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Who Is The Antichrist? by OLAADEGBU(m): 7:13pm On Dec 15, 2016 |
Who is the antichrist? Does the Bible give enough information for us to be able to identify the antichrist? |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by Nobody: 7:24pm On Dec 15, 2016 |
Only u have created 2 other useless topics of this nature today. 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 7:28pm On Dec 15, 2016 |
The Pope. 1 Like |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by Nobody: 8:05pm On Dec 15, 2016 |
Trump: If you ask me,,,,,,, na who I go ask Buhari: Ma bi mi ni jamb kwasion, Ah be dundie, I no be poolll... 2 Likes |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by edogho(m): 7:00am On Dec 16, 2016 |
Not who is, WHO ARE. Let me count the ones I know: ME OTEM VOOKS JONBELLION PLAETON SEUN REALMINDZ SONOFLUCIFER AMONGST OTHERS. now u know some of them, what do u plan to do? Assassinate them, lock the. up? No start wetin u no go fit finish Mr man. 3 Likes |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by Wilgrea7(m): 7:45am On Dec 16, 2016 |
well the bitter truth is that, we're still pointing fingers... we as Christians don't even know for sure... there are certain people/group of people who “seem" to have fulfilled the prophecy.. meaning, Christians have a way of twisting these prophecies to suit someone so that they can label them the Antichrist.. the current guesses over the years have been *emperor Nero * the roman catholic church/pope * Islam *Obama *UN etc we're just pointing fingers... we don't really know for sure 2 Likes |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by Emusan(m): 8:18am On Dec 16, 2016 |
Wilgrea7: Please remove WE and replace it with SOME 1 Like |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:34am On Dec 16, 2016 |
Wilgrea7: We know for sure who the antichrist truly is. Do an extensive, thorough research involving Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 and history, and you will see that only one person on that list you gave fulfills ALL the attributes of the antichrist. |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by Nobody: 9:40am On Dec 16, 2016 |
Following |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by Mimzyy(f): 10:49am On Dec 16, 2016 |
Do you mind telling us who it is? DoctorAlien: |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by Wilgrea7(m): 11:01am On Dec 16, 2016 |
Mimzyy: DoctorAlien:this was his answer earlier on the thread |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by Mimzyy(f): 11:26am On Dec 16, 2016 |
Wilgrea7: Oh ok. Thanks. |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by Nobody: 11:43am On Dec 16, 2016 |
It's no longer obama You guys created a media frenzy on the "666" chip that time, shouting the end has come. Then you turned to the pope after he made concessionary statements about gays. Now obama is gone, the pope's no longer a likely suspect and you're back to your guessing games eh Humans..........SMH |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:15pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
I. THE BEAST AND HIS BACKGROUND - A Fearful Warning The most fearful warning of punishment found anywhere in the Bible is contained in Revelation 14:9, 10: “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.” This description is so alarming and so very unlike all other verses which deal with God’s character that we almost recoil in horror. But it points clearly to a time when God’s mercy will be withheld from those who have persistently rejected the authority of Heaven. It will be an unparalleled performance on the part of God in His relationship to the human family. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:21pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
For almost 6,000 years, His punishing judgments upon the most wicked men have been tempered with mercy. But now the measure of rebellion reaches a point which makes it necessary for God to intervene and to expose the terrible extent of man’s treason against God’s government. Right here we are curious to know more about the sin that provokes God’s strange act of fiery punishment. Notice that the final issue involves a false allegiance to the beast power, so often referred to in Bible prophecy. At last, the world shall stand divided into two great camps: those who worship the true God, and those who worship the beast of Revelation 13. But what issue leads to this massive division of the world’s people? Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:23pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
After describing the fate of the false worshipers in Revelation 14:9-11, John has this to say in the very next verse: “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” We see here a startling contrast between those who follow the beast and those who follow the Lamb. Please note that the issue revolves around the keeping of God’s commandments. Those who do not have the mark of the beast are described as obedient to those commandments, and the rest suffer the wrath of God. This agrees perfectly with Paul’s statement in Romans 6:16, “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:26pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
The highest allegiance is accorded through the act of obedience. At last, the majority of earth’s inhabitants will accept the authority of an antichrist counterfeit power, in disobedience to God’s great ten commandment laws. Every individual will be on one side or the other. The Bible makes it very clear that life or death revolves around the final decision concerning the beast of Revelation 13. Strangely enough, modern theologians have simply ignored the warning message of Revelation 14, relating to the mark of the beast. The interest of multitudes has been destroyed by the influence of pastors who would not take seriously the solemn words of John’s prophecy. Often it is dismissed as a confused, insignificant letter, applying only to a local problem in the early church. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:28pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
