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Improvement In Nigerias Tv Commercials - TV/Movies - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / TV/Movies / Improvement In Nigerias Tv Commercials (815 Views)

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Improvement In Nigerias Tv Commercials by desktop: 8:17pm On Nov 20, 2009
Im totally a fan of TV commercials funny as it might sound i actually take time to scrutinize them both foreign and local, I must confess the foreign ones seem to appeal to me more, until recently!
Have you seen the quality of some of our ads these days?
i like the always '8hrs long shake shake' ad, the fanta cartoon ad the one where the police stops a crew hanging out in a convertible then they fill his walkie talkie with fanta and the guy starts to float to name a couple,

Which are your favourite ( and most annoying) TV ads?Please share.

PS. I particularly hate the one for some malaria drug wher e malaria is taken to court and one man sings 'malaria own don pafuka'
Then that cadbury bournvita about breast cancer, the idea behind the concept, or is it the concept behind the idea now seemed nice, but that boy they used, i dont know it just seemed like he had more issues personally than the person he was supposedly feeling sorry for!
Both foreign and local i guess, its only called Nairaland, its anything but local!

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