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2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Miles300: 9:40am On Jan 01, 2017

Some prophesy might not come to pass especially if it's negative ones when some people pray against. If there's a man to pray there's a God to answer don't get it twisted
remember God is not an author of confusion and he upholds his words .. A true prophecy from God come to pass , prayer may delay it but it will surely happen .. God doesn't take back his word .
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by vivaciousvivi(f): 9:41am On Jan 01, 2017

Hehehe but I'm sweet like tolotolo..

You just claimed the wedding prophecy and you are already saying no to a cute suitor.

Viva vivacious vivi tongue
cheesy lemme o!
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Nobody: 9:41am On Jan 01, 2017
Every year earthquake flood or one natural disaster must occur, everyone knows. The pastor is just predicting.
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Esdb3: 9:42am On Jan 01, 2017
What if I told you right now, that christmas is a scam?! A big fucking scam.

A scam that is being kept on to drive sales of everything up, and for huge profits.

That's right. . . I don't know what the fuck_ exactly people all around the world celebrated on the 25th of december, but it definitely wasn't the birth of Jesus. . .

Let me let you in, on this scam.

If you are born on the 1st of February 1984, you'll be 33 years old, on the first of 1st of February 2017, and 33 and half years old (33 1/2) or, 33 years 6 months on the 1st of August 2017.

Therefore, if on the first of August 2017, you're asked how old you are, you'll definitely say 33 and half, and all the asker has to do, is minus the half (6 months), away from 33 and half, and he'll definitely arrive at february.

At this point, I'll like to tell you all that Jesus christ spent 33 and half years on earth. He spent 33 years and 6 months on this earth, before he died. . . Ask google right now if you do not believe that.

So, "Easter" is the celebration of Jesus death. . . Am I correct? And his death, or easter is usually celebrated in April, am I correct? If Jesus christ died in April, at the age of 33 years and 6 months, to get the month of his birth, all you fucking have to do, is to fucking minus 6 months away, from 33 years and 6 months, and you'll arrive at his real month of birth:


Jesus, was born in OCTOBER.

Christmas, is a scam. . . You celebrate what you do not know.

You must be feeling like some genius right now buhahahahaha. They didn't say he wasn't born in October. They put Christmas on dec 25 because they wanted to discourage the pagan big celebration of that day which Christians participated in.

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Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by IamPatriotic(m): 9:43am On Jan 01, 2017
Amen oo My year of increased greatness
Na that wedding one interest you most, talk true.
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Zenlife: 9:44am On Jan 01, 2017
[quote author=luminouz post=52435912][/quote]

Just a tip of the iceberg.
The silence before the storm.
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by luminouz(m): 9:45am On Jan 01, 2017

Just a tip of the iceberg.
The silence before the storm.
Haaaaaa! Take it easy naaaaaa!
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Miles300: 9:46am On Jan 01, 2017
Sometimes I wonder if this men are truly men of God , prophecies comes with timing , thus saith The Lord , at the time of life or in 3 scores and all of that , why some prophecies can be given without a said time , but it will surely come to pass .... . Wats wrong with this prophecies of some men of God , they tell u in such a year this event and dat event will occur, and if such things didn't occur as they said in the said time .. It proves one thing it was never from God ,neither did God reveal anything in the first place to them ..
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Nobody: 9:47am On Jan 01, 2017
watch your tongue, you are calling a real man of God fake...
did moses prophecy ever go wrong? i can even predict d church u attend right away
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Nobody: 9:50am On Jan 01, 2017

cheesy lemme o!

I won't leeeef u o.

That prophecy must be fulfilled in Jesus name.

Say Amen..
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Zenlife: 9:50am On Jan 01, 2017

You must be feeling like some genius right now buhahahahaha. They didn't say he wasn't born in October. They put Christmas on dec 25 because they wanted to discourage the pagan big celebration of that day which Christians participated in.

Christianity is plagiarized pagan beliefs modified to economically, socially, politically, control the gullible masses.
Take it or leave it!

