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How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? - Religion (5) - Nairaland

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Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by Anas09: 6:14pm On Jan 01, 2017

U are very knowledgeable. Also, you know how to explain.. do you do any form of teaching? you would do well...
Thanks for your kind words. I try to teach.
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by skylane: 6:15pm On Jan 01, 2017
.Take note; I'm not talking about the fallen angels who were defeated in battle by the Arch angel Michael. I'm talking about demons, witches and wizard. Let's go to the book of Genenis chapter 1 vs 21. And GOD created sea whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abudantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind; and saw that it was good. Let it be known to you that Genesis 1vs21 was making reference to the great sea monster Leviathan or Behometh and other sea creatures. Follow me to the book of Isaiah chapter 27vs1. At that time, the lord will judge Leviathan* the crooked snake. The Lord will use his great sword, his hard and powerful sword, to punish Leviathan, the coiled snake. Leviathan is a great sea monster it can be in form of serpent, whale or crocodile. God created serpent the father of all demons, so does it mean that God was the creator of demons since Leviathan was created by him? Honest answer pls. Kingebukasblog, 4evergod, Wiigrea7, Amalice9, Anas09.
john chpt 1;1-3- In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. God created all things, demon is also known as a fallen angel, they were only corrupted by thier leader lucifer
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by Anas09: 6:15pm On Jan 01, 2017

hello bro,
the woman and the child the bible talks about in that revelation is MARY and our Lord JESUS christ...devil possessed the mind of king Herod here looking to kill Jesus and her mothere
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by Anas09: 6:19pm On Jan 01, 2017
you mean prophet Muhammed right? Interesting
Yes, I meant muhammed
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by AntiNigerian: 6:21pm On Jan 01, 2017

Lucifer whom we all know as the Devil created the demons to assist him make sure that more humans to make it to heaven

the demons are human beings just like me and you know humans can do wonders when a reward is involved

which brings us back to GREED
actually most demons are fallen Angels

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Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by Anas09: 6:25pm On Jan 01, 2017
I thought demons are different from fallen angel? Did fallen angels later transformed to demons?
The activities of Fallen Angels made them demons.
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by Seth474: 6:25pm On Jan 01, 2017
He'll and demons where created for those who rebel to God
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by Nobody: 6:28pm On Jan 01, 2017
Fallen angels are not demons, demons were created by God, and were wiped off in the first flood(Satan's fall) Noah's flood is the second flood. Google and listen to Benny Hinn's teachings on angels and demons.
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by Radiohead6(f): 6:29pm On Jan 01, 2017
If you don't have the answer to my question then leave the thread, I'm a christian but i dont think that God created demons and brought them into existence.
youre a Christian? then you're one that have tried in little in the knowledge of the unknown ,and a smart choice too
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by Nobody: 6:30pm On Jan 01, 2017
God created these entities of different ranks and nature.. most have the gift of free will just like man. some revolted and were deemed "fallen" these fallen bore children with man. Sons of God and Sons of Man.. these Children exhibited the nature and elements of demi-gods.. they taught man crafts forbidden by God and allowed man to access powers normally accented for Spiritual entities.. they are among us and with us from time immemorial.. simple study holy texts for references and visit libraries for facts..
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by Nobody: 6:31pm On Jan 01, 2017
Am an Eckist and a former Christian.

What should come to your attention is that most things being thought are not factual especially the 'demon' myth.

Actually a 'demon' is for instance your brother, friend etc who died (translated) but feels they still have unfinished business on earth, this could be deep crave for sex, attachment to a wife or husband, money etc. The 'discarnate entity' hangs around places to find a body to use...and be used!

If you find your self 'out there' you will see that there is no such thing as 'Demon', just some folks who couldn't 'pass through' to the proper place, they hang around just above the physical world.

PS: since everything must have a name, it is justifiable to call these entities "demons". But it's important to know the intricacies of what made them what they are...as in, God didn't set out to create some beings known as demons.
ekist my father's religion

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Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by Radiohead6(f): 6:32pm On Jan 01, 2017

God created Leviathan for a purpose but greed took a better part of his purpose to life just as it tookover Lucifer

come to think of it, in this life, do on to your neighbours based on what you want to be done on to"

it's same thing that fuels alot of evil in the land
close enough in ur lecithan insight
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by doubleportion: 6:35pm On Jan 01, 2017
I thought demons are different from fallen angel? Did fallen angels later transformed to demons?
Exactly! It is the falling Angels that transformed to demons Jude 1:6
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by realmindz: 6:35pm On Jan 01, 2017
Why did God created create them?

