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Whither The Anti Buhari Hate Comments by glingev(m): 12:28pm On Jan 26, 2017
Recession!!! Boko Haram!!! Chibok girls!!!Kidnapping!!! Budget padding!!! Scarcity of Dollars, Petrol, diesel, gas etc!!! and other vices are now synonymous with the name Nigeria.
I must say that this is the most trying time for the Nigerian economy as the country is in recession and this has resulted in inflation, loss of jobs, crashing of the Naira, insecurity etc and these has left many people frustrated and many have resorted to sabotaging, raining abuses, insulting and using derogatory words on the Nigeria government led by President Mohammed Buhari at every opportunity.

I am also feeling the heat of the current economic crisis and i have no political affiliation but i think these hate comments have gone way too far. The present economic condition we find ourselves is as a result of embezzlement and lack of foresight on the part of previous corrupt leaders and over dependence on crude oil as the major source of revenue.

The government has come up with measures to tackle the present economic recession with its diversification plan which tends to free us from our over dependence on crude oil by looking inwards i.e. encouraging investments in agriculture and exploration of other natural resources and patronising made in Nigeria products.

The result of the diversification effort will not be felt instantaneous and while these and other initiatives are being put in place by government to take Nigeria out of recession and into economic prosperity citizens should rally round and give their support to ensure the success of this administration.

I want to relate the Nigerian situation with that of the Israelites when Moses was appointed by God to lead them out of Egypt, the Israelites got frustrated midway and told Moses to take them back into captivity where they enjoyed 'relatively' not envisaging the freedom and abundance that awaited them in the new land.
The plane (Nigeria) has taken off and is in the hands of the pilot (President Mohammed Buhari) and there is little or nothing the passengers (we the citizens that put him there) can do than to pray we land safely at our desired destination.

To this end I will like to enjoin all (especially the youth-many of who seem from a particular part of the country) to behave maturely and to continue to support this government and instead of insults criticize the government constructively and also seek political alliance to change the status quo if the present government fails, which I pray it doesn't.

God bless Nigeria
Re: Whither The Anti Buhari Hate Comments by delishpot: 12:29pm On Jan 26, 2017
So the current fraud happening is also caused by the past government? Or you think there is no fraud happening now? eg The grass you bought to feed cows, was it GEJ 's Idea? I am not a fan of GEJ but we shouldn't out of sentiment believe fox 1 ate more chickens than the other. Point is, fox number 2 promised NEVER to eat a single chicken. so when you notice the first chicken gone missing and then a few more go missing and you say oh what ever! After all, forx 1 ate more than that, and you wave it aside........... before you know it, your poultry would be empty.
Re: Whither The Anti Buhari Hate Comments by BlackDBagba: 12:31pm On Jan 26, 2017
Did you really write all the above? shocked

Very impressed cool
Re: Whither The Anti Buhari Hate Comments by Kondomatic(m): 12:46pm On Jan 26, 2017
The government has come up with measures to tackle the present economic recession with its diversification plan which tends to free us from our over dependence on crude oil by looking inwards i.e.
Yea, like intensifying the exploration of oil in the North.

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