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Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day - Foreign Affairs (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by Generalyemi(m): 5:20pm On Dec 07, 2016
Must watch: Parents narrate how their six children died in Ekwulummili, Anambra State

Watch Video here http://www.digestng.com/2016/12/07/must-watch-parents-narrate-six-children-died-ekwulummili-anambra-state/

hungry n lazy bloggers every where...
Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by miqos02(m): 5:20pm On Dec 07, 2016
Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by opethom(m): 5:20pm On Dec 07, 2016

space Booker asscociation , I see you
Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by wowmenow: 5:21pm On Dec 07, 2016
No change in Ghana
The sitting president is winning


Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by veekid(m): 5:22pm On Dec 07, 2016
space Booker asscociation , I see you

Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by FakoMaybach1: 5:22pm On Dec 07, 2016
Ghana, Ghana, Ghana...how many times did i call u

ok make una go vote change 500 naira cannot make a cup of tea and bread in Nigeria oooo
Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by juman(m): 5:26pm On Dec 07, 2016
In recent time, obama was the originator of the slogan.
When he became american president, the change was positive for them.
Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by ikorodureporta: 5:27pm On Dec 07, 2016
Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by Diplomaticbeing(m): 5:28pm On Dec 07, 2016
Experience remains to best teacher. However, prayer always is, may one never be consumed in the cause of experimenting.


Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by PetroDolla3: 5:28pm On Dec 07, 2016
Fvck off! I am a Ghanaian voter and it is my opinion that outgoing President Mahama is the most corrupt, incompetent and clueless president in the history of Ghana. Do you have a problem with what I said? fuckeduppedness don't flex with PetroDolla3. Just a friendly advice, huh?


Hypocrites everywhere...!!!

Your statement as captured on the last three lines makes you one. Who are you to describe the current administration as you did there?


Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by chrisxxx(m): 5:30pm On Dec 07, 2016
It still beats my imagination that after the APC scam nationally, i switched on my radio this morning and still heard 'APC - Change' for the Dec 10 State and National Assembly Rivers Re-run election.

What do these politicians take us for for goodness sake?

You mean they are shamelessly promising change even in the face of the high deception they brought?

smh, spit on them and walks away...!!!
Bros listen well. They are no longer saying it loud enough and repetitively. They are only saying it now for formality sake.


Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by Chartey(m): 5:33pm On Dec 07, 2016

Fvck off! I am a Ghanaian voter and it is my opinion that outgoing President Mahama is the most corrupt, incompetent and clueless president in the history of Ghana. Do you have a problem with what I said? fuckeduppedness don't flex with PetroDolla3. Just a friendly advice, huh?

Do you think the NPP has done enough to change their image of being an Akan party?
Will be a very strong factor today.
Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by plaetton: 5:33pm On Dec 07, 2016

What do these politicians take us for for goodness sake?

First lesson in entering politics is to understand that the masses are not as sensible as they give themselves credit for.
In fact, the masses are dumb like sheep.

The Masses approach political voting in the same manner they choose their churches and mosques; with irrational emotions.
No wonder that they seldom make sensible choices during elections.

Any politician who understands this very well will take advantage and feed the dumb masses with carefully choreographed sound bytes and empty platitudes.
That is what wins elections these days. undecided

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Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by Rilwayne001: 5:33pm On Dec 07, 2016
Make sure the opposition candidates have atleat a degree unlike our Buhari lipsrsealed grin


Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by Omeokachie: 5:33pm On Dec 07, 2016
Especially with ElRufai on ground...na to pay herdsmen for protection in few months time.
Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by Newbiee: 5:35pm On Dec 07, 2016
Okonjo Iweala, a woman that had seen it all
could come out to say at an American
conference that the SEED OF THIS RECESSION
SAVE. People should not blame jonathan alone
for this because the profligate Nigerian
Governors too are culpable. He attempted to
save, but the governors demanded to take all the
savings citing constitutional right. Money they
took and stole at the same time. Our case is
Do you know that:
Obasanjo's administration earned # 17trn from
crude oil sales within eight years and left behind
45bn dollars external reserves and 3.348bn
dollars external debt.
Yaradua grew the reserves to 64bn dollars
within just one year and the administration was
able to finance 15 months of imports despite the
2008/2009 world economic meltdown. Hence,
Nigeria survived the melt down because of the
political will by the administration to save (a great
achievement by Yaradua which most Nigerians
are not aware of). Despite the tough economic
reality at that time, Yaradua left 47.7bn dollars in
reserves and an external debt of 3.94bn dollars.
Meanwhile, the administration earned only # 9trn
from crude oil sales within that short period.
Now, Jonathan administration witnessed an oil
boom when Brent crude sold for over 100
dollars/barrel, with the regime earning # 51trn
within a period of 5years. But because of
corruption, the administration did not only
squander the oil revenue but even depleted the
reserves left by Yaradua, leaving just 32bn
dollars and a huge external debt of 63bn dollars
for Buhari.
The same Brent crude sold for as low as 35
dollars/barrel at a point shortly after Buhari took
over power and had only managed to climb to
about 48 dollars just recently.
These are facts that can be verified. So, it's
amazing hearing people criticize Buhari for the
hunger in the land.
According to Fashola, Buhari's administration
inherited 206 uncompleted road projects and
contract arrears worth #2.1trn from Jonathan;
and for about 2 to 3 years the contractors where
not paid. This slowed down the economic
activities, with most of the companies laying off
their staff. This was when the seed of recession
was sowed.
It's obvious that Buhari came in to rescue
Nigeria, because if Jonathan had continued in
power, the nation's economic crisis would have
been worse, perhaps even the Federal
government wouldn't have been able to pay
salaries of civil servants by now.
According to Okonjo Iweala, Nigeria started
borrowing money to pay salaries since October,
2014; but today Nigeria now borrow money for
investment in capital projects.
Those who blame Buhari for the current
hardship do so either out of mischief (hatred) or
ignorance. So, we shouldn't join the bandwagon
in criticising him. He may not have done much to
save the situation, considering that he is not a
perfect human being but he means well for the
country and can only succeed with our prayers.
May Almighty God continue to guide Buhari
Administration and Nigerians in general.
Why not share this piece with others for the
sake of enlightenment and conscious prayers for
our nation. We have the responsibility to
enlighten others. Mischievous, ignorant people/
politicians should not drag us backwards.

