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Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 11:40am On Dec 16, 2016 |
We have probably watched Hollywood Cowboy and Indian Films that depict Native Americans as exclusively "Asian" looking. That was a propaganda to erase the Black African History of the entire Americas. For at least 45,000 years, Africans had sailed from the West African Coast to the land now called the Americas. Some had naturally straight hair like their dark-skinned counterparts in India, while some had our typically Nigerian kinky hair. Christopher Columbus sighted these Black People when he arrived the Americas. He called them "Indians", because of their dark-skinned complexion. He did not want to call them Africans, because that would prevent him from claiming the Americas by right of "discovery". The Media does not talk about these Aboriginal Native Americans. The school-book curriculum teaches that Native "asian-looking" Americans migrated from Siberia across the Bering Strait, a few thousand years ago. The new school-book theory teaches that the migration was in boats towards the Pacific Coast. Both Theories are ignoring the ancient pictures, paintings and archaeological evidence of Black indigenous Native Americans. There is a refusal to acknowledge that the First Americans were Black People from Africa. The aim of this refusal, is to label all Black-Americans as descendants of recent arrivals from Africa during the transatlantic slave trade. The Black Native Americans are being obfuscated by the broadcast media. 5 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 11:58am On Dec 16, 2016 |
Black Native American Indian Family in USA. https://www./297026537908093650/ The Inca Rulers of present-day Peru in South America https://www./297026537909141689/ 1 Like
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by LaDolceVita: 1:01pm On Dec 16, 2016 |
Propaganda to erase black African history of the Americas? You assert this without providing any sort proof. Why would there be propaganda? Plus the idea that 'they' are trying to erase black African history while being perfectly fine with 'asian' history of the Americas doesn't make sense. So they're racist against blacks but not Asians? Wait if Columbus had called them Africans that would prevent him from claiming the Americas? Why?That doesn't even make sense. Europeans claimed Africa didn't they? And Africans were there. Also if Africans being there stops him from claiming the Americas, why wouldn't Asians being there do similar? Anyway that's all beside the point. The fact you didn't bother to provide supporting links from either cited Academic papers or at least reputation magazines means this is a non starter. And most of the Afrocentric movement is completely pseudo scientific - like your ridiculous post. 6 Likes |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by lepasharon(f): 3:05am On Dec 17, 2016 |
Evidence for this OP? You cannot just make extraordinary claims without evidence 1 Like |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 9:27pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
The Atlas Miller map from Portugal, showing the indigenous South Americans in 1519. 1 Like 1 Share
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 9:55pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
LaDolceVita: The Euro-Caucasian-centric movement is as pseudo-scientific as their Darwinian Creed. Do not expect "scientific" papers from those who risk biting the fingers that feed them. You can get some papers on uranium and carbon-dating from this blog. https://area51blog./2012/11/01/le-mystere-mexicain-est-aussi-a-hueyatlaco/ Intelligent human existence in Mexico dated to 260,000 years ago. [img]https://area51blog.files./2012/11/artifacts-mexique.jpg[/img] In the 1960s, sophisticated stone tools rivaling the best Cro-Magnon works in Europe were discovered by Professor Juan Camacho Armenta and Cynthia Irwin-Williams in Hueyatlaco, near Valsequillo. [img]https://area51blog.files./2012/11/cynthia-irwin-williams.jpg[/img] "Hueyátlaco is a dangerous site. To simply speak publicly of the geological evidence of such age is enough to jeopardize one's professional career. Three of our geologists can attest to this. Its very existence is blasphemous because it challenges a fundamental dogma of Darwinism, the dominant philosophy (or religion, if you will) of the Western scientific world for the last 150 years." |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 8:18pm On Dec 18, 2016 |
An Emblem of America The Americas had always been a land of Black People who sailed from West Africa over 50,000 years ago to become Black Native Americans. Only 5% of African slaves arrived in North America to join Black Native Americans and Black Native Europeans 3 Likes 1 Share
