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President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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"Lai Mohammed's Big Lie Busted" - By Reno Omokri / EFCC Calls Reno Omokiri To Order Over His Post On The Presidency & The EFCC / Goodluck Jonathan's WAEC & GCE Results Shared By Reno Omokri (Photo) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by BraniacX(m): 10:40pm On Jan 08, 2017
When I said the "nation's current predicament", I meant the recession and hyper-inflation; every other thing you mentioned above are constant problems which have always existed (even though Reno craftily makes it sound like they actually started when his boss left).

The primary cause of the current recession is the nation's over dependence on one single volatile commodity for its income. For too long, Nigeria's economy has been directly proportional to oil prices; oil price goes up, the economy flourishes and vice versa. If only genuine attempts were made to diversify the economy in the past, or at least develop certain critical infrastructure (roads, standard rails, more seaports, power etc) which could aid quick diversification, then we wouldn't have found ourselves in the current predicament.

I was simply calling out Pastor Reno for his crafty hypocrisy as he keeps trying to act the saint by passing the entire blame of the mess we find ourselves today to the new admin. Meanwhile all the so called 'rosy' economic indices which he bragged about as achievements of his boss, can he be gracious enough to tell us the exact state of those indices just at the time his boss was about handing over?

Being verbose with words is becoming a trend i see undecided

Since you've established that it is this current recession you're referring to when you used the phrase "laid the foundation' please backdate this recession to the previous government with the objective of establishing causality using a timeline if you may because economic simpletons like me find lofty and long stretched opinions difficult to conceptualise!
And oh! To help me avoid the "crafty hypocrite's" trap too.

I patiently await your academic analysis

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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by kenx27(m): 10:40pm On Jan 08, 2017

Am sure u didn't read d post. Who is stopping u from standing wiv Buhari. Was he not given the post of presidency on a platter of Gold. Abi is anybody dragging d post with him? So why r u sounding so pained like Buhari as ur president, ur wish has nt come to pass. Take a chill pill. Don't worry Buhari will be president till 2019 or even beyond. Nobody will impeach him. Enjoy ur president.
But my advice is next time u read the post wiv a non zombiedified brain. To get a clearer understanding b4 u comment.

Av a nice day.
Pavarotti God bless you. Paschal is sick upstairs
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by Kfed4ril(m): 10:44pm On Jan 08, 2017
sometimes, u people always failed to resist the temptation of pointing to ones family. I understand that 'respect' is not part of your culture, but you could have trained urself.

Now, back to your comment, I understand how using a 2G internet powered Java phone could be stressful for you, so, opening a thread, and commenting is just like a flash.
but hey...

I didn't like when afonja's claim respect is part of their culture but I don't see it. You think lie down to greet your father is a sign of respect? That's hypocrisy bro.
I currently am staying in an afonja territory and I don't see any sign of respect you guys claim to have

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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by obailala(m): 10:54pm On Jan 08, 2017

Being verbose with words is becoming a trend i see undecided

Since you've established that it is this current recession you're referring to when you used the phrase "laid the foundation' please backdate this recession to the previous government with the objective of establishing causality using a timeline if you may because economic simpletons like me find lofty and long stretched opinions difficult to conceptualise!
And oh! To help me avoid the "crafty hypocrite's" trap too.

I patiently await your academic analysis
A simplified breakdown of my opinion on the matter, contrary to Reno's exoneration of his own boss, the last admin also had a major role to play in getting us to the current mess we find ourselves in the country.

cc: luvinhubby

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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by BraniacX(m): 10:55pm On Jan 08, 2017

haha But u know am black nah nd de gods reveal things to me so u can't hide something from me under any pretense

Well you've already missed many points sorry to say, this will imply that if i want you to sell yourself to me, i will draft a contract promising you N1,000,000 covering 300 pages with terms and conditions starting from page 10 and i will write on page 265 that subsequent to your signing the contract, you and anything you earn will belong to me at no further cost to me because i know you won't read that far then i will open to page 295 and give you to sign yourself to me cool

So tell me again, is deceiving you that simple? undecided
Are you that kind of black man?


Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by Ten12(m): 11:00pm On Jan 08, 2017

Well you've already missed many points sorry to say, this will imply that if i want you to sell yourself to me, i will draft a contract promising you N1,000,000 covering 300 pages with terms and conditions starting from page 10 and i will write on page 265 that subsequent to your signing the contract, you and anything you earn will belong to me at no further cost to me because i know you won't read that far then i will open to page 295 and give you to sign yourself to me cool

So tell me again, is deceiving you that simple? undecided
Are you that kind of black man?

