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Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Bishop Oyedepo: It's Wrong To Allow People In Market And Not In Church / Jehovahs Witnesses that believe they are the only True Christians.Please come in / Jehovahs Witnesses Suicide Rate 5 To 10 Times Above Average (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by xynerise: 10:37am On Mar 19, 2017
Not a JW..... but the Bible does not support blood transfusion.... blood is life..... the same why the blood of animals should be drained before eating the meat. I guess it's OK to store your own blood and reuse in a transfusion....but not the blood of another person. What I don't understand with JWs is they are against blood transfusion but support organ transplant..... when organ transplant cannot take place without blood transfusion.
@topic.... Russia is a secular state.... like China... so forget about religion/organisation... no difference. I guess if the JWs met at their place of worship... no problem.... but fanning out and going from door to door... peeking in people's homes.... nooooo..... more like a spy network.... that's not happening!

You have a point


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 10:39am On Mar 19, 2017
This post is totally misleading. You take a decision to be baptised as a Jehovah's witness through water baptism by yourself no body ever force anyone to be. Even parents dont make that choice for their children. If you decided to abandon the truth which the organisation is after baptism, you will be excommunicated by your family member and fellow witnesses. You are deem fit to mix wit other people but witnesses hold on strongly to the bible quote, that whoever abandon the truth is worse than and unbeliever and you should not associate with such. Because he willingly abandon the truth.
On issue of blood the bible admonishes us to abstain from blood, because it is life itself.

Even ages 6 to 17 children get baptized and when they grow and say they no longer believe they are held accountable and shunned by it. What does a 6 to 17 yr old child know? If you can't be married at 6 to 17yrs old why should you take a life long oath at that age? From your quote you people are extremist. Taking issues to the extreme. Is it by force to believe in your jehovah? A person should not be made to choose between his religion and family. Jesus did not even get baptized till he was 30yrs. I thought you people followed Jesus Christ foot steps

I believe it is an extremist religion not different from ISIS because ISIS believe that God will end the world and cleanse the earth using them ie those who don't believe in their God ie about 77% while jws believe that God will end the world and cleanse the earth using Jesus and your governing body members and the 144000 going to heaven to kill those not in their religion in this case about 99.9%.

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by akblings(m): 10:40am On Mar 19, 2017
Mbok this tin too long..
Abeg they say JW do wetin? grin
or wetin do JW?

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by kosisokosi48(m): 10:45am On Mar 19, 2017
Summary plss.. undecided

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Handsomecole(m): 10:47am On Mar 19, 2017
Ignorance is your problem

Like I said earlier the Catholic Church of before is way the different frim the one of today.
I'm talking about a church that was influenced by pagan rituals and beliefs,a church that waged military conflicts against non catholics, a church that instigated the inquisition, imprisoned or killed "heretics" and "witches".
Denying the crimes of the Catholic Church makes you just another biased Catholic.
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Leopantro: 10:49am On Mar 19, 2017
for those complaining about JW disturbing your peace while at home, try this.
the next time they visit you, invite them in ( yes do) , welcome them, then before they start preaching, tell them ' let us pray'.
lead the prayer then say "In the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

watch what happens

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Danhumprey: 10:50am On Mar 19, 2017

This is rubbish

what about open atheists in Nigeria that are suffering and being shun by their families

when people don't even like to associate with them

why are atheists scared to come out to their families

abegi op go and fight for atheists right 1st before u come here to spew crap.
Lol....... it's clearly obvious that you didn't read and understand the article... grin

lazy girl.... tongue

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by ekanDamie: 10:50am On Mar 19, 2017

Jesus showed example by dying for you and me so why shouldn't we save others with our blood?
why did God have to send someone from heaven to shed his blood for us?
God had/has faithful servants who has/will die for the truth, why didn't he lead, Noah,Enoch,John d Baptist etc to die on d stake, why weren't d angels demselves selected but yet, God most precious creation. bro, it's not in d place of humans to take blood as a means of saving life.
whether we live or die, we live or die for God, that is what will bring us everlasting benefits.
blood is very sacred to God, Infact, he sees blood as precious to him(Psalms 72:14). as such, he warns us to ABSTAIN FROM BLOOD,(Acts 15:29) blood of animals, blood of humans,none should be preserved it should be poured to the ground (Levticus 17:13)

i understand why it's hard to follow this instruction, because, we want to live, but, blood transfusion does not guarantee life too. those that take them can still die from something else later on, those that take them might compound their problems by getting oda diseases from blood. God is all wise and he says we should not eat/take blood (Levticus 7:26)


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 10:55am On Mar 19, 2017

are you a Christian? if you are, have you ever tried to find out more if their stand is justified or not? no one really wants to die, even Jesus would have loved to continue on earth, but, doing the right thing even tho it meant dieing is an act me n u are leveraging on today. so, ask urself why JW face death in obedience to God

