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Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by Alhajiobi(m): 1:25pm On Apr 22, 2017
This can is a beast This can is a beast This can is a beast
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by anataala: 1:26pm On Apr 22, 2017
And when Dasuki was arrested and detained without a bail does sultan of any Muslim group speak in his defense, pls find a small space in your mind to get a common sense.
Lol, maybe myopic but not dishonest it's just the way We feel.

The sultan and arewa congress are even worst
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by anataala: 1:28pm On Apr 22, 2017
because a lot of muslim are detained no single religious body come out to defend them.
This is why i keep saying that Muslims are more tolerant than Christians in religious matters.
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by Kingspin(m): 1:37pm On Apr 22, 2017

The issue is not about comparison with Alimajeris or Extremists, the question is do those in CAN truly represent Christians and Christianity? I think they have stopped performing that function since the days of Orisejafor.
You can say what you think the Christians have been at the receiving end in this country. And who ever try to speak up the DSS and other forces go after them. The Kaduna case is a case study. Am not here to downplay obvious facts like we do in this country. There is a full blowing war among religion and tribal people of Nigeria, YES. This is the bone of why the country have no peace.
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by sweetgala(m): 1:38pm On Apr 22, 2017

They represent something bigger than a political party.

Thy represent nothing , their actions over the past 4 years have shown them to be nothing but a bunch of religious pumps
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by omobenin: 1:38pm On Apr 22, 2017
Why do this government removed CRK from school calendar? And you think nothing is wrong.
IRK has also been removed, and I think that is the normal Int'l practice, and why only Islam and Christianity are thought in our schools, what up other the African religion's, those practicing such religions are they not citizens of Nigeria? We shouldn't be biased.
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by Kingspin(m): 1:46pm On Apr 22, 2017

IRK has also been removed, and I think that is the normal Int'l practice, and why only Islam and Christianity thought in our school, what up other African religion's are they not citizens of Nigeria? We shouldn't be biased.
If the two were removed good. And let the government extend this type of behavior to other area of common interests of the nation.
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by kareemkamil(m): 1:48pm On Apr 22, 2017
e b like say did Can head no correct
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by Pro2makx(m): 1:51pm On Apr 22, 2017
kudos for saying the blatant truth,u know that if the investigation continue,they will unravel the millions of dollars given to this criminals called CAN,hence they have to play religious politics to wipe sentiment. i have known longtime ago that CAN was a spiritual arms of PDP,there was a time in Osun state when CAN totally turned to PDP media aides inorder to frustrated Aregbesola.That was why till today,most outsider epsecially non Yorubas believed that their is nothing positive about Aregbe's govt,but we indigens know that the performance of Aregbe is unprecedented in the history of Osun state.
If u are sure about what u r saying. please blow the whistle on CAN, so u don't eventually develop high BP on this matter. CAN is an unmovable force, ur cheap blackmail notwithstanding. A house built on the rock that cannot be moved. Y wount u support aregbe, is he not ur religion? all una view nor dey pass religion.
only if this so called sense.less Christians will take a clue from u. the way u support ur religion blindly. atleast I am sure they won't take it to the extreme like u ppl
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by jiddodo: 1:54pm On Apr 22, 2017
You and Buhari are using the same brain, how do CRK taught in school become a "change" agenda of this extremist government?

CRK, IRK, Civic Education, Social Studies, Security Education all fall as "Religious and National Values" in the new curriculum. People just make unnecessary noise most times.
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by yemiprogress(m): 1:55pm On Apr 22, 2017
Very bitter Truth....... !!!

Sheik Buhari has never hidden his hate for non Muslims in all his appointments and engagements.....!!

He has been so from time immemorial...!! A hardened religious bigot and Jihadist of the first order...

No wonder the Sharia loving folks across the North worship him. Whether he performs or not is immaterial provided he helps hate Christians and put Muslims and Islam first in all his decision and appointments....

Well...I blame the gullible southerners that supported the pro Islamic president in his quest to be President in 2015.
Very bitter Truth....... !!!

Sheik Buhari has never hidden his hate for non Muslims in all his appointments and engagements.....!!

He has been so from time immemorial...!! A hardened religious bigot and Jihadist of the first order...

No wonder the Sharia loving folks across the North worship him. Whether he performs or not is immaterial provided he helps hate Christians and put Muslims and Islam first in all his decision and appointments....

Well...I blame the gullible southerners that supported the pro Islamic president in his quest to be President in 2015.
Very bitter Truth....... !!!

Sheik Buhari has never hidden his hate for non Muslims in all his appointments and engagements.....!!

He has been so from time immemorial...!! A hardened religious bigot and Jihadist of the first order...

No wonder the Sharia loving folks across the North worship him. Whether he performs or not is immaterial provided he helps hate Christians and put Muslims and Islam first in all his decision and appointments....

Well...I blame the gullible southerners that supported the pro Islamic president in his quest to be President in 2015.

Are u even a rational Nigerian?

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Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by maasoap(m): 2:02pm On Apr 22, 2017
Very bitter Truth....... !!!

