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How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat - Webmasters (4) - Nairaland

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Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by pinkygurl(f): 11:08am On Mar 22, 2017
..There were 195 newcomers, including 26-year-old John Collison, who is now the
world’s youngest self-made billionaire,
just two months younger than Snapchat’s
Evan Spiegel. There are 56 billionaires under age 40, down from 66 last year... Thinking
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by pinkygurl(f): 11:09am On Mar 22, 2017
Mark Zuckerberg is a brilliant young man I must say. He keeps improving what he already has to keep the others at bay. If he continues this way he'll soon end up as one of the most powerful men in the world.
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by H2Ossss(m): 11:42am On Mar 22, 2017

Dangote doesn't do competition neither does he fight for the monopoly.
His politician shareholders government him monoply

Lol.... Same end... Different means.
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Cunninlinguist: 11:43am On Mar 22, 2017

Its too late. The chance has passed. Mark has nothing to gain by buying snapchat anymore. Days of snapchat are numbered
I just googled the guy now. He's worth 4 billion dollars now shocked

Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Nobody: 12:13pm On Mar 22, 2017
To say the owner of the two social media Na Africa or Nigerians;..... You know the rest
lol.. Na poison...o
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Nobody: 12:39pm On Mar 22, 2017
Google bought YouTube.com for $1.6 billion from two young lads many years ago. Zuckerberg bought WhatsApp for $16 billion recently and Instagram too. Evan Spiegel probably felt insulted by the $3 billion offer and he took the risk to stand up to the colossus. Unfortunately, like meebo,snaptu and a whole lot of other amazing small startups,he will have to bow.
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Temysteve(m): 1:11pm On Mar 22, 2017
cant snapchat sue facebook
For what
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Lankyscot(m): 1:11pm On Mar 22, 2017
Mark Zuckerberg is a brilliant young man I must say. He keeps improving what he already has to keep the others at bay. If he continues this way he'll soon end up as one of the most powerful men in the world.

He Is Already One Of The Most Powerful Men In The World!
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Temysteve(m): 1:13pm On Mar 22, 2017
Nigerian youths are busy snapchating, instagramming and Facebooking their lives away.
that means you're also nairalanding ur lives away....
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Nobody: 1:15pm On Mar 22, 2017
Zuckerberg doesn't stand a chance against snapchat.
Even after the introduction of "stories to whatsapp and instagram it still doesn't stand a chance...
Here my reason
1.even though whatsapp now has story feature as snapchat, whatsapp is a more or less private communication platform,however one need to be in your contact before you can view them. Here snapchat has an edge over them.
2.secondly instagram stories to me is Wack,its showing on the top, I barely view instagram stories because sometimes they are invisible to me.
Beside snapchat has cool features like the bitmoji,and filters, snap can clearly handle the competition.
If Evans is wise, this is the time for him to step up his game.