God never said abstain from blood transfusion watchtower said so. They die in obedience to watchtower.
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by ezra1990: 10:55am On Mar 19, 2017
If all those negative things u mentioned dey associated with the organization, why u dey complain say dem dey ban dem?
He is just a confused fellow....I think he should get his fact right

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Leopantro: 10:55am On Mar 19, 2017

Like I said earlier the Catholic Church of before is way the different frim the one of today.
I'm talking about a church that was influenced by pagan rituals and beliefs,a church that waged military conflicts against non catholics, a church that instigated the inquisition, imprisoned or killed "heretics" and "witches".
Denying the crimes of the Catholic Church makes you just another biased Catholic.

the bible you use and quote would not have been avalible if not for the same Catholic Church you preach against.
read about the Dead Sea scrolls.
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by gemale(m): 10:56am On Mar 19, 2017
Acanor read dis loooong epistle biko

Summary please
Pls read it. It offers an interesting perspective. Articles lyk these r d type dt hv intelligent content nt "Tonto dikeh claps back @ cheating, abusive husband".
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by eldest(m): 10:58am On Mar 19, 2017
The writer supports the Russian government on their action but childishly lacks boldness
Jehovah's Witnesses are good people in the society, they hardly do evil or cause menace because it is against the bible, so why fight against them?


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Leopantro: 10:59am On Mar 19, 2017

why did God have to send someone from heaven to shed his blood for us?
God had/has faithful servants who has/will die for the truth, why didn't he lead, Noah,Enoch,John d Baptist etc to die on d stake, why weren't d angels demselves selected but yet, God most precious creation. bro, it's not in d place of humans to take blood as a means of saving life.
whether we live or die, we live or die for God, that is what will bring us everlasting benefits.
blood is very sacred to God, Infact, he sees blood as precious to him(Psalms 72:14). as such, he warns us to ABSTAIN FROM BLOOD,(Acts 15:29) blood of animals, blood of humans,none should be preserved it should be poured to the ground (Levticus 17:13)

i understand why it's hard to follow this instruction, because, we want to live, but, blood transfusion does not guarantee life too. those that take them can still die from something else later on, those that take them might compound their problems by getting oda diseases from blood. God is all wise and he says we should not eat/take blood (Levticus 7:26)

have you eaten meat , bone marrow and liver before? do you know the about of blood that is retained in such products, even after washing?
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by ekanDamie: 11:00am On Mar 19, 2017
Not a JW..... but the Bible does not support blood transfusion.... blood is life..... the same why the blood of animals should be drained before eating the meat. I guess it's OK to store your own blood and reuse in a transfusion....but not the blood of another person. What I don't understand with JWs is they are against blood transfusion but support organ transplant..... when organ transplant cannot take place without blood transfusion.
@topic.... Russia is a secular state.... like China... so forget about religion/organisation... no difference. I guess if the JWs met at their place of worship... no problem.... but fanning out and going from door to door... peeking in people's homes.... nooooo..... more like a spy network.... that's not happening!
lol @ spy network. yeah, it does sure wanna look like that but, it isn't.
JW have houses themselves. some live in very comfortable houses, if we are less busy, I tell u,d sleep on bed can be so sweet, we wish to stay indoors ourselves, but, we can't.
preaching is shut up in our bones, we always gotta let it out. and dats because from house to house from door to door, on the streets in public places, you find a JW because, it's a command to preach!!! anywhere u find people, JW would breathe there.

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by mich24(m): 11:00am On Mar 19, 2017
Incoherent write up. At one point you hate JW at another you love them. You need to get your sh!t together and take a stand.

I guess you never finished that article or
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 11:01am On Mar 19, 2017

why did God have to send someone from heaven to shed his blood for us?
God had/has faithful servants who has/will die for the truth, why didn't he lead, Noah,Enoch,John d Baptist etc to die on d stake, why weren't d angels demselves selected but yet, God most precious creation. bro, it's not in d place of humans to take blood as a means of saving life.
whether we live or die, we live or die for God, that is what will bring us everlasting benefits.
blood is very sacred to God, Infact, he sees blood as precious to him(Psalms 72:14). as such, he warns us to ABSTAIN FROM BLOOD,(Acts 15:29) blood of animals, blood of humans,none should be preserved it should be poured to the ground (Levticus 17:13)

i understand why it's hard to follow this instruction, because, we want to live, but, blood transfusion does not guarantee life too. those that take them can still die from something else later on, those that take them might compound their problems by getting oda diseases from blood. God is all wise and he says we should not eat/take blood (Levticus 7:26)

Now is people getting other diseases from blood transfusion hmmmm. Blood is precious to God so if blood is used to save life then it will make God happy. If animals and humans are thesame in God's eyes why will God say they should kill animals for food and also say dey should not kill humans? Stop making God look like a sadist.


