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Why British Women Are Turning To Islam - Religion - Nairaland

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Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by islampride(m): 11:02am On Jan 17, 2007
Why British Women Are Turning To Islam

Lucy Berrington finds the Muslim Faith is winning Western admirers despite hostile media coverage. The Times (London) - Tuesday, 9th November 1993

Unprecedented numbers of British people, nearly all of them women, are converting to Islam at a time of deep divisions within the Anglican and Catholic churches.

The rate of conversions has prompted predictions that Islam will rapidly become an important religious force in this country. "Within the next 20 years the number of British converts will equal or overtake the immigrant Muslim community that brought the faith here", says Rose Kendrick, a religious education teacher at a Hull comprehensive and the author of a textbook guide to the Koran. She says: "Islam is as much a world faith as is Roman Catholicism. No one nationality claims it as its own". Islam is also spreading fast on the continent and in America.

The surge in conversions to Islam has taken place despite the negative image of the faith in the Western press. Indeed, the pace of conversions has accelerated since publicity over the Salman Rushdie affair, the Gulf War and the plight of the Muslims in Bosnia. It is even more ironic that most British converts should be women, given the widespread view in the west that Islam treats women poorly. In the United States, women converts outnumber men by four to one, and in Britain make up the bulk of the estimated 10, 000 to 20, 000 converts, forming part of a Muslim community of 1 to 1.5 million. Many of Britain's "New Muslims" are from middle-class backgrounds. They include Matthew Wilkinson, a former head boy of Eton who went on to Cambridge, and a son and daughter of Lord Justice Scott, the judge heading the arms-to-Iraq enquiry.

A small-scale survey by the Islamic Foundation in Leicester suggests that most converts are aged 30 to 50. Younger Muslims point to many conversions among students and highlight the intellectual thrust of Islam. "Muhammad" said, "The light of Islam will rise in the West" and I think that is what is happening in our day" says Aliya Haeri, an American-born psychologist who converted 15 years ago. She is a consultant to the Zahra Trust, a charity publishing spiritual literature and is one of Britain's prominent Islamic speakers. She adds: "Western converts are coming to Islam with fresh eyes, without all the habits of the East, avoiding much of what is culturally wrong. The purest tradition is finding itself strongest in the West."

Some say the conversions are prompted by the rise of comparative religious education. The British media, offering what Muslims describe as a relentless bad press on all things Islamic, is also said to have helped. Westerners despairing of their own society - rising in crime, family breakdown, drugs and alcoholism - have come to admire the discipline and security of Islam. Many converts are former Christians disillusioned by the uncertainty of the church and unhappy with the concept of the Trinity and deification of Jesus.

Quest of the Convert - Why Change?

Other converts describe a search for a religious identity. Many had previously been practicing Christians but found intellectual satisfaction in Islam. "I was a theology student and it was the academic argument that led to my conversion." Rose Kendrick, a religious education teacher and author, said she objected to the concept of the original sin: "Under Islam, the sins of the fathers aren't visited on the sons. The idea that God is not always forgiving is blasphemous to Muslims."

Maimuna, 39, was raised as a High Anglican and confirmed at 15 at the peak of her religious devotion. "I was entranced by the ritual of the High Church and thought about taking the veil." Her crisis came when a prayer was not answered. She slammed the door on visiting vicars but traveled to convents for discussions with nuns. "My belief came back stronger, but not for the Church, the institution or the dogma." She researched every Christian denomination, plus Judaism, Buddhism and Krishna Consciousness, before turning to Islam.

Many converts from Christianity reject the ecclesiastical hierarchy emphasizing Muslims' direct relationship with God. They sense a lack of leadership in the Church of England and are suspicious of its apparent flexibility. "Muslims don't keep shifting their goal-posts," says Huda Khattab, 28, author of The Muslim Woman's Handbook, published this year by Ta-Ha. She converted ten years ago while studying Arabic at university. "Christianity changes, like the way some have said pre-marital sex is okay if it’s with the person you're going to marry. It seems so wishy-washy. Islam was constant about sex, about praying five times a day. The prayer makes you conscious of God all the time. You're continually touching base."