Mark is playing dirty...just like bill gates did to Netscape with Internet explorer. All is fair in love and war. If I were Evans Spiegel, this is how I would take down Facebook.
I will prey upon its weakness in user privacy.
1. I will simply sponsor all manner of indecency and explicit materials, ponzi sites and the rest to be advertised on Facebook...as links...like u can see an advert, u click on it, the first page is a legit page, the next clicks after that includes all manner of porn, provocatory statements, and conflicting info. I will make the sites dynamic, so that u can't get the same result for any two consecutive clicks...imagine boosted ads on about 250,000 different sites or links, the attention from extremists, govt concerns, parents inhibitions etc. Note Snapchat has an advantage of age prohibitions, under 13 isn't allowed. If Facebook rebuffs the ads..they must return the funds... Or face a legal and illegal battle.
2. Spam facebook accts, and pages.. Imagine storming Facebook with a million accounts each day...that will now be encroaching users with friend requests of all manner of indecency and defamations...fight dirty right? Good thing is some people will accept these requests, which will then show as mutual friends in people you nay know scroll line The reputation goes low. Facebook will be forced to remove that feature of the people you may know scroll line. These accounts that I've creates then will make all manner of posts and tag as many people as possible. The irk goes on. Now in programming there is limited Intellectual Property protection. While all these is happening ...I'll create a new snapchat meseenger feature..., new corporate stories feature where u can connect to get goods and services by following video stories that are different from the usual adverts..the stories are captivating and with a click, u can place an order.
3. Public Relationship. When a devil wants to get a man, he goes through his woman. Let Evans be the face of the Snapchat brand...a young hippy generation concerned about defining the future. Let mark be the boss, and bully. Let Evans be more involved in CSR and defunig the future. Let Evans be sympathetic to the concerns of marks IoT adversely affecting the services sector of the economy.. Most folks in that sector will lose their jobs...also Evans can reach a compromise, that benefits them and instigate them to push for legislation against IoT the way mark envisions it.
About Priscilla, I won't personally do this. But mark doesn't ring alpha male. Discreetly through 12 layers of anonymity hire cassanovas to go after Priscilla and never want her money...she is a woman, with time, she will give in .....mark will become destabilized..he is an atheist...so there won't be any praying. He is as vulnerable as hell.
4. Evans needs to work on making Snapchat more profitable. Most Facebook users complain of ADD. Integrate a feature in Snapchat where users can get maximum value from it ( requests, posts, ads) at certain times of the day...and with notifications too...so as to minimize snapchat interfering with their productive time.
5. Budget about 200 million for operation bring down Facebook.
6. To destroy it in the end, send stealth drones to important Facebook facilities...and deliver deadly doses of EMP (electro magnetic pulse) to interfere with server performance, and disrupt operations Put North Korea's name on the drones..(that man is crazy and useful). This is military grade, but hey what is the black market for? Does mark have the balls to accuse North Korea or even the average black market weaponse dealer? Fit it in, with the defamatory statements boosted through thier ads, and the spam accounts and tagged posts...u get the picture if you are smart. If you don't its either u are too pure or not smart at all.
Its war right? Everything is fair.

4 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by temmypotter(m): 1:29pm On Mar 22, 2017
snapchat will die when Facebook fully add snapchat features to Instagram and Facebook especially... Instagram stories is already in the reducing snapchat users and attracting them to Instagram. Some celebrities are already complaining that the number snapchat followers is reducing
Wonder what will happen when Snapchat embeds Facebook features? all i'm saying is although Snapchat may seem gloomy now, there are well thought out steps that can be taken to resuscitate Snapchat and the entire franchise, by creating more products e.g.. Snapchat can have snapit, snapgram, snapixel, isnap. etc, the essence of competition is building on one's self. Snapchat is not a small company at all.. Evan Spiegel is a genius in his own right, im sure something is cooking from the Snapchat camp.
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by martineverest(m): 2:03pm On Mar 22, 2017
Wonder what will happen when Snapchat embeds Facebook features? all i'm saying is although Snapchat may seem gloomy now, there are well thought out steps that can be taken to resuscitate Snapchat and the entire franchise, by creating more products e.g.. Snapchat can have snapit, snapgram, snapixel, isnap. etc, the essence of competition is building on one's self. Snapchat is not a small company at all.. Evan Spiegel is a genius in his own right, im sure something is cooking from the Snapchat camp.
even what snap ipo is the biggest flop ever?.....didnt google plus,twitter,yahoo,vine etc do all these?.by d time facebook is done with spiegel,he will be begging people to come and buy snap cheaply,like what twitter is doing right now...owners of linkedin was wise when he sold the company to microsoft for whoopy sum of TH billion dollars.....if u dont know,in 3 months time ,instagram users will overtake snapchat users
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Nobody: 3:57pm On Mar 22, 2017
And do you know that some people are feeling pissed off with the "Whatsapp stories".
Am sensing people's adverse reactions might slow down whatsapp growth

Cc: NaijaTechGuy
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by InyinyaAgbaOku(m): 4:33pm On Mar 22, 2017