For some reason the book called Revelation is counted a sealed book, instead of the obviously revealed truth that its name implies. But please note the promise made to those who search out the truth of this wonderful book, “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Revelation 1:3. Before delving into John’s vivid account of that final clash between Christ and Satan, let us take time to examine the contestants in the conflict. When and how did it get started, and how will it end? Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:31pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
Two Powerful Contenders Even though the climax in the great struggle takes place in the very end of human history when all the world is arraigned in two opposing camps, the controversy between Christ and Satan has been going on for almost 6,000 years. It started in heaven with the rebellion of Lucifer against God’s rule of the universe. The story of that beautiful angel who coveted the position of God Himself is revealed through a number of Old Testament prophetic writings. Isaiah says in reference to this glorious being: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Isaiah 14:12-14. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:33pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
The seeds of that selfish revolt of one leading angel spread rapidly to affect the loyalty of other angels. Soon one third of the heavenly host had joined the disaffection of Lucifer, and the great controversy was under way—a controversy that was to rage for over 6,000 years, and which would finally demand the decision of every living creature in heaven and on earth. The immediate result of the discord was war in heaven that climaxed in the complete expulsion of Lucifer from the presence of God and the loyal angels. John describes it this way: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Revelation 12:7-9. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:35pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
No more was the fallen angel to be known as Lucifer, signifying “star of the morning,” but Satan which means “adversary.” The conflict had now been transferred from heaven down to this earth. Here it will continue until it reaches a desperate climax in the division of earth’s multitudes for or against the commandments of God. Just as the rebellion began by disloyalty to the authority of God, so it will end by a defiance of His authority as vested in the law of His government. Satan has been here with his evil angels from the time he was banished from the regions of light. With devilish cunning, he has experimented with successive forms of warfare against God and His plan for this world. Through various insidious approaches, he has continued his efforts to overthrow the authority of God. The purpose of this booklet is to expose the massive assaults that have been made, and are being made, by Satan against the foundations of truth. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:37pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
Every generation has witnessed a new manifestation of that evil power in its untiring warfare with Heaven’s program to save the world. The final form of the enemy opposition will be that of the beast of Revelation 13. That counterfeit power will be set up in deadly conflict with the commandments of God. The whole world will be called to take sides. The confederation of evil will consolidate for a desperate last-ditch struggle to engage the loyalty of earth’s inhabitants. The issues will be clearly revealed, and no one can remain neutral. Obedience to God or to Satan, as manifested through the beast power, will be the only alternatives open to man. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by Mimzyy(f): 8:40pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
Thank you DoctorAlien. Reading through... |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:40pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
A Life or Death Issue Now, with this little background of the contenders, let us look closer at the biblical setting for the last decisive engagement in the great controversy. Please note that the beast of Revelation 13 symbolizes a gigantic antichrist power that attempts to displace God entirely. Here is the description of that power in the language of Revelation 13:1-7: “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:44pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
And they worshipped the dragon that gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” We cannot fail to see here an unprecedented scale of opposition to God and those who follow Him. Later in this same chapter, we read that this beast power will exercise so much influence over the earth, that it causes men to receive a mark in their foreheads or hands (Revelation 13:16). Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:46pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
Finally, those who have the mark will suffer the terrible wrath of God as described in Revelation 14:9, 10. The wrath of God is further defined in Revelation 15:1 in these words, “Seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.” The awful nature of those plagues and the extreme sufferings they visit upon those who receive the mark of the beast are fully revealed in the sixteenth chapter of Revelation. We will not dwell on them at this point in detail, but let us remind ourselves again that this issue will involve eternal life or death for all. How earnestly should we seek to understand who the beast represents and how we might avoid that mark! There must be no guesswork or speculation on this vital subject. We must know exactly where the danger lies and how to avoid it. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:48pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
