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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) (3546 Views)
DOES ATHEISM MAKE YOU FEEL MORE LEARNED THAN CHRISTIANITY? / We Humans Are Making The World A Sick Place, Yet We Blame God / Conclusion : Atheism Is So Illogical , The Atheist Delusion (2) (3) (4)
Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by oglalasioux(m): 1:44am On Dec 17, 2016 |
While growing up I remember each time I had a reason to cry my grandfather will threaten to call a masquerade and that calms me down a great deal. The belief was that masquerades were spirits of dead ancestors and if you are not scared of anything, the thought of encountering dead spirits sends the jitters down the spine of everyone. Later in life I'll join the masquerade cult and find to my chagrin that the first masquerade I encountered was a mask worn by my cousin John. I was disappointed but the real disappointment came when I joined the night masquerade cults. To my dismay the whole brouhaha of the night masquerades were made by men. Religion, no doubt, served as a check on society when there was no alternative. Governments built their authority on the existence of a higher spiritual being and it worked. There were needs for building belief in a higher spiritual being. Mankind back then was only coming out of the highest level of primitive life. Random killings for territoriality degenerated into senseless wars. Anyone who wanted anything took it by force and with time a need for orderliness was born. Those who desired this orderliness knew there was no way it could be achieved if a higher power and authority is not envoked. Man had also discovered the forces governing the universe such as gravity, electromagnetism and the weak and strong nuclear forces. To censor their usage and practice, a higher power and authority has to be created. When society thrived, men became lazy. They don't have to fight for food since agriculture provides for everyone. But agriculture created another problem, the need for arable fertile lands. Wars for fertile lands and source of water for irrigation started another round of wars but by now less men were willing to go to war. The higher spiritual beings were envoked in a bigger way. There were promises of eternal blissful life in heaven if one died in a war and eternal damnation in hell if one didn't. With these the leaders raised huge armies. But feeding the armies proved a challenge so those who are not drafted pay taxes/tithes to fund the army and the wars. The importance of using higher spiritual beings to control society in those days cannot be over emphasized. Evidence abound that mankind abused the idea of the higher spiritual beings. With time different societies created their versions of gods. Each god always have one overlaying instruction, destroy the other society who don't believe in me. Instructions to totally destroy other societies abound in all of the religions of the world. Some even claim they are the direct firstborns of the god that created the universe. The religions also tried to answer the basic questions that have confronted mankind since the beginning of time. Such as the origin of the universe. Back then religion tried to explain the universe but was only able to explain as much as it can see and comprehend. That's why until the first telescope was able to view the skys, religious explanation of the universe was limited to what was within it's ability. No matter the role religion played in building societies and creating governance, it was a tool used by few to suppress the majority especially the weak, women and children. Has religion done it's job and should be discarded? Is atheism a viable alternative? Can atheism make the world a better place? 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by CentaurXXV: 2:39am On Dec 17, 2016 |
No!!! They can't. 4 Likes |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by obinna58(m): 3:09am On Dec 17, 2016 |
Sure world would hav been a better place if the mind control European s never existed |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by yomi007k(m): 3:13am On Dec 17, 2016 |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Omudia11: 5:05am On Dec 17, 2016 |
Definitely not. 2 Likes |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Pastafarian: 5:44am On Dec 17, 2016 |
I may not be extremely sure of Atheism's ability to make the world a better place but I'm pretty sure HUMANISM would definitely make the world a better place Contrary to what the fundamentalists would have us believe, then, what our society really needs is not more religion but a richer notion of the nature of morality. Humanism is compatible with atheism and agnosticism, but being atheist or agnostic does not, itself, make one a Humanist. "Humanism": a philosophical viewpoint that proposes all humans have value, and that we can use objective methods to develop rights, morals, and ethics that maximize happiness and well-being. "Live comfortably": certainly has subjective elements, but objectively can be defined as having at least ample food, shelter, and social interaction. What really removes meaning and value from humanity is theism. The belief that we were created for the purpose of something else. That we are not in control of our own destiny. If there's some god along the lines of the Abrahamic one, if we live forever... what's the point? That's a depressing universe. If there is no after-life as you atheists think, and we all end up into I hear this from theists especially Christians a lot but If kindness towards others and helping build a better world for those to come is inconsequential to you, in other words, if the only thing that gives your life meaning is the possibility of getting a never-ending cookie at the end of it, then buddy, it is you who is both irrational and senseless. Nothing that has been proffered thus far over thousands of years shows us that there's any reason to believe that there is an afterlife. The electrical impulses in our brains cease and with it so too do our very being. Every little spark of energy and chemical reaction that produces our personalities, our consciousness, and our