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 8:39pm On Dec 18, 2016 |;f=15;t=010269;p=3#000118 The Mixe and Mande speaking people share the mtDNA hg A and lexical items. ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 11:31am On Dec 23, 2016 |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 1:46pm On Dec 23, 2016 |
1st Picture Original Description of Indigenous Americans "AMER'ICAN, n: A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals or copper-colored races,found here by the Europeans; but now applied to descendants of Europeans born in America" https://www./297026537908453634/ 2nd Picture Sculptures of Indigenous Americans https://www./297026537907862521/ 1 Like
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 9:16pm On Jan 01, 2017 |
The Black Founding Fathers of the City Chicago | Aboriginal Excellence ![]() Although Chicago was not chartered as a city until 1837, its founding took place many years before when Jean Baptiste Point Du Sable born to an African-born Haitian mother opened his trading post beside the Chicago River. Jean Baptiste Point Du Sable was born in San Marc, Haiti, in 1745. Not very much is known about Du Sable's early life. It is known, however, that Du Sable's mother was probably killed by the Spanish when he was ten. After moving to New Orleans with a good friend they met their future trading partner Choctaw an aboriginal(Native) American. ![]() Portrait of a Choctow Indian man by Alfred L. Boisseau (C.1850 After establishing a few trading post, Du Sable, his Haitian friend Jacques Clemorgan and his indigenous Choctaw friend moved to Illinois where they learned the ways of aboriginal(Native)Americans. Choctaw taught them things of value for their entire life. They learned how to set traps and where to find martens, small animals trapped for their fur. While trapping one spring day with Choctaw, Du Sable met Chief Pontiac, an important aboriginal(Native) American leader. Little did they know that they would gain the respect of all the Indians of the Midwest in the weeks to come. Pontiac asked Du Sable and Clemorgan to arrange a peace treaty between the Ottawa, Miami, and Illinois tribes. Du Sable eagerly arranged the meeting in order to restore peace between the tribes. Du Sable and Choctaw stayed a little longer than expected, but Du Sable was thankful, for it was during the stay that he met Catherine, a Potawatomi(Aboriginal American). Du Sable and Catherine were later married and he joined her tribe. They had two children and lived in a cabin built by Du Sable and Choctaw. This cabin was built on a waterway that is now called the Chicago River. But Du Sable called it Checagou(Eschicagou), the name given to it by the aboriginal Americans(Indians). ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by nubianwarrior: 9:29pm On Jan 01, 2017 |
Good for them 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 11:44am On Jan 10, 2017 |
Uros People of Peru, South America ![]() |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 3:44pm On Feb 13, 2017 |
The 1609 Voyage of Henry Hudson The most well known early European observer of the land that would become New Netherland and the river that bears his name is Henry Hudson. Unfortunately, the journal of Henry Hudson was lost, but excerpts are found in other writings. The three quotes below reveal Hudson's assesment of the land's abundance and the ways of the natives. ![]() "When I came on shore, the swarthy natives all stood and sang in their fashion." Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664**, a compilation of accounts of the newly discovered land. New York was a Dutch colony called New Netherlands. The Inhabitants were described as "swarthy", which is an old word for "Black". In addition the Native Americans were Black, some with natural long hair. "They look at themselves constantly, and think they are very fine. They make themselves stockings and also shoes of deer skin, or they take leaves of their corn, and plait them together and use them for shoes. The women, as well as the men, go with their heads bare. The women let their hair grow very long, and tie it together a little, and let it hang down their backs. The men have a long lock of hair hanging down, some on one side of the head, and some on both sides. On the top of their heads they have a streak of hair from the forehead to the neck, about the breadth of three fingers, and this they shorten until it is about two or three fingers long, and it stands right on end like a cock's comb or hog's bristles; on both sides of this cock's comb they cut all the hair short, except the aforesaid locks, and they also leave on the bare places here and there small locks, such as are in sweeping-brushes, and then they are in fine array." (173) from the writings of the Reverend Johannes Megapolensis in 1644. Kiliaen van Rensselaer 3 Likes |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 3:13pm On Feb 20, 2017 |