Even more simple than that...please bro just go ahead nd decieve me with such contract documents I promise I wunt read it....if I hear
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by BraniacX(m): 11:07pm On Jan 08, 2017

Another rat just left his hole.
Mr Omokiri, thank your stars that majority of Nigerians are incredibly ignorant so there is always a segment of the population especially the unintelligent ones who read from your likes, FFk, Abati etc the same media hawks of the previous administration that looked on in silence when they looted us blind is now telling us what wrong this administration is doing to us.
Left for me, you dont deserve any response but I cant wait when you will join some folks in Prison. For the benefit of the unintelligent Nigerians who can barely think for themselves.

** Dangote lost money to the devaluation of the Naira, an economic move necessitated by forex shortages, all our oil producing competitors both OPEC and non OPEC did the same so why do you think Nigeria will have a different solution?
Your boss Jonathan between August 2014 when crude price halved, till May 2015, he devalued the naira from 197 to 220 to a dollar, may be he was stup!d as well.
The man who was tasked with the policy implementation allegedly made a mess of it, the CBN governor not Buhari. He was hired by your boss Jonathan not Buhari so if you and Dangote have any issues with his implementation framework it behooves common sense to write to one of the left overs of your boss's incompetence.

Back to Dangote, while you and I were losing money (ie if you are not too dumb to realise you lost money too) to devaluation, Dangote got more FG concessions than any other Nigerian company I know of, so if Dangote lost money where he made money due to unavoidable circumstances, in insurance it is called "act of God" regardless of what Dangote says in Kenya.

** The crisis in Southern Kaduna though regrettable due to the wanton loss of lives however can be bifurcated in two national security canopies. The herdsmen brigandage and the Shia rampage.
The herdsmen brigandage has gotten the attention of Buhari and the NA has launched Operation Mesa to combat it so far since they started the SE has not been attacked, for kaduna, operation Yaki was launched for the same purpose, personally something is done about the situation and sane Nigerians know that.

What baffles me as a Nigerian is that herdsmen went on rampage under the previous administration you served, as always, nothing was done and mischievous people like you developed leprosy that incapacitated you from writing the same way you are writing unde r the current administration, do you think we are stup!d?
Don't you think that the current herdsmen challenge is a carry over of the inactions and incompetence of the government you served? We have forgiven you guys but do not distract this government that still have the sincerity of purpose to do the right things.

On the Shia rampage, unlike the incompetent administration you served that slept with Boko haram for 4yrs this administration will not do the same, Iran is a huge threat to any country with substansive Sunni population using its Shia minions, so far they have destabilised 7 countries in the middle east, unless you want us to have an Ansarulla Allah or a Hezbollah in our back yard, The present administration has our mandate to crush any clandestine uprising .

**On Anti corruption, I am shocked that an appendage of the previous administration will wish to enlighten us on selective Justice. Where was Justice when your administration was stealing from us?
Incase you are too dumb to notice, the Nigerian people you have been stealing from have decided to bring a government that will teach you guys a lesson, its judgement day baby!! get used to it.

** Babachair Lawal has been stripped of almost all his responsibilities while we wait the outcome of the investigations.

Others should forgive the ad hominem but with this particular maggot i take no prisoners angry

Have you forgotten the arguments we used to have pre-election? How you fought hard each time to illogically justify and rationalise every irrational and outlandish claim the APC made on their campaign trail? undecided

Talking about holes............... When are you crawling back into your slimy cesspit of lies, deceits and untruths?

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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by Blaqchild4eva(m): 11:07pm On Jan 08, 2017
I need not to start writing epistle. Kindly answer this question...

Did GEJ borrowed money to pay civil servant's salary or not?

I think it's a wrong postulation from you to state that the nation was already headed into recession before Buhari took charge. How can a nation whose economic indices were on a progressive growth during Gej be headed for recession. It grew to the point that it became the third fastest growing economy in the whole world.
Let's stop falling for the cheap propaganda APC and Buhari wants us to believe.
The truth is that every thing needed to reverse the economy of any thriving nation was experimented by Buhari on assumption of power. Some of these reverse gear policies and actions included:
1, Spending over 7 months to set up a ministerial team to drive the economy
2, Putting square pegs in round holes in the ministerial slots. None of the ministers were appointed in their areas of competence, this will lead to further loss of time to understand their sector and ofcourse, being novice in their sectors, they were at the mercy of the perm secs and DGs who were doing their 'deals" under the ministers' nose. A typical example was the budget padding.
3, Going to the international scene to label your country as criminals with only you as the saint will certainly scare away investors.
4, Outrighting banning of Forex to users and parallel markets automatically caused scarcity of forex which in turn caused the free fall of the naira against major currencies. That effect is responsible for 80 percent of the rising cost of goods and services today.
5, The division of the country on tribal lines with his unguarded comments. Since you and I agree that oil is still our sole source of income, there is a reason why previous govts treat the Niger delta, the goose that lays the golden egg with caution. You don't go to the foreign media to announce that the region that produce the wealth can not receive dividends of your govt because they voted their son and not you. In other words, you will take their wealth and develop your region and ignore them. The resultant effect was the bombing of pipelines which saw to the great decline of national income.
6, The sacrificing of merit on the altar of tribal bigotry. There are key offices and appointments you don't make based on tribal or any form of sentiment. Such offices are key but Buhari on assumption brought to fore his tribal bigotry. People who could have handled some key sectors were overlooked for 'brothers from the North's who had no experience in running dynamic systems like ours.