When asking questions, leave ur verb in the present not past tense
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by realmindz: 6:37pm On Jan 01, 2017
I thought demons are different from fallen angel? Did fallen angels later transformed transform to demons?

Kindly take the corrections..
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by mecussey(m): 6:38pm On Jan 01, 2017
GOD created lucifer and he turned against HIM, HE created man and we turned against HIM, HE created angels and some turned against HIM............ GOD created all things good but some turned against their creator *simple* ..........

Yep..same way man is working hard trying to make robots intelligent...the day they will turn against us...we go hear am. E.g Man created cars to carry us from point A to B safely but some turn against us and kill us in accidents.
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by helpishere(m): 6:38pm On Jan 01, 2017
God is a just God, His judgements are just and true. How does he punish evil doers? Who does He use? There was a time that the LORD wanted to destroy Ahab and there was a meeting in heaven and the Spirits were devising a way to send Ahab to Ramonth Gilead. A Spirit came forth and told the LORD that he will be a lying spirit in the mouths of the prophets and he was successful. The evil spirit came from the LORD and tormented Saul the King and then David will play the harp and drive away the spirit. The demons are the tools that the LORD uses to punish those who are wicked to their fellow men. In Mark gospel, we read of the man possessed with Demons. The demons knew who Jesus was and Jesus even listened to their plea and allowed them to go where they want to. Mark 5 Verse 1 And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes.

2 And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit,

3 Who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no, not with chains:

4 Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him.

5 And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.

6 But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him,

7 And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.

8 For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.

9 And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.

10 And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country.

11 Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding.

12 And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.

13 And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousandwink and were choked in the sea.

We do not wrestle with flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places, so says the Bible and who is the head of principalities and powers? Jesus Christ. All we need to do is to be obedient to His commandments and the Air, Sea and Land forces will be obedient to you. If you are a son of the President and Commander in Chief, which of the armed forces will harass you? They will even be protecting you. So also is the principalities and powers, a thousand shall fall at thy right hand and ten thousand at thy left hand but they shall not come near thee, if and only if you abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Happy New year
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by wtfCode: 6:38pm On Jan 01, 2017
Ok then, who?
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by realmindz: 6:43pm On Jan 01, 2017

Yep..same way man is working hard trying to make robots intelligent...the day they will turn against us...we go hear am. E.g Man created cars to carry us from point A to B safely but some turn against us and kill us in accidents.

"The cars that turned against us in accidents" as u claimed were created by men who aren't all perfect and all powerful...so creating things that aren't perfect is understandable.

Can u say the same thing of God?
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by Nobody: 6:43pm On Jan 01, 2017
when Lucifer fell ,lots of other lower angels fell with him
You now an adult, Quit believing folklores meant for children. Our last born 7 years of age will laugh at you for writing that crap.
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by TechRex(m): 6:44pm On Jan 01, 2017
I thought demons are different from fallen angel? Did fallen angels later transformed to demons?
that the answer bro
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by majour(m): 6:46pm On Jan 01, 2017
No one book contains all the story of creation, mind you if ur talking Abt subjects like this, consult books that details event in the bible, The book of Enoch is one of them, help urself out.

And to answer ur question, no God did not directly create demons, what u know as demons are soul that have bin condemned, Lucifer created the first of its kind which was called Lilith, the children of the fallen are called princes of darkness why some r also called demons, I hope that helps a bit
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by jericco1(m): 6:48pm On Jan 01, 2017
that is a million dollars question.
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by TechRex(m): 6:49pm On Jan 01, 2017

Lucifer whom we all know as the Devil created the demons to assist him make sure that more humans to make it to heaven

the demons are human beings just like me and you know humans can do wonders when a reward is involved

which brings us back to GREED

you guys are getting it wrong, satan can not create demon his self, the demons were the 1 third of those falling angels.

people actually thinks that satan is powerfull: but he is not, he just let you do the wrong thing and use it against you, he knows the way of the lord than most christians folks.
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by aimuan(m): 6:54pm On Jan 01, 2017

Okay then.