The average Christian has scarcely even heard about the urgency of this subject. He has not the faintest idea about the beast or his mark, even though his destiny hinges upon the issue. Multitudes of preachers comfort the people in their ignorance of this point. They say, “Don’t worry about the beast. It is too complicated to understand. As long as you love the Lord, you will be all right. You can’t really know who the beast is.” Listen, will God warn us about the fearful danger of this beast—a danger so deadly that it will mean life or death—and then tell us it is impossible to know what it is? Would He say to us, “You will be cast into the fire if you have the mark, but I’m not going to tell you what it is—it’s just too bad if you have it”? No, that is not like God. He warns us of a danger that can be avoided. We can know that we are safe from the beast only if we know who the beast is. We can know we are free from the mark only if we know what the mark is. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:50pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
A Symbolic Animal Is it possible to understand the mark of the beast? Without fail, we can know and must know. But first we must understand the identity of the prophetic beast itself. Let us establish that this strange, composite animal is not to be taken literally. No one ever saw a creature with the body of a leopard, the mouth of a lion, and the feet of a bear. The prophetic books of the Bible usually deal in types and symbols. This beast represents something. But what does it symbolize? There must be no guessing here. The Bible does not leave any room for doubt. It serves as its own divine commentary and provides the key for understanding the prophecies. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:53pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
Everything in the Bible description of the beast is symbolic. Consider the water, for example, out of which the animal arises. What does it represent? Read the answer in Revelation 17:15, “And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest … are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” There can be no quibbling over this point. God clearly explained the meaning of water in prophecy. Once the symbol is interpreted in any prophecy, the rule will apply in every other prophecy. Water will always symbolize people in biblical prophetic imagery. Now, what about the other parts of the strange, apocalyptic beast? What do they represent? In order to understand the beast we must go back to the Old Testament book of Daniel and compare Scripture with Scripture. The books of Daniel and Revelation explain each other. They fit together like a hand and glove. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:57pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
Please notice that Daniel had a vision very similar to that of John. It is described in Daniel 7:2, 3: “Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.” He saw the prophetic water just as John did, but Daniel saw four beasts arising instead of only one. We have already found out that water symbolizes peoples or multitudes, but what do the animals represent? The answer is found in verse 17, “These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth.” There it is. So plainly worded that no one can question or doubt! God says that animals in prophecy represent nations. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 8:59pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
Just as we have the American eagle and the Russian bear in our modern political vocabulary, God used animals long, long ago to represent countries also. Then, to be more explicit, God added this in verse 23, “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth.” If the fourth animal represented the fourth empire of history, then the first three would have to represent the first three empires. This explanation becomes more simple and clear when we remember that there have only been four world empires in the earth since the days of Daniel. These kingdoms are referred to often in Bible prophecy and are called by name in some related prophecies of Daniel. Refer to Daniel 8:20, 21 and Daniel 11:2 for examples of this. In the second chapter of Daniel the same four world kingdoms are symbolized by four metals in the great statue of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Those four empires are Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. Cc: Mimzyy |
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:02pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
Four Empires of History Will you take a closer look at these animals, one by one, as they arose in the prophet’s vision? The first was “like a lion and had eagle’s wings.” Daniel 7:4. Here we have represented that grand empire of Babylon, so well symbolized by the king of beasts. It was one of the wealthiest, strongest nations ever to exist on the earth. Notice that this animal has wings. Wings are used in prophetic terminology to symbolize speed. And sure enough, Babylon arose very quickly to take its place as a ruler of the entire world. From 606 B.C. until 538 B.C. Babylon continued to exercise her extensive authority. But a change was to take place. Daniel saw the second beast, “like unto a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it.” Daniel 7:5. After Babylon came the kingdom of Medo-Persia in 538 B.C., the second world empire. Cc: Mimzyy |
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