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Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by Nobody: 3:05pm On Jan 03, 2017
This thread https://www.nairaland.com/3550361/killing-another-nigerian-south-africa/2#52464754 prompted me to sharing Mathe's story. The common understanding across Africa is that South Africans hate foreigners and would rather 'kill them as flies" than welcome them as brothers and sisters. Truth be spoken, stoning a human being to death for no particular reason doesn't make sense, hence I thought it important to highlight some or one of the reasons behind xenophobia, outside drugs.

Mozambican Ananias Mathe, who gained fame for his numerous prison breaks. He was jailed for 54 years on 64 charges ranging from housebreaking, rape, murder, attempted murder. His family now wants his victims to forgive him.

Durban - The murderous and criminal acts of one of South Africa’s most infamous criminals, Ananias Mathe, are haunting his struggling family back home in Mozambique, who want his victims to forgive him.

This was revealed by Mathe’s first wife, Elizabeth Mathonsi, who spoke to the Sunday Tribune as the family tried to come to grips with his death.

“I feel sorry for his victims, his acts were brutal and unforgivable,” she said.

Mathe, 41, who had two wives, Elizabeth, 36, and Celeste Manate, 32, is survived by seven children aged between 10 and 21, including Ananias Mathe jr, 17, who was upset at his father and had fallen ill after learning of his father's death. Mathe Sr. is also survived by his mother, Sasira, 72.

Ananias jr, unlike some of his younger brothers, had met his father only briefly when he was young.

Mathe was first treated at the Correctional Service facilities in the “super-max” Ebongweni Prison in Kokstad, where he was serving a 54-year-sentence for 64 charges, including murder, housebreaking, rape and robbery.

Elizabeth decried her husband's criminal acts and said they had thought he was working, like other Mozambican migrants.

It was only when the SAPS (South Africa Police Services) paid a visit to their home in Mozambique while looking for Mathe, who was on the run, that they found out about his life of crime, she said. She described him as a secretive man.

I never knew where he was working; it was hard to find out since he was working far from home. I thought he was working like other men.

“I was surprised in early 2003 when police from Pretoria visited our home twice, searching for him. After that, news spread all over that he was a wanted and dangerous man,” she said.

Elizabeth said Mathe was the only surviving son in his clan and largely had been responsible for the family upkeep.

Elizabeth said Mathe’s death was a “good lesson” to his six sons to not lead a life of crime, although four of them had never met him.

“As the family, we are not proud of the life Ananias lived, but for the sake of his children, who never knew him and who persistently ask ‘when is daddy coming home’, we want his body back home.

She said they had had little communication with Mathe since his conviction in 2005, but last spoke to him in October after his last failed prison break.

“He told me that he tried again to escape because the officials were not providing enough food and he wanted money from me,” she said.

“He made allegations that prison officials wanted to poison him because he was troublesome. I told him to obey the rules because he might be granted parole.

“That was the last conversation I had with him until Tuesday when I received the news that he was no more,” she said. Mathe’s death came as a shock to his family as they did not know that he was ill.


Be certain about your family member's/ friends activities in host countries before passing judgments

I hope South Africans also learn to be tolerant, give foreign individuals a chance before diagnosing them as criminals.

Seun Lalasticlala HumbledBygrace

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Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by Creeza(m): 1:47am On Jan 04, 2017
Four of kids never met him., chai! I WANT TO CRY ,,

The truth here is that, most times, in a bid to make our families better , we often go out of our way and do the unthinkable.

HE WORKED Abroad, and his wives thought him '' A man like other men, turned out he was wanted and dangerous''

Things we do for money... MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.

Jagugu88li , Im glad you brought this to my doorstep wink

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Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by 14(m): 10:21pm On Jan 04, 2017
Atleast police domtheir work, most of these mozambican thugs end up dead or in prison. Remember the two mozambican who assasinated Lucky Dube in Rosettenville, they are in prison, jailed for more than 50yrs each.

There are many Nigerians who are not into crime in South africa and are doing very well, no one harrases them.


Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by Nobody: 10:50pm On Jan 04, 2017
Atleast police domtheir work, most of these mozambican thugs end up dead or in prison. Remember the two mozambican who assassinated Lucky Dube in Rosettenville, they are in prison, jailed for more than 50yrs each.

There are many Nigerians who are not into crime in South africa and are doing very well, no one harasses them.
Bro, that Lucky Dube story was brutal.

The annoying part is hearing people who've never stepped a foot outside their country, to witness the brutality displayed by their fellow nationals in host countries yell "our people are being ill-treated". Internet has a tendency to hype things.

@green #WORD
Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by Tuhndhay(m): 5:08am On Jan 16, 2017
Thanks for taking time to talk about this

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Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by Nobody: 12:40pm On Feb 04, 2017
Don't even understand diz thread

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Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by ProudSAfrican(m): 5:50pm On Feb 08, 2017
Isnt it basic common sense to think twice before judging an entire nation of individuals?

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Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by Nobody: 8:09am On Feb 10, 2017
Isnt it basic common sense to think twice before judging an entire nation of individuals?
Evidently not that common to some folks, that is.

Your DP is a killer. ......Dope!
Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by morpheus24: 9:59am On Feb 13, 2017
Isnt it basic common sense to think twice before judging an entire nation of individuals?

The reverse should be a questioned posed to most South Africans about other Africans especially towards Nigerians


Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by Nobody: 10:45pm On Feb 13, 2017

The reverse should be a questioned posed to most South Africans about other Africans especially towards Nigerians
I can firmly say there's never been a point in time where Nigerians where being ill-treated in South Africa. Somalians, Zimbabweans and maybe Mozambicans can claim ill-treatment.

My brother, bloggers have a way of twisting the truth and most people report hear say. Obviously, one doesn't have to be physically placed in a situation to understand it but, with that being said, visit that SA and see for yourself. It's actually the reverse of what is being reported. Its Nigerians that scatter SAns.

I personally never know how to react when a Nigerian is crying ill-treatment, because me and you know the truth. Xenophobic attacks are the worst one human could do to another. Fortunately enough, Nigerians are never at the receiving end of it, drug dealers are........Even then, it's once after many SAn youth funerals.

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Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by morpheus24: 10:26am On Feb 14, 2017
I can firmly say there's never been a point in time where Nigerians where being ill-treated in South Africa. Somalians, Zimbabweans and maybe Mozambicans can claim ill-treatment.
You are not being truthful my brother, So all the televised Xenophobic attacks through out the years beginning officially in 2008 have not been channeled towards Nigerians. That is not true.

If you had clarified the fact that Nigerians as a whole receive the lesser brunt of xenophobic sentiment because the Nigerian professional and student class live in more metropolitan and suburban areas and therefore are away from the the township areas, that would have been a fair statement. The reason the groups you mentioned are targeted more often is because a greater number of them they live in closer proximity to impoverished communities that are in competition for limited resource allocation.

My brother, bloggers have a way of twisting the truth and most people report hear say. Obviously, one doesn't have to be physically placed in a situation to understand it but, with that being said, visit that SA and see for yourself. It's actually the reverse of what is being reported. Its Nigerians that scatter SAns.

I personally never know how to react when a Nigerian is crying ill-treatment, because me and you know the truth. Xenophobic attacks are there worst one human could do to another. Fortunately enough, Nigerians are never at the receiving end of it, drug dealers are........Even then, it's once after many SAn youth funerals.

I am in agreement with you that the Nigerian drug dealing element should be discriminated against with full prejudice of the law however the problem is when we are dealing with semi illiterate politicians and political posturing of people who make sweeping indictments in an atmosphere of undeniable xenophobic sentiment, exposing legitimate and legal "black" foreign nationals/economic migrants which include Nigerians and labeling them in a manner that encourages xenophobia and this my "brother" is the reality.


Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by ProudSAfrican(m): 8:14pm On Feb 14, 2017

The reverse should be a questioned posed to most South Africans about other Africans especially towards Nigerians

Then why dont you do just that?
Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by morpheus24: 9:21pm On Feb 14, 2017

Then why dont you do just that?
The reverse statement if I were to word it exact as you would a rhetorical. It answers itself
Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by ProudSAfrican(m): 9:41pm On Feb 14, 2017

The reverse statement if I were to word it exact as you would a rhetorical. It answers itself
Are you trying to show me how pointless your intelligence is or are you actually answering my question?
Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by morpheus24: 9:55am On Feb 15, 2017

Are you trying to show me how pointless your intelligence is or are you actually answering my question?
Wishing not to digress but I must address your rebuttal in entirety, so therefore;

1. My intelligence cannot be "pointless". A word or quote or statement I make can be "pointless" but not my intelligence. The quantity or speed at which my neurons process information can be "dysfunctional" but definitely not "pointless."

2. I already answered your question but unfortunately it is proving difficult for you to decipher. Let me help you out.

Go back read your initial statement
Then read my response to the initial statement
Then read your subsequent response to MY initial statement which was posed as a question
and then read my response which points to your subsequent "question response" and deduce that my subsequent response to your secondary response, if posed in subjective "inversion" would answer itself as a rhetorical and thus ultimately answer your question.

I know, I know it sounds like jargon but it is quite intelligently stated...smiley


Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by ProudSAfrican(m): 6:44pm On Feb 16, 2017

Wishing not to digress but I must address your rebuttal in entirety, so therefore;

1. My intelligence cannot be "pointless". A word or quote or statement I make can be "pointless" but not my intelligence. The quantity or speed at which my neurons process information can be "dysfunctional" but definitely not "pointless."

2. I already answered your question but unfortunately it is proving difficult for you to decipher. Let me help you out.

Go back read your initial statement
Then read my response to the initial statement
Then read your subsequent response to MY initial statement which was posed as a question
and then read my response which points to your subsequent "question response" and deduce that my subsequent response to your secondary response, if posed in subjective "inversion" would answer itself as a rhetorical and thus ultimately answer your question.

I know, I know it sounds like jargon but it is quite intelligently stated...smiley

Thank you for being "dysfunctional" again.
Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by morpheus24: 10:17am On Feb 17, 2017

Thank you for being "dysfunctional" again.

No, thank me for clarifying my ability to completely confuse you


Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by Nobody: 3:50pm On Mar 07, 2017
I'm truly sorry!! I'm wrong...should have never hurt you or call u names ..you re just someone ...who needs to be loved..and I was being ignorant around u due to my non-challant atitude...I hope u forgive me...and unblock my WhatsApp...I have done same to urs... Happy new year...I never got the chance to tell u this too..stay well live well..
Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by Nobody: 4:16pm On Mar 07, 2017
I will give my all...just to gain ur trust and friendship back..
Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by 419forlife: 8:38pm On Mar 07, 2017
If south africa is in a neo apartheid state as so many attest to then why do the governments of these people think its a good idea to have them in an environment where the natives are dished out crumbs by the evil capitalists
Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by Nobody: 1:00pm On Apr 28, 2017
If south africa is in a neo apartheid state as so many attest to then why do the governments of these people think its a good idea to have them in an environment where the natives are dished out crumbs by the evil capitalists
Bro, I know from experience that only a few people a re attacked randomly...and they are attacjed like everyone else, cellphone jacking and wallet jacking. But you cant talk sense to people who are forever ready to fight, even for a senseless thing. Feed the brain and you'll see wonders
Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by 419forlife: 12:15am On May 07, 2017
Bro, I know from experience that only a few people a re attacked randomly...and they are attacjed like everyone else, cellphone jacking and wallet jacking. But you cant talk sense to people who are forever ready to fight, even for a senseless thing. Feed the brain and you'll see wonders

I agree we need to feed brains with healthy things sadly our habits have us at the very low end of society.
Re: Think Twice Before Labeling South Africans As "Naturally" Xenophobic by Nobody: 8:00am On May 31, 2017
I guess we never gonna be friends again.. Am so sorry for everything..Ve changed . at least check ur email (the jagugu email) if u care .. I unveiled everything

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