Well, first off. God did not create Demons, He created beautiful awesome and exceedingly powerful creatures called Angels.

Their rebellion and proceedings turned them to demons.

Now, for us to understand this, let's see from the Scriptures that God created Angels.

And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.

God created Lucifer who became satan/devil/demon, just like he created all other Angels.

Ezekiel 28:13-17 You lived in Eden, the garden of God, and wore gems of every kind: rubies and diamonds;

topaz, beryl, carnelian, and jasper; sapphires, emeralds, and garnets. You had ornaments of gold. They were made for you on the day you were created. I put a terrifying angel there to guard you.

You lived on my holy mountain and walked among sparkling gems.

Your conduct was perfect from the day you were created until you began to do evil. You were busy buying and selling, and this led you to violence and sin.

So I forced you to leave my holy mountain, and the angel who guarded you drove you away from the sparkling gems.

You were proud of being handsome, and your fame made you act like a fool.

Because of this I hurled you to the ground and left you as a warning to other kings.

Here, the Holy Spirit tells us how lucifer was decorated. Above other Angels, in everything, he was decorated.

Beauty, Wisdom, Splendor got into his head and here is what Pride made him do.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
Isaiah:14: 10 -15

When he fell this is how many Angels he took down with him.

Revelation 12:4 With his tail he dragged a third of the stars out of the sky and threw them down to the earth. He stood in front of the woman, in order to eat her child as soon as it was born.

I don't know what "A third" of the Stars (Angels) amounted to, but i know that that's a huge number of Angels he took down with him

Now, when they Fell, did Satan's agenda of being God died? No.

Now, remember, satan is not Omnipresence, meaning he can't be everywhere at the same time, what do you think he did?

He apportioned his demons to act as gods in all the religions of world. He possessed some humans and made them become very cruel to others.

People like, Muhammed of Arabia, Adolf Hitler, Mau SeTung, etc.

Yes, rulership, kingship, dominance is why satan fell from grace, but here man is, a naive creature with a kingdom, so satan deceived him by distracting him, when man fell, he took over the kingdom God created for man and has been ruling man ever since.

Remeber, even God can not operate and function in this material world without a material body, hence he possesses people by the (Holy Spirit). Satan also being a spirit or his demons can not function in this world without a physical body, hence, evil possession.

The body is like a cloth that we wear. The spirits wear our bodies in other to walk in this physical world.

Now, the activities of this Spirits, good or bad, makes them who or what they are.

There's just one Holy Spirit because he is Omnipresence. There are somany demons because they are not. They had to scather themselves everywhere men are found, in order to subdue man under the dominance of Satan.

They possess men and make man do evil to make man responsible and sinful before God, with the the sole aim of taking man to hellfire.

Do you know why he does that?

Satan knows how much God loves man. Hurt man is hurt God deeply. So, he makes man turn against God. Satan knowing how the supernatural laws work, knows that, without willingness and responsibility, it's not possible to lay allegations agaisnt a man, So Satan makes man be willing and respinsible for his actions.

So, yes, Fallen Angels, are demons. Witches are human beings possessed by demons.

And God created All.

you seems to have a deep knowledge of the Bible, are u a pastor?
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by moralex(m): 6:55pm On Jan 01, 2017
You now an adult, Quit believing folklores meant for children. Our last born 7 years of age will laugh at you for writing that crap.
what do you know ?
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by chieveboy(m): 7:00pm On Jan 01, 2017
ekist my father's religion

Yea...the path of Soul's individuality!
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by MYJIST(m): 7:00pm On Jan 01, 2017

Christianity in no way makes sense. There is no proper understanding of who God is. And before you talk about the Prophet Muhammad(PEACE BE UPON HIM). yOU ought to first read about him from primary sources, not from fox news.