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Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by duni04(m): 9:54am On Jan 01, 2017

Everything has been around since way long there is nothing new. If it is new, you won't see it because no developed country shows their new tech. The outbreak was new. When Ebola broke it wasn't new. It's outbreak was new. Stop broadcasting ignorance. There was a case of zika being sexually transmitted.
Hate to start the new year by calling you a dunce, but you really are one. Ebola's outbreak in 2014 was new? Your ignorance is irritating! Please use Google and check Ebola outbreaks in Congo and Uganda. The outbreak in 1976 killed 318 people in Congo. Also killed 284 in Sudan. That's apart from the many other outbreaks in the 90's.
Oga if you quote me again with ignorant shit, I'll treat your fuckup this new years day.
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Segadem(m): 9:54am On Jan 01, 2017
Very vague prophecies... I think it's because not all last years prophecies came to pass and people noticed... Like the one about STD and the one that says things will improve before the end of the year
it's like you are not aware of Zika disease,
...and for me and my family the latter end of the year is far far better than the beginning

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Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Bowwow11(m): 9:57am On Jan 01, 2017
amen this is my year of blessing

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Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Orikinla1: 9:57am On Jan 01, 2017
Achieve New Things in 2017!
Read the awesome motivational article on The Rhema Blog

Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by QuietHammer(m): 10:00am On Jan 01, 2017
Are you being serious? What's my own with hurricanes & co? Dude, I'm all for positivity and that was what I claimed, but if you're concerned about the negative part then to your tent oh Isreal
Religion really does make people lose empathy for their fellow humans. In others words, those to be affected by tornados can go to hell so far God loves me. Christ will be proud

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Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by gohzieh(m): 10:00am On Jan 01, 2017
I tap into this prophesy for this year! I shall celebrate this year!
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Orikinla1: 10:00am On Jan 01, 2017
Very vague prophecies... I think it's because not all last years prophecies came to pass and people noticed... Like the one about STD and the one that says things will improve before the end of the year

It is a terrible thing to start the new year with ignorance.
Why not go and read the full text of the prophecies first before posting ignorant comment.

Achieve New Things in 2017!
Read the awesome motivational article on The Rhema Blog
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Orikinla1: 10:06am On Jan 01, 2017
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by QuietHammer(m): 10:12am On Jan 01, 2017
I'm a redeemer, I go to church regularly, but these prophesies are scamish. Take a look at the international prophesies for last year and this year by Adeboye. Basically the same thing!
Plus has there ever been a year in the past 20 years when we've never had an earthquake (in the pacific especially) or tornado (regular occurrence in the US) or any kind of major disaster?
I love the church for what it is - an avenue to fellowship with other saints, but these fraudulent pastors are turning it into something else. Just take a look at what Adeboye said about Fayose. In fact Fayose has been so emboldened by the scammish nature of these " prophesies" that he has started releasing his own prophesies, putting the name of the lord to disrepute. These pastors should realise that by doing these fraudulent things they're doing, they are encouraging the people of the world to mock God like Ayo Fayose did when he released his own "prophesies" for 2017.
I rest my case.
Another issue to be addressed is money. Branches remit offerings to the headquarters yet we will be asked to contribute to finance conventions
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by levi2(m): 10:15am On Jan 01, 2017
Hope Apostle Sulaiman can see how a Prophecy is..before him dey do Predictions when no even dey right[size=8pt][/size] cool
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Nobody: 10:15am On Jan 01, 2017
Only a fool says there's no God! It's really appalling and heartbreaking how people believe in witchcraft, juju/voodoo, mermaid, Benin airways (Benin Jazz) and other supernatural occurrences but do not believe in God.
Hypocrites shout "Afonjas" and "Igbos" whenever there's a case of ritual killing/activity in either tribe but then have no common sense that there's an Almighty God. Rituals, juju, etc are all dark forces and there exists a pure/white force to counter these dark forces. God bless us all in Jesus' name.

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Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by taiwo3489(m): 10:36am On Jan 01, 2017
You have all spoken well, but all of u do me a favour and go challenge them...who knows u might win and safe the sheeps as u av always wnted...except u av done dat stp coming hear to talk nonsense...HNY to all Nlnders...wishing u a year of intimidating wonders

#My first comment for the year 2017
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by grandstar(m): 10:40am On Jan 01, 2017

1. 2017 will be a year of surprises both for the oppressed and the oppressor; Those deliberately making life difficult for the common man will be relocated
2. The downward plunge will slow down, stop and reversal will begin

1. It will be a year of surprises
2. For prophets both true and false it will be a year of surprises
3. There will be quite a large number of weddings
4. Soul winners will see their prophecies fulfilled almost as soon they are uttered

1. There will be surprises for many world governments
2. They are coming twos: monster earthquakes, monster floods, hurricanes and typhoons, monster tornadoes and monster fire outbreaks

He said nothing. He was as abstract as possible. Not surprised
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by grandstar(m): 10:52am On Jan 01, 2017
What if I told you right now, that christmas is a scam?! A big fucking scam.