Chief Warhorse. Queen of the Chata Native Americans, cousins to the Choctaws ![]() https://www./297026537910180464/ 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 3:30pm On Feb 20, 2017 |
"Mary Richards-(Lidan) (Tonkawa)" Photo by Rinehart 1898. Until the 19th century the Tonkawa were hostile to the Lipan & other Apache tribes, & this fact kept them generally at peace with the Comanche, Wichita, & Hasínai, whom they often joined in Apache wars. Relations with the Comanche and Wichita were frequently strained. In the 19th century relations with these groups were reversed,with the Tonkawa then being unusually friendly with the Lipan & hostile toward the Comanche & Wichita. ![]() https://www./489485053234431863/ 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 9:45am On Mar 03, 2017 |
Painting of America by Jacob van Meurs [img][/img] https://www./297026537910180498/ Woman of Sandwich Islands (Hawaii Islands) [img][/img] ![]() 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 10:16am On Mar 20, 2017 |
R1 was first introduced to North Americans by the Khoisan who introduced the Salutrean culture to North America. Other African migrants brought R1 to America in later years. As late as 1300 around 25,000 Malians came to America with Abubakari, many of these Malians carried R1. They were spread across North America. The Malians spread across the North America via the Mound Culture in Mid-America and along the Coast. This is why some North American Native Americans spoke a Mande language or Mande is a substratum language. A good example of the Malians in the North America are the Nanticokes. The Nanticokes were described by B.S Barton as very dark. This tribe of Black Native Americans formerly lived in the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware. They later settled in Wyoming, Oklahoma and Canada. ![]() During the Revolutionary War, the Nanticoke sided with the British and many Nanticoke migrated to Canada, while others went into hiding or moved out West. By 1867, the Nanticoke moved to Kansas with the Lenape. There chiefdoms were called Monie, Wicomoco and Manokin (,Mandekan ?). In 1741-51, J.C. Pyrlaeus collected the Numerals of the Nanticoke. This was before the Revolutionary War. Around this time the Conoy people joined their tribe. The numerals collected by Pyrlaeus when they were compared to other numerals by Murray in 1873, they did not match numerals in any known Indian language. Brinton found that they were identical to Malinke-Bambara numerals. ![]() These numerals make it clear the Nanticoke were descendants of the Malian explorers. Below are Nanticoke at the Lenape-Nanticoke annual celebration. ![]() 5 Likes |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by MtuMsuper: 3:23pm On Mar 20, 2017 |
jantavanta:Woooo, now hoold on there... the similarities between malinke bambara numerals and those of this native American tribe are eerie, i wonder if they would agree to DNA testing to provide even further irrefutable proof of their origins. White folks wont like the results,regardless. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 8:14am On Mar 21, 2017 |
MtuMsuper: In the early 90s, a Senegalese researcher mentioned on TV that many Native American place names where named after places in Africa. More work needs to be done on this. Here are some details of DNA work:;f=15;t=012079;p=1#000014 North American Native Americans are mainly mtDNA M (A and D4/M1) and y-Chromosome R1. Both haplogroups are carried by Africans. Haplogroup Q, is common to South American Native Americans. The D haplogroup is nothing more than a African M haplogroup. The sub-clade D4, is the Asian name for the M1 haplogroup. Haplotypes with HVSI transitions defining 16129-16223-16249-16278-16311-16362; and 16129-16223-16234-16249-16211-16362 have been found in Thailand and among the Han Chinese (Fucharoen et al, 2001; Yao et al, 2002) and these were originally thought to be members of Haplogroup M1 Haplogroup M was a common Paleoamerican haplogroup. Paleoamericans carried haplogroup M. the 5000 year old skeletons from China Lake, British Columbia carried the M haplogroup (Malhi et al., 2007). This was confirmed by Malhi et al (2007), who found that the skeletons belong to haplogroup M, exhibiting the AluI site gain at np 10397. He was unable to match the China Lake skeletons’ mtDNA to haplogroup C, D, or sub-haplogroup M7, M8, or M9. Although, these haplogroups are assigned an Asian origin Africans also carry these M subclades including , for example, haplogroups A and M7. Some Native American present Sub-Saharan African admixture. The Mande speakers carry mtDNA haplogroup A, which is common among Mexicans namely the Mixe and Mixtecs . In addition to the