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Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators - Politics (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators (4358 Views)

Onnoghen: Niger Delta Agitators Threaten To Form Govt, Partner IPOB / Biafra: We Do Not Support IPOB - British Government / Begin Election Boycott Campaign In Your States — Bianca Ojukwu Tells Agitators (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Almaiga: 6:03am On Apr 03, 2017
Chai, Igbo's will not like this news.

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Iskander4: 6:21am On Apr 03, 2017



2015 NEWS

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Ibifizzleboy(m): 6:24am On Apr 03, 2017
y always Niger Delta included in the struggle, does it mean that Biafra will not see the day of light without us?


Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Suurulere(m): 6:25am On Apr 03, 2017
We need the igbos, especially their beautiful ladies. We cannot afford to see them suffer in a landlocked country and have to suffer again to secure visas to Lagos, Abuja, Kano and Port-of Lord-Harcourt.

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by kingzizzy: 6:27am On Apr 03, 2017

By repetition the point is sunked into the heart of everyone who thinks Niger Delta is Biafran territory.

We ddidnt ask for referendum. Our leaders have all spoken. Take it or leave it.

Whenever I hear 'we south/south', I already know whatever will follow after that will be fraudulent.

The term South/South is not recognised in Nigerian law same as South East. South South is just geopolitical zone, a geopolitical zone is just a group of people who are most likely to vote in a similar way.

A geopolitical zone is not a people. There are over 40 minority tribes in the south of Nigeria , I am yet to see one single authentic organisation that speaks for them all. All we see is one organisation or the other with ridiculous sounding names that always ends with 'Niger Delta' sitting anywhere from Yenagoa to Eket and claiming to be the mouthpiece of all the minorities and never managing to achieve anything.

On the issue of Biafra, not everyone will like the idea. Not every ethnic group will want to be part of it, some may even prefare Nigeria. That is why no ethnic group shoup speak for another. If there should be anyone speaking for each ethnic group, it should be their apex social and political organisations.

Finally, these people who like to think that Biafra is an Igbo thing are really funny. The last president of Biafra, General Philip Effiong, was not an Igbo man.

Can a non Nigerian ever become president of Nigeria? Of course not!

So if Biafra was just about Igbos, how could an Annang/Ibibio man like General Effiong ever become its president?

The vision of Biafra is not Igbo, its eventual capital is not likely to be in Igbo land and there is a good chance that when Biafra returns, its next president might not be an Igbo man.

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Nobody: 6:46am On Apr 03, 2017
SE eyeing SS oyel since time immemorial

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by InvestinOwerri(m): 6:55am On Apr 03, 2017
This goes to show that many people are now really afraid of the possible actualization of Biafra. Nobody is forcing anybody to join the struggle. Many Igbos and likewise those in the N.delta are in support of it. For sure, Nigeria cannot continue like this, it would be in the best interest of all to conduct a referendum. If Biafra is what they want then so be it but if Biafra is rejected, they together we forge ahead as one nation.


Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Amberon: 6:55am On Apr 03, 2017
meh elor.

How are you doing?

Omote, ke mavor?

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by rusher14: 7:12am On Apr 03, 2017



2015 NEWS

Is the quest for biafra new?

SS stand, yesterday, today and forever.

Take it to the bank.


Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by hisgrace090: 7:12am On Apr 03, 2017
Unto your tent o! Jecob.
Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Sanchez01: 7:16am On Apr 03, 2017

Whenever I hear 'we south/south', I already know whatever will follow after that will be fraudulent.
Because whatever follows doesn't sit well with you, yeah? I'm sure you wouldn't term it as rubbish if they all claim they stand with Biafra.

The term South/South is not recognised in Nigerian law same as South East. South South is just geopolitical zone, a geopolitical zone is just a group of people who are most likely to vote in a similar way.
Wrong! The constitution which forms our law recognizes geopolitical zones,and these geopolitical zones are classified grouped based on certain/shared cultural values, beliefs, orientation among many other things.

