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I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys - Romance (4) - Nairaland

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Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by KINGinVAHALA: 12:45pm On Dec 03, 2016
Lady. NL is one of the worse places to get advice.
So what if u feel nothing for the guy?
You should just chill and not fall under the pressure of compulsorily having sex as a teen.You are still very young and have age on ur side.
There is nothing wrong with you.You re perfectly fine.One day ur going to feel 'it' and it's up to you whom you decide to act upon it with.It's no ones fracking business to tell you when and with whom you should have sex as long as ur an adult.
Just look how you ve been tagged Asexual,mannequin,lesbian,feminist and so on simply cos u feel no sexual attraction for some guy.
Lady,chill.When the right one clicks you'll know it.
This is more like an advice from a legend in the game. You re on point with your advice to her though.
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by dntaskme(m): 1:14pm On Dec 03, 2016
Fayvhur [color=#006600][/color]

I don't love him

Hw den did u agree to roll wit him?
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by ayamAgenius: 1:18pm On Dec 03, 2016

how much is the pay??

Enough to activate your sensual side.
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by TreasuredLeidy(f): 8:02pm On Dec 03, 2016
How re you doing? stumbled on your "The Other Room Poem" and I must admit, I was wowed.
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by KINGinVAHALA: 9:21pm On Dec 03, 2016
you welcome babe! You reside in Benin City?
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by NevetsIbot(m): 9:53pm On Dec 03, 2016
I tell this guy its my f**king first time and he's making it really terrible for me.

I can tell you I hate kissing....nothing there, just something Europeans do a lot for reasons I don't understand. My first kiss, totally horrible, the second and current one, really irritating! it gets the guy all excited sha, and I'm responding thinking "oh my God this is miserable existence".

Then the smooching big turn off!! he wants to rip off my nipples...hah!! it's not like he's an ugly guy oh..he's all attractive, smart, really popular....buh I hate d action. he's making me think I should be a lesbian, at least they will be gentle, maybe I will feel something I dunno...m not just a feeler.

I've never allowed him down there though, it could end up being really traumatic for me. maybe I should just end everything, and we'll be just friends. Thing is I don't think I could ever care for a guy that way, because I feel nothing, and its really not fair to lead them on....

Gimme ur advice
you had to bring it to nairaland? Lol. playing snooker with your.............. - why ddnt u put that? Lol
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by sacrono: 10:27pm On Dec 03, 2016
used to be like you though, thought i was a stone. Each time i'd try to imagine myself with a guy (even girls) i would feel nothing.. not until i entered uni and ..well, long story short i found my attractions. cant tell if it was because i got older or just cos of my roommate's influence.
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by Fayvhur(f): 11:05pm On Dec 03, 2016
you had to bring it to nairaland? Lol. playing snooker with your.............. - why ddnt u put that? Lol

Lol....Dah was embarrassing
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by NevetsIbot(m): 11:19pm On Dec 03, 2016

Lol....Dah was embarrassing
lol. Ama spill it here. Yu know I can
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by Fidelismaria: 12:00am On Dec 04, 2016
den go lay wit a girl na

abi wetin concern us if ur network no get service

go fuuuck a girl nd cum tell us how u feel
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by TreasuredLeidy(f): 12:45pm On Dec 04, 2016
you welcome babe! You reside in Benin City?
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by Pilate2016(m): 1:03pm On Dec 04, 2016

Hahahahaha.....ya really funny..
No I wasn't, buh nothing does turn me on even porn..instead its irritating
Then go to the Covent and be a Rev. Sister.
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by KINGinVAHALA: 1:08pm On Dec 04, 2016
cool and same here!
your siggy though
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by KINGinVAHALA: 1:09pm On Dec 04, 2016
lol. Ama spill it here. Yu know I can
How far?
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by TreasuredLeidy(f): 1:26pm On Dec 04, 2016
cool and same here!
your siggy though
lol. jex saying my mind sha
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by KINGinVAHALA: 1:35pm On Dec 04, 2016

lol. jex saying my mind sha
hehehehehehehe, I intend changing that aspect of your mind, what is it gonna cost me?

I do not intend to preach money to your listening eyes when you allow me take you outta here but a gospel that superceed money, do you mind?
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by TreasuredLeidy(f): 1:39pm On Dec 04, 2016

hehehehehehehe, I intend changing that aspect of your mind, what is it gonna cost me?

I do not intend to preach money to your listening eyes when you allow me take you outta here but a gospel that superceed money, do you mind?