Author : Lucy Berrington
Source : The London Times
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by shahan(f): 11:12am On Jan 17, 2007
Great! Perhaps you would to like post a sequel "Why Nigerian Women Are Turning To Christ".

Shahan is happy to leave the idolatory called Islam - and nothing is changing that.
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by Aggressa(m): 11:57am On Jan 17, 2007
This liar sat in Ibadan talking about why woem are turning to islam in Britain. Who told you that and where did you get the quoted piece from? Maybe it was your Oustass who brought the paper, abi? Yeye man. The whole world is turning away from the works of the devil you call Islam, and some foolish peoples are covering your eyes with fat lies.
Just a couple pf days ago, Channel 4 showed a program called " Dispatches" of an undercover reporter who went into mosques with hidden cameras and recorded the messages; we were showed how the imams themselves declared that it is right to have sex with a 9yr old girl because muhammed did; muslims were told it is islamic to hit their wives if she disobeys them or refuses to wear a nikab; they said it is right to "flog" the child by the age of seven if he/she refuses to pray or wear hijab, that matrydom is the quest of every true muslim, etc etc.
Today we heard how a male muslim terrorism suspect wore the nikab to escape the police but he was caught.
Those who are interested can check the program on: www.channel4.com/dispatches (the title of the episode is "undercover mosques"wink

This are some of the reasons why the whole Britain are turning away from the islam because they now know that Islam is a religion of hatred, wickedness, debauchery, lies, intolerance, in fact it is clear that Islam is an idolatory because it's root is in polytheism masked as monotheism. Have you not heard of al-illah and hubal (the moon god of arab pagans), and his duaghter godesses' called al-Lat, al-Uzzah and Manat?

So stop believing the lies you are being fed, in fact more of your muslimas are escaping from islam once they get here because they are protected by the law from being killed as an apostate for converting to chrsitianity. Wake up, dude!

Al-'Uzza, al-Lat and Manah, the three daughters of Allah, had their sanctuaries in the land which later became the cradle of Islam. In a weak moment Muhammad was tempted to recognize these powerful deities of Makkah and al-Madinah and make a compromise in their favour, but afterwards he retracted and the revelation is said to have received the form now found in surah 53:19-20. Later theologians explained the case according to the principle of nasikh and mansukh, abrogating and abrogated verses, by means of which God revokes and alters the announcements of His will; this results in the cancellation of a verse and the substitution of another for it (Koran 2 :100). (History Of The Arabs, Philip K. Hitti, 1937, p 96-101)

Can you see how muhammed is pulling wools over the eyes of muslims? Useless man, prophet ko, prophet ni!
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by trinigirl1(f): 1:44pm On Jan 17, 2007

Always remember Matthew 7:6

"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

Matthew 7:6

  لاَ تُعْطُوا مَا هُوَ مُقَدَّسٌ لِلْكِلاَبِ، وَلاَ تَطْرَحُوا جَوَاهِرَكُمْ أَمَامَ الْخَنَازِيرِ، لِكَيْ لاَ تَدُوسَهَا بِأَرْجُلِهَا وَتَنْقَلِبَ عَلَيْكُمْ فَتُمَزِّقَكُمْ.

The Word of God is beautiful in any language.  grin
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by Easyy(m): 2:23pm On Jan 17, 2007
I do realise that there are quite a number of British women turning to Islam from my own personal observation but this really has nothing to do with the beauty or otherwise of the religion.

Most of the ones I have met are the ones who have married Arabs and muslims, they are also usually the fat and ugly ones, not wanted by the white majority. One other reason could be the fact that some will support the underdog and the way that mainstream society seems to bash everything islamic is going to drive some to islamic sympathy.

I can only pray that God should open the eyes of everyone to see and accept the TRUTH.
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by gbadex1(m): 2:44pm On Jan 17, 2007
@ Havila et al:

lol, this islampride dude is funny. It may not have caught y'all attention, but it's funny that article was written in 1993. . .
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by shahan(f): 3:11pm On Jan 17, 2007
Yep, that's why we've severally appealed to him to take care of his reverse-intelligence-quotient, R-I-Q.
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by exu(m): 4:50pm On Jan 17, 2007
'Why some people turn to religion'
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by trinigirl1(f): 4:59pm On Jan 17, 2007
gbade. x:

@ Havila et al:

lol, this islampride dude is funny. It may not have caught y'all attention, but it's funny that article was written in 1993. . .

gbade u guys should watch yourself now  grin

when he comes online and read these posts he will explode, and his responses will be even more inane, disjointed and coherently challenged than his usual verbal excreta.

