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Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria - Literature (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria (26454 Views)

Wole Soyinka And Chimamanda Adichie At The Felabration 2019, Pictured Together / Wole Soyinka With Founding Members Of Pyrate In 1952 (Throwback Photo) / Oretunlewa Soyinka Marries Nneka Ekechukwu, Igbo Girl (Pre-Wedding Photos) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by Phi001(m): 7:54am On Dec 06, 2016
If Soyinka wants to go, let him get out and stop disturbing Nigeria!!!
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by Lifestone(m): 7:55am On Dec 06, 2016
This guy is always at the wrong side, being proud and always talking anyhow. By the way, how has he helped the common man to enjoy freedom
Ha check Wole Soyinka's life, he fough for civil right almost all through his active live.
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by ayusco85(m): 7:56am On Dec 06, 2016
No offense sir! But I think you are the slowpoke here. I don't. Know what this man is feeling like. For if Hilary had won, I know you won't have let us here word again. Oga bury ur head in shame, and relocate to Malawi for we don't give a Bleep!

I woke up this morning with the aim of making FTC 5times today

FTC number2

5 FTC u said? Do u ve a job brother?
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by jahsharon: 7:57am On Dec 06, 2016
No offense sir! But I think you are the slowpoke here. I don't. Know what this man is feeling like. For if Hilary had won, I know you won't have let us here word again. Oga bury ur head in shame, and relocate to Malawi for we don't give a Bleep!

I woke up this morning with the aim of making FTC 5times today

FTC number2

Wole Soyinka, the world knows, who are thou?
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by Poliss(m): 7:58am On Dec 06, 2016
It's quite obvious that Soyinka's brain is now malfunctioning. He can relocate to Togo no problem. After all he's not useful anymore.
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by MAKABBEY(m): 7:58am On Dec 06, 2016
I just pray make Prof wole Soyinka no mistakenly enter niaraland to see all dis comment ooo. u guys want to commit murder abi....
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by WOCKHARDI(m): 8:00am On Dec 06, 2016
Only in Naija. I can't imagine nor heard of a Nobel laurate and a professor for that matter from any other part of the world making such outbursts and castigating his compatriots. He made a wrong choice and lost. And people should not comment on that? He should stop abusing that laurel and the professorship. If people are fools and imbeciles, silence should have been his best answer. It is said: " Don't argue with a fool /madman /slowpoke because people may not know the difference ".
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by Ndolarr: 8:00am On Dec 06, 2016
Whatever some idiots say on this platform, Soyinka is a great Nigerian and is entitled to take personal decisions without query from busy-bodies, meddlesome-interlopers! I agree with him that majority of Nigerians have a slavish mentality and are moronic!! If not, politicians will induce voters with 200 naira, get their votes and turn around to loot the treasury and throw them into deeper poverty. Just this morning, jollof rice, egusi soup and pounded yam were reported to have been imported into the country with the scarce forex, yet our manufacturers are crying for forex to import machineries. Fuel importers stole the country blind under government subsidy policy, yet none of them has gone to jail. Many government agencies spent 450 billion naira revenue generated by them instead of remitting same into Federation Account. Jubrin made startling revelations about the massive stealing happening in the National Assembly, he was suspended and Nigerians are unperturbed!!! All these rubbish are happening, yet our moronic mentality will not allow us to be outraged and demand for speedy trial of culprits. Instead, Soyinka's decision to tear his green card interests us more! Very shameful!!


Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by Missmossy(f): 8:06am On Dec 06, 2016
Whats with Wole Soyinka these days though?? See all the names he dished out to Nigerians. Imbeciles, morons. Chai!! This is so bad coming from him.

He should go if he wants to, this has made me lose the little regard i reserved for him. Since Hillary Clinton lost it has been from one hullabaloo to another grin grin

Prof. Should just take it easy.
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by Senorprinz(m): 8:07am On Dec 06, 2016

is Soyinka on wrong medication?
AM very sure he is.
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by worlexy(m): 8:07am On Dec 06, 2016
This guy is always at the wrong side, being proud and always talking anyhow. By the way, how has he helped the common man to enjoy freedom
He ran into exile when Abacha wanted to roast him alive and he also sold Buhari to us but ran away to the US again when the hardships became unbearable. He's also threatening to run away now, like he always do!