The list is endless. Buhari is purely responsible for the mess he has plunged this nation into.

He claims there was no money when he took over.
Obj received paltry USD 3bn from abdulsalaam yet we had no recession. He receives USD 30bn from Gej and he plunges the nation into recession.

He claims oil price fell at his tenure. Oil has been selling at an average of USD 55 per barrel. It sold for about USD 26 to USD 30 in yaradua and Gej respectively, yet we didn't enter recession.

At what point will it be clear to the likes of you that Buhari is solely responsible for our predicament

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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by ITbomb(m): 11:07pm On Jan 08, 2017
Like I said earlier, your setimental attachment to GEJ will not let you discern even the best explanations with the clearest facts and figures.

I have never seen someone from the other divide being this objective with facts.
I thought they were all zombies just waiting for instructions from the zonal social media influencer
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by BraniacX(m): 11:20pm On Jan 08, 2017
Stop being half smart. The economy was clearly on a decline b4 handover.

Clearly how?
I obviously didn't see it decline back then

Do you mind sharing your cyclopean or is it horussic insight with me? undecided

1 Like

Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by BraniacX(m): 11:23pm On Jan 08, 2017

Even more simple than that...please bro just go ahead nd decieve me with such contract documents I promise I wunt read it....if I hear

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha grin grin grin

You for no read am nau cheesy
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by Stone03: 11:24pm On Jan 08, 2017

If you think that the recession we are in now has nothing to do with the initial inactions and "trial and error"policies of the present government have nothing to do with the current economic situation then I think you are not being completely honest.

You can pull out the figures and display here we are all waiting and lets see how bad this present government have driven the economy into the gutter. I am patiently waiting.

On a side note: if I remember correctly during the campaign period APC listed out your position on the economy and promised to turn things around. If they knew things were not working and agreed to fix it, why on earth would you want to give them a pass now and not hold them accountable for their inefficiencies?

One problem of this nation is having people that reason the way you do. I think that putting you through does not worth it because your type is so mischievous & bent on destroying the truth. Mr ignorant, where was our nation in global economic rating during the past government & where are we now? If you can offset this view, u can convince an erudite person that there is a bright sunshine in 11pm.
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by gohome: 11:30pm On Jan 08, 2017

Another rat just left his hole.
Mr Omokiri, thank your stars that majority of Nigerians are incredibly ignorant so there is always a segment of the population especially the unintelligent ones who read from your likes, FFk, Abati etc the same media hawks of the previous administration that looked on in silence when they looted us blind is now telling us what wrong this administration is doing to us.
Left for me, you dont deserve any response but I cant wait when you will join some folks in Prison. For the benefit of the unintelligent Nigerians who can barely think for themselves.

** Dangote lost money to the devaluation of the Naira, an economic move necessitated by forex shortages, all our oil producing competitors both OPEC and non OPEC did the same so why do you think Nigeria will have a different solution?
Your boss Jonathan between August 2014 when crude price halved, till May 2015, he devalued the naira from 197 to 220 to a dollar, may be he was stup!d as well.
The man who was tasked with the policy implementation allegedly made a mess of it, the CBN governor not Buhari. He was hired by your boss Jonathan not Buhari so if you and Dangote have any issues with his implementation framework it behooves common sense to write to one of the left overs of your boss's incompetence.

Back to Dangote, while you and I were losing money (ie if you are not too dumb to realise you lost money too) to devaluation, Dangote got more FG concessions than any other Nigerian company I know of, so if Dangote lost money where he made money due to unavoidable circumstances, in insurance it is called "act of God" regardless of what Dangote says in Kenya.

** The crisis in Southern Kaduna though regrettable due to the wanton loss of lives however can be bifurcated in two national security canopies. The herdsmen brigandage and the Shia rampage.
The herdsmen brigandage has gotten the attention of Buhari and the NA has launched Operation Mesa to combat it so far since they started the SE has not been attacked, for kaduna, operation Yaki was launched for the same purpose, personally something is done about the situation and sane Nigerians know that.