It is my prediction!   wink
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by Nobody: 5:22pm On Jan 17, 2007

I do realise that there are quite a number of British women turning to Islam from my own personal observation but this really has nothing to do with the beauty or otherwise of the religion.

Most of the ones I have met are the ones who have married Arabs and muslims, they are also usually the fat and ugly ones, not wanted by the white majority. One other reason could be the fact that some will support the underdog and the way that mainstream society seems to bash everything islamic is going to drive some to islamic sympathy.

I can only pray that God should open the eyes of everyone to see and accept the TRUTH.

Most of the ones here in the states also are the ones married to Muslim men.
Many women would also turn to shango if they married a shango worshipper.

Have you guys also watched the shows what became of these women and their children when the marriage broke down and the man flees to the middle east with the children.
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by ishmael(m): 5:46pm On Jan 17, 2007
But why dem sef go marry those kind people??
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by mrpataki(m): 6:12pm On Jan 17, 2007
Even a 1919 news should have a weblink with it, not to now talk of a 1993 News!

Some peeps just carry their dull-minded brains for show every where. undecided undecided undecided
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by Easyy(m): 6:12pm On Jan 17, 2007

Most of the ones here in the states also are the ones married to Muslim men.
Many women would also turn to shango if they married a shango worshipper.

Have you guys also watched the shows what became of these women and their children when the marriage broke down and the man flees to the middle east with the children.

What's wrong with the man taking his children? Women are always taking children and holding mken to ransome anyway. Besides, we often hear complaints about men not caring about their kids so it should be a thing of joy when the man decides to take the kids  tongue
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by Nobody: 6:28pm On Jan 17, 2007
abduction is a crime mr easyy.
Disobeying court orders is also a punishable crime.
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by shahan(f): 6:51pm On Jan 17, 2007
Some of you guys really don't know what women married to muslim men face in the UK. How many cases have been on the news about Muslim men abducting their daughters, albeit only very few of these cases actually reach the news:



Not all muslim men actually do this; but that the case is common at all says volumes.
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by olutomiwa(m): 2:52pm On Apr 13, 2007
and so what?what is the big deal and why this noise?do you know the nomba of pple that gets converted to christainity everyday?british women got converted to islam no christain put a price on their heads,but when muslims get converted to christainity HELL IS LET LOOSE,can you see yourselves and your so called religion of peace,religion of peace my FOOT.
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by 4Play(m): 8:28pm On Apr 13, 2007
islampride (m)
Posts: 35

Why British Women Are Turning To Islam
« on: January 17, 2007, 11:02 AM »

Why British Women Are Turning To Islam

Lucy Berrington finds the Muslim Faith is winning Western admirers despite hostile media coverage. The Times (London) - Tuesday, 9th November 1993

. In the United States, women converts outnumber men by four to one, and in Britain make up the bulk of the estimated 10, 000 to 20, 000 converts, forming part of a Muslim community of 1 to 1.5 million.

Has anyone noted the vacuousness of this story?Britain has a population of  60 million-[url]http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=population+of+Great+Britain&btnG=Google+Search&meta=  [/url]  

Out of 60 million you have 1.5 million muslims(immigrants and their descendants),Out of 60 million,10,000 to 20,000 are converts-that works out at 0.03% .

20,000 converts in a population of 60 million is hardly newsworthy-3 in every 10,000 people
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by hannydarl(f): 8:46pm On Apr 13, 2007
Because no body carries knife to cut their throats n there is no danger for them to convert from christianity to islam or any other religion for that matter be it ogun or osun deities.so when there is freedom people can move from one position to another be it religion,politics etc
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by bameyi(m): 9:50pm On Apr 13, 2007
@grimripper bros, make you vex oh you say omo eko is jaybabe and that her sister cute-ass be wetin her name be. recently i post a topic for nairaland and if you see how them both attack me like say i steal central bank money you go pitte me. now you come open my face see say this two girls na big liars and hypo, hypo weytin again abe if i see them reply my posting again na sango i go take follow them yeye liars .

for those of you ineterested in the post i posted this is the like check it out and what i have done wrong. na this kind of girls dey spoil their son home na una women dey call yeye mother inlaw.

Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by OmoEko1(f): 10:07pm On Apr 13, 2007

@grimripper bros, make you vex oh you say omo eko is jaybabe and that her sister cute-ass be wetin her name be. recently i post a topic for nairaland and if you see how them both attack me like say i steal central bank money you go pitte me. now you come open my face see say this two girls na big liars and hypo, hypo weytin again abe if i see them reply my posting again na sango i go take follow them yeye liars .

for those of you ineterested in the post i posted this is the like check it out and what i have done wrong. na this kind of girls dey spoil their son home na una women dey call yeye mother inlaw.


They were right, birds of a feather, really flock together, Look at the blind leading another blind. You two have been copped the Prize as nairaland's biggest jackasses, Luckly that you do not need to pass an intelligence test in order to gain access to Nairaland. As a result, fools like yourself, Can there roam freely.
Atleast you had some decency comparing me to the likes of Cute ass, Neelsel, and Coco and Jaybaby, I am in Great company. Now before you cause yourself anymore grief, Go and enquiry of the primary school's headmistress, if it is possible for you to gain re-admission into PreK, You have a very long way to go, bat, FOOOOOOOL.

@The topic
I think everyone has right to change their religion whenever then want. GOSHHHHH
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by bameyi(m): 10:21pm On Apr 13, 2007
omo eko you see your problem is age is not on your side old female with man so you only left with one option attack every you run into. and fortunately for you nairaland have provide you a channel to do that. get a life instead of attacking people. most especially men we are not your problem. you've been a liar all through your life. so when you caught you take a position to cover up your ways.
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by Mustay(m): 10:36pm On Apr 13, 2007
This section reveals d smart and foolish people in nairaland
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by cuteass1(f): 11:43pm On Apr 13, 2007

@grimripper bros, make you vex oh you say omo eko is jaybabe and that her sister cute-ass be wetin her name be. recently i post a topic for nairaland and if you see how them both attack me like say i steal central bank money you go pitte me. now you come open my face see say this two girls na big liars and hypo, hypo weytin again abe if i see them reply my posting again na sango i go take follow them yeye liars .

for those of you ineterested in the post i posted this is the like check it out and what i have done wrong. na this kind of girls dey spoil their son home na una women dey call yeye mother inlaw.


well well well. . look who we have here, if it isn't the one and only bayemi lol grin

dear, you see why i tell people to always quote, but i'm sure you're one of those that make noise, or eat during classes because you didn't get the message with you.

You see anybody that walks in here and sees no signs of the "grimripper" that you're talking to, will think you're nuts lol. the person you're talking to and giving all the kudos is obviously out of the show and see where you stand all alone doing "@" to a non-exisient user-name. ewwwww cry cry

secondly, did i forget to tell you that i hate hypocrites?? well i guess so because anybody that visits that lame-excuse-of-a-thread you put up there will see and even believe that we were all on the same page, your reply to us, seemed as if it was all joke joke, until this your partner in crime came along, and you had to acquire some pity.

well look where it laded you, is it my fault that while others are making geniuine threads, all you can come up with is that "thing", and we even tried to be nice by pretending to be laughing "with" you and not "at" you and that's the thanks i and omo eko get. you thought we were sisters and decidedt ot make brothers with "grimripper" buhahahahah grin grin

you're not even ashamed to be posting up the link of your thread sef lol, well lets see how many visited it . . oops none, that should be enough explanantion of how time-wasting people find it . . human beings and their ungratefulness lol wink
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by olutomiwa(m): 8:05pm On Apr 19, 2007
Omo Eko:

They were right, birds of a feather, really flock together, Look at the blind leading another blind. You two have been copped the Prize as nairaland's biggest jackasses, Luckly that you do not need to pass an intelligence test in order to gain access to Nairaland. As a result, fools like yourself, Can there roam freely.
Atleast you had some decency comparing me to the likes of Cute ass, Neelsel, and Coco and Jaybaby, I am in Great company. Now before you cause yourself anymore grief, Go and enquiry of the primary school's headmistress, if it is possible for you to gain re-admission into PreK, You have a very long way to go, bat, FOOOOOOOL.