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Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by fatiuabdulmalik: 8:09am On Dec 06, 2016
He said, "I should not be exiting the United States but Nigeria because the people on behalf of whom one has struggled all one’s life can be so slavish in mentality as to start querying the right of their champion to free speech."

whose champion are you? on behalf of whom are u making money? i beg forget that thing oo. if u leave USA no be u loose!
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by SIRmanjar(m): 8:09am On Dec 06, 2016

You are the slo..wpoke and waste of oxygen here, if you read wole earlier statement he quit countries with human rights issues. Which is his personal decision and didn't concern waste of chromosome like you and your herd of cow mentality si.mpletons. If your brains aren't mere artifacts, you would have known that same wole even support the rights of some people to quit this country even when it carries a jail term. That's called a fight for human rights, But will slowpoke like you ever understand. Since the election of drumpf, the increase in the attack on minorities by white supremacists have skyrocketed that's what wole is protesting, but foools like you with no redeeming grace will come to social media and express opinion that make one support the legitimacy of abortion.
Guy live d innocent man joor.wole iz my man but im shayt 4 church use holy water clean yansh.
U call am activizt baa?ok.we get plenty human right abuse here in Nigeria ad Africa.Y im come run leave im activizm go Yankee na?plz dnt tell me he left 4 work tinz o.
We don put baba 4 power make evry body stay enjoy baba togeder joor.
Im wan start to de form vexnation com uze d opportunity run live us again enter anoder betta country or remain 4 yankee.Abi na today Nigerians start to de yab am?I Sabi diz kin brain tactics im wan use jare.diz man too like flenjure.
And I will luv it if u shade more light on the increase in attackz on minoritiz with proof o.

1 Like

Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by Jymac(m): 8:10am On Dec 06, 2016
;[/color][color=#770077]Prof. You Find Joy in Criticizing Others but Cry when Others Criticize you. Now the Table has turn. Such is Life.......... My Advice take the pain and Move On grin
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by blueskies(f): 8:12am On Dec 06, 2016

I thank God for ppl like you. The guy you
quoted has shown himself a slowpoke already, it is ppl like him the prof is talking about. Imagine , how could a sane person say he wakes up to make FTC five times a day. Many of these idiots have no job, so they have enough time to criticise the prof who's accomplishment their Generation from Generation can never attain. Even if there is a prize for FTC must you wake up every day struggling to make it not even once but five times. I am sorry for some ppl's mentality. Standing for Curroption and being against ppl like Wole Shoyinka who faught for their freedom even before they were conceived by their silly parents who failed woefully to give them proper training.

Many since the beginning of their various families no one has got a green card up till date. Not to talk of a whole US President giving anyone in their families a Green Card without applying for it.

Since the reelection of the Buffon GEJ failed many have become monsters atacking everyone senselessly .

It is the Prof's Green Card, it is his life. if he likes let him leave the US, if he likes let him stay there. He has the right to his own life so ppl should let him be. Face your lives and look for how to be great men and women and leave someone who has attained a standard you should try and aspire to reach in life to enjoy his retirement in peace.

Let them all get a life
. Srzly I dnt understand these folks. How is it deir problem? Someone made a speech, a well respected achiever worldwide, he wasn't castigative neither was his speech derogatory towards anyone. He gave out his opinion on a matter and am sure before he concluded to such, he had weighed his words and options and felt it wnt av any negative effect on him or on anyone. So why r pple so quick to judge without thorough and deep thinking. Many of them base their reasonin and response on sentiments. He's a human rights activist and he was trying to pass a message across, besides he's welcomed anywhere because he's a well-respected academician and he has wat it takes to deliver


Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by loomer: 8:15am On Dec 06, 2016
Oga, who you struggle for?
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by discusant: 8:15am On Dec 06, 2016
Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka has threatened to exit Nigeria as a response to the media harassment to which Nigerians have subjected him.

Speaking to reporters today at a media event held at Freedom Park on Lagos Island, Mr. Soyinka, winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize for literature, said he was embarrassed to share a country with some "imbeciles and morons."

He said, "I should not be exiting the United States but Nigeria because the people on behalf of whom one has struggled all one’s life can be so slavish in mentality as to start querying the right of their champion to free speech."

He continued, "I am embarrassed to occupy the same space as some imbeciles and morons," adding that the exit from Nigeria can be "internal" or "external".

Mr. Soyinka, a retired professor from Obafemi Awolowo University and numerous universities in the U.K. and US, also threatened to move the residency of his foundation, the Wole Soyinka Foundation, out of Nigeria and dared anybody to criticize his decision.