Mande speaking people of West Africa, Southeast Africa Africans also carry mtDNA A. Naia of Mexico was D1 and Anzick child was also D4. Most contemporary Native Americans carry mtDNA that belongs to the M macrohaplogroup, namely A and B. The D haplogroup , is the name for M1, in Asia (Fucharoen et al, 2001; Yao et al, 2002). Haplotypes with HVSI transitions defining 16129-16223-16249-16278-16311-16362; and 16129-16223-16234-16249-16211-16362 have been found in Thailand and among the Han Chinese (Fucharoen et al, 2001; Yao et al, 2002) and these were originally thought to be members of Haplogroup M1. However, on the basis of currently available FGS sequences, carriers of these markers are now labled D4a branch of Haplogroup D . Given the transitions in haplogroup D, it is the most widespread branch of M1 in East Asia (Fucharoen et al, 2001; Yao et al, 2002). The transitions 16129,16189,16249 and 16311 are known to be recurrent in various branches of Haplogroup M, especially M1 and D4. Due to these transitions we can argue that Native Americans carrying D, are carrying African haplogroup M, especially M1 in the case of haplogroup D4. References: Fucharoen G, Fucharoen S, Horai S.(2001). Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in Thailand. J Hum Genet , 46:115-125. Malhi , R. et al. (2006) Mitochondrial haplogroup M discovered in prehistoric North Am J Arch Scien 34 (2007), ; Yao YG, Kong QP, Bandelt HJ, Kivisild T, Zhang YP.(2002). Phylogeographic differentiation of mitochondrial DNA in Han chinese. Am J Hum Genet , 70:635-651. 4 Likes |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 8:53am On Mar 21, 2017 |
haplogroup O, is carried by Southeast Asians, not Native Americans. The major American Indian male lineages include R1, C,D and Q3.There is evidence of African admixture in the American y-chromosome haplogroups. The Q y-haplogroup has the highest frequency among indigenous Mexicans. The frequency hg Q varies from a high of 54% for Q-M243, and a low of 46% for QM (34). African y-chromosome are associated with YAP+ and 9bp. The YAP-à associated with A-àG transition at DYS271 is found among Native Americans. The YAP+ individuals include Mixe speakers (32-33). YAP+ is often present in haplogroups (hg) C and D. The DYS271 transition is of African origin (32).The DSY271 Alu insertion is found only in chromosomes bearing Alu insertion (YAP+) at locus DYS287 (33). The DYS271 transition was found among the Wayuu, Zenu and Inzano. The Mexican Native American y-chromosome bearing the African markers is resident in haplogroups C and D (34). R-M173 is also found in Mexico. Haplogroups R and Q are part of the CT microgroup which dates back 56kya. Haplogroup R branches from hg Q, with the SNP M242. The CT haplogroup has SNP mutation M168, along with P and M294. Haplogroup P (M45) has two branches Q (M242) and R-M207 which share the common marker M45. The M45 chromosome is subdivided by the biallelic variant M173 (35). In Africa we find P (M173), R1b (M343) and V88; and R1b1a2 (M269). Native Americans carry a high frequency of R-M173 (48). The predominate y-chromosome in North America is R-M173. R-M173 is found only in the Northeastern United States along with mtDNA haplogroup X (25%). Both haplogroups are found in Africa, but is absent in Siberia. ![]() There are varying frequencies of y-chromosome M-173 in Africa and Eurasia. Whereas only between 8% and 10% of M-173 is carried by Eurasians, 82% of the carriers of this y-chromosome are found in Africa. It is becoming clear that R-M173 originated in Africa and was taken to Europe by Africans, just like it was transferred to North America. Toomas Kivisild1 (2017).The study of human Y chromosome variation through ancient DNA. [url=*~hmac=24695c2ca2d38453e4590f1f36ecbe3460081666be2a012850ce733db98fb049]web page[/url] Haplogroup V88 is the oldest R1 haplogroup. Kivisild et al (2017) is interesting. It is most interesting because it places V88 in ancient Europe. Kivisild (2017) also made it clear that V88 is the earliest offshoot of R-M343 . R1 was first introduced to North Americans by the Khoisan who introduced the Salutrean culture to North America. Other African migrants brought R1 to America in later years. As late as 1300 around 25,000 Malians came to America with Abubakari, many of these Malians carried R1. They were spread across North America. The Malians spread across the North America via the Mound Culture in Mid-America and along the Coast. This is why some North American Native Americans spoke a Mande language or Mande is a substratum language. 3 Likes |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 9:07am On Apr 12, 2017 |