A geopolitical zone is not a people. There are over 40 minority tribes in the south of Nigeria , I am yet to see one single authentic organisation that speaks for them all. All we see is one organisation or the other with ridiculous sounding names that always ends with 'Niger Delta' sitting anywhere from Yenagoa to Eket and claiming to be the mouthpiece of all the minorities and never managing to achieve anything.
Again, a geopolitical zone defines a people. No single body can speak on behalf of all the groups in South, this, I believe, explains why they each have representatives and heads who act on their behalf, just as the Ohaneze acts on behalf of all Igbos, regardless of their subsects. While he has no right to speak for all the groups, the article in itself should be your take away; the coming together of various groups and their heads in kicking against a purpose that does not concern them.

On the issue of Biafra, not everyone will like the idea. Not every ethnic group will want to be part of it, some may even prefare Nigeria. That is why no ethnic group shoup speak for another. If there should be anyone speaking for each ethnic group, it should be their apex social and political organisations.
Again, fall back to the article. It's just like saying the Yorubas would be a part of Biafra. Ideally, an average Yoruba Yoruba man would kick against the idea as he believes his zone shares no similarly with those who are presently agitating.

Finally, these people who like to think that Biafra is an Igbo thing are really funny. The last president of Biafra, General Philip Effiong, was not an Igbo man.
That was then. A whole lot has changed now. Effiong might have been a general in the Biafran army, but then we all know that most minority groups were forced to join the war, all thanks to Ojukwu. That said, I believe the Igbos would never allow an Edo/Urhobo/Ijaw man become a governor in any of their states, even though these regions used to be known as one at some point. We are very different and that is the truth.

So if Biafra was just about Igbos, how could an Annang/Ibibio man like General Effiong ever become its president?
Save you want to hide from the truth, a whole lot has changed now. Let's not get this mixed up, Ojukwu knew the war was lost and decided to flee, leaving his second-in-command in charge. The war was lost at the time and it was very obvious to both Ojukwu and Effiong. So, saying Effiong was the president from the 8th of January 1970 - to the 12th of January 1970 is laughable. No formal ceremony or handing over was done. It's just like having history record that Osinbajo was once the President of Nigeria. We all know this is false as he didn't take a decision on his own. The same applied to Effiong. Ojukwu fled and simply asked him to surrender five days after.

In a 1996 interview, Effiong reflected on those events:

I have no regrets whatsoever of my involvement in Biafra or the role I played. The war deprived me of my property, dignity, my name. Yet, I saved so many souls on both sides and by this, I mean Biafra and Nigeria. . . .
I felt that I played a role which has kept this country united till today. . . .
At the end of it all when I saw they (Biafran soldiers) could no longer continue and Ojukwu had fled, I did what was ideal after wide consultation . . . [2]
Efiong died 6 November 2003, at the age of 78 less than two weeks before his 79th birthday.

The vision of Biafra is not Igbo, its eventual capital is not likely to be in Igbo land and there is a good chance that when Biafra returns, its next president might not be an Igbo man.
Again, if the vision of Biafra isn't Igbo, how come Igbos have been groaning about wanting to 'control their own destiny'?

The article was first published in 2015,but quite frankly, nothing has changed.


Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Igboesika: 7:19am On Apr 03, 2017
Oooo no !!. Just conduct referendum and watch who will emerge victorious. This thing is just a long boring epistle.


Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by DocHMD: 7:23am On Apr 03, 2017
All these SS or no SS threads are pointless. Nobody going to force anyone to join. Everyone gets option through referendum. I don't see why nairaland wants to argue about this to infinity. We don't even know if how popular idea is in reality. There's not much data to go on except wor around town.

If SS decides not to participate nobody will cry. Example Scotland decided the wanted to vote on weather to leave UK. Other parts of UK like Wales, North Ireland, and England didn't care to have one. Its honestly not a big deal. Nairaland needs to take chill pill on SS or no SS.

That is what I have always maintained, Biafrans don't have the capacity to force any ethnic group against their will. There are more than 100 groups claiming to be speaking for SS. Some don't want Biafra, Some SS want it and have even been arrested and have died for it in Rivers and Delta, the records are there.

