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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? (1941 Views)
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Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by holuwajobar(m): 6:06am On Jan 15, 2017 |
There is no precise biblical answer to this question, but we can offer some ideas. First of all, when God made Adam and Eve they were sinless and, basically, physically perfect. When sin entered the world there was an obviously harmful effect upon their bodies; they died. Genetically speaking, when they were first made their health was so good that their natural inclination was to live a long time. But since sin is in the world and it has an effect on people (we get sick, grow old, and die), some have said that genetic mutations (which occur with the birth of every new person) are passed down from parent to child. With each passing generation, new genetic problems are introduced and an accumulation of them over many generations has contributed to our shortened life spans. Another theory is that before the flood there was a canopy of water vapor encompassing the whole world. Some theologians think there was no direct sunlight on Earth, and that instead the sun's rays were refracted through this water vapor canopy and a diffused light passed through the clouds and lit the world. This refraction produced plenty of light for our planet, but as the theory goes, it also filtered out some harmful cosmic rays that contributed to us dying sooner than we should. In the flood of Noah's time, the Bible says that the floodgates of the sky were opened ( Gen. 7:11). This implies that a great amount of rain fell; hence, the idea of a canopy of water vapor suspended in the sky. After the flood the canopy disappeared and the full brunt of cosmic rays fell upon the earth, so people's life spans were shortened. At least, this is how the theory goes. Finally, in Genesis 6:3God says, "My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years." It might be possible that God shortened the lifespan of man because of man's great wickedness. After all, the flood came soon after this statement of God. It is also possible that the 120 years was prophetic... that's how many years were left until the flood was to occur. So, though we don't know exactly why the people of the Old Testament lived so long, we can offer some good explanations
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by nawa4naija(m): 6:11am On Jan 15, 2017 |
because they werent as corrupt as you are |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by Kondomatic(m): 6:12am On Jan 15, 2017 |
Insightful. |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by holuwajobar(m): 6:14am On Jan 15, 2017 |
nawa4naija:...u min dy were nt corrupt as we r |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by Coyotejack(m): 6:15am On Jan 15, 2017 |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by ifex370(m): 6:20am On Jan 15, 2017 |
Sin consciousness.. |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by holuwajobar(m): 6:23am On Jan 15, 2017 |
ifex370:....buh adam and eve av sin before methuselah was born.....still methuselah lived 969 years on earth. |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by Raiders: 6:26am On Jan 15, 2017 |
They live older than us because the bible is not real. Those characters in the bible never existed. no Human has lived more than 200 years |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by holuwajobar(m): 6:29am On Jan 15, 2017 |
Raiders:.....u r sayin ur idea....buh bible stories are real..... |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by ifex370(m): 6:29am On Jan 15, 2017 |
holuwajobar: I didn't say it was sin.. I said it was the consciousness of sin.. Long before The Lord Almighty said Mans days shall be A hundred and twenty..Notice it was after the flood God said this Methuselah lived the longest cos of the mercies of God.. His name actually meant 'His death shall bring' Bring Judgement upon the earth *and Methuselah begat Noah.. After his death came the flood.. So back to the long living.. The new testament says.. And where there was no law God didn't input sin upon man.. The law came by Moses.. But God didn't input sin upon those that lived before |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by Kondomatic(m): 6:31am On Jan 15, 2017 |
Raiders:You need to restart reading history books. |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by holuwajobar(m): 6:32am On Jan 15, 2017 |
ifex370:....dah methuselah life was jez a waste...coz d oly tin d bible recorded abt im was his age....does it min he ddnt do anitin fr God |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by ifex370(m): 6:32am On Jan 15, 2017 |
Raiders: The Bible is the most accurate book ever written.. Gods word has layers upon layers of insights.. Am always astonished at its accuracy 1 Like |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by ifex370(m): 6:37am On Jan 15, 2017 |
holuwajobar: It wasn't a waste.. God used Methuselah for evangelism.. Through his name *His death shall bring Because the earth was becoming more corrupted.. Flesh wise... Angels sleeping with women n producing half breed creatures.. God wasn't pleased because the line of our saviour Jesus.. May have been corrupted in that process.. So God wiped out the earth.. After he found just Noah blameless ( blameless here meant in his body.. As in gene wise.. Noah n his family were the only remaining pure human stalk.. ) not even in conduct as some preachers preach.. And God used Noah's lineage to continue to the birth of his son |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by ifex370(m): 6:42am On Jan 15, 2017 |