Mark is playing dirty...just like bill gates did to Netscape with Internet explorer. All is fair in love and war. If I were Evans Spiegel, this is how I would take down Facebook.
I will prey upon its weakness in user privacy.
1. I will simply sponsor all manner of indecency and explicit materials, ponzi sites and the rest to be advertised on Facebook...as links...like u can see an advert, u click on it, the first page is a legit page, the next clicks after that includes all manner of porn, provocatory statements, and conflicting info. I will make the sites dynamic, so that u can't get the same result for any two consecutive clicks...imagine boosted ads on about 250,000 different sites or links, the attention from extremists, govt concerns, parents inhibitions etc. Note Snapchat has an advantage of age prohibitions, under 13 isn't allowed. If Facebook rebuffs the ads..they must return the funds... Or face a legal and illegal battle.
2. Spam facebook accts, and pages.. Imagine storming Facebook with a million accounts each day...that will now be encroaching users with friend requests of all manner of indecency and defamations...fight dirty right? Good thing is some people will accept these requests, which will then show as mutual friends in people you nay know scroll line The reputation goes low. Facebook will be forced to remove that feature of the people you may know scroll line. These accounts that I've creates then will make all manner of posts and tag as many people as possible. The irk goes on. Now in programming there is limited Intellectual Property protection. While all these is happening ...I'll create a new snapchat meseenger feature..., new corporate stories feature where u can connect to get goods and services by following video stories that are different from the usual adverts..the stories are captivating and with a click, u can place an order.
3. Public Relationship. When a devil wants to get a man, he goes through his woman. Let Evans be the face of the Snapchat brand...a young hippy generation concerned about defining the future. Let mark be the boss, and bully. Let Evans be more involved in CSR and defunig the future. Let Evans be sympathetic to the concerns of marks IoT adversely affecting the services sector of the economy.. Most folks in that sector will lose their jobs...also Evans can reach a compromise, that benefits them and instigate them to push for legislation against IoT the way mark envisions it.
About Priscilla, I won't personally do this. But mark doesn't ring alpha male. Discreetly through 12 layers of anonymity hire cassanovas to go after Priscilla and never want her money...she is a woman, with time, she will give in .....mark will become destabilized..he is an atheist...so there won't be any praying. He is as vulnerable as hell.
4. Evans needs to work on making Snapchat more profitable. Most Facebook users complain of ADD. Integrate a feature in Snapchat where users can get maximum value from it ( requests, posts, ads) at certain times of the day...and with notifications too...so as to minimize snapchat interfering with their productive time.
5. Budget about 200 million for operation bring down Facebook.
6. To destroy it in the end, send stealth drones to important Facebook facilities...and deliver deadly doses of EMP (electro magnetic pulse) to interfere with server performance, and disrupt operations Put North Korea's name on the drones..(that man is crazy and useful). This is military grade, but hey what is the black market for? Does mark have the balls to accuse North Korea or even the average black market weaponse dealer? Fit it in, with the defamatory statements boosted through thier ads, and the spam accounts and tagged posts...u get the picture if you are smart. If you don't its either u are too pure or not smart at all.
Its war right? Everything is fair.

Explain the Priscilla part please.
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Nwachukwu1986(m): 6:07pm On Mar 22, 2017

Tonto is now available
No b baby mama i need bros. How I fit send babe message for here. I like some babes I d see here and I need a girl friend seriously.
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Lexusgs430: 6:08pm On Mar 22, 2017

No b baby mama i need bros. How I fit send babe message for here. I like some babes I d see here and I need a girl friend seriously.

Send them a PM (you might just be lucky)
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Nwachukwu1986(m): 6:14pm On Mar 22, 2017

Send them a PM (you might just be lucky)
I don't know how to do it can u send me one let me see how it works
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by ebby9z(m): 6:53pm On Mar 22, 2017
I just googled the guy now. He's worth 4 billion dollars now shocked
Pls, let me enjoy my N100 Suya in peace. Since my mate is worth that much and I'm here jumping Danfo to office here in Lagos
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by davide470(m): 7:17pm On Mar 22, 2017
This is just damn funny! cheesy

To say the owner of the two social media Na Africa or Nigerians;..... You know the rest
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by DonX001: 7:20pm On Mar 22, 2017