A desperate government that can pay people to protest against Amnesty Int'l is very capable of sponsoring some SS groups to speak against Biafra by dropping a few millions here and there. Only a referendum will tell the truth.

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by evilapc: 7:26am On Apr 03, 2017
How can Amechi Ogbonnia be an (Itsekiri)...hired and paid group of evil people


Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by SlayerForever: 7:38am On Apr 03, 2017
Digging up an article from 2015 to buttress your point shows your grabbing at straws now. The agitation has only grown stronger since two years ago. Then again,all this nonsense imbecilic threads shows that some people who dismissed the Biafran agitators as miscreants are now peeing in their pants because they can see IPoB is winning. IPoB!!... One family!!


Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by HopeAtHand: 7:41am On Apr 03, 2017
This Biafra issue has been overflogged on this platform and elsewhere simply because the stubborn IPoB never stops hallucinating.

Ive said it severally that a workable model for Biafra is that which is moulded within the 5 SE states framework. Anything other than that will simply be viewed with suspicion, be unacceptable and ultimately renounced.

IPoB come across as being unserious about Biafra as any serious minded organisation will do its diligence, make corrections where neccessary and forge ahead. The decision to stick to unwilling, diverse ethnicities shows they are just a bunch of noisemakers, intent on milking their nuisance value.

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by SlayerForever: 7:42am On Apr 03, 2017

Your leaders are the ones who said they don't support Biafra. Take up your issues with them.

I'd suggest you call for a town-hall meeting and tender your love for Biafra there and then.

After all, we all have a right to self-determination and if the majority says they need something, NO ONE CAN STOP THEM. Saying you need something when that sentiment has not been expressed by the bulk of your ethnicity/group, is strictly a personal opinion. Personal opinions, however, should be respected even when reminding the opinionated speaker that until the bulk of the group advocates for the cause he speaks for through official statements, public calls, and other forms of mass participation, whatever he/she says remains HIS/HER opinion.

Good!!!! Excellent!!!! Now,what you have to do to avoid being a hypocrite is to sit yourself down and advise yourself with this same words as regards speaking for the SS,okay? Great!

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by NDPVF(m): 7:45am On Apr 03, 2017

By repetition the point is sunked into the heart of everyone who thinks Niger Delta is Biafran territory.

We ddidnt ask for referendum. Our leaders have all spoken. Take it or leave it.
[/s] kop inua


Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by SlayerForever: 7:46am On Apr 03, 2017
y always Niger Delta included in the struggle, does it mean that Biafra will not see the day of light without us?

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by kingzizzy: 7:49am On Apr 03, 2017

Because whatever follows doesn't sit well with you, yeah? I'm sure you wouldn't term it as rubbish if they all claim they stand with Biafra.

Wrong! The constitution which forms our law recognizes geopolitical zones,and these geopolitical zones are classified grouped based on certain/shared cultural values, beliefs, orientation among many other things.

Again, a geopolitical zone defines a people. No single body can speak on behalf of all the groups in South, this, I believe, explains why they each have representatives and heads who act on their behalf, just as the Ohaneze acts on behalf of all Igbos, regardless of their subsects. While he has no right to speak for all the groups, the article in itself should be your take away; the coming together of various groups and their heads in kicking against a purpose that does not concern them.

Again, fall back to the article. It's just like saying the Yorubas would be a part of Biafra. Ideally, an average Yoruba Yoruba man would kick against the idea as he believes his zone shares no similarly with those who are presently agitating.

That was then. A whole lot has changed now. Effiong might have been a general in the Biafran army, but then we all know that most minority groups were forced to join the war, all thanks to Ojukwu. That said, I believe the Igbos would never allow an Edo/Urhobo/Ijaw man become a governor in any of their states, even though these regions used to be known as one at some point. We are very different and that is the truth.

Save you want to hide from the truth, a whole lot has changed now. Let's not get this mixed up, Ojukwu knew the war was lost and decided to flee, leaving his second-in-command in charge. The war was lost at the time and it was very obvious to both Ojukwu and Effiong. So, saying Effiong was the president from the 8th of January 1970 - to the 12th of January 1970 is laughable. No formal ceremony or handing over was done. It's just like having history record that Osinbajo was once the President of Nigeria. We all know this is false as he didn't take a decision on his own. The same applied to Effiong. Ojukwu fled and simply asked him to surrender five days after.