What baffles me as a Nigerian is that herdsmen went on rampage under the previous administration you served, as always, nothing was done and mischievous people like you developed leprosy that incapacitated you from writing the same way you are writing unde r the current administration, do you think we are stup!d?
Don't you think that the current herdsmen challenge is a carry over of the inactions and incompetence of the government you served? We have forgiven you guys but do not distract this government that still have the sincerity of purpose to do the right things.

On the Shia rampage, unlike the incompetent administration you served that slept with Boko haram for 4yrs this administration will not do the same, Iran is a huge threat to any country with substansive Sunni population using its Shia minions, so far they have destabilised 7 countries in the middle east, unless you want us to have an Ansarulla Allah or a Hezbollah in our back yard, The present administration has our mandate to crush any clandestine uprising .

**On Anti corruption, I am shocked that an appendage of the previous administration will wish to enlighten us on selective Justice. Where was Justice when your administration was stealing from us?
Incase you are too dumb to notice, the Nigerian people you have been stealing from have decided to bring a government that will teach you guys a lesson, its judgement day baby!! get used to it.

** Babachair Lawal has been stripped of almost all his responsibilities while we wait the outcome of the investigations.

Haha, look at this F.o.o.l.
Hope you remember me. If you do, I am sure you know why I call you in big F.o.o.l.

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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by MONITZ: 11:32pm On Jan 08, 2017

It's not for children.
Lalasticlala, this editorial has been trending on both mass and social media.

Nice reply, since this is not about celebrities they won't bother to read thru properly, the white man once said that if u don't want the black man to see sth then hide it in a book.. He who takes his time to read is always abreast and ahead of his peers w. r. t information..

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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by BraniacX(m): 11:35pm On Jan 08, 2017
I need not to start writing epistle. Kindly answer this question...

Did GEJ borrowed money to pay civil servant's salary or not?

And whenever or in what economic book or new economy theory/thesis did borrowing to fund recurrent expenditure within one quarter of one fiscal year out of five fiscal years translate into recession or as obailala put it "laying the foundation for recession"? undecided the U.S doubled their debt profile by about $10trillion in the past 8years under obama and apart from the first year or two when they were battling an actual recession, they were never in recession despite being heavily indebted!

What kind of economics did they even teach you in school or are you just bandying the word "recession" about without appreciating its true significance and meaning?

I remember when the previous administration was trying to market itself and Nigeria as having made giant economic strides but the opposition were busy shouting that all the gains were not real but just on paper and of no impact to everyday Nigerians, back then when the term "economy" was just a vague surreal concept but today, under the former opposition, the impact of the economy isn't surreal, it has become the reality we struggle to survive everyday

How is that for turning a smile upside down? undecided

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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by ReubenE(m): 11:37pm On Jan 08, 2017

I would ve loved to ignore ur remarks about me been childish but for de sake of de ignorant people hitting de like button let me educate u.. De problem with most of you social media politicians/moralist is dat u never see anything gud in others including ur mr Reno who has refused to come to terms with de fact that Lai mohameds propaganda machine burried his(Reno) new age ideas hense he could not market his boss very well prior to 2015 general election.. Reno failed to let Nigerians know about the intelligent agricultural revolution which saw de fertilizer scam be a thing of de past nd introduced de double rice planting season in Nigeria, Reno nd ur likes were busy thinking Jega will automatically declare his boss winner hence he failed to let Nigerian know de success made in de fight against terrorism..while Reno nd ur likes were busy counting rocks in Abuja he allowed de opposition propaganda machine hijack de chibok girls incidence sold it to de world and permanently destroyed his boss image nd administration in de international scene, u should ve told Reno to tell his boss den to vehemently defend members of his cabinate rather than let Stella odua go thereby establishing case of incompetence and corruption against his own cabinate...did Reno sing it like a song wen he had de time to let Nigerians know about de power plants, transmission lines, de dams nd de unbundling of de power sector laudable achievements by his boss..no he was sleeping in de villa thinking dat power is given not taken,..yes dangote was Africa's riches by monopolizing de cements industry in Nigeria ripping you nd i off as was been supervised by den administration does not mean dat this administration has not made Adenuga a gentle business man to replace him...look my dear before you call me an apc person, am a card carrying member of de leading opposition party nd a real life politician..move beyond social media nd accept ur failure
Apt....well done.

For Reno to be taken seriously, he should do away with the name Jonathan and concentrate more on the damage done by the APC led administration.
This endless comparison will make him look like a pained loser. After all, he had all the time in the world to market his boss to Nigerians, but failed to do so. I guess he was obsessed with the power of incumbency and what it can do as far as the Nigerian polity is concerned.