@The topic
I think everyone has right to change their religion whenever then want. GOSHHHHH

man mi you are in REAL TROUBLE and you are on your own.
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by helperzz(m): 11:07am On Mar 04, 2010
@all christian propagandist I wonder why you people are sad because of this news.Don't you know that christianity has no foundation.It is based on hearsay and rumours it is true that someone called paul(who wrote the new testament) exists but the existence of peter,james and the rest had no historical evidence but economic and political evidence which are known to historians to be fraudulent.Your hatred towards islam is not new the devil always inspire his friends to have those who opposes his way.You like to open your mouth and say anything like one god is a fake god.Wait a minute don't the know the slogan of christianity which is 'lying for god'.The end justifies the means for christian achievement that is why your so called pastor will always lie to you because they want money,they want fame and they would not want to ruin their multibillion naira trade,that is why informatio on christian history are hidden,they have too much skeleton in their cupboard.And you never attempted to find out the truth but close your eyes blindly following your senior devils.The bible full of contradictions is not enough an evidence for you to quote,give solid evidence for your claims.In all the history of humans there were FALSEHOOD and there were TRUTH, TRUTH were based on evidence and facts,The only so called truth(FALSEHOOD) which has no evidence is CHRISTIANITY.Seek knowledge
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by hannydarl(f): 12:28pm On Mar 04, 2010

Take it easy now.To be a true musliman you have to let go of insult hurling as much as you love your religion islam others also have a right to love theirs. Tell me if it was a muslim man converting to christianity will you muslims not put her to death? will you not consider her an infidel? between islam and christianity which religion treats more knindly its members who leave to follow other religions?
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by alimat2(f): 2:06pm On Mar 04, 2010
where is d insult in his post? dnt be a bias judge.

thousands of Muslims are converting to xtianity and vice verse so what is d news here

Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by GODSON2009(m): 2:09pm On Mar 04, 2010

@all christian propagandist I wonder why you people are sad because of this news.Don't you know that christianity has no foundation.
why would i as a christian be sad about a minute population of uk turning to islam when majority are turning to christianity every single day in the same britain, the figures for the redeemed holy ghost convention in excel centre compared to the year before is enough proof for you, go and check the population of pastor ashimolowo's kicc compared to last year including several churches springing up in the uk every week. the reason you dont get these figurres is because of the persecution we pentecostals,especially minority led are getting from the government and charity comissions so i personally welcome these sort of news so it will bring them back to their senses

It is based on hearsay and rumours it is true that someone called paul(who wrote the new testament) exists but the existence of peter,james and the rest had no historical evidence but economic and political evidence which are known to historians to be fraudulent.
the same way we can only take the word of a fat bushy bearded womaniser and serial hedonist who called himself a prophet mohammad for all he wrote. not only that, he serially contradicted himself on the very foundations of his supposed religions,lied about seeing visions to justify many of the vices he got involved in .at least apostle paul's life(thank GOD you at aleast admit he existed)is worthy of emulation from anybody can you say the same for mohammad??

Your hatred towards islam is not new the devil always inspire his friends to have those who opposes his way.You like to open your mouth and say anything like one god is a fake god.
you are right with the first comment that is why mohammad,has been the single most influential individual responsible for the bloodshed that has been happening  through his ideologies and intolerant statement in qurans and hadiths.
islam hatered and bloodshed go and in hand right from the meccan times when the jews who saw through it refused to accept it as a religion or mohammad as a prophet,up untill the medinan areas when mohammad rose to become a powerful bloodthirsty armed robber who killed at will and robbed innocent people the allah that he beleived in is not the problem you muslims have but his moral probity and example while on earth,his many contradictions ,treatment of women and childrene.t.c

Wait a minute don't the know the slogan of christianity which is 'lying for god'.

