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3 Red Flags That Your Boyfriend/husband Is Cheating by ibibiofirstlady(f): 9:34pm On Feb 26, 2017 |
1. See if his looks have changed. Your man's appearance can say a lot about whether or not he's cheating. If he didn't care much about his appearance before, but now spends more time grooming than you do, then something is up. He may be improving or changing his looks to please his side piece. Here are some signs that he's grooming for someone else: If he used to be scruffy before, but he's always shaving. If he gets routine haircuts now, but let his hair grow shaggy before. If his clothes have improved significantly. If you catch him starting in the mirror to study his looks. If he always looks nice, even when he's supposed to be studying or working overtime. A big red flag is if he smells different. Whether his body chemistry has changed slightly from being with another woman, or if he outright smells like perfume, this is a big sign that he's been spending time with someone else. If there are stray hairs on his body and clothes that do not belong to you. 2… Pay attention to how he treats his body. If your man suddenly cares a lot more about his body than he did before, then he may not be doing it just for you. Unless he's suddenly determined to run a marathon, it's more likely that he's improving his body for another lady. Here are some signs: If he's suddenly working out all the time and cares a great deal about his appearance. Remember that going to the gym could also just be another excuse for seeing his lady. If he's dramatically changed his diet to be healthier. He could be doing this to impress someone else. If he's weirdly shy with his body around you and doesn't want you to see him with his shirt off, and only wants to have sex in the dark. This could mean that he feels he's being disloyal to his other woman. 3. Pay attention to his body language. Your man's body language can go a long way in telling you how he feels about you, and if he's really thinking about someone else instead of you. Here are a few signs that he may be cheating on you: If he doesn't make eye contact when you talk. If he used to be Mr. Eye Contact, but now he always looks away or at the floor when you speak, then he may be doing it out of guilt. If he doesn't give you affection. If he used to shower you with affection but rarely touches you, this is a red flag. If he shows you affection in private, but not in public. Though some guys are just shy about showing affection in public, if he's all over you when you're home, or even when you're home and hanging out with a few friends, but stands a foot away from you when you're at a restaurant, he may be worried that his other lady will spot you two together. Source: |
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