"If the board agrees," he said, "I will move the residency of my foundation out of the country," he said.

He added that on the inauguration of the US president-elect, Donald Trump, he would hold a private funeral wake to mourn the death of common sense in Nigeria.

The Nobel laureate expressed irritation at many Nigerians who had taken to the social media to criticize his comment to leave the United States of America and tear his green card after Mr. Trump was declared winner in the November 8, 2016 presidential election in the US.

He said, "We worked to make sure the least important person in our society enjoys freedom of expression. When I decide to take this same action [use his freedom of speech], I don’t want people whom we have fought for to enjoy freedom of expression to start all kinds of vulgar and stupid commentaries.

"Barbarians have taken over this community using the anonymity, most of the time, of the Internet to sit somewhere and start writing rubbish, questioning the right of people like me to express ourselves."

Mr. Soyinka said Nigerians have no right to question his decision to leave the US.

"What is the business of any stupid Nigerian to open his or her mouth to challenge my right? Did you get the green card for me? The arrogance of some Nigerians is overwhelming, and I don’t interfere, so how dare you interfere with me?" he said.

He asked, “Why do Nigerians wail louder than the bereaved?”

Mr. Soyinka said he never wanted the American green card, but was given one by former President Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, which caused him to christen the document "Jimmy Carter's card."

He said, "I call my green card Jimmy Carter’s card because he got it for me and, as a matter of fact, I did not ask for it."


The people that queued behind a near-octogenarian in 2015 to become president of Nigeria, in the midst of younger and better educated, and better qualified presidential materials, those people need their heads to be re-examined.
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by Spidermon: 8:19am On Dec 06, 2016
He wants to have the last word on this matter but he is only digging himself deeper into the mess.
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by discusant: 8:23am On Dec 06, 2016
Wole, you don't seem to understand that you made a hate-speech by threatening in public place that if an American wins an American presidential election, you would tear your American Green Card in protest.

Americans don't tolerate hate speech.

America is not a Third World country where people make hate speeches and get away with it.

Because Wole made a hate speech was the reason Nigerians descended upon him.
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by SIRmanjar(m): 8:23am On Dec 06, 2016
Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka has threatened to exit Nigeria as a response to the media harassment to which Nigerians have subjected him.

Speaking to reporters today at a media event held at Freedom Park on Lagos Island, Mr. Soyinka, winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize for literature, said he was embarrassed to share a country with some "imbeciles and morons."

He said, "I should not be exiting the United States but Nigeria because the people on behalf of whom one has struggled all one’s life can be so slavish in mentality as to start querying the right of their champion to free speech."

He continued, "I am embarrassed to occupy the same space as some imbeciles and morons," adding that the exit from Nigeria can be "internal" or "external".

Mr. Soyinka, a retired professor from Obafemi Awolowo University and numerous universities in the U.K. and US, also threatened to move the residency of his foundation, the Wole Soyinka Foundation, out of Nigeria and dared anybody to criticize his decision.

"If the board agrees," he said, "I will move the residency of my foundation out of the country," he said.

He added that on the inauguration of the US president-elect, Donald Trump, he would hold a private funeral wake to mourn the death of common sense in Nigeria.

The Nobel laureate expressed irritation at many Nigerians who had taken to the social media to criticize his comment to leave the United States of America and tear his green card after Mr. Trump was declared winner in the November 8, 2016 presidential election in the US.

He said, "We worked to make sure the least important person in our society enjoys freedom of expression. When I decide to take this same action [use his freedom of speech], I don’t want people whom we have fought for to enjoy freedom of expression to start all kinds of vulgar and stupid commentaries.

"Barbarians have taken over this community using the anonymity, most of the time, of the Internet to sit somewhere and start writing rubbish, questioning the right of people like me to express ourselves."

Mr. Soyinka said Nigerians have no right to question his decision to leave the US.

"What is the business of any stupid Nigerian to open his or her mouth to challenge my right? Did you get the green card for me? The arrogance of some Nigerians is overwhelming, and I don’t interfere, so how dare you interfere with me?" he said.

He asked, “Why do Nigerians wail louder than the bereaved?”

Mr. Soyinka said he never wanted the American green card, but was given one by former President Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, which caused him to christen the document "Jimmy Carter's card."