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by xynerise: 11:01am On Mar 19, 2017

why did God have to send someone from heaven to shed his blood for us?
God had/has faithful servants who has/will die for the truth, why didn't he lead, Noah,Enoch,John d Baptist etc to die on d stake, why weren't d angels demselves selected but yet, God most precious creation. bro, it's not in d place of humans to take blood as a means of saving life.
whether we live or die, we live or die for God, that is what will bring us everlasting benefits.
blood is very sacred to God, Infact, he sees blood as precious to him(Psalms 72:14). as such, he warns us to ABSTAIN FROM BLOOD,(Acts 15:29) blood of animals, blood of humans,none should be preserved it should be poured to the ground (Levticus 17:13)

i understand why it's hard to follow this instruction, because, we want to live, but, blood transfusion does not guarantee life too. those that take them can still die from something else later on, those that take them might compound their problems by getting oda diseases from blood. God is all wise and he says we should not eat/take blood (Levticus 7:26)

In summary, you are saying if your close relative is about to die and your blood is needed to keep him alive, you will walk to his bed side and tell him "Bro, fvck off, I ain't giving you my blood, die well"?
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by buoye1(m): 11:02am On Mar 19, 2017

Pls read it. It offers an interesting perspective. Articles lyk these r d type dt hv intelligent content nt "Tonto dikeh claps back @ cheating, abusive husband".
Some one told you or you ever came across my comments on such threads? It's will be good you learn to always mind your business sir.. Thank you
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Nobody: 11:03am On Mar 19, 2017
Russia is becoming too sane Whew cheesy cheesy, hey guys with the likes of Putin and Trump.... Lady's and gentlemen I welcome you to the new Era grin wink cheesy grin
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by lilyheaven: 11:08am On Mar 19, 2017
My main grouse with Jehovah's witnesses is this blood transfusion issue..I work with patients that have Chronic Kidney Disease and they usually require blood transfusion due to the nature of the disease.
When a new patient comes and I see the person is a JW,I know his/her time on this earth is not long again.I've seen at least 5 patients die due to refusal to take blood. Last one was one fine 23 yr lady. Both she and her husband adamantly refused blood. She died on the dialysis machine.
The only one that I know survived was because the husband loved her more than their religion. She was unconscious on the machine,we told him her only saving grace was blood. He thought long and hard and agreed. He however said we shouldn't put the blood transfusion sticker in her case note and throughout the process,no family member came to see her on the machine.
Till today,even the woman does not know she had blood..thinks her faith made her whole.

, so he won't go to new Jerusalem, after rapture? Just asking.
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by ekanDamie: 11:09am On Mar 19, 2017

have you eaten meat , bone marrow and liver before? do you know the about of blood that is retained in such products, even after washing?
yes brov. we are not God, we only follow Gods principles and laws. God does not say we should not eat meat. he created us and he knows what instructions is best for us.
inasmuch as it may look foolish to you, d Bible says, d wisdom of d world is foolishness to God.
so, there's no need acting smart or intelligent about d word of d one who gave us a brain cos even science says we don't use upto 1% of our IQ.
bottom line is, stay away from d direct consumption of blood, it did not say don't eat meat. inasmuch as I agree that technically it seems blood cannot be removed from d liver n such body parts, but, by allowing the animal to bleed out, u have followed Gods commandment and you are safe to eat whatever is left.

do not eat the fruit in d middle of the garden, humans may have reasoned, is it not still fruit like the other ones in d garden? abegi!!! let me eat. Listen, obey and be blest.
d commandment is, do not eat/consume blood. let d animal bleed out. That's all, nothing more,nothing less.


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 11:09am On Mar 19, 2017

the bible you use and quote would not have been avalible if not for the same Catholic Church you preach against.
read about the Dead Sea scrolls.

Don't mind them. If a thief, murderer, rapist, pedophile, drunk, gambler, adulterer, homosexual etc changes religion and becomes a jw their sins are automatically forgiven. Nobody remembers their past. But if it is catholic church the past is always remembered even if they no longer associate themselves with such practices.
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by jbhill(m): 11:11am On Mar 19, 2017
This one too long,e no get handout.
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by ndidibabe(f): 11:11am On Mar 19, 2017
This post is totally misleading. You take a decision to be baptised as a Jehovah's witness through water baptism by yourself no body ever force anyone to be. Even parents dont make that choice for their children. If you decided to abandon the truth which the organisation is after baptism, you will be excommunicated by your family member and fellow witnesses. You are deem fit to mix wit other people but witnesses hold on strongly to the bible quote, that whoever abandon the truth is worse than and unbeliever and you should not associate with such. Because he willingly abandon the truth.
On issue of blood the bible admonishes us to abstain from blood, because it is life itself.
Does this make sense? Abandon your own children just because they do not believe in a religion you believe in?

