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The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft - Education - Nairaland

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The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by KillerBeauty(f): 5:31am On Mar 11, 2017

Data from millions of people using Microsoft programs reveals the most commonly confused pairs of words

There's nothing more embarrassing than having someone point out a writing mistake and realizing you've been making it everyday. I mean, it's probably effected your professional relationships for awhile. So take my advise — have someone proofread your report before you submit it to your boss.

If you found all four mistakes in the paragraph above, kudos to you! If not, let's talk.

Using data from millions of its subscribers, Microsoft recently rounded up a list of the 10 most confusing word pairs in the English language. The data comes from people who use Microsoft Word and/or Outlook, each of which comes with a tool called Editor.

Editor highlights spelling and grammar errors and makes suggestions to help improve your writing.

1[b].Lets and Let's[/b]

"Lets" is the third-person form of the verb "let." E.g., He lets me eat cake all the time.

"Let's" is the contracted form of "Let us." E.g., Let's go dancing tonight!

2. Awhile and a while

"Awhile" is an adverb meaning "for a short time" and is used to modify verbs. E.g., She played the piano awhile.

"A while" is a noun phrase consisting of the article "a" and the noun "while" and means "a period or interval of time." It is often used with a preposition. E.g., I'll be coming in a while.

3..Affect and effect

"Affect" is most commonly used as a verb meaning "to influence or impact something." E.g., Her depression started to affect the family life.

"Effect" is most commonly used as a noun meaning "the result of something." E.g., The beneficial effects of exercise are evident.

In rarer cases "effect" is also used as a verb meaning "to cause something to happen." E.g., The prime minister hopes to effect reconciliation between the opposing parties.

4..Each others and each other's

"Each others" is the plural form of each other, but it's not appropriate to use it. You most likely meant "each other," e.g., Pete and Mary love each other very much.

"Each other's" is the possessive form that indicates belonging to someone or something. E.g., We tried on each other's dresses.

5.Years experience and years' experience

"Years experience" is always incorrect.

"Years' experience" is the correct form. It's the possessive form meaning "years of experience" or "experience belonging to years." E.g., He has five years' experience as an airline pilot.

6.A and an

"A" is the article used in front of a noun that starts with a consonant or a consonant sound. E.g., We saw a fox on our way home last night.

"An" is the article used in front of a noun that starts with a vowel or a vowel sound (sometimes the "h" can be silent). E.g., We saw an owl in our back garden this morning. Or, It was an honor to be at your wedding.

7 Everyday and every day

"Everyday" is an adjective meaning "commonplace, ordinary, or daily." E.g., I don't like these everyday dresses they sell in that shop.

"Every day" is an adjective (every) modifying a noun meaning "each day." E.g., I cycle to school every day.

8 You and your

"You" is the second-person pronoun and can be used as the subject or the object of a sentence. E.g., I can't believe you always win the raffle. Or I saw you at the movies last night.

"Your" is the possessive form of "you" which indicates that something belongs to you. E.g., Can I borrow your car tomorrow to drive to Las Vegas?

9 Advice and advise

"Advice" is a noun meaning "recommendation, guidance." E.g., My father's advice was always very precious to me.

"Advise" is a verb meaning "to recommend, to inform, to warn." E.g., Your father will advisne you if you ask him to.

1Its and it's

"Its" is the possessive form of the pronoun "it" indicating that something belongs to "it." E.g., The dog always loses its toys.

"It's" is the contracted form of "it is" or "it has." E.g., It's


86 Likes 16 Shares

Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by LordIsaac(m): 5:46am On Mar 11, 2017

1 Like

Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by dejt4u(m): 5:53am On Mar 11, 2017
Avoid and afford confuse and convince I'm and am

13 Likes 2 Shares

Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by Nobody: 5:54am On Mar 11, 2017
i speak you understand


Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by AnotherAlien: 6:14am On Mar 11, 2017
Am dizapointed wit d way u starrted ur statezment without a coma? u nid to larn englis from ppl laik me.
Why does you start a thread like this in dis biurifu monin?
Now alot of larned Nairalanders like ma humbu sef will be scarred of typing anything so i don revill eny miztaken gramatica eror to ma humbu fanns out der.