It is almost two years after the elections, Reno should wake up to the reality that no matter what happens now, his boss is not coming back, focus should be on how the current government can improve the lives of Nigerians and not these litany of comparisons whether Jonathan was a better leader.

At the end of the day, the good things Jonathan did was for Nigeria, and not for one individual or party to praise him.
His contribution is acknowledged by all who are familiar with his policies. Like I said before, Jonathan is a Nigerian and he did the little he could for Nigeria. His time is gone and now is the time for others to contribute their lot.
Reno, take note


Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by Ten12(m): 11:43pm On Jan 08, 2017

Apt....well done.

For Reno to be taken seriously, he should do away with the name Jonathan and concentrate more on the damage done by the APC led administration.
This endless comparison will make him look like a pained loser. After all, he had all the time in the world to market his boss to Nigerians, but failed to do so. I guess he was obsessed with the power of incumbency and what it can do as far as the Nigerian polity is concerned.

It is almost two years after the elections, Reno should wake up to the reality that no matter what happens now, his boss is not coming back, focus should be on how the current government can improve the lives of Nigerians and not these litany of comparisons whether Jonathan was a better leader.

At the end of the day, the good things Jonathan did was for Nigeria, and not for one individual or party to praise him.
His contribution is acknowledged by all who are familiar with his policies. Like I said before, Jonathan is a Nigerian and he did the little he could for Nigeria. His time is gone and now is the time for others to contribute their lot.
Reno, take note

Bar man...abeg give dis bro 1 chilled gulder dia..de man de objective nd im get brain..na my man u be

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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by BraniacX(m): 11:49pm On Jan 08, 2017
A simplified breakdown of my opinion on the matter, contrary to Reno's exoneration of his own boss, the last admin also had a major role to play in getting us to the current mess we find ourselves in the country.

cc: luvinhubby

Remember i am asking for academic analysis not conjectures or theories which you will timeline with statistics, records of economic interventions (or lack of it) and their effects on the economic indices being assessed, and you will backdate it to the previous admin to establish causality that is beyond any reasonable or unreasonable doubt undecided

And for the purpose of disambiguity, recession means negative economic growth, coupled with hyper-inflation, sharp increases in the unemployment rate and low job creation (apart from economic growth, the rest are associated indices not necessarily canon). Fluctuations in positive growth that do not enter the zone of negative growth therefore won't count as recession!

I await your elucidation as your avid student! undecided

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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by Sibrah: 11:52pm On Jan 08, 2017

Clearly how?
I obviously didn't see it decline back then

Do you mind sharing your cyclopean or is it horussic insight with me? undecided
for example dollar was going for N230, states were owing salaries due to allocation shortfall, marketers too were owed huge arrears.
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by Nobody: 12:03am On Jan 09, 2017
cheesy Unfortunately they are not just children, but kids who are hopelessly addicted to media porn. They are totally aversed to both reason and reading.

These are the jambite I don't give a f crew
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by Nobody: 12:25am On Jan 09, 2017

I think it's a wrong postulation from you to state that the nation was already headed into recession before Buhari took charge. How can a nation whose economic indices were on a progressive growth during Gej be headed for recession. It grew to the point that it became the third fastest growing economy in the whole world.
Let's stop falling for the cheap propaganda APC and Buhari wants us to believe.
The truth is that every thing needed to reverse the economy of any thriving nation was experimented by Buhari on assumption of power. Some of these reverse gear policies and actions included:
1, Spending over 7 months to set up a ministerial team to drive the economy
2, Putting square pegs in round holes in the ministerial slots. None of the ministers were appointed in their areas of competence, this will lead to further loss of time to understand their sector and ofcourse, being novice in their sectors, they were at the mercy of the perm secs and DGs who were doing their 'deals" under the ministers' nose. A typical example was the budget padding.
3, Going to the international scene to label your country as criminals with only you as the saint will certainly scare away investors.
4, Outrighting banning of Forex to users and parallel markets automatically caused scarcity of forex which in turn caused the free fall of the naira against major currencies. That effect is responsible for 80 percent of the rising cost of goods and services today.
5, The division of the country on tribal lines with his unguarded comments. Since you and I agree that oil is still our sole source of income, there is a reason why previous govts treat the Niger delta, the goose that lays the golden egg with caution. You don't go to the foreign media to announce that the region that produce the wealth can not receive dividends of your govt because they voted their son and not you. In other words, you will take their wealth and develop your region and ignore them. The resultant effect was the bombing of pipelines which saw to the great decline of national income.
6, The sacrificing of merit on the altar of tribal bigotry. There are key offices and appointments you don't make based on tribal or any form of sentiment. Such offices are key but Buhari on assumption brought to fore his tribal bigotry. People who could have handled some key sectors were overlooked for 'brothers from the North's who had no experience in running dynamic systems like ours.