A scam that is being kept on to drive sales of everything up, and for huge profits.

That's right. . . I don't know what the fuck_ exactly people all around the world celebrated on the 25th of december, but it definitely wasn't the birth of Jesus. . .

Let me let you in, on this scam.

If you are born on the 1st of February 1984, you'll be 33 years old, on the first of 1st of February 2017, and 33 and half years old (33 1/2) or, 33 years 6 months on the 1st of August 2017.

Therefore, if on the first of August 2017, you're asked how old you are, you'll definitely say 33 and half, and all the asker has to do, is minus the half (6 months), away from 33 and half, and he'll definitely arrive at february.

At this point, I'll like to tell you all that Jesus christ spent 33 and half years on earth. He spent 33 years and 6 months on this earth, before he died. . . Ask google right now if you do not believe that.

So, "Easter" is the celebration of Jesus death. . . Am I correct? And his death, or easter is usually celebrated in April, am I correct? If Jesus christ died in April, at the age of 33 years and 6 months, to get the month of his birth, all you fucking have to do, is to fucking minus 6 months away, from 33 years and 6 months, and you'll arrive at his real month of birth:


Jesus, was born in OCTOBER.

Christmas, is a scam. . . You celebrate what you do not know.

Jehovahs Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Nobody: 10:52am On Jan 01, 2017

On rampage by yahoo boy pastors, confusing their sheep and fleecing them of their hard earned money. . . Preaching "prosperity", as against "the kingdom of God", that Jesus preached while on earth. Mixing in politics and becoming "vice president", while Jesus refused to be made a king, saying that his kingdom is no part of the world. . .

I'm not asking you to donate your last offering to "God", I'm asking you to fucking use your commonsense.

That's how one idiot was shouting over the loud speakers minutes ago, telling his sheep that the first money they give in 2017 is to God, and that they should dance while they drop their offerings, for they were dancing into glory.

Guess what the sheep did. . . They danced!

Ask me if God spends money, or if he has a bank account.
It's really annoying and irritating the way people lose thier common sense over religion.
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by grandstar(m): 10:54am On Jan 01, 2017
Simple Logic!

Why won't these things happen....These re just unavoidable circumstances

I could as well also say I foresee a plane crash these year and I see a fighter jet crashing over syria

I foresee a political turmoil in one of Nigeria states

A tanker will also fall off on Lagos Ibadan express way. I see multiple tankers breaking down on oshodi apapa express way


You're a prophecy. All these will come true.
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Femich18(m): 11:02am On Jan 01, 2017

1. 2017 will be a year of surprises both for the oppressed and the oppressor; Those deliberately making life difficult for the common man will be relocated
2. The downward plunge will slow down, stop and reversal will begin

1. It will be a year of surprises
2. For prophets both true and false it will be a year of surprises
3. There will be quite a large number of weddings
4. Soul winners will see their prophecies fulfilled almost as soon they are uttered

1. There will be surprises for many world governments
2. They are coming twos: monster earthquakes, monster floods, hurricanes and typhoons, monster tornadoes and monster fire outbreaks
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by shaddoww: 11:19am On Jan 01, 2017
Let me drop the prophecies I received for 2017.
They are very specific n wen dey start
manifesting, I will name my source.

1. There shall be plenty in the year 2017, as the
price of food items n other commodities will
crash. So don't speculate.

2. Three of our political leaders will die a sudden
death, God says their time is up, the evil they
have done is enough.

3. Boko-haram : it's not over yet.

4. Some top politicians in a major political party
will be ridiculed n put to shame, they may form a
new party but still dey will be rendered useless.

5. A very popular n powerful king will die.

6. Every Nigerian living in the US should sit tight
n work harder as they shall face a tough time
this year.

7. Finally, there shall be a very tough n
dangerous ethnic fight between the Hausas n the
Igbos, it will b so tough that it will threaten our
unity but still Nigeria won't break.

Watch out, for they shall all come one after the
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Kunstay98: 11:20am On Jan 01, 2017
Aaaamen Oooooo Baba. It is going to be my year of great surprise!!!
Re: 2017 Prophecies By Pastor E.A. Adeboye by Exciton(m): 11:29am On Jan 01, 2017
It's obvious that these guys are fucking fraudsters, yet the government does nothing about them. They're a goddamn nuisance to the well-being of the society!

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