He said, "I call my green card Jimmy Carter’s card because he got it for me and, as a matter of fact, I did not ask for it."


BaBa plz i have a sonly advice 4 u ad dat iz just keep kwayet ad let time heal ur 4ck up.
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by Ekeremgba(m): 8:26am On Dec 06, 2016
[quote author=Buyeradvertcom post=51672497]Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka has threatened to exit Nigeria as a response to the media harassment to which Nigerians have subjected him.

Speaking to reporters today at a media event held at Freedom Park on Lagos Island, Mr. Soyinka, winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize for literature, said he was embarrassed to share a country with some "imbeciles and morons."

He said, "I should not be exiting the United States but Nigeria because the people on behalf of whom one has struggled all one’s life can be so slavish in mentality as to start querying the right of their champion to free speech."

He continued, "I am embarrassed to occupy the same space as some imbeciles and morons," adding that the exit from Nigeria can be "internal" or "external".

Mr. Soyinka, a retired professor from Obafemi Awolowo University and numerous universities in the U.K. and US, also threatened to move the residency of his foundation, the Wole Soyinka Foundation, out of Nigeria and dared anybody to criticize his decision.

"If the board agrees," he said, "I will move the residency of my foundation out of the country," he said.

He added that on the inauguration of the US president-elect, Donald Trump, he would hold a private funeral wake to mourn the death of common sense in Nigeria.

The Nobel laureate expressed irritation at many Nigerians who had taken to the social media to criticize his comment to leave the United States of America and tear his green card after Mr. Trump was declared winner in the November 8, 2016 presidential election in the US.

He said, "We worked to make sure the least important person in our society enjoys freedom of expression. When I decide to take this same action [use his freedom of speech], I don’t want people whom we have fought for to enjoy freedom of expression to start all kinds of vulgar and stupid commentaries.

"Barbarians have taken over this community using the anonymity, most of the time, of the Internet to sit somewhere and start writing rubbish, questioning the right of people like me to express ourselves."

Mr. Soyinka said Nigerians have no right to question his decision to leave the US.

"What is the business of any stupid Nigerian to open his or her mouth to challenge my right? Did you get the green card for me? The arrogance of some Nigerians is overwhelming, and I don’t interfere, so how dare you interfere with me?" he said.

He asked, “Why do Nigerians wail louder than the bereaved?”

Mr. Soyinka said he never wanted the American green card, but was given one by former President Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, which caused him to christen the document "Jimmy Carter's card."

He said, "I call my green card Jimmy Carter’s card because he got it for me and, as a matter of fact, I did not ask for it."



i thought his case is becoming critical though. Yes i said it that toomuch of everything is too bad, too much profesorship i hate coz of this situation that our own found himself,

1 Share

Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by middlebelter(m): 8:27am On Dec 06, 2016
It is very clear that many of the young men and women making comments here do not have a good knowledge of the man, Prof. Wole Soyinka, some of them were either to young to know when he won the nobel price or were not yet born and unfortunately their fathers did not tell them his story.
The man Soyinka hates injustice, you can't take it away from him. A man in his 80s is certainly a grand father and should be respected.
Prof should see all the negative comments about his person as one of the downside of social media. It does not imply that Nigerians does not appreciate his person and contribution.
Most of the young men on social media rattling our Prof should kindly desist from it. South Africans will never disparage Mandela or Desmond Tutu they way we are doing to Wole Soyinka.

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by RetroBoy: 8:29am On Dec 06, 2016
No offense sir! But I think you are the slowpoke here. I don't. Know what this man is feeling like. For if Hilary had won, I know you won't have let us here word again. Oga bury ur head in shame, and relocate to Malawi for we don't give a Bleep!

I woke up this morning with the aim of making FTC 5times today

FTC number2
The Internet affords re.tards like you the anonymity to hurl insults at Soyinka, who is the 1st Black African Nobel laureate in Literature and probably old enough to be a grandfather.
He is everything he claims to be, and he has the right to brag about it because very few people are as accomplished as he is.
But then you're ignorant, and don't know your history, which is why you and your ilk can hide behind keyboards and type nonsense about someone you can't even hope in a million years to aspire to his level.

Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by greatjoey: 8:30am On Dec 06, 2016
Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka has threatened to exit Nigeria as a response to the media harassment to which Nigerians have subjected him.

