have to take the oath?

na the woman i dey marry or na church?
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by Nobody: 4:23pm On Nov 10, 2009

thanks 4 d above.Am sure paul was answering your sort in 1corinthians12-13
So d question is DID D CATHOLIC CHURCH DIE 4 U?
4 me,your relationship with CHRIST is more important&it only comes by studying your bible(REGARDLESS of your church).

I dont think you's say that if you were a staunch catholic!
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by jaybee3(m): 4:26pm On Nov 10, 2009
i can marry 'em then de-catholice 'em. hahahahahha
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by 8words(m): 9:53pm On Nov 10, 2009
marry him
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by chika98: 11:10pm On Nov 10, 2009
Isn't the same God? I don't see the big deal in it although I don't like some of their doctrines. Catholicism that is
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by Kunbee: 4:50am On Nov 11, 2009
I cant marry a catholic
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by Sissy3(f): 4:59am On Nov 11, 2009

I cant marry a catholic

could u explain why? just curious
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by alex0026(m): 8:35am On Nov 11, 2009
Which oath and who says you can't leave or live your life the way you want without disturbing law ,order and public peace.

I am not seeing you physically but i'm sure there are no chains around your ankles or wrist preventing you from moving.
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by Kunbee: 11:12pm On Nov 11, 2009

could u explain why? just curious

Since he is my husband i have to change right and they do somethings that i am not i support of especially the Virgin Mary statue worship
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by Nobody: 8:29pm On Nov 12, 2009
Since he is my husband i have to change right and they do somethings that i am not i support of especially the Virgin Mary statue worship

I don't know who told you catholics worshp thestatue of mary.

If I may ask why is it that it is always mary that is being attacked by you protestants, let me state it here that the blessed virgin Mary is not the only saint being venerated in the roman catholic and orthodox churches,more than 2000 saints are venerated ,why must it always be Mary that is always attacked.

I don't understand the high level of hatred towards her by the protestants,she never asked God to make he r his mother,it was God who choose her,so if you have any problem with that WHY DON'T YOU GO AND TACKLE GOD HIMSELF


Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by Kunbee: 11:06pm On Nov 12, 2009
Who told you i hate Mary undecided undecided undecided and i am not a protestant
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by Sissy3(f): 6:46am On Nov 13, 2009

Since he is my husband i have to change right and they do somethings that i am not i support of especially the Virgin Mary statue worship

okie. but they dont Worship her though, they only Honor her
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by grailife(m): 2:32pm On Nov 13, 2009
Am a catholic n I can marry a non catholic make her love the catholic church

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Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by rotimy(m): 7:37pm On Nov 13, 2009

I dont think you's say that if you were a staunch catholic!
I AM MORE THAN A STAUNCH CATHOLIC. But the fact still remains that there is NO guarantee that a catholic husband will make your marriage sweeter! Some of these boys who call themselves Catholics are backslidden Christians who are out to ruin a lady just because his baptism card annouced him a Catholic.
Since you are an Igbo, never allow the godless law that you must marry a catholic or your parents will be punished by the priest scare you! Many Igbo ladies missed their husbands and chance to marry someone they love because they were waiting for some catholic boys who eventually never come!
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by Kunbee: 2:50am On Nov 14, 2009

okie. but they dont Worship her though, they only Honor her

Ok thanks for the correction
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by Sissy3(f): 9:15am On Nov 14, 2009

I AM MORE THAN A STAUNCH CATHOLIC. But the fact still remains that there is NO guarantee that a catholic husband will make your marriage sweeter! Some of these boys who call themselves Catholics are backslidden Christians who are out to ruin a lady just because his baptism card annouced him a Catholic.
Since you are an Igbo,[b] never allow the godless law that you must marry a catholic or your parents will be punished by the priest scare you! [/b]Many Igbo ladies missed their husbands and chance to marry someone they love because they were waiting for some catholic boys who eventually never come!

Lmao. wat kinda punishment do they usually give/get shocked shocked

anyways its much easier for a man who's a catholic to marry outside of the church becos eventually he is going to convert his wife to his faith unlike the woman who follows her husband to his own faith.


Ok thanks for the correction

no yawa cool
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by nora544: 10:54am On Jul 15, 2014
sorry i didnot understand what you are writing for me it is bull...shit and you know nothing!!!!!!!!!!

since when is there a celtic church
Re: Marrying A Non-catholic! by Nobody: 3:26pm On Jul 16, 2014
Nice to find this thread.

Am presently facing this issue with a Catholic girl I will like to marry. We both love each other but she is scared.

I am a Christian but not the faith affiliated type.

So far, I have promised her freedom it comes to religion.

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