Mark is playing dirty...just like bill gates did to Netscape with Internet explorer. All is fair in love and war. If I were Evans Spiegel, this is how I would take down Facebook.
I will prey upon its weakness in user privacy.
1. I will simply sponsor all manner of indecency and explicit materials, ponzi sites and the rest to be advertised on Facebook...as links...like u can see an advert, u click on it, the first page is a legit page, the next clicks after that includes all manner of porn, provocatory statements, and conflicting info. I will make the sites dynamic, so that u can't get the same result for any two consecutive clicks...imagine boosted ads on about 250,000 different sites or links, the attention from extremists, govt concerns, parents inhibitions etc. Note Snapchat has an advantage of age prohibitions, under 13 isn't allowed. If Facebook rebuffs the ads..they must return the funds... Or face a legal and illegal battle.
2. Spam facebook accts, and pages.. Imagine storming Facebook with a million accounts each day...that will now be encroaching users with friend requests of all manner of indecency and defamations...fight dirty right? Good thing is some people will accept these requests, which will then show as mutual friends in people you nay know scroll line The reputation goes low. Facebook will be forced to remove that feature of the people you may know scroll line. These accounts that I've creates then will make all manner of posts and tag as many people as possible. The irk goes on. Now in programming there is limited Intellectual Property protection. While all these is happening ...I'll create a new snapchat meseenger feature..., new corporate stories feature where u can connect to get goods and services by following video stories that are different from the usual adverts..the stories are captivating and with a click, u can place an order.
3. Public Relationship. When a devil wants to get a man, he goes through his woman. Let Evans be the face of the Snapchat brand...a young hippy generation concerned about defining the future. Let mark be the boss, and bully. Let Evans be more involved in CSR and defunig the future. Let Evans be sympathetic to the concerns of marks IoT adversely affecting the services sector of the economy.. Most folks in that sector will lose their jobs...also Evans can reach a compromise, that benefits them and instigate them to push for legislation against IoT the way mark envisions it.
About Priscilla, I won't personally do this. But mark doesn't ring alpha male. Discreetly through 12 layers of anonymity hire cassanovas to go after Priscilla and never want her money...she is a woman, with time, she will give in .....mark will become destabilized..he is an atheist...so there won't be any praying. He is as vulnerable as hell.
4. Evans needs to work on making Snapchat more profitable. Most Facebook users complain of ADD. Integrate a feature in Snapchat where users can get maximum value from it ( requests, posts, ads) at certain times of the day...and with notifications too...so as to minimize snapchat interfering with their productive time.
5. Budget about 200 million for operation bring down Facebook.
6. To destroy it in the end, send stealth drones to important Facebook facilities...and deliver deadly doses of EMP (electro magnetic pulse) to interfere with server performance, and disrupt operations Put North Korea's name on the drones..(that man is crazy and useful). This is military grade, but hey what is the black market for? Does mark have the balls to accuse North Korea or even the average black market weaponse dealer? Fit it in, with the defamatory statements boosted through thier ads, and the spam accounts and tagged posts...u get the picture if you are smart. If you don't its either u are too pure or not smart at all.
Its war right? Everything is fair.

This guy, you're just a crazy guy o! Lol.
Interesting thoughts.
But seriously though, I think all that will be difficult to do without getting found out directly or indirectly no matter the number of layers of anonymity you try to cover to with...with all the technology and spyware currently available, and of course, the constant possibility of snitches showing up in your camp.
You'll just suddenly see all your company's "classified information" and discreet emails appear on Wikileaks like magic.


Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Slimpotter(m): 7:38pm On Mar 22, 2017
Buhari is a career phool.
Have you ever taken a leadership position before,try it one day and see how miserable, deranged and delusional you'll be
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by NaijaTechGuy(m): 10:35pm On Mar 22, 2017
And do you know that some people are feeling pissed off with the "Whatsapp stories".
Am sensing people's adverse reactions might slow down whatsapp growth

Cc: NaijaTechGuy

Yeah.. Whatsapp has already reintroduced the text status update, it's still in beta you should see it in the upcoming updates soon. Whatsapp is also planning a killer update soon but I'm not revealing till the right time grin
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by uvalued(m): 11:24pm On Mar 22, 2017
Buhari is a career phool.

I need a girl friend

buhari vs girlfriend which one go make top
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Nobody: 8:31am On Mar 23, 2017

Yeah.. Whatsapp has already reintroduced the text status update, it's still in beta you should see it in the upcoming updates soon. Whatsapp is also planning a killer update soon but I'm not revealing till the right time grin

Updates are good for app as it breeds development but Mark needs to take a chill sometimes.. grin
Check out the screenshot below

Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by DanielGb(m): 4:18pm On Mar 23, 2017
just spoke (type) like a baby too

This is Ameebo o. No be you get case. And, this is not a English competition. I don't care about the blunders. I was helping someone to think smart and here you are pointing out my error in English. Na your papa language.? Your mindset enh... is colonial.

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