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US Federal Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban - Foreign Affairs (4) - Nairaland

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Re: US Federal Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban by Kahy1: 7:31pm On Feb 04, 2017
lolzzzz let's see how it works out
Re: US Federal Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban by Doyin2(m): 7:47pm On Feb 04, 2017
What is the essence of ''hitting the ground running'' and then falling?

Public governance is definitely different from corporate governance,it is a marathon and not a sprint race.

The fact that you implement a policy swiftly, does not make it the right policy than the one implemented very late!

Trump should have realized that a constitutional amendment is required,to fulfill his manifesto,concerning immigration!
Re: US Federal Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban by Ugosample(m): 9:17pm On Feb 04, 2017
America is a PURE BRED Christian country.

Only deluded democrats and ungrateful immigrants WISH to dispute that fact.

And, FYI, the current Trump/Pence movement is actually a case of Chriatians taking back their country.

Things will NEVER, EVER remain the same in the US again, for good.

The founding values and the very soul of America is just getting rescued from the crude evil grip of strangers and strange religions.

And guess what, America's capitalism, individuslism, republicanism, and its Judeo-Christian values will (and WITHOUT APOLOGY) be passed on SUPER SUCCESFULLY to the next generation of American populace and leaders.

It's already in their DNA but this time it will be unashamedly engraved right into their collective consciuosness and psyche.

And no amount of childish rants will change anything.

What is this one saying
Christian country indeed
Re: US Federal Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban by abdulmuqsit15(m): 10:19pm On Feb 04, 2017

why do these muslim majority allow their name to be tarnished together with the terrorists.. only when visa is threatened can they come out and shout
ur own point of view, ok oh
Re: US Federal Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban by misterh(m): 10:23pm On Feb 04, 2017

True.. but where were their voices when thousands fell at the World Trade center bombing.?? did you not see millions of muslims celebrating all over the world including Nigeria (Kano) when Osama hit his 1st major target? where were these peaceful protesters then.. i guess the innocent lives lost was not as important as their Green card and american visas.

It is oft claimed that the extremist elements in Islam for less than 0.001 percent of Islam (they are the bad eggs) so why the silence and lack of ACTION from the 99% progressive and peaceful Muslims.. not even a jolt of contribution from our vaunted Islam Section on Nairaland against the violence.. i guess now that their residency is threatened, they feel the need to voice out their opinions.

TRUMP is a bad guy.. but you need a bad guy to fight a nasty situation. The Democrats have had 23 long years to deal with this and things have gotten far worse than before. Let him shake things up a bit. let the petulant hordes stop playing the victim card -- while silently supporting the war against democracy and freedom
So you agree that the United States has repeatedly violated those countries. Heck! They even invaded Iraq against UN resolution and based on a lie- claiming Iraq was building WMD, which turned out to be false. Iraq has never recovered from that invasion and will take decades for it to recover. But America is seen as the victim here. It's okay o. Furthermore, I've not seen people from the affected countries protesting. Those protesting are Americans. Moreso, do you care to show me a clip of the millions of Muslims rejoicing when WTC was attacked? Secondly, even though I'm kinda indifferent to the ban, I feel the ban is biased in the sense that Saudi Arabian citizens who America said carried out the 9/11 attack are not included in the ban. How many Iranian citizens have attacked America? Libya became an ISIS stronghold as a result of NATO's intervention in 2011. Yet, they are forbidden from entering the country that turned them to a wasteland. Somalia is not stable as it has turned to a place where American drones attacks are rampant.

If you think Muslims haven't been condemning terrorism, you haven't looked at the right places. Peep this document, ⬇
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e8BjMW36CMNc4-qc9UNQku0blstZSzp5FMtkdlavqzc/edit?usp=sharing …
Re: US Federal Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban by Nobody: 9:18am On Feb 05, 2017
ur own point of view, ok oh

so differing views is the cause of continued lack of action by muslims and non-muslims to fix a bad situation
Re: US Federal Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban by Origin(f): 12:13pm On Feb 05, 2017
US Entertainment Politics.

Trump kept is campaign promises but the judiciary prevented him from effecting it.

Even a small city has powers in this mordern age.
Re: US Federal Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban by Origin(f): 12:14pm On Feb 05, 2017
US Entertainment Politics.

Trump kept is campaign promises but the judiciary prevented him from effecting it.

Even a small city has powers in this modern age.
Re: US Federal Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban by abdulmuqsit15(m): 7:08pm On Feb 15, 2017

so differing views is the cause of continued lack of action by muslims and non-muslims to fix a bad situation
re u asking a question or making a statement
Re: US Federal Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban by Nobody: 7:09pm On Feb 15, 2017
re u asking a question or making a statement

re-phrasing your opinion

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