Sheik Buhari has never hidden his hate for non Muslims in all his appointments and engagements.....!!

He has been so from time immemorial...!! A hardened religious bigot and Jihadist of the first order...

No wonder the Sharia loving folks across the North worship him. Whether he performs or not is immaterial provided he helps hate Christians and put Muslims and Islam first in all his decision and appointments....

Well...I blame the gullible southerners that supported the pro Islamic president in his quest to be President in 2015.
And to think that people like you belongs to the camp that wanted the head of these people. Where are we going in this country? In case you forgot, PDP had shown its presidential slot to the north. Stop castigating people who made the right decision to vote Buhari, he's not a typical fanatic like yourself. Evidences abounds, Zaria killings of shiites is still fresh in our memories. Or, are they Christians as well. Ediot.


Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by Kingspin(m): 2:11pm On Apr 22, 2017

CRK, IRK, Civic Education, Social Studies, Security Education all fall as "Religious and National Values" in the new curriculum. People just make unnecessary noise most times.
People make noise atimes when they don't trust the government. If what you typed up there is TRULY the latest then is good and I support the idea.
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by olamurphy95(m): 2:27pm On Apr 22, 2017
Mr Daniel, am highly disappointed in you. In as much we continue to take religion into National issues, then the future of our dear country holds no good...........
if the duo av come out clean on d allegation against, will the presidency v suspended them?
I remember the Senate house n the presidency were at loggerheads over SGF involvement in some illegal deals that prompted the former n some NGOs calling for SGF resignation.. The presidency turned a deaf ear until he was finally axed following the reports of the investigatory panel.
When will Nigerians desist from being slave to religion.........
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by Agondagabi: 2:32pm On Apr 22, 2017
this CAN people talking without shame when your CAN president private jet was caught with weapons and money during boko haram era non of said anything.clear hipocracy.
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by fabiosmart: 2:54pm On Apr 22, 2017
hnmm... some nigeria youth are just useless, the last i checked everybody was clamouring that the SGF and NIA boss should be probed.

so the latest card they want to play now is the religious difference. its seems their ethnicity style of dividing us is not working again.

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Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by farihafaheemah(m): 3:29pm On Apr 22, 2017
Dasuki is not a Muslim, danjuma goje, not a Muslim, Muhammed jubril not a Muslim, and host of other that I could not remember. Why some people just talk without applying common sense.
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by BabaAduras: 3:33pm On Apr 22, 2017
You can say what you think the Christians have been at the receiving end in this country. And who ever try to speak up the DSS and other forces go after them. The Kaduna case is a case study. Am not here to downplay obvious facts like we do in this country. There is a full blowing war among religion and tribal people of Nigeria, YES. This is the bone of why the country have no peace.

Have you asked yourself what was CAN's best reactions on the issues you raised above? The answer is nothing. Just mere rhetorics, collection of bribes to influence worshippers to support PEJ, praying for PEJ at every opportunity and cursing anybody that will not vote for PEJ.

If CAN had been up to task, they should be addressing the issues you raised not putting religious coloration to an act of government against crooks in the system. If fact, I would expect they should have been supporting PMB on the fight against corruption. Because, truly speaking, that is the root of all our problems including those you raised above.

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Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by Origin(f): 4:07pm On Apr 22, 2017
Youth wing See cowardice.
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by olajizz01(m): 4:28pm On Apr 22, 2017

If u are sure about what u r saying. please blow the whistle on CAN, so u don't eventually develop high BP on this matter. CAN is an unmovable force, ur cheap blackmail notwithstanding. A house built on the rock that cannot be moved. Y wount u support aregbe, is he not ur religion? all una view nor dey pass religion.
only if this so called sense.less Christians will take a clue from u. the way u support ur religion blindly. atleast I am sure they wpon't take it to the extreme like u ppl
Who is developing HBP between me and your CAN,they relieved some corrupt govt officials of their duty,they started barking like dog,if your so called CAN didnt have skeleton in their cupboard,why the noise,atleast VP is the chairman of the committee and he is from which religion?i can't blame u too becos you are one of the corrupt fellow i am talking about. Besides, u said i supported Aregbe becos he is from my religion,but why do i voted Oyinlola in his first regime against Akande who is a muslim.i don't need any brain surgery to know that u are a useless bigot,guess that was why your Criminal Association of Nigeria gang against Aregbe becos he defeated your so called Omisore who is a confirmed criminal.
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by Angel196(f): 4:45pm On Apr 22, 2017
and dt forces happened to be buhari and his islamic north and islamic west...becos darkness can never be light
Really? Has hijab been made compulsory in all states and schools yet?
Are Muslims being given discounts in all shopping malls and none to Christians yet?
Are the police now arresting people who don't go to mosque to pray?
Are Muslims being given free goods and money and none to Christians?