The list is endless. Buhari is purely responsible for the mess he has plunged this nation into.

He claims there was no money when he took over.
Obj received paltry USD 3bn from abdulsalaam yet we had no recession. He receives USD 30bn from Gej and he plunges the nation into recession.

He claims oil price fell at his tenure. Oil has been selling at an average of USD 55 per barrel. It sold for about USD 26 to USD 30 in yaradua and Gej respectively, yet we didn't enter recession.

At what point will it be clear to the likes of you that Buhari is solely responsible for our predicament

No homo man! You spoke the gospel truth, have you seen Donald Trump's cabinet? That man means business. Unlike the Fulani man that chose dalung and ogbeh.


Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by InvertedHammer: 1:08am On Jan 09, 2017
Using Dangote's wealth as an economic index is ignorant.
Afterall Adenuga's networth increased during this PMB's government.
If Dangote is an astute businessman, this is the time to prove it instead of relying on import waivers and concessions from FGN to monopolize vital sectors of the economy.

Companies like AIT, Arik, etc. are going belly up because the only lifeline they had was free/looted funds from government. The owners are no good businessmen but money launderers and opportunists.


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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by jpphilips(m): 1:16am On Jan 09, 2017

Others should forgive the ad hominem but with this particular maggot i take no prisoners angry

Have you forgotten the arguments we used to have pre-election? How you fought hard each time to illogically justify and rationalise every irrational and outlandish claim the APC made on their campaign trail? undecided

Talking about holes............... When are you crawling back into your slimy cesspit of lies, deceits and untruths?

Glad you can still afford internet services.
Not to worry, Buhari will release celestial feeding bottle for dolts like you.

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Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by obailala(m): 1:48am On Jan 09, 2017

Remember i am asking for academic analysis not conjectures or theories which you will timeline with statistics, records of economic interventions (or lack of it) and their effects on the economic indices being assessed, and you will backdate it to the previous admin to establish causality that is beyond any reasonable or unreasonable doubt undecided

And for the purpose of disambiguity, recession means negative economic growth, coupled with hyper-inflation, sharp increases in the unemployment rate and low job creation (apart from economic growth, the rest are associated indices not necessarily canon). Fluctuations in positive growth that do not enter the zone of negative growth therefore won't count as recession!

I await your elucidation as your avid student! undecided
This issue has been debated exhaustively on this forum but sentiments completely prevent people like you from comprehending simple things.

Oh yes, recession is a period of negative growth. But I think the logic here is quite simple, it is not only where you fall that matters but also where you tripped and where you started falling. A train is accelerating to a brickwall, it is not only when it hits the wall that matters, it also matters where it starts accelerating towards the wall.

With the above being said, I would leave you with this simple chart showing how Nigeria's growth rate was already plunging into the realm of recession before the last admin bailed out. I dont think I need to explain anything here.

Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by Myself2(m): 4:22am On Jan 09, 2017

It's not for children.
Lalasticlala, this editorial has been trending on both mass and social media.

Or dull brains like them grin grin cheesy cheesy
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by labykago: 4:44am On Jan 09, 2017

Another rat just left his hole.
Mr Omokiri, thank your stars that majority of Nigerians are incredibly ignorant so there is always a segment of the population especially the unintelligent ones who read from your likes, FFk, Abati etc the same media hawks of the previous administration that looked on in silence when they looted us blind is now telling us what wrong this administration is doing to us.
Left for me, you dont deserve any response but I cant wait when you will join some folks in Prison. For the benefit of the unintelligent Nigerians who can barely think for themselves.

** Dangote lost money to the devaluation of the Naira, an economic move necessitated by forex shortages, all our oil producing competitors both OPEC and non OPEC did the same so why do you think Nigeria will have a different solution?
Your boss Jonathan between August 2014 when crude price halved, till May 2015, he devalued the naira from 197 to 220 to a dollar, may be he was stup!d as well.
The man who was tasked with the policy implementation allegedly made a mess of it, the CBN governor not Buhari. He was hired by your boss Jonathan not Buhari so if you and Dangote have any issues with his implementation framework it behooves common sense to write to one of the left overs of your boss's incompetence.

Back to Dangote, while you and I were losing money (ie if you are not too dumb to realise you lost money too) to devaluation, Dangote got more FG concessions than any other Nigerian company I know of, so if Dangote lost money where he made money due to unavoidable circumstances, in insurance it is called "act of God" regardless of what Dangote says in Kenya.

** The crisis in Southern Kaduna though regrettable due to the wanton loss of lives however can be bifurcated in two national security canopies. The herdsmen brigandage and the Shia rampage.
The herdsmen brigandage has gotten the attention of Buhari and the NA has launched Operation Mesa to combat it so far since they started the SE has not been attacked, for kaduna, operation Yaki was launched for the same purpose, personally something is done about the situation and sane Nigerians know that.