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Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by lozanni(m): 5:36pm On Dec 07, 2016
Nigerians should leave Ghanaians alone to make whatever decision they think is best for their country! Ghanaians never interfered in nigeria's political process or elections, so why the fvck do nigerians think they have a right to offer an opinion on what choice Ghanaians should make? If the same Ghanaians who voted for the same party 4years ago are pushing for change this time, common sense expects non-Ghanaians to respect that viewpoint. What is this nonsense warning from busybody nigerians to Ghanaians about changing the current corrupt and incompetent president? Make una take time oooh?

Lolz. Charlie, we just dey advise from our own experience.
Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by mikeapollo: 5:39pm On Dec 07, 2016

You can cry as you like but it is a fact that the thought process of the average Ghanaian is influenced by Nigeria and Nigerians. That exactly is why The President of Ghana got a Nigerian comedian to campaign for the NDC.

Charlie, Nigeria would continue to lead Ghana in every way and there is nothing you can do about it. If you make too much noise, I'll send Obiano to sign an MOU to recolonise Ghana.

Who told you that the ''thought process of the average Ghanaian is influenced by Nigeria and Nigerians"? Silly talk!
Ghanaians thought process is far ahead of Nigeria and Nigerians. If Nigeria and Nigerians cannot think to be able to produce basic things like water, electricity, good roads and schools for its citizens, why would they allow themselves to be influenced by a country that is known for criminality, drugs corruption and backwardness!

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Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by lozanni(m): 5:40pm On Dec 07, 2016
grin grin grin grin

If you are bitten by a mentally unstable individual ... sighting a mechanic elicits a flight of epic proportions.


I thought you were hanging on for dear life in SA politics. Lolz
Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by balanceofterror1(m): 5:43pm On Dec 07, 2016
[quote /quote]

Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by PetroDolla3: 5:44pm On Dec 07, 2016

Lolz. Charlie, we just dey advise from our own experience.
the fact that "change" in your country has become " negative " does not mean incompetent govts in other countries should not be voted out. At this point in time, Ghana and Ghanaians deserve a change. Simplicita


Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by shadrach77: 5:47pm On Dec 07, 2016
Click like if you want the current president (Mahama) to continue. Click share if you want opposition candidate Akuffo-Ado ro be president wink cheesy

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Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by PetroDolla3: 5:50pm On Dec 07, 2016
Unfortunately, tribalism is what defines politics in Ghana today. Look, Ghana cannot survive 4 more years under this ndc govt. Are you happy with the way mahama has ruled this country? That is the issue. not whether NPP is an Akan party or not. Akan Party or not, Ghana needs a radical change. We cant continue the way we are going. it is as simple as that.


Do you think the NPP has done enough to change their image of being an Akan party?
Will be a very strong factor today.


Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by mbasharon(m): 5:54pm On Dec 07, 2016
If they vote 4 change en dia change is d positive one,i will jux buharia out of this country
Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by Kdon2: 5:56pm On Dec 07, 2016


I pity them! Change is a scam. Dey better learn from nigeria experience...hope its not too late already sef?

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Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by TheTrueSeeker: 5:59pm On Dec 07, 2016

Fvck off! I am a Ghanaian voter and it is my opinion that outgoing President Mahama is the most corrupt, incompetent and clueless president in the history of Ghana. Do you have a problem with what I said? fuckeduppedness don't flex with PetroDolla3. Just a friendly advice, huh?

Pls wake up to the reality that the world has become a global village where everyone is entitled to his opinion just as you are also entitled to yours.
Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by johnsonjosbles(m): 6:00pm On Dec 07, 2016

aaaaahh!!! ganian becereful oh, anything "goodluck,change,and buhari" means danger in nigeria oh.


Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by onatisi(m): 6:01pm On Dec 07, 2016
Ghanaians have voted overwhelmingly for continuity instead of change.
Mahama paper all the way
E de beeeeeeee


Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by SycophanticGoat: 6:03pm On Dec 07, 2016

You can cry as you like but it is a fact that the thought process of the average Ghanaian is influenced by Nigeria and Nigerians. That exactly is why The President of Ghana got a Nigerian comedian to campaign for the NDC.

Charlie, Nigeria would continue to lead Ghana in every way and there is nothing you can do about it. If you make too much noise, I'll send Obiano to sign an MOU to recolonise Ghana.

Truck load of watery fecal deposit.. undecided undecided

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Re: Lessons From Nigeria Leave Ghanaians Confused On Election Day by PetroDolla3: 6:04pm On Dec 07, 2016
Shraaaaap. yes, you are entitled to your opinion, but is it your business to tell the good people of Ghana who to vote for? you are a nigerian, right? and you hink that gives you the right to tell Ghanaians who to vote for? Did Ghanaians tell you nigerians who you should vote for in your previous elections? Elections are purely domestic affairs and whatever the citizens of the country decide must be respected by all.


Pls wake up to the reality that the world has become a global village where everyone is entitles to his opinion just as you are also entitled to yours.


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