Let's preach the message of Grace and salvation to all men.. Christ is Lord.. Christ has justified us through His death before God.. God no longer holds our sin's against us ROM 4:8... You are free from the power of sin and death.. If you continue to look unto Jesus.. He will give you the power to live in righteousness and reign in life.. Not by our own effort's.. Through the holy spirit.. And being transformed to His likeness will bring forth is glory to all men That is the Gospel.. That is the Good news.. Hallelujah 1 Like |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by holuwajobar(m): 6:43am On Jan 15, 2017 |
ifex370:....i now understand u...Thanks |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by Kakamorufu(m): 6:53am On Jan 15, 2017 |
even after the flood, some still live close to 1k years. The water vapour suspended in d sky is false. Maybe its cos there were less sin in the earth back then. |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by benzics(m): 6:56am On Jan 15, 2017 |
ifex370:If Jesus died to save us from sin, and we are free from sin, why is there still sin? And why do "people still go to hell"? |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by benzics(m): 6:58am On Jan 15, 2017 |
ifex370:Most accurate? ![]() If we all came from Noah's family, why do we have Asians, Mexicans, blacks, whites, Caucasian?? If you can't answer, then your bible is anything but true and accurate 1 Like |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by benzics(m): 6:59am On Jan 15, 2017 |
Kondomatic:Is Bible a history book or a story book? ![]() |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by benzics(m): 7:00am On Jan 15, 2017 |
holuwajobar:Real in what manner? |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by chuose2: 7:03am On Jan 15, 2017 |
Less sin. Like now marrying gays is becoming the norm. just 30 yrs ago, we will all frown at it. As the weight of sin increases, so does the life expectancy reduce. |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by Karlovich: 7:11am On Jan 15, 2017 |
the same reason why the god of old testament that was appearing every time to his people decided to hide the moment HD cameras were invented. |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by menxer: 7:14am On Jan 15, 2017 |
benzics: Maybe the angels came back and slept with the daughters of Noah to produce the genetic variations in those peoples. ![]() 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by holuwajobar(m): 7:16am On Jan 15, 2017 |
Kakamorufu:....nobody live 1k yrs...d oldest was methuselah 969 yrs old |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by holuwajobar(m): 7:20am On Jan 15, 2017 |
benzics:...mind u..d word of God is full of are His Books |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by Kakamorufu(m): 7:29am On Jan 15, 2017 |
holuwajobar:did u look my comment well, i wrote close too. Aint 969 years almost close to 1k ? |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by ifex370(m): 7:30am On Jan 15, 2017 |
benzics: Jesus died to save us from the power of sin and death... There might still be sin.. But he's death was to set us free from the curse of sin.. That through His righteousness.. We might be made righteous before the Heavenly father.. People go to hell simply because the reject the simplicity of Gods Grace and love.. God didn't sin, we did God didn't lie..we did. And yet he sent Christ to be a propitiation for our sins.. That through believing.. And I repeat.. Just believing.. We would never perish but live after the power of an endless life.. Amen.. The Gospel is so simple 2 cor 11:3.. But God uses the simple things to confound those that see themselves wise |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by ifex370(m): 7:34am On Jan 15, 2017 |
benzics: Most of the time.. We.. Even scientists..realise that before we make a discovery.. God was there already.. The flood story.. Has been scientifically proven.. Science has actually admitted that at a time in history.. The whole earth was covered with water.. You can Google it And about different races / colour skin.. If you travel to the States now and stay for 1000 and produce offsprings.. Down the line.. Your offspring tend to look nothing like the normal noble African race.. Cos of environmental factors |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by benzics(m): 7:46am On Jan 15, 2017 |
ifex370:*facepalm * Do you know that the whole earth is still covered with water? So are you saying the Noah flood is till happening? The earth is basically water! Science discovered god? Can you show me proof? Lol, try eluding with your wife and live in Asia and produce there, even in the next 1million years (as far as you don't marry any other race), you'll still be black! |
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by benzics(m): 7:47am On Jan 15, 2017 |
holuwajobar:Lol, that's how you all escape questions.. Man up, your god is not real!
Re: Why Do People In Old Testament Live Longer? by benzics(m): 7:50am On Jan 15, 2017 |
ifex370:What was the curse of sin? Isn't it death? Then why do people still die? Because apparently, Jesus saved no one! So Jesus set us free from sin, but God still needs us to believe in order to be set free? That means Jesus didn't set us free right? |
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