sentience is a marvel of nature. Something that we recognize in each other as incredible. That at this stage, we've "won" some sort of cosmic lottery to get to the point that we can share this wonderment with each other using technology that is vastly beyond our animal cousins. The same technologies many of which which were spearheaded by atheists programmers, inventors, mathematicians, engineers, tinkerers, and others who without them, you would not even be able to post to this forum. Alan Turing, Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, Aaron Swartz, and so many others. They had no gods. The key is that atheism does not define them. It is just an aspect of who they were. They didn't need any gods for that. We derive morality from another source of ethics. One that doesn't condone war, slavery, or rape. One that doesn't profess greater morality from a holy book in one hand while wielding a sword in the other. We aren't bound by chains of superstition, nor do we enslave ourselves to the supernatural in hopes of a better here-after. For many of us, we use the term Humanism to describe our morality. That the power for good lies within us not because we seek just rewards after we're dead, but so that we can live comfortably in the here and now. And that in improving our lives and the lives of others, that legacy we leave behind will have made the world greater for those in the future. For others to build upon and continue our deeds for the benefit of all. We don't need religion for that. That ability lies within us. another theistic bull we hear many times is ...... If we are just matter, chunks of cells and atoms etc., *why* should we care about other chunks similar to us? Because it benefits each of us individually. Helping others, making sure that they can in turn help us in a mode of mutual cooperation ensures that our selfishness can be catered to on some primal level. Say I have food and you don't. You have a few options. You could trade for it with something I may need or want. You could help me tend to the crops and animals and ensure you get a share. Or you could try to take it by force. Which do you think would be a better long term solution for your survival or general comfort? By making my life easier, you make your own existence that much more bearable. If you tried to use force, you'd be met with force. Our lives would be considered forfeit and neither of us would benefit in the long run. It's as simple as that. Humanism is the way as for theists I can't decide whether their view is more narcissistic or nihilistic. they're are trying to fill their emptiness with religion while projecting it on others. 14 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Nobody: 7:32am On Dec 17, 2016 |
Atheism has no uniform moral code of conduct, in fact the world will be a disaster if everyone was an atheist, thank God this is not the case. The links of Stalin and Pol Pot would be every where, killing people. |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by jonbellion(m): 7:56am On Dec 17, 2016 |
Pidgin2:chaiii Still looking for the sense in this comment 2 Likes
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Wilgrea7(m): 8:00am On Dec 17, 2016 |
ATHEIST *opens thread at 1:44am* ![]() |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Wilgrea7(m): 8:01am On Dec 17, 2016 |
. |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Pastafarian: 8:03am On Dec 17, 2016 |
Pidgin2: everybody should get morals from this Piggin2 that said she won't hesitate to kill 5 Billion humans if her god tells her to do so 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Pastafarian: 8:10am On Dec 17, 2016 |
Wilgrea7: I know you think time is the same everywhere in the world but its not, there's time difference so we don't experience day and night at the same time the world over, I know your hole-ly buybull thinks the earth is flat and the sun rotates round the earth but don't try to make that other people's reality because its not ![]() 4 Likes |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Wilgrea7(m): 8:17am On Dec 17, 2016 |
Pastafarian: okay... fair enough [s]I know your hole-ly buybull thinks the earth is flat and the sun rotates round the earth but don't try to make that other people's reality because its not[/s] you made your point.... now you're resulting to insulting the bible... it seems that book gives you sleepless nights |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by An2elect2(f): 8:17am On Dec 17, 2016 |
The answer is obvious. A belief that bears no fruit is a foolish (oh 'wise')one ![]() |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Nobody: 8:36am On Dec 17, 2016 |
I totally agree with the pastafarian Atheism is just unbelief, it has no shared moral code or nothing. It is simply an unbelief in God. I was made away at how different we atheist could really be, some of us believe in ghosts and afterlives and witches while others don't. So I started researching on atheism and stumbled on humanism, secular humanism to be specific. It was completely me, it values human life and freedom, and doesn't hold anything as sacred, not religion or tradition or beliefs, humanist believe in questioning all, for a better way. We believe that aid will not come from a celestial force but rather from within humanity, it is left for us to shape this life for the better. To a humanist anything without substantial evidence cannot be presented as viable. No matter what it is, we research and study for a better way. If everyone on earth were a humanist it would truly be a better world. I'm an atheist, a biophiliac and a secular humanist and it is what I was born to be. 5 Likes |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by frank317: 8:36am On Dec 17, 2016 |
Pastafarian: Lol... |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Pastafarian: 9:23am On Dec 17, 2016 |
frank317:abi na ![]() |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Pastafarian: 9:24am On Dec 17, 2016 |
Wilgrea7: I didn't insult the buybull, I simply pointed out a Pathetic, misleading and ignorant part of it calling a spade a spade ![]() |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by ScienceWatch: 5:11pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