What baffles me as a Nigerian is that herdsmen went on rampage under the previous administration you served, as always, nothing was done and mischievous people like you developed leprosy that incapacitated you from writing the same way you are writing unde r the current administration, do you think we are stup!d?
Don't you think that the current herdsmen challenge is a carry over of the inactions and incompetence of the government you served? We have forgiven you guys but do not distract this government that still have the sincerity of purpose to do the right things.

On the Shia rampage, unlike the incompetent administration you served that slept with Boko haram for 4yrs this administration will not do the same, Iran is a huge threat to any country with substansive Sunni population using its Shia minions, so far they have destabilised 7 countries in the middle east, unless you want us to have an Ansarulla Allah or a Hezbollah in our back yard, The present administration has our mandate to crush any clandestine uprising .

**On Anti corruption, I am shocked that an appendage of the previous administration will wish to enlighten us on selective Justice. Where was Justice when your administration was stealing from us?
Incase you are too dumb to notice, the Nigerian people you have been stealing from have decided to bring a government that will teach you guys a lesson, its judgement day baby!! get used to it.

** Babachair Lawal has been stripped of almost all his responsibilities while we wait the outcome of the investigations.
ZOMBIE angry
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by KINGwax007(m): 5:30am On Jan 09, 2017

I didn't like when afonja's claim respect is part of their culture but I don't see it. You think lie down to greet your father is a sign of respect? That's hypocrisy bro.
I currently am staying in an afonja territory and I don't see any sign of respect you guys claim to have
oh, good to one u stay in afonja territory... grin that's good news. U have also come join your brothers to sell gala and lacasera. grin
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by Rocketicon(m): 6:43am On Jan 09, 2017
True talk..... Dis man is always reasoning in the right direction
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by luvinhubby(m): 6:54am On Jan 09, 2017
This issue has been debated exhaustively on this forum but sentiments completely prevent people like you from comprehending simple things.

Oh yes, recession is a period of negative growth. But I think the logic here is quite simple, it is not only where you fall that matters but also where you tripped and where you started falling. A train is accelerating to a brickwall, it is not only when it hits the wall that matters, it also matters where it starts accelerating towards the wall.

With the above being said, I would leave you with this simple chart showing how Nigeria's growth rate was already plunging into the realm of recession before the last admin bailed out. I dont think I need to explain anything here.


The indices slowed down but never went into a reverse mode.
A driver took control of a vehicle going North at a slowed down speed and instead of maintaining the motion he met, engages the vehicle in the reverse gear and heads down South has nobody but himself to blame for the act of reverse gear that changed the vehicle direction.
Your chart says so of Buhari.
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by jinxet2000: 7:28am On Jan 09, 2017
Every case against this government has reached the point of nothing humanly possible to do. 2019 we must vote the corrupt government out by all means.
Re: President Buhari's Double Standard Syndrome. By Reno Omokiri by Mbediogu(m): 7:29am On Jan 09, 2017
Reno Omokiri

Leadership matters in the development of nations. Today Aliko Dangote is worth less than half of what he was worth under former President Jonathan. He was worth $25 billion in 2014 and is now worth $12.4 billion today! Listen to the words spoken by Aliko Dangote about President Jonathan on Friday the 6th of September, 2013 in Nairobi while speaking to the political and business elite of Kenya: “As you all know, without good policies of government, there is no way a person like me from a big town like Kano can rise from a humble beginning to become the 25th richest person on earth. Without the policies of President Jonathan and also making sure that there is consistency in the policies of the government, this could not have happened”.

I wonder what Africa’s richest man would say about President Muhammadu Buhari behind closed doors. Hardly (or never) has a country deteriorated so speedily as Nigeria has under the stewardship (if you can call it that) of President Muhammadu Buhari. In just eighteen months, President Buhari has become the poster boy for the adage that it takes time to build but little or no time to destroy. And it is not just on the economic side that things have unraveled. Social justice, human rights and fundamental freedoms are all being rolled back under this administration.

Name your dog Buhari in today’s Nigeria and you will be diligently prosecuted but commit genocide in Southern Kaduna and you won’t even be charged! Openly behead a female evangelist and your case may be dismissed even if you are charged, but criticise a governor, who himself criticises wildly, and be speedily charged to court. Accuse PDP politicians and security forces arrest them before investigation. Produce proof of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation’s alleged corruption and the same forces are suddenly paralysed. Welcome to President Buhari’s new and improved Nigeria. Under President Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria practices a dual legal system where the All Progressives Congress politicians are innocent until proven innocent. If you doubt me, then ask Rotimi Amaechi and Babachir Lawal who are attending Federal Executive Council to decide the fate of Nigeria while Femi Fani-Kayode and Olisa Metuh are in and out of court. Alas!