Again, if the vision of Biafra isn't Igbo, how come Igbos have been groaning about wanting to 'control their own destiny'?

The article was first published in 2015,but quite frankly, nothing has changed.

You are a confused human being. The bases of the foundation of Biafra are tribes, not south/south or whatever ficticious name anyone has borrowed from Nigeria.

Where in the constitution is South/South or South East recognised? Quote the section let me go and read it up.

How can a geopolitical zone define a people? What does an Ogoja man, East of the River Niger have in common with an Isoko man , West of the Niger?

Ohaneze only speaks for an ethnic group, the Igbos. It does not speak for any so called 'geopolitical zone'. Ohaneze does not speak for the Igalas of Anambra or the Idomas of Enugu state.

In that same regard, nobody or organisation should claim to speak for another ethnic under the pretence of a none existent South/South.

Wether Ojukwu was fleeing or not, he did not have to hand over to Effiong. He could have appointed a fellow Igbo. Either way, a non Igbo was the last president of Biafra which should tell anyone with half a brain that Biafra is not an Igbo only thing.

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by mr1759: 7:55am On Apr 03, 2017

To where, please?

to a republic oba ovoramwen , Nana of ishekiri , king jaja of opobo and ken sarowiwa had in pipe line and some days it will come to pass
Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Mckennedy: 7:57am On Apr 03, 2017
Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Progressive01(m): 8:00am On Apr 03, 2017
Tonyebarcanista, stop peeping through the keyhole as though you are trying to see your friend boning his girlfriend. Say what's on your mind.

@ all LiePob yoots: What is soooooooo difficult in your five villages standing alone? Na by force? Na wa oo! cheesy cheesy cheesy

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by TonyeBarcanista(m): 8:04am On Apr 03, 2017
Tonyebarcanista, stop peeping through the keyhole as though you are trying to see your friend boning his girlfriend. Say what's on your mind.

@ all LiePob yoots: What is soooooooo difficult in your five villages standing alone? Na by force? Na wa oo! cheesy cheesy cheesy
This issue is an overflogged one. Since August 2015 o...

My position is already known, repeating myself may not be necessary.

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Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Progressive01(m): 8:07am On Apr 03, 2017

This issue is an overflogged one. Since August 2015 o...

My position is already known, repeating myself may not be necessary.
I didn't read the memo back then. Can you come again? Abi you dey fear their assault? I've grown immune to them over time. grin
Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by xelly: 8:19am On Apr 03, 2017
SS has spoken and we concur. Can the referendum hold now?

Biafra is all we want whether SS want to be part or not.


Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by pazienza(m): 8:31am On Apr 03, 2017
This Biafra issue has been overflogged on this platform and elsewhere simply because the stubborn IPoB never stops hallucinating.

Ive said it severally that a workable model for Biafra is that which is moulded within the 5 SE states framework. Anything other than that will simply be viewed with suspicion, be unacceptable and ultimately renounced.

IPoB come across as being unserious about Biafra as any serious minded organisation will do its diligence, make corrections where neccessary and forge ahead. The decision to stick to unwilling, diverse ethnicities shows they are just a bunch of noisemakers, intent on milking their nuisance value.

And who are you to give Biafrans instructions on how to go about Biafran agitation? Who solicited for your advice?

I'm yet to hear the Isobo( Cross Rivers), Ndoki and Asa, Egbema( Rivers) , Enu-ani( Delta), Umuezekhoha( Benue) stance on this issue.

You are the noisemaker here, thinking you can drown their voices under your nebulous SS tag.


Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Nobody: 8:38am On Apr 03, 2017
Stockholm syndrome

feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards a captor.
I know say d tin pain you grin
Re: Biafra: We Are Not Interested, South South Tells Agitators by Nobody: 8:40am On Apr 03, 2017
@op this is old news..november 2015.

Seriously?? Mtchew
Your opinion dosent count in this matter

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