jonbellion:The sense you are looking for has arrived free of charge. There are serious consequences for those that mock God. Mel Gibson an atheist, is another famous person whose name was dragged through the mud because of mental illness – the celebrated actor and director struggles with bipolar I disorder, previously known as manic-depressive disorder. The condition is characterized by episodes of extreme mania and even more extreme depression. In addition to the disorder, Gibson also had severe problems with alcohol and was arrested on DIU charges in 2006 (he also attacked the sheriff and made scandalous anti-Semitic comments). Catherine Zeta Jones An atheist, Though she kept her mental illness as a secret for many years, Catherine Zeta-Jones opened up about mental illness a few years back and revealed that she suffered from bipolar II disorder, an illness which had taken control of her entire life and affected her career. Drew Carey, a atheist, has never been ashamed to admit that he suffered from mental problems, depression and even tried to take his own life on more than one occasion. Britney Spears, Pop princess Britney Spears was America’s sweetheart until her life and career started falling apart a few years back after mental illness: she shaved her beautiful golden hair, became violent, and struggled with several addictions. On top of it all, the teen idol suffered a public mental breakdown and eventually lost custody over her two kids. Brooke Shields, Instead of enjoying motherhood, model, and actress Brooke Shields an active atheist, suffered from a severe case of postpartum depression and mental illness. She came clean about her condition in an effort to help other moms to deal with the horrors of postnatal depression. Emma Thompson a proud atheist, One of the greatest actresses of our time, Emma Thompson also dealt with mental deseases, extreme depression and was unable to get out of bed at times. Talking about her illness, Thompson revealed that she had done everything possible to ignore the voices in her head, a task that proved to be too overwhelming for the actress. Carrie Fisher is an agnostic celebrity who has mental problems, bipolar I disorder. Unaware of her illness, After experiencing a psychotic breakdown, 15 years after her first diagnosis was made, Fisher finally realized things had gone too far. Elton John, an atheist said he would ban religion. Everyone knows that Sir Elton John had mental problems, battled drug abuse, bulimia. another eating disorder of chewing and spitting. but not many people are aware that the legendary musician also suffered from bulimia. Margot Kidder an atheist, Some of you may remember Margot Kidder’s public breakdown when she disappeared for a few days and actually became a street person. She was found in a horrible state and placed into psychiatric care. Speaking of one of her many episodes, she said: I was like one of those ladies you see talking to the space aliens on the street corner in New York. There are thousands of examples like this all around us. We just have to know the symptoms of insanity. |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by ScienceWatch: 5:56pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
Lennycool:We call see why "Lennycool" agree with "Pastafarian". They work very hard to try and confuse the readers of Niaraland. Ultimate truth is a simple thing. God made sure of that the so-called educated can not fool the un-educated. If the readers carefully examine "Lennycool's" comments a common thread among atheists will become apparent. They use "bling bling" imaginary words and concepts they battle to understand on a deeper level. Atheists dont understand the consequences/ the end results of their unbelief in a creator God and His chosen servants. The findings of Scientific studies released of thousands of people that rejected the evidence of a creator has shocked the world. To keep it simple, it all means - INSANITY. If "Lennycool" and his gang where asked to study for 3 months the mind-blowing verifiable evidence of the miracle healing etc coming out of the holy Scoan Church Nigeria, they will all come back and mock God. |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by niyihawking(m): 6:45pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
![]() ScienceWatch: lolz.......... you ever wonder why 4everGod will always agree with kingebukasblog? ![]() ScienceWatch: lolz.......... you ever wonder why 4everGod will always agree with kingebukasblog? 1 Like |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Nobody: 7:15pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
ScienceWatch:Isn't that the prophet that followed CNN polls and said a woman would win the US election? Hmmmm It can't be him, he surely cannot still have gullible bums following his arse after that. Can he? ![]() |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by ScienceWatch: 7:25pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
niyihawking:Yes I do ! They are good people. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by ScienceWatch: 8:16pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
Lennycool:Sincere People meet at the Holy Scoan Church Nigeria. They come from Russia, UK, America, Africa, Britian, France, etc. The true power of the spirit world is demonstrated in its purest form. See it happening 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. Here you will also learn why you must not pay for Spiritual healings. It is written : "Freely the gift of healing is given to you, freely it must be given to those that need it". I have seen everyone with psychological disorders, Cancer, barreness, addictions, atheism, spiritual curses and terminal diseases healed very rapidly. There are too many human problems that science cant cure but they will accept the case anyway and make money out of the suffering. What is the root cause of psychological problems ? Scientist still don’t know. Medical science simply drug you and charge you ! See it happening 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. on and |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Nobody: 8:24pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