Speaking to reporters today at a media event held at Freedom Park on Lagos Island, Mr. Soyinka, winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize for literature, said he was embarrassed to share a country with some "imbeciles and morons."

He said, "I should not be exiting the United States but Nigeria because the people on behalf of whom one has struggled all one’s life can be so slavish in mentality as to start querying the right of their champion to free speech."

He continued, "I am embarrassed to occupy the same space as some imbeciles and morons," adding that the exit from Nigeria can be "internal" or "external".

Mr. Soyinka, a retired professor from Obafemi Awolowo University and numerous universities in the U.K. and US, also threatened to move the residency of his foundation, the Wole Soyinka Foundation, out of Nigeria and dared anybody to criticize his decision.

"If the board agrees," he said, "I will move the residency of my foundation out of the country," he said.

He added that on the inauguration of the US president-elect, Donald Trump, he would hold a private funeral wake to mourn the death of common sense in Nigeria.

The Nobel laureate expressed irritation at many Nigerians who had taken to the social media to criticize his comment to leave the United States of America and tear his green card after Mr. Trump was declared winner in the November 8, 2016 presidential election in the US.

He said, "We worked to make sure the least important person in our society enjoys freedom of expression. When I decide to take this same action [use his freedom of speech], I don’t want people whom we have fought for to enjoy freedom of expression to start all kinds of vulgar and stupid commentaries.

"Barbarians have taken over this community using the anonymity, most of the time, of the Internet to sit somewhere and start writing rubbish, questioning the right of people like me to express ourselves."

Mr. Soyinka said Nigerians have no right to question his decision to leave the US.

"What is the business of any stupid Nigerian to open his or her mouth to challenge my right? Did you get the green card for me? The arrogance of some Nigerians is overwhelming, and I don’t interfere, so how dare you interfere with me?" he said.

He asked, “Why do Nigerians wail louder than the bereaved?”

Mr. Soyinka said he never wanted the American green card, but was given one by former President Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, which caused him to christen the document "Jimmy Carter's card."

He said, "I call my green card Jimmy Carter’s card because he got it for me and, as a matter of fact, I did not ask for it."


I see that senility has taken a toll on the workings of Soyinka's brain. Come to think of it, who made him our champion in the past? Men of great knowledge are known by their contributions made towards breakthrough in human existence. We know them in the field of science and technology and not a mere field of story tellings. Your foundation has not had any impact on the citizenry and here you are threatening to take out. Who cares? You are one of the reasons we are plunged into this dungeon of despondency and near death experience today. Your threat is typical of Afonjas. You talk much more than you act. It's high time you relocated to Niger republic. Leaders don't insult the led even in Provocation. You are the slowpoke here, old oaf.

1 Like

Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by 4front(m): 8:31am On Dec 06, 2016
Which book the jero father wrote self abi the trial of brother jero. Y can't baba teach common sense When he was lecturing?
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by RetroBoy: 8:32am On Dec 06, 2016
It is very clear that many of the young men and women making comments here do not have a hood knowledge of the man, Prof. Wole Soyinka, some of them were either to young to know when he won the nobel price or were not yet born and unfortunately their fathers did not tell them his story.
The man Soyinka hates injustice, you can't take it away from him. A man in his 80s is certainly a grand father and should be respected.
Prof should see all the negative comments about his person as one of the downside of social media. It does not imply that Nigerians does not appreciate his person and contribution.
Most of the young men on social media rattling our Prof should kindly desist from it. South Africans will never disparage Mandela or Desmond Tutu they way we are doing to Wole Soyinka.
God bless you sir.
All these youngsters who know nothing will come online to abuse an octogenarian and a Nobel Laureate.
Tutu or Mandela would never have been cursed with so many ignorant younger ones.

1 Like

Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by greatjoey: 8:37am On Dec 06, 2016
It is very clear that many of the young men and women making comments here do not have a good knowledge of the man, Prof. Wole Soyinka, some of them were either to young to know when he won the nobel price or were not yet born and unfortunately their fathers did not tell them his story.
The man Soyinka hates injustice, you can't take it away from him. A man in his 80s is certainly a grand father and should be respected.
Prof should see all the negative comments about his person as one of the downside of social media. It does not imply that Nigerians does not appreciate his person and contribution.
Most of the young men on social media rattling our Prof should kindly desist from it. South Africans will never disparage Mandela or Desmond Tutu they way we are doing to Wole Soyinka.