To answer the question because Christians don't have the answers coz they don't know.
God knows everything. He knows that is hidden and what is apparent, He knows what has happened and what will happen and of course, He knows the devil(satan) better than satan himself because it was God who created him. And if you bring up this nonsensical talk of some angels who fell and moved against God, then this means that in fact God is not in control of his creatures and therefore there is a power split between God and the devil, in which case, this means that the Satan has some kind of power. Satan has no power and he has no control whatsoever. he his dependent on God, and God who created him knew the kind of being that he was. why did God create the Satan and the devils? . These creatures were created in order to serve as a test for the human beings. it was God who himself created evil. come to think of it. the christians believe satan was trying to usurp God, and he has his own army. this kind of thinking is wacky and irrational. Satan himself is fearful of God. you Christians should think of it this way: since you guys believe that Satan has some power, what if this Satan defeats your god( i seek refuge with God from this) and his angels coz from calculations more people should go to hell and therefore the satan will have a bigger army. so, what if this satan defeats your god? what would happen to the universe and the creation? will god be imprisoned? have you ever thought about that?
BACK TO WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT, God created evil for a reason. Just as He created good for a reason.

God says in surah al falaq( Quran 113): " Say, I seek refuge in the lord of the daybreak. from the evil of that which He created. from the evil of darkness when it settles. and from the evil of malignant witchcraft. and from the evil of the envier whenever he practices his envy. This gives a succinct explanation, and this is rational.

The devil was able to disobey God because he has free-will unlike the angels. This free will is also what we humans possess. we are given the option to understand and choose between what is good and what is bad, between what is right and what is wrong.
when the devil disobeyed God, then he became a disbeliever, and understanding that all power and sovereignty belongs ONLY to GOD , AND that he the devil was doomed and powerless. Instead of seeking for forgiveness he( Satan) said: (surah Al Hijri, Quran 14)... My Lord! give me respite till the day of judgement( don't kill or destroy me, give me longevity so that i will remain till the day of judgement). in the following verse Allah said to him: " So indeed you are of those reprieved". then the devil said: My lord, because I have falling into error( He won't seek for forgiveness becasue of pride), then surely I will make disobedience attractive to them on earth and I will lead them all astray, except your choosen servants amongst them. then in verse 42, Allah replied him" Indeed, My servants, no authority will you have over them, except those who follow you of the deviators, and indeed hell is the promised place for them all. This was what happened and this is the truth. also, there is a caveat: the devil will only lead astray those who themselves are ready to disobey God.

Contrary to the belief of the Christians that the devil will have a section in the hereafter( hell), where he will punish those who are thrown into hell. This doesn't make any sense, even from rational thinking. The devil was the one who misled people? made them do bad things? he, himself disobeyed God. then he will be the one to punish people again? This is absolute nonsense. The devil himself will be punished in hell and he will be fearful. The devil has no power whatsoever and i really think it would be good if we made use of our thinking faculty and discern truth from falsehood.
May Allah guide to the straight path( ISLAM)!!!!
the wisdom of God is foolishness to men.... not because man is wiser.. but because it takes the spirit of a person to know the thoughts of that person... so it takes the Spirit of God to understand the things of God.. how do you want to understand calculus when you don't even know 1+1... that's just an illustration anyway... So seek God first and the eyes of your understanding will be opened an you'll understand the workings of God....
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by Nobody: 7:01pm On Jan 01, 2017
what do you know ?
I know nothing - Socrates
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by chidiebere2020(m): 7:03pm On Jan 01, 2017

Yep..same way man is working hard trying to make robots intelligent...the day they will turn against us...we go hear am. E.g Man created cars to carry us from point A to B safely but some turn against us and kill us in accidents.
there u get it wrong man cannot create they can only transform things Base on on d level of intelligence given by God, robot or motor ur talking about are just transformation of things already created by God.
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by neowelsh(m): 7:15pm On Jan 01, 2017
if you really want to know where demons came from, you must have an open mind. To start with try and study the characteristics of demons , you observe that they always want to posses a body. which tells us that they once had a body. agreed? so we can continue if not let's debate.
Re: How Did Demons Come Into Existence? Who Created Them? by pussypounder(m): 7:20pm On Jan 01, 2017
teach me abeg

write me here rudolf.bender75@gmail.com, will teach you how to be your own boss and tools you need embarassed

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