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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Pray Until Something Happens (4097 Views)
Pray Until Something Happens (10) / Pray Until Something Happens (7) / Pray Until Something Happen! (2) (3) (4)
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by frank317: 1:56pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
koxyz: You guys are quick to call the devil when things are not going your way. Where and who is the devil that is always stuck on ur lips? I sit down i my house and comment on this thread because i find some ideas here ridiculous and you sit down in your house and call me the devil, yet you expect me not to think you are not mentally sick? Just how will you feel if i call you a green ant with so much assurance just because what you are saying is not in agreement with my thinking? 1 Like |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by frank317: 1:58pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
trueking: Are u even okay? What kind of fruits do u want me to bear? You that u have Jesus, are u the richest or the happiest man on earth? What kind of fruits are you bearing that you think unbelievers don't bear? 1 Like |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by Nobody: 2:34pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
TrueKing, Brother, you have spoken truth! You are so correct. P.U.S.H--when a person is determined (by faith) to receive an answer....he/she will! I will continue to say this till the day I die...God answers! I just experienced an answer to a prayer that I prayed. You know something? Just to show that my God is the only God who is omniscient...(amongst all else)....I prayed a silent prayer for something specific. NOT A SOUL....(not even the enemy himself) knew what it was.... I decided to fast..although it was 1 day...(I intended more though). Scripture tells us that some things only come through prayer & fasting. Anyhow, the Lord answered my prayer through a person who called me at the end of that day! I was almost overwhelmed..forgetting that I was expecting an answer! I'm still speechless...and this has happened many times in the past few months. God is willing & able to walk in fellowship with anyone who desires Him to be in his/her life. 2 Likes |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by trueking: 2:35pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
frank317:Read Galatians 5 from verse 22, I see you giving your life to Christ. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by trueking: 2:50pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
MZLady39 God bless you abundantly, I also thank God for your praise report, I have a staunch belief in Luke 1 verses 1 to 8, if we do not give up, with unwavering faith God answers prayers, just that some get disheartened during the waiting process. 1 Like |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by analice107: 3:09pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
frank317:You too mahn, you too. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by analice107: 3:11pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
trueking:God Bless bro. 1 Like |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by analice107: 3:12pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
Pastafarian:Why then is he not showing us his achievements through atheism. ? |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by frank317: 5:02pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
analice107: Lol... Only Jesus follower can be this dumb. No wonder a Jew who died 2000 years ago is ur God. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by trueking: 5:40pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
frank317:Please stop derailing the thread, everyone is not expected to believe in Christ, for those of us who do, let us be, thank you. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by frank317: 6:01pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
trueking: Whatever men... Just stop asking Nigerians to be lazy. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by analice107: 9:22pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
frank317:This is your only achievement, talking stupid. You called Christians lazy and dumb, now you who through atheism has become smart and hardworking, show working or shut the heck up. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by frank317: 9:41pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
analice107: blah blah blah.. . you are just a common worshiper of a dead Jew |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by analice107: 10:25pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
frank317:Frank317, Fine a place and sit your lazy ass down. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by analice107: 10:34pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
frank317:You mean your family members? I will commit suicide because you are feeding your family members? This is what atheism does to people. I will commit suicide because Frank317 is feeding his family. Someone pls tie me a noose, i gat to do this, i really have to kill myself, Frank317 is feeding his family, i can't take this, no way. Neanderthal. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by analice107: 10:41pm On Apr 05, 2017 |
frank317: Hey Neanderthal, you mean, in all of your family you are the only successful one because you are an atheist? Every Christian, every God believing, praying Christian in your entire family is reeling in poverty, depending on you to feed them e`kwa? Very stupid. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by adewuyi2012: 12:03am On Apr 06, 2017 |
THE FAMILY RULES* (1) The main purpose of this group is to relate, share knowledge, have fun, help one another, keep ourselves informed with the world around us *(please make sure what you share is in a common language eg English)* and to share the word of God. (2) Members are encouraged to relate well with one another in love,respect,wisdom,maturity and understanding. (3) If any member have posts relating to e.g. on saturday is for music, movies, poem and job updates they should post it without having to get permission from the long as d posts are related to the ongoing discussion..however, once a member noticed that there is an ongoing discussion, such member should exercise patient 4 dem to finish d discussion b4 making d post. (4) Feel free to contact any of the Admins if you are not too okay with any comment or behaviour of any member..please don't take laws into your hands by raining abusive words on the group's page. Report to us and appropriate action will be taken. *ACTIVITIES PER DAY* •Monday: Sport •Tuesday: Health talk •Wednesday: Love, Relationship and Welfare •Thursday: Entrepreneur •Friday: Politics, Economy and News around the world •Saturday: Music, Movies and Job Updates. •Sunday: Bible study. *Courtesy- ADMIN* Chat me: 07087844062 if u want to join us. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by frank317: 9:30am On Apr 06, 2017 |