QUEEN KHALIFA (AKA CALIFIA/CALAFIA) THE BLACK EMPRESS OF CALIFORNIA ![]() ![]() California, the land of the ever-living Muurish Empress Calafia/Califia. Calafia was the title of each empress. California was her land. She was known to be black of skin, of the muurish nationality, and ruled over Islands and Islands of black people, from California, Baja, to Hawaii.;f=15;t=012133;p=1#000006 2 Likes |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 2:27pm On Jul 04, 2017 |
African Migration to the Americas via Australia [img][/img] ![]() https://www./297026537914909518/ |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 10:32am On Jul 07, 2017 |
Similarities between Alaska and Nigeria https://www./297026537914945167/ ![]() Nature reports, “We studied 96 Yorubans (from Nigeria), believed to share common ancestry with northern Europeans about 100,000 years ago.” Those possessing some combination of full facial features and wooly or wiry hair are here identified as African and those the Edo king of Nigeria [1], Nigerian hunter [2], and the Nunivak Alaskan hunter are all African. From North Europe and Eurasia arose the populations that passed from Siberia to Alaska (see map). The Nunivak “African” may be of the peoples sharing the above ancient ancestry with Nigerians. While the genetic link has been shown as written of below, the cultural anthroplogical evidence may give an echo of a substantive relationship in the similarities of the headdress between the Nigerians and Nunivak. [A] All wear the head band. [B] The representive bird is worn by both the Nigerian hunter [2[ and Nunivak [3]; whereas [C] feathers and [D] mask protrustions are worn by both the Edo king [1] and Nunivak [3]. While it cannot be claimed that there is a relationship, it cannot be said that there is none. The subject warrants further study. David Reich et. al., Linkage disequilibrium in the human genome, Nature 411, 199 – 204, issue of 10 May 2001; Whitehead Institute / MIT Center for Genome Research, Nine Cambridge Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA We studied 96 Yorubans (from Nigeria), believed to share common ancestry with northern Europeans about 100,000 years ago. At short distances, the Nigerian and European-derived populations typically show the same allelic combinations (Fig. 4): D' has the same sign and a similar magnitude, indicating a common LD-generating event tracing far back in human history. However, the half-length of LD seems to extend less than 5 kb (Fig. 4) in the Yorubans. Markedly shorter range LD in sub-Saharan Africa has also been observed in several studies of single regions19, 20 (although two other studies did not show a clear trend21, 22). Our results indicate that the pattern of shorter LD in sub-Saharan African populations may be general. Notably, LD in the Nigerians is largely a subset of what is seen in the northern Europeans. The Yoruban haplotypes are generally contained within the longer Utah haplotypes, and there is little Yoruban-specific LD (85% of observations of substantial LD (|D'| > 0.5) in Yorubans are also substantial and of the same sign in Utah). The vast difference in the extent of LD between populations points to differences owing to population history, probably a bottleneck or founder effect that occurred among the ancestors of north Europeans after the divergence from the ancestors of the Nigerians. The short extent of LD in Nigerians is more consistent with the predictions of a computer simulation study assuming a simple model of population, art history, Paul Marc Washington, 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 9:20am On Jul 14, 2017 |
Egyptian Mortuary Statuette found in Northern Illinois The Ancient Egyptians had sailed all over the World. They were Black people. ![]() https://www./297026537908762159/ 2 Likes |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 7:29pm On Feb 20, 2018 |
Pima/Rarámuri, occupied Northern Arizona and Southern Mexico https:///297026537917927727/?source_app=android
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by Nobody: 6:26pm On Feb 21, 2018 |
Here goes the African-Native American. Soon we will begin to have the Hotep Squad & Black Hebrew Goons. Confused lot ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 11:42pm On Feb 21, 2018 |
Here comes more of the most Indigenous American Blackfoot Warrior with Sword ca 1887 1 Like
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 2:48pm On Feb 22, 2018 |
1 Like |
Re: Africans Were The First People Of The Ancient Americas by jantavanta(m): 3:44pm On Feb 23, 2018 |
This photo was taken at the 1st Black Native American Pow Wow in Oakland, 2011. The Woman in brown is one of the Founders of the Black Native American Association. ![]() https://www./363243526184924729/ 2 Likes |
Ooni Of Ife Lays Wreath At Commonwealth Remembrance Day In UK(Pics) / What Has Been Your Experience With Juju? / Global Staying Power Of Yoruba Language and Culture- Reno Omokri
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