ScienceWatch:And you never ask yourself why he doesn't heal in hospitals around the world. Or a scientifically observed patient? You are deluded my friend 1 Like |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by ScienceWatch: 9:44pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
Lennycool:Your delusion reveals itself by your boring questions about hospitals. It also reveal your hidden wish so that one day you will be safe in a hospital. Or are you angry because the statement below is based on facts. You suddenly realize that your science god is failing millions of suffering people. There are too many human problems that science cant cure, but they will accept the case anyway and make money out of the suffering. I cant understand why you are battling with the holy Prophet TB Joshua and hospitals. The truthful answers are freely available to keen minds. I will let you into a little known secret that will upset you. Open minded scientists are using Emmanuel TV in their studies on miracles. The findings are very impressive to them. |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by ScienceWatch: 9:50pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
Lennycool:Ok. lets help indirectly to answer your pathetic question on why the Holy Prophet TB Joshua must never go to a hospital to heal. Jesus cried out, “ Come to me all of you that are burdened and I will make your burdens light.” Today, I see the same satanic attacks against The Holy Scoan Church, Nigeria coming from the pulpits of churches,ateists and agnostics. My prolonged and tireless investigation show that The Holy Prophet TB Joshua and his church successfully practice only the commands of The Holy Gospels as taught by the Holy Messiah, Jesus Christ. Who can disprove the Miracles, Signs and Wonders at Scoan Church Nigeria, with its abundance of positively supportive Biblical, scientific, legal and medical testimonies that are given by thousands of people world wide? These blessed people have experienced firsthand that Jesus the Messiah is finally real to them. |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Nobody: 10:38pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
ScienceWatch:You're funny ![]() You skipped the question and jumped straight into bull. Your prophet can only perform fake miracles, that is why he doesn't go to hospitals, with real sick people. That's also why scientific observation isn't carried out on any of the people he claims to heal. Do you know how crazy the press would be if TB Joshua could cure aids or cancer or an amputated arm on CNN or BBC? We would all know he was truly from God. But he doesn't because be can't, he's just a fake weirdo cheating your gullible asses. The MoFo can't even tell when his own building is going to collapse. He is the epitome of what is wrong with the Nigerian religious scene. |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by ScienceWatch: 11:02pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
Lennycool:Have you been drinking ? Lennycool, You are the strangest atheist I have met. You must also be the laziest. You are no different from the people that wont accept that they are members of fake churches. They reject the evidence that comes out of the very bible that they use daily. The bible clearly explains how to quickly detect a FAKE pastor. When will you develop the ability to do INDEPENDENT RESEARCH for the benefit of others. Forget about yourself when you search for higher truth. One of the key reasons atheists all suffer from some of the 273 symptoms of insanity is that they are self absorbed(selfish). |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by ScienceWatch: 11:06pm On Dec 17, 2016 |
Lennycool:Your Ignorant comments show clearly , hatred for The Holy Scoan Church. Nairaland readers that take just a little time to examine the facts below will see your insanity. Church leaders are openly and secretly bitter because the world renowned theologian professor Willem Ouweneel had no problems with the miracles at The Holy Scoan Church, Nigeria. Have you not read what Professor Willem Ouweneel had to say about his own healing and his daughters healing at the Scoan ? Professor Willem Ouweneel came to examine the Scoan more than once and stayed there for two weeks at a time. He and his team left healed and with a new respect for the true works of God seen at the Scoan. "It is very disappointing to see how easily so called "educated" people can be fooled by what they read. Proper education was meant to make the student strong enough to independently verify truth." Independent investigations and shocking revelations about the Synagogue Church Of All Nations. (Scoan) Nigeria. The Lagos Government investigations also revealed here. Also view : Doveministries dot com |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Hond: 9:46pm On Feb 07, 2017 |
Lennycool:This is the kind of challenge I enjoy, this guy, sciencewatch, seems to be reasonable. As a high level Atheist I am not driven by the fear of the unknown, or the fear of my peers. Who the fuzk are they anyway ? All I see them busy with is their brainless search for petty "contradictions. Can you believe it, I arrive and introduced myself with a candid explanation of my road to atheism and suddenly I was attacked by So-called Atheists ( Hahn and a something landlord) and they startled me with loud shouts of "contradictions" Contradictions ! What the fuzk ! These idiots are a shame to true Atheists. Or are their behavior symptoms of serious misguided Atheism. My brief research here shows that Atheism has degenerated into sloppy unfocused activity that detract from the true function of Atheism. |
Re: Can Atheism Make The World A Better Place? (1) by Nobody: 10:12pm On Feb 07, 2017 |
Hond: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Make I hold chest laugh ![]() ![]() No atheist uses the word atheist that much. And no atheist would ever say sciencewatch is reasonable, even theist hardly say it. You kind of remind me of him ![]() ![]() ![]() Christians no go kill person 5 Likes 2 Shares |
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