analice107: isnt it sad for you? Dont you feel foolish? Oh were u expecting me and my family members to go begging because I dont pray to you dumb God? Is this why you think I am poor? Soory to dissapoint you buddy. just dont go jump into lagoon. I am doing it with out your God. I know this is hard for you to comprehend but am sorry. I am feeding my family and beyond. I a also of great help to christian friends. I wouldnt be surprised if i hear you have killed yourself. Take it easy on yourself bro, some of us are way way beyond your God. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by analice107: 11:21am On Apr 06, 2017 |
frank317:Noise maker. Prove all your bogus claims. Empty vessels makes the loudest noises. Those who do stuff don't talk about them. Present proofs or you are still the liar that everyone here knows you already are. Why do you feel i shd commit suicide? The devil inside of you hates me that much to want to see me dead? Oh wait!!! I should kill myself becos you claim, "just claims, mere claims" that you feed your own family, which you have a responsibility to. Shouldn't you be ashamed that you give food to your own parents and you bring them out to ridicule because they are Christians? Where even is the prove that you indeed feed them? Your Master the devil must be hyper happy that he is inciting people to kill themselves, but, sorry, only your frustrated kind jumps into the lagoon not my happy self. Thanks for announcing to the world that without you your parents will be beggars on the streets of your village. Let the breast of that woman which suckled you cures you for this ridicule. C.ow |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by analice107: 11:24am On Apr 06, 2017 |
frank317:If i ever considered you anything close to a man, you lost that right now. Anyone who brings his family to reticule because he gives them any kind of assistance, can't have no respect from me. Now, get the hell out. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by frank317: 11:59am On Apr 06, 2017 |
analice107: Your God is fake!!!, u re serving an imaginary being. I am doing quite well without denying myself of food or relegating myself and calling myself a worthless sinner, and i dont waste my time praying to something imaginary. if the information is too much for you to handle go jump into lagoon |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by frank317: 12:04pm On Apr 06, 2017 |
analice107: lol @ stupid cow... he is so pained. eyaaa. Yahweh must have really messed u all up. oya, dont eat for two weeks, pray pray pray, call yourself a worthless sinner. Beg God for help, pray until something happens. Beg him, tell him u are sorry for calling me a stupid cow, remember this will cost you all you have been BEGGING for. Pray for ,forgiveness, act holy holy and wait for your imaginary God to send blessings from above. Dont forget to bribe him with ten percent of the little u have. while I will be chilling at a bar. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by trueking: 12:41pm On Apr 06, 2017 |
analice107 and frank317 I beg you guys to please let it slide, no victor no vanquished, thank you God bless. There is this book "Prayer cookbook for busy people" by Elisha Goodman, its a very wonderful book on prayers, I will try to upload the excerpt here because its less than 250kb but the full book you can google and download, its free, that is how I got it. Oh, I changed the name to power of midnight prayers in my pc, I forgot to change it before uploading.
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by Nobody: 11:34pm On Apr 06, 2017 |
trueking: Brother, Thank you for stepping in here....thank you ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by trueking: 7:17am On Apr 07, 2017 |
MZLady39:God bless you sister, its good to have you here. The Fasting can be done in any format, depending on your schedule, my job is not strenuous so I eat in the morning and drink water for the rest of the day, it makes you extremely light at night for the night vigils. If you are looking for a job please eat something lite before going out, ask the Holy Spirit to direct your steps, and grant you uncommon favour. Annoint the tip of your photocopied documents, (it must not be visible to the naked eyes, no go pour oil on top say na anointing ![]() |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by trueking: 7:42am On Apr 07, 2017 |
Start what is called "prayer of enquiry" it means knowing the root of the problems directly from God, use these scriptures I will give they never fail, trust me. Jeremiah 33 verse 3-- Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you do not know. Daniel 2 verse 22--He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him. Deut. 29 verse 29 -- The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. Over the next few days God will talk to you, he loves you and wants to help you, but you've got to stay away from sin and draw close to him, I said this before if you draw close to God with all your heart He can NEVER leave you in the dark or blank, he will not withhold any good thing from you either, but you've got to be patient and trust him, while waiting he will provide your daily needs and necessities, you have a part to play too, do not be lazy, the holy spirit will speak to you through thoughts, sometimes through dreams you have to act or else you remain where you are. See you guys later, heading out now. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by trueking: 12:16pm On Apr 07, 2017 |
What does it mean to see mad people in the dream? |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by trueking: 7:13pm On Apr 09, 2017 |
I told you guys, God answers prayers, today in my dream someone asked me to choose "the original house of my choice " then I chose a big one, I mean really big, I saw the neighborhood also had mighty beautiful edifices all around, wow, thank you Jesus, the physical manifestation is nearby, am so happy right now. The Prayers will not stop until I see the physical manifestation; then I will step down the fast, but I will not stop. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by Nobody: 11:46pm On Apr 10, 2017 |
trueking: Of course He answers prayers...especially if they are sincere and humble. Brother, may God grant you your desire according to His will! Are you fasting from food only? Make sure you at least drink some water need water (if nothing else). |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by trueking: 4:00pm On Apr 12, 2017 |
MZLady39:Thank you dear, sorry I was offline for sometime hence the late reply, I drink plenty of water, but food is once a day, some days I take only fruits. Sometimes I get weak at night to even pray. |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by Nobody: 7:17pm On Apr 12, 2017 |
trueking: Ok...that's good cause I thought you were eating nothing at all. The water's getting in your system....that's most important. Also, I can understand the weakness. Well God rewards that sincere self-denial. Praying for you brother... |
Re: Pray Until Something Happens by trueking: 7:30pm On Apr 12, 2017 |
MZLady39:Thank You. God bless. |
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