no that is the slogan for islam, remember it was your prophet who justified pagan worship  re;satanic verses
it was your allah who told your prophet to robb and kill innocent maccan traders even during a supposedly holy month.
it was your allah behinnd the inspiration of the hadith about 72 virgins for martydom.
it was your allah who told his followers to worship the moon,to bow down for his image in mecca and to sacrifice rams every year

The end justifies the means for christian achievement that is why your so called pastor will always lie to you because they want money,they want fame and they would not want to ruin their multibillion naira trade,that is why informatio on christian history are hidden,they have too much skeleton in their cupboard.
why ,he dey pain you??its our money we r giving them itsw not yours so whats your problem with that we chose to give them our money.whwen you send your money to fund islamist groups,terrorist cells e.t.c do we ask you how you spend your money??
maybe you have not read machiavelli then you will realise right from the beginning of mohammad's ministry upo untill today isl;am has been run on machiavellian principles there is betrayal and deceit what they did to the jews in mecca.
there is ruthlessness when mohammad and his leutenants killed young children in cold blood after the siege
when mohammad ordered the assasination of the poet who satirized him. you want me to continue?

And you never attempted to find out the truth but close your eyes blindly following your senior devils.
even you dont know the truth do you?remember your islamic scholars have admitted that the arabic quran holds "£THE ONLY TRUE AND UNBLEMISHED ACCOUNTS OF ISLAM" SEEING AS YOU WERE NOT BORN ARAB AND ONLY LEARNT EH LANGUAGE how do you know that the original version of the quran is nothing but love letters mohammad wrote in code to his many wives and concubines telling them about how much he loved  them??
trust me,i approached the study of islamic ideologies origins roots e.t.c with a completely open and objective mind,if i ddnt then i wouldnt have gotten a first class in my undergraduate degree in salford university and subsequent research on this same issue including the justification for terrorism,and i have discovered that the truth is that islam is not a religion of confusion but steeped in bloodshed falsehood,confusion and contradictions

The bible full of contradictions is not enough an evidence for you to quote,give solid evidence for your claims.In all the history of humans there were FALSEHOOD and there were TRUTH, TRUTH were based on evidence and facts,The only so called truth(FALSEHOOD) which has no evidence is CHRISTIANITY.Seek knowledge
show us your contradictions in the bible,remember the bible acknowledges that the old testament was full of wrong doing?
that was precisely the reason why jesus christ came to right all the wrongs,hence the new testament that is why we pentecostals use the new testament as the basis of our christian faith even though we still reffer to the old testament now point to the contradictions in the new testament?
if you want contradictions in the quran then i v got plenty,just ask and by the way i have proof of al the assertions i have made either with ther quran or hadiths and yes i have read the quran yusuf ali translation,i have read many hadiths as well
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by hannydarl(f): 2:22pm On Mar 04, 2010
@ alima2 if you believe that calling Jesus a fraud and christianity based on heresay then I wonder why muslems go after the heads of people who say mohamed sexualy abused an 8 year old girl and passed the mantle to other moslem men who prefere to do small girls. and wont you find it an insult if I said mohamed did not have any vission from god? your moslem brothers kill innocent people for touching the stupid quran or what ever you call your book I hope you know that based on your judgement this is not an insult to your religion.
Can a muslim convert to christianity in a typical moslem counrty and be alive to tell his grand children the story? can a moslem girl in iran or afghanistan marry a christian man and they both reside in that country and live to tell their grand children?
Re: Why British Women Are Turning To Islam by alimat2(f): 3:45pm On Mar 04, 2010
U calling Islam by whatever name u soo wish is not a new thing in NL cos many people of ur type hav done that a million times and if the Muslims dare reply u start calling them terrorist.
U be d unbias judge and go to d Muslim section and c what ur brother has turn it to.
So my dear friend on my own case i will never call ur book a silly book like u hav said and will dare not call Jesus(peace unto him) names like u and ur people done the the last prophet of God cos i know that what ever we do/say here in life both physical or trhu computer will surly be accounted for b4 God on d judgement day.
so for these reason u re entitle 2 ur speech but just remember d day of reckoning

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