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What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? - Politics (5) - Nairaland

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Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by vislabraye(m): 11:59pm On Dec 16, 2009
Our dear President Aar Adua, on the behalf of every member of NL we wish you a speedy recovery and a merry Christmas.
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by Fhemmmy: 12:10am On Dec 17, 2009

Our dear President Aar Adua, on the behalf of every member of NL we wish you a speedy recovery and a merry Christmas.

I only wish him what he wishes himself
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by WarfyBoy(m): 1:34am On Dec 17, 2009

which kain question be this na

anyways sha, i wish mr yar adua what he wish himsef

since im talk say na Aso Rock im wan die put, good for him
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by latepa(m): 1:48am On Dec 17, 2009
i wish him well with his health nothing more,
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by bjmighty(m): 2:05am On Dec 17, 2009
I have been swearing for the bastard!!
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by Fhemmmy: 2:49am On Dec 17, 2009

I have been swearing for the naughty person!!

I like honest people like you
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by rasputinn(m): 6:35am On Dec 17, 2009
I've repeatedly asked him to resign
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by chosen04(f): 8:33am On Dec 17, 2009

Our dear President Aar Adua, on the behalf of every member of NL we wish you a speedy recovery and a merry Christmas.

Are you sure WE ARE ALL in agreement with you?
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by Nobody: 8:48am On Dec 17, 2009

Are you sure WE ARE ALL in agreement with you?

Good question.

I'm not in agreement.
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by chosen04(f): 8:52am On Dec 17, 2009

Good question.

I'm not in agreement.

Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by Nobody: 8:54am On Dec 17, 2009
Where the hell is AC Millan or whatever the poster is called? His defence is highly needed. Or is this some kind of opinion sampling? If this is your aim I think the figure suggests your man is unpopular
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by hafees: 9:17am On Dec 17, 2009
What more can i do for Mr. President? He is spending my tax money at the hospital. But more seriously i feel for the man and i really wish he will get well this minute. If i were is family i will advise him to resign and leave Nigeria problem and concentrate on his own. Capisce.
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by vislabraye(m): 10:14am On Dec 17, 2009

Are you sure WE ARE ALL in agreement with you?

Don't u want Mr Presido to get well soon shocked shocked .


I only wish him what he wishes himself

We can all send a Get well card to him and every member of NL should endorse it. Let us imitate the Yoruba elders who fasted and pray for him, Chosen F in know you can do it grin
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by babalawo(m): 10:17am On Dec 17, 2009
Each time I open my mouth to pray the spirit always leads me to pray that his soul  R.I.P-at least nobody can prove to me that He's alive

I throw it open for any body to  prove to me that Yaradua is alive? if not ,am sure very soon many of U will join me in this prayers.

this is my genuine feelings u are entitled to urs-don't be an hypocrite.
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by felofelo: 10:25am On Dec 17, 2009
Wish him quick recovery, he is our president, we have to support him
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by JazzyPhizzle: 11:10am On Dec 17, 2009
@ Hafees

I'm sure he is still receiving estacode for this 'hospital trip'! cheesy
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by Nobody: 12:04pm On Dec 17, 2009
Hmmmn, The poster sounds like an aide of the president
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by Nobody: 12:42pm On Dec 17, 2009
How can I send him a get well card?
How will it get to him,
Pls anyone with info pls contact me,
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by THEAMAKA2(m): 1:22pm On Dec 17, 2009
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by Reptyle(m): 4:28pm On Dec 17, 2009

Hmmmn, The poster sounds like an aide of the president

Even the aides of this President are not praying for him because even they don't know if he is alive or dead,
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by NiceHans: 4:32pm On Dec 17, 2009
What has he done for me
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by mubaraqqq(f): 8:41pm On Dec 17, 2009
This is the kind of thread that makes my blood boil. Are you f**cking serious? What have we've done for our sick president ?

These are the same people praying for the quick recovery of Maryam Babangida. We are suppose to be praying for people that are killing, raping and stealing our money everyday. Is only in Nigeria that you see this kind of nonsense.

Since this man came into power, he has been screaming seven point agenda for 3 years. One point has not been accomplished, now he is sick and incapable of doing his job and he won't resign. Mind you that he never even informed us he was even sick ( he doesn't think we deserve to know that he is sick)

I just don't understand this question/thread. Why do Nigerians think like this? Why are we always settling for less and making excuses for our leaders.

So this what I will do for our sick president, I will visit the jujuman and hope that him and his daughter dies ( Yes I said it). Because that is nothing compared to the number of Nigerian mothers who have died during child birth due to inadequate health care, as a result of all the money that our sick president has stolen. Or all the people that have died on death traps called roads because of all the corruption money that he has stolen.
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by Nelo4eva: 9:36am On Dec 18, 2009
our dear president shall recover, and soon
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by jimmysho(m): 11:28am On Dec 18, 2009
i sent a personal letter that says:

my dear president, hope ur are enjoying the infrastructure of the holy city. remember it was put in place by the same oil money that u and ur country men squandered. pls, do the right thing and heal will come ur way asap.
ur country man,
shomuji jimmy sho
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by bjmighty(m): 11:29am On Dec 18, 2009

i sent a personal letter that says:

my dear president, hope your are enjoying the infrastructure of the holy city. remember it was put in place by the same oil money that u and your country men squandered. pls, do the right thing and heal will come your way asap.
your country man,
shomuji jimmy sho
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin ;DLMAO!!!!!