At a particular age, people will be mature enough to choose a religion themselves. Many people are JW today because their Parents are. Many are Muslims because they Parents are. Why excommunicate your own child because he fails to practice your religion anymore. This is wrong!

On the issue of blood, abstinence from blood does not mean blood transfusion is wrong. God does not want us to die. Human beings are precious to God. His laws are not burdensome.


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by gemale(m): 11:12am On Mar 19, 2017

why did God have to send someone from heaven to shed his blood for us?
God had/has faithful servants who has/will die for the truth, why didn't he lead, Noah,Enoch,John d Baptist etc to die on d stake, why weren't d angels demselves selected but yet, God most precious creation. bro, it's not in d place of humans to take blood as a means of saving life.
whether we live or die, we live or die for God, that is what will bring us everlasting benefits.
blood is very sacred to God, Infact, he sees blood as precious to him(Psalms 72:14). as such, he warns us to ABSTAIN FROM BLOOD,(Acts 15:29) blood of animals, blood of humans,none should be preserved it should be poured to the ground (Levticus 17:13)

i understand why it's hard to follow this instruction, because, we want to live, but, blood transfusion does not guarantee life too. those that take them can still die from something else later on, those that take them might compound their problems by getting oda diseases from blood. God is all wise and he says we should not eat/take blood (Levticus 7:26)
Dude quit twisting scripture. Abstaining from blood meant d non consumption of unbled meat. If we follow ur line of reasoning, dt means we shld hv nothing 2 do wt blood. Hence, we shldnt kill Animals since killing dem exposes us 2 contact wt their blood. So let's say u r shaving/cooking & u cut urself, doesn't dt mean u hv sinned since u hv come in contact wt blood? If u blv dt blood transfusion is evil & it's beta 2 die dan receive blood, den u must also blv dt d use of drugs 4 treatment is bad because it's tantamount 2 nt allowing God 2 heal u Himself. Jesus Christ gave his blood to save us & 2 b Christian is 2 b Christ-like so y can't I gv my blood 2 try & save anoda?

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 11:12am On Mar 19, 2017

yes brov. we are not God, we only follow Gods principles and laws. God does not say we should not eat meat. he created us and he knows what instructions is best for us.
inasmuch as it may look foolish to you, d Bible says, d wisdom of d world is foolishness to God.
so, there's no need acting smart or intelligent about d word of d one who gave us a brain cos even science says we don't use upto 1% of our IQ.
bottom line is, stay away from d direct consumption of blood, it did not say don't eat meat. inasmuch as I agree that technically it seems blood cannot be removed from d liver n such body parts, but, by allowing the animal to bleed out, u have followed Gods commandment and you are safe to eat whatever is left.

do not eat the fruit in d middle of the garden, humans may have reasoned, is it not still fruit like the other ones in d garden? abegi!!! let me eat. Listen, obey and be blest.
d commandment is, do not eat/consume blood. let d animal bleed out. That's all, nothing more,nothing less.

Thank God is let the animal bleed out and it is do not eat blood. Blood transfusion the human doesn't die after blood donation and the blood is not eaten.


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Notatribalist(m): 11:14am On Mar 19, 2017
If all those negative things u mentioned dey associated with the organization, why u dey complain say dem dey ban dem?
this op is worse than lie Mohammed wen it comes to telling lies.I was a member of the organization, truly the only negative thing about them is their refusal of blood transfusion. As for the child molestation op mentioned my brother,I don't know where op got that from o.


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by loomer: 11:16am On Mar 19, 2017
this op is worse than lie Mohammed wen it comes to telling lies.I was a member of the organization, truly the only negative thing about them is their refusal of blood transfusion. As for the child molestation op mentioned my brother,I don't know where op got that from o.


He is just a confused fellow....I think he should get his fact right
The worst part be say the write up come long for nothing.


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by ezra1990: 11:17am On Mar 19, 2017
Tell me a story. You are not a Catholic I presume so you can't tell me about a church I was born in. Thanks
You were born in the Church doesn't mean u have all the facts bout the origin, practices n doctrines of the Church.....History is one thing I know that never lies, why not go to archives(e.g Encyclopedia Britannica, e.t.c) and see for urself. Don't just be blinded by sentiments n emotions but facts......and always ask the most important questions like the boreans of old in the Bible..... and then u will see the light.....that is if you love the light.

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Notatribalist(m): 11:18am On Mar 19, 2017

God will judge you for telling such lies against Jehovah's witnesses.mind u,I am no longer a member of the organization.for Christ sake,with concerns Jehovah's witness and child molestation you mentioned?infact u are wicked,very wicked.

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