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Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? - Islam for Muslims (9) - Nairaland

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Re: Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? by Ridwan66(m): 9:51pm On Apr 18, 2017

With all humility, women are more in hell, not because of jealousy, it is because they are more ungrateful to their spouse. Point of correction.

Please, I won't support appealing to any lady who want to divorce her husband because of polygamy, please let them be oo, it's a free world, the husband should also move on and Allah will Masha Allah provide both of them with more everlasting succour, when we get there, we shall all give account for our deeds.


With all humility, women are more in hell, not because of jealousy, it is because they are more ungrateful to their spouse. Point of correction.

Please, I won't support appealing to any lady who want to divorce her husband because of polygamy, please let them be oo, it's a free world, the husband should also move on and Allah will Masha Allah provide both of them with more everlasting succour, when we get there, we shall all give account for our deeds.
Re: Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? by Mememan: 10:33pm On Apr 19, 2017
Its only a wicked man that will marry another wife when he knows his wife will never be happy with it and such a man does not deserve you.
As a good muslimah i will leave the man so i will not sin against Allah by killing both of them.
My sister if he wants to marry he is free and you are free to leave his sorry ass.
And who wants a leftover?
Re: Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? by Mememan: 10:42pm On Apr 19, 2017

You can answer without being nasty.

Live and let live.
Re: Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? by Mememan: 10:43pm On Apr 19, 2017
cheesy does islam care about women or their feelings
Hypocrite infidel
Re: Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? by Mememan: 10:45pm On Apr 19, 2017

My brother call it whatever you like but we know say woman sabi hold body how do i know this I'm a woman.
As for aja adugbo even a married woman can be ajaadugbo(loose) dear.
Its not better to be suffering and smiling dear .
Why can't men take being with one partner with good faith and be patient with her. Hypocrites!!!
Every woman deserve to be happy.
Are you married?
How old are you?
Re: Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? by Mememan: 10:58pm On Apr 19, 2017

Are you tired, Mr. Jihadist ? Muslims need to warn you to stop insulting women. Our women are Nigerians firstly before being Muslims. Any attempt to insult Nigerian women again under the guise of Islam will NOT be tolerated, not by me, not by good muslims and not even by Mohammed (SAW).

Peace Be Unto You.
You're not a muslim... What are you doing here?
Jobless hypocrite
Re: Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? by Rashduct4luv(m): 10:24am On Apr 20, 2017
Another kind of virus is spreading lately, particularly amongst Educated ladies.

It's called Feminism.
Re: Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? by tintingz(m): 11:13pm On Apr 20, 2017
Another kind of virus is spreading lately, particularly amongst Educated ladies.

It's called Feminism.
I use to be very against feminism/feminist, I bashed them in every thread(family section) but I later realized they are not ALL bad. There are good and bad feminist like every other people. So don't use your Troglodyte thinking to call educated ladies that stood for women right virus.

The greatest virus are the terrorist among Muslims.

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Re: Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? by Tefs(f): 10:34pm On Apr 23, 2017
I use to be very against feminism/feminist, I bashed them in every thread(family section) but I later realized they are not ALL bad. There are good and bad feminist like every other people. So don't use your Troglodyte thinking to call educated ladies that stood for women right virus.

The great east virus are the terrorist among Muslims.

There are various strands of feminism and Africans now have their own version which ain't that bad. I believe by terrorist, you mean those killing in the name of religion, right?
Re: Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? by tintingz(m): 9:52am On Apr 24, 2017

There are various strands of feminism and Africans now have their own version which ain't that bad. I believe by terrorist, you mean those killing in the name of religion, right?
There are feminists that have touched people's life positively than many so called anti-feminist religious people.

And yes I'm talking about terrorists that attack and kill innocent people in the name of religion, those are the greatest virus


Re: Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? by Futuregem: 8:03am On Aug 22, 2018
@Sarahade and @ayadeji can I pls pm u. I need clarification on a related issue that can't be disclosed on the forum.
Re: Islamically, Is It Permissible To Divorce My Husband Based On Polygamy? by sarahade(f): 8:12am On Aug 22, 2018
@Sarahade and @ayadeji can I pls pm u. I need clarification on a related issue that can't be disclosed on the forum.

Please dont send me pm i wont reply sir.

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