OK. No p. Pm me lemme see wah u av got dat superceeds money
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by NevetsIbot(m): 1:40pm On Dec 04, 2016
How far?
baba mi. Not too far o. You?
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by obyno1011(m): 2:02pm On Dec 04, 2016
I tell this guy its my f**king first time and he's making it really terrible for me.

I can tell you I hate kissing....nothing there, just something Europeans do a lot for reasons I don't understand. My first kiss, totally horrible, the second and current one, really irritating! it gets the guy all excited sha, and I'm responding thinking "oh my God this is miserable existence".

Then the smooching big turn off!! he wants to rip off my nipples...hah!! it's not like he's an ugly guy oh..he's all attractive, smart, really popular....buh I hate d action. he's making me think I should be a lesbian, at least they will be gentle, maybe I will feel something I dunno...m not just a feeler.

I've never allowed him down there though, it could end up being really traumatic for me. maybe I should just end everything, and we'll be just friends. Thing is I don't think I could ever care for a guy that way, because I feel nothing, and its really not fair to lead them on....

Gimme ur advice

There is nothing wrong with you, I think it is your mind frame. You just have to leave him and build mind towards having attraction to opposite sex.
You can start by watching good romantic movies, read romantic books and see what it takes to convince the mind. A good man with a good heart, caring acts and who has got time for you will change all that.

Watching porn won't help cos it tells you the end is just sex. But good feeling or urge is a process that requires you identifying qualities( body build, athletic, voice, dress sense, sense of humour, attention and observation etc) you admire in your partner.

Try and build friendship, closeness and understanding first before engaging in sex.

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Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by KINGinVAHALA: 2:11pm On Dec 04, 2016

OK. No p. Pm me lemme see wah u av got dat superceeds money
lol, kindly check your mail, I just did.
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by KINGinVAHALA: 2:13pm On Dec 04, 2016
baba mi. Not too far o. You?
I just they here jare they count ceiling, recession is friend to none. lol
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by KINGinVAHALA: 2:13pm On Dec 04, 2016
baba mi. Not too far o. You?
I just they here jare they count ceiling, recession is friend to none. lol
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by KINGinVAHALA: 10:56pm On Dec 04, 2016

OK. No p. Pm me lemme see wah u av got dat superceeds money
Kindly check your email, I have dropped you a reply.
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by Frankicent(m): 11:21pm On Dec 04, 2016
Good girl gone bad....* lolz* he's a wild cowboy . Ask him to go slow or better still tell him how you want it.
Most guys are really selfish they want it all to themselves without observing her mood, asking her questions, checking on signs she drop to see if she's faking it. Wel not all guys are patience to get specific direction from a gal. Only few would observe, ask, make her comfortable Just too please her.. grin

Lastly this your lesbian talk. I think you've watched too much movies, read some kind of books you shouldn't read, and heard shit stories... yeah. One just don't wake up one morning and feel like joining the Cucumber team...

If you still wanna join the cucumber team... it's a free world. Everything comes with a prize.
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by mrssomebody(f): 11:27pm On Dec 04, 2016
Hello Mannequin! Since you're without sensual feelings, you'd be more useful in boutiques... I can recommend a few...
lmao that's mean
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by Frankicent(m): 11:42pm On Dec 04, 2016

he's not egomaniac, and he picked me... he might think he's using me, buh we're both using each oda...I'm using him to boost my academics and popularity no harm done..

lolz you think so? smh he's a guy remember...... .I'm using him to boost my academics and popularity..... Thats nothing...
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by Frankicent(m): 11:44pm On Dec 04, 2016

She can use contraceptives inorder to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
If the contraceptives fail and she gets pregnant, then she can have an abortion.

lolz wicked.

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Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by bigcp(m): 12:47pm On Dec 05, 2016
well i don't knw what 2 tell u...is either u r str8 or u r gay...u beta discover urself n stay in 1 lane...because if u continue like this...guys will continue 2 run away from u...b4 u knw it u don reach 30...no bf...
so tk ur time n stay off r/ship so dat u cn discover urself fully b4 bumpin into anoda r/ship...

don't worry you'll be fine...tk care
Re: I Need Advice: I Don't Think Am Into Guys by bigcp(m): 12:52pm On Dec 05, 2016


lolz ...nothing turns u ON...then u hv a big problem ooo...WTF....
if nothing turns u ON ..then u r as good as DEAD...no hard feelings though. ..just my sincere totz....

hmnn goodluck with that

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