Me i have been swearing for the bsatard!!!!
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by rbn: 12:13pm On Dec 18, 2009
I wish him well, hope he learns a lesson from this.
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by Nobody: 12:52pm On Dec 18, 2009
@the poster with her blood boiling
are you really a woman,
ok we should all join the bandwagon of unjustified hate for Yar Adua
why should i pollute my hear with hate for a man am sure is doing all he can to bring sanity to chaos
Note Obasanjo destroyed the country in 8 years and before him others came and did their own.(Do u know who he was and what had achieved in Katsina before he became president?was his name associated with any scandal)
Secondly,I voted for Buhari but he didnt win,but i changed when i saw certain things,
Yaradua isnt a loudmouth,implenting policies and pursuing personal vendattas on the pages of newspapers,u might call him slow or all sort of things,but i believe we must give him a chance.
Thirdly i felt sorry for Maryam Abacha,because i am a woman,and a human being,its called sympathy,i hate the crime and not the doer.
Fourthly Forgiveness empathy are all values i grew up with,i cannot live in hate for anyman,because no man is worth it and i believe if a man is cruel he is cruel only unto himself.
so forgive me if i dont want to be wrapped up in your twisted hatefilled circle,it wont do me good if he dies.

and if i pray for him,its also praying for myself and my end too,
Sorry i can never ever be as twisted and have e lynch mentalilty you have
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by Nobody: 1:01pm On Dec 18, 2009
Sending you healing thoughts and lots of sunshine to brighten your day'

Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by blackasia: 1:21pm On Dec 18, 2009
this pot belle thief called politicians plus their praise singer spiritualist assuring them of power, and over the years ve ruled this once bride of hope to insanity and it seems nobody can challenge them, yes it may seems, but they shouuld know that GoD ALMIGHTY ve puncture there plans, before 2011 una go see
yaradua resign,go home, tell turai and your sister to shut up, and call obj or whoever install u to take the aso villa and stick it up his f.cking ass{pardon my french}
i wish u long life notwithstanding
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by vigasimple(m): 1:37pm On Dec 18, 2009

This is the kind of thread that makes my blood boil. Are you f**cking serious? What have we've done for our sick president ?

These are the same people praying for the quick recovery of Maryam Babangida. We are suppose to be praying for people that are killing, despoiling and stealing our money everyday. Is only in Nigeria that you see this kind of nonsense.

Since this man came into power, he has been screaming seven point agenda for 3 years. One point has not been accomplished, now he is sick and incapable of doing his job and he won't resign. Mind you that he never even informed us he was even sick ( he doesn't think we deserve to know that he is sick)

I just don't understand this question/thread. Why do Nigerians think like this? Why are we always settling for less and making excuses for our leaders.

So this what I will do for our sick president, I will visit the jujuman and hope that him and his daughter dies ( Yes I said it). Because that is nothing compared to the number of Nigerian mothers who have died during child birth due to inadequate health care, as a result of all the money that our sick president has stolen. Or all the people that have died on death traps called roads because of all the corruption money that he has stolen.

I am in total agreement with the above.

I wish President Yar A'liar quick recovery from his health problem. As soon as he comes back (if he is able to do so) we need full details of his medical condition.

He has been in and out of Hospital (on different disguises) even before he was 'selected' and imposed on us. The man kept shouting RULE OF LAW and DUE PROCESS.  He has NOT KEPT ANY OF THOSE. He surrounded himself with liars and thieves like IBORI, AODONNAKA,
ABBA-AJJI. He left this country know fully well that he is going to a foreign hospital for treatment that he does not know how long or the outcome he didin't see it fit to make sure his vice President was able to carry out his duties neither did he inform NASS as stipulated by the Law BOTH not only a breach of our constitution and impreachment offence but lack due process and following rule of law. Him and his cronies started to invoke name of God or Allah.

The MAN is NOT FIT. Period.

Imagine If any of us was employed in any capacity and keep going in an out of hospital without informing our employer or providing medical certificate, common on, we will be sacked long ago. Then our employer will also like to know where we are getting all this money to go on foreign trip and hospital.  
IN THIS CASE NIGERIANS ARE YAR A'FAILURE EMPLOYER, we demanded to know since our 'seleceted' representative cannot  do it.

Two more quick issues.

1. It is a disgrace that after 8 years as Governor of Kastina state and nearly 3 years as President of Nigeria, Yar A'do nothing has not been able to build hospital in this country to treat his ailment and squander our foreign reserve to treat himself abroad on more than a dozen occassion.

2. Finally, God forbid this nation is threathen with WAR today, who is our COMMNADER IN CHIEF? to give orders to the armed forces

Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by Nobody: 1:44pm On Dec 18, 2009
Opinions are like assholes,
every one has one
Re: What Have You Done For Our Sick President ? by babypalm: 2:48pm On Dec 18, 2009
i always remember him in my thots and sometimes say a silent prayer for him, It's for his family and also for our own sake too as a country.

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