Corruption cannot kill corruption. When you fight corruption with double standard, it is not corruption you kill, but your integrity. And while the Southern Kaduna killings rage on and go seemingly unnoticed by our President, I was shocked to read that the Presidency had issued a statement condemning the recent death in police custody of Tochukwu Nnadi in South Africa. Not that I am happy that Tochukwu was killed. Far from it. I am sad. Very sad. But why condemn one death in South Africa and remain silent on genocide in Southern Kaduna? And then it finally hitme! If you are a Nigerian and you want the government of President Muhammadu Buhari to condemn your killing, you better make sure your killers kill you in Southern Africa and not in Southern Kaduna!

Still on Kaduna, I am particularly pained because I saw it coming. My grouse about the Christian Association of Nigeria which refused to heed the warnings of many of us who saw the direction the nation was and is still heading and gave strong warnings. I publicly warned the Body of Christ immediately after the killings of hundreds of Shiites (according to the official Kaduna White Paper on the killings which declared that over 300 Shiites were killed) that if we did not speak up for Shiites, our turn would come too. With what is happening now in Southern Kaduna, did I lie? You should not wait until injustice touches you before you speak up for justice! That is a lesson the world learnt from Germany when the SS kept on coming for one group or the other until there was no one left to talk again.

And the double standard continues to manifest themselves everywhere. For instance, it did not take the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and the DSS this long to investigate and arrest PDP politicians. Why the foot-dragging on Babachir, the Baba of IDP funds? Why is he allowed to continue in office during his investigation, yet the same Presidency wanted accused judges to step down during theirs? Is there one rule for Babachir and another rule for the perceived enemies of President Muhammadu Buhari? One would think that a man accused of stealing from IDPs would be expeditiously investigated and tried. Or is it a case of when I see the broom I will pass over? When Stella Oduah and Barth Nnaji were accused of corruption (and a mere conflict of interest in the case of Nnaji), then President Goodluck Jonathan asked them to resign within weeks. Today, our so-called anti-corruption president, Muhammadu Buhari, is waiting for ‘further investigations’ before moving against the famous grass cutter, Babachir Lawal.With the likes of Rotimi Amaechi, who spent half a million hosting Wole Soyinka, I guess N270 million to allegedly clear grass for IDPs is no big deal to President Muhammadu Buhari!

And the same government that arrested several newspaper publishers and proprietors and also forced them to refund monies that they received for public relations and media agency is now doing something similar in a case of do as I say, don’t do as I do.
The Buhari administration budgeted N180 million to ‘facilitate appearances with social media influencers’. This from a so-called anti-corruption regime! After ‘facilitating’ the Social Media influencers with these taxpayers’ millions, the same administration sends the EFCC to arrest its political opponents for ‘facilitating’ their own media associates! Apparently, this administration wants a monopoly on ‘facilitation’ and jealously guards the monopoly using law enforcement agents paid with our tax Naira. Even conservative global media houses now feel compelled to write about the double standard that exists in Nigeria under President Buhari because they are so glaring to the point of being blatant. Writing in December 2016 for instance, Bloomberg had this to say about Buhari’s Nigeria: “Out of 17 top positions in the army, navy, air force and other security agencies, (only) three are from the south.” This is coming from a foreign news medium! Look at the excuse the President gave for not attending the South-east Economic and Security Summit in Enugu. In an official statement, the Presidency said “stakeholders from the South- east came and advised him (the President) not go in view of the closeness of the date to Christmas; that given the sensitivity of the period to the people, a presidential visit may come with over exertion and possibly, be disruptive of Christmas.”

Even if you must lie, must the lie be so unintelligent? The President did not attend and did not send a representative because “of the closeness of the date to Christmas”, yet he still approved the military and paramilitary’ Operation Python Dance which made 2016 the worst year for South easterners since the civil war ended 47 years ago! And yet when the same President was compelled by bad weather to cancel his state visit to Bauchi State on December 29, 2016, he felt moved enough to tape a video message in Hausa, explaining to the people of Bauchi why he was unable to come and apologising to them profusely. You may recall that President Buhari got something like 97% of the votes of Bauchi State but only got less than 5% of the votes of the South-eastern states. Those who thought the President was joking in July 23, 2015 when he said “the constituents, for example, gave me 97% cannot in all honesty be treated on some issues with constituencies that gave me 5%” now know that our President was speaking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Fellow Nigerians, brace up. Double standard is now an official state policy!

We're is the Billy goat of Ukpor? Where is Hausaman of Ogboko Imo?

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