In what sphere would you compare the person of Mandela to Soyinka who is only known in the field of literature? What indispensable relevance does that field have in our existence? When in the history of Mandela did he insult the south Africans in provocations?

1 Like

Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by copiescopy(m): 8:39am On Dec 06, 2016
When is he moving? so we can help him pack his load to Congo. At least he has begun to see what bubus body odour is like .

1 Like

Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by matozim: 8:40am On Dec 06, 2016
Baba abeg say the truth.....recession don hit u hard so you dey look for way to ja from 9ja

1 Like

Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by gbire: 8:43am On Dec 06, 2016
[quote author=Buyeradvertcom post=51672497]Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka has threatened to exit Nigeria as a response to the media harassment to which Nigerians have subjected him.

Speaking to reporters today at a media event held at Freedom Park on Lagos Island, Mr. Soyinka, winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize for literature, said he was embarrassed to share a country with some "imbeciles and morons."

He said, "I should not be exiting the United States but Nigeria because the people on behalf of whom one has struggled all one’s life can be so slavish in mentality as to start querying the right of their champion to free speech."

He continued, "I am embarrassed to occupy the same space as some imbeciles and morons," adding that the exit from Nigeria can be "internal" or "external".

Mr. Soyinka, a retired professor from Obafemi Awolowo University and numerous universities in the U.K. and US, also threatened to move the residency of his foundation, the Wole Soyinka Foundation, out of Nigeria and dared anybody to criticize his decision.

"If the board agrees," he said, "I will move the residency of my foundation out of the country," he said.

He added that on the inauguration of the US president-elect, Donald Trump, he would hold a private funeral wake to mourn the death of common sense in Nigeria.

The Nobel laureate expressed irritation at many Nigerians who had taken to the social media to criticize his comment to leave the United States of America and tear his green card after Mr. Trump was declared winner in the November 8, 2016 presidential election in the US.

He said, "We worked to make sure the least important person in our society enjoys freedom of expression. When I decide to take this same action [use his freedom of speech], I don’t want people whom we have fought for to enjoy freedom of expression to start all kinds of vulgar and stupid commentaries.

"Barbarians have taken over this community using the anonymity, most of the time, of the Internet to sit somewhere and start writing rubbish, questioning the right of people like me to express ourselves."

Mr. Soyinka said Nigerians have no right to question his decision to leave the US.

"What is the business of any stupid Nigerian to open his or her mouth to challenge my right? Did you get the green card for me? The arrogance of some Nigerians is overwhelming, and I don’t interfere, so how dare you interfere with me?" he said.

He asked, “Why do Nigerians wail louder than the bereaved?”

Mr. Soyinka said he never wanted the American green card, but was given one by former President Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, which caused him to christen the document "Jimmy Carter's card."

He said, "I call my green card Jimmy Carter’s card because he got it for me and, as a matter of fact, I did not ask for it."


Too much of everything is bad.
Receive sense IJN.
Re: Soyinka Threatens To Exit Nigeria by Nobody: 8:44am On Dec 06, 2016
He will soon tear his clothes and start raving mad, cursing and trashing the whole place. I knew something was wrong when he started eulogising and consorting with a known kleptomaniac.

Hubris. ...the downfall of so many over-bloated egos and empty testicle, dangling and swaying from side to side. Soyinka has joined the rank and file of Obasanjo, Buhari, IBB, Abdusalami, Gowon, Tony Anenih, EK Clark, etc etc. Nigeria have them in abundance, men who are so shameless and have refused to quit the stage, for the younger generation. Men who think they are so wise, the country would crash without them. Men who think they are immortals sharing this tiny space with mere mortals. Men who have a sense of entitlement. Soyinka just called himself the champion of free speech, yet when we apply same free speech to question his actons, he gets angry. Is this what he learnt from known dictators that he had been dining with or he has been a closet intolerant man all his life?

He said Nigeria weep more than the bereaved and interfere in what is not their business. Shall we ask Soyinka what he was doing when he carried America's election on his head to the extent of threatening to tear his green card and leave? I guess he was wiping the tears from the bereaved. Did he think he loved America more than its citizens?

The people you think are intelligent in this country are actually the ones that will disappoint you the most. My advise to Soyinka is to join the group of Obasanjo and Co, men who live and thrive in infamy and continue to shove his face in our faces and embarrass himself and family till whenever. This is where he belongs now.
just had to quote you, what brand do you drink? You deserve two bottles

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