Dilit this tred abeg, leds stat afrech. Duhhhh!

Waitin on macrosoft to cum an corret my inglitch. I we soo dem in d kurt of loor. Na only dem waka cum?
If you understand anything typed above, the idea here is pretty simple. Everyone has a voice and can be heard only if they speak out, no matter whatever language they are comfortable with. Be heard, however you can let your voice out.

37 Likes 2 Shares

Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by jericco1(m): 6:59am On Mar 11, 2017
Not far from the truth.
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by newyorks(m): 7:17am On Mar 11, 2017
"just passing" hopeiscorrect @op.
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by Nobody: 8:12am On Mar 11, 2017
For Nigerians :
1) Dat and That
2) u and You
3) @ and at

4) Lalasticlala and snake grin grin

51 Likes 2 Shares

Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by veekid(m): 8:43am On Mar 11, 2017

lesson learnt
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by Agriculturegric: 8:43am On Mar 11, 2017

1 Like

Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by Prodigee: 8:44am On Mar 11, 2017
"Sometime" and "Some time"


Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by Negotiate: 8:46am On Mar 11, 2017
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by datola: 8:46am On Mar 11, 2017
When did Microsoft become English language expert
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by burkingx(f): 8:46am On Mar 11, 2017

14 Likes 2 Shares

Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by Epositive(m): 8:47am On Mar 11, 2017
confuse and convince (debate gangsters)

been and being (social media stunts)

good and gud
love and luv (masters of abbreviation)

Nigeria Made Dictionary Loading...



Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by Opakan2: 8:47am On Mar 11, 2017
I'm or "I am' and Am

I so hate to see this.. why write "Am coming" instead of "I am coming" or "I'm coming"
Even graduates make this mistake and it's bad

23 Likes 1 Share

Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by Nobody: 8:47am On Mar 11, 2017

Most Nigerians are not good in written English,
they excel in spoken English
but are terrible in written English. .

Nigerians are also guilty of tautology. make I not lie even me I dey guilty of this I nor know why sef

Well I believe with time and self development Nigerians will get better using the white man's language.

they for just make pidgin official language sef...

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by EbukaHades10(m): 8:48am On Mar 11, 2017
They forgot "I'm and Am"


Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by emeijeh(m): 8:49am On Mar 11, 2017


Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by RichDad1(m): 8:51am On Mar 11, 2017
Ipob and sense lipsrsealed lipsrsealed

Run outta thread wink
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by dapsondou(m): 8:51am On Mar 11, 2017
Educative. Thanks op
Then there's the mistake of "I'm" and "am" which is very common among us

1 Like 1 Share

Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by jloga(f): 8:52am On Mar 11, 2017
nice list folks... nice one
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by Agimor(m): 8:52am On Mar 11, 2017
Very educative.
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by Nobody: 8:52am On Mar 11, 2017
they have come again to confuse us more....
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by Ezedon(m): 8:53am On Mar 11, 2017
Sex (gender) and SEX.
ARSENAL and Arsene wenger
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by GoldenJAT(m): 8:53am On Mar 11, 2017
just increased my knowledge by a notch.
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by hardeycute(m): 8:53am On Mar 11, 2017
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by olabrad: 8:53am On Mar 11, 2017
I am a writer and I always deliver top quality articles. You can link up with me for all your writing needs at highly affordable rates. I always check all my writings through Grammarly.com (Premium account) to ensure top quality and grammatical consistency. Kindly call me on 09069636128
Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by burkingx(f): 8:54am On Mar 11, 2017


Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by OgidiOlu3(m): 8:54am On Mar 11, 2017
Avoid and afford
confuse and convince
I'm and am
I agree with "avoid and afford". I saw a place they wrote "Buy your kerosene at an avoidable price"

1 Like

Re: The Most Commonly Confused Words In The English Language, According To Microsoft by d33types: 8:54am On Mar 11, 2017
Is Microsoft now an authority in English language?

I mean, how many persons subscribe to Microsoft services?the data was sourced from those subscribed to Microsoft cloud

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