Don't we all live under the same circumstances and pay the same amount for goods and services?
I don't know CRK has been cancelled, maybe my mates in school who I thought were studying it were actually studying IRK disguised as CRK? Is that it?
Why are you people so ignorant and blind? Was it Muslims who have been embezzling, stealing and burying millions of dollars which belongs to the country?
Haven't you been in Nigeria while all these were happening or didn't you read about it all? Have you been deluding yourself into believing that all those stolen money wouldn't affect our economy?

The person whom you quote his post only prayed for the destruction of the forces against Nigeria. He never mentioned names, why are you taking in personal and putting the blame on Bihari and Muslims? Why are you hateful? Is that what your religion preaches? I'm so disappointed in you, your ignorance and your logics.
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by Noble855: 5:15pm On Apr 22, 2017
Stop talking trash
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by farmgate: 7:20pm On Apr 22, 2017
I just can't believe what this man is saying...CAN have turn into something else. May god forgive this man. Corruption will not continue forever. Take it or not. I am a christian but not in the same view with you kindly say something reasonable like someone with his or her senses
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by xrenzy(m): 8:41pm On Apr 22, 2017

[/quote] GOD wen will my naija country people open to the fact that buhari is all about politics not religion in politics some are just super untouchable irrespective of their religion infact we have three religion, christianity islam and politics and politics is the devil that is dividing us through our greedy leaders o
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by emmaitive(m): 9:08pm On Apr 22, 2017

Really? Has hijab been made compulsory in all states and schools yet?
Are Muslims being given discounts in all shopping malls and none to Christians yet?
Are the police now arresting people who don't go to mosque to pray?
Are Muslims being given free goods and money and none to Christians?

Don't we all live under the same circumstances and pay the same amount for goods and services?
I don't know CRK has been cancelled, maybe my mates in school who I thought were studying it were actually studying IRK disguised as CRK? Is that it?
Why are you people so ignorant and blind? Was it Muslims who have been embezzling, stealing and burying millions of dollars which belongs to the country?
Haven't you been in Nigeria while all these were happening or didn't you read about it all? Have you been deluding yourself into believing that all those stolen money wouldn't affect our economy?

The person whom you quote his post only prayed for the destruction of the forces against Nigeria. He never mentioned names, why are you taking in personal and putting the blame on Bihari and Muslims? Why are you hateful? Is that what your religion preaches? I'm so disappointed in you, your ignorance and your logics.
my friend shot d crap, wht ur problem, dnt u have knowledge to know which side of d country dt is draging us behind..if u mst know?is he not thesame buhari who said abacha did not steal any money...who stole nigeria dry than the parasitic northern nigeria with the help of dea western friend called iyoruba and their evil islamic jihadist mind of killin and drinking blood...nah today e start...abeg lemme hear word jor...they can deceiv u,buh not me becos u are blind like them as a result of ur so called religion..jst kno dt unless u accept jesus, u and people like u are doomed for eternity..jesus is the only way
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by yusuf99(m): 9:27pm On Apr 22, 2017
Very bitter Truth....... !!!

Sheik Buhari has never hidden his hate for non Muslims in all his appointments and engagements.....!!

He has been so from time immemorial...!! A hardened religious bigot and Jihadist of the first order...

No wonder the Sharia loving folks across the North worship him. Whether he performs or not is immaterial provided he helps hate Christians and put Muslims and Islam first in all his decision and appointments....

Well...I blame the gullible southerners that supported the pro Islamic president in his quest to be President in 2015.
it is on a drunken man like the picture below can think as you do, u seem to be blindfolded by share sentiment I pity u because if all Christian think like u Nigerian would have become history by now.I there urge u to pray for your leaders rather than engaging In senseless talk. Be sincere and answer this question "how long did u sing Hallelujah in the Church"?
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by yusuf99(m): 9:29pm On Apr 22, 2017
Very bitter Truth....... !!!

Sheik Buhari has never hidden his hate for non Muslims in all his appointments and engagements.....!!

He has been so from time immemorial...!! A hardened religious bigot and Jihadist of the first order...

No wonder the Sharia loving folks across the North worship him. Whether he performs or not is immaterial provided he helps hate Christians and put Muslims and Islam first in all his decision and appointments....

Well...I blame the gullible southerners that supported the pro Islamic president in his quest to be President in 2015.
it is only a drunken man like the picture below can think as you do, u seem to be blindfolded by share sentiment I pity u because if all Christian think like u Nigerian would have become history by now.I there urge u to pray for your leaders rather than engaging In senseless talk. Be sincere and answer this question "how long did u sing Hallelujah in the Church"?
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by yusuf99(m): 9:31pm On Apr 22, 2017
Very bitter Truth....... !!!

Sheik Buhari has never hidden his hate for non Muslims in all his appointments and engagements.....!!

He has been so from time immemorial...!! A hardened religious bigot and Jihadist of the first order...

No wonder the Sharia loving folks across the North worship him. Whether he performs or not is immaterial provided he helps hate Christians and put Muslims and Islam first in all his decision and appointments....

Well...I blame the gullible southerners that supported the pro Islamic president in his quest to be President in 2015.
it is only a drunken man like the picture below can think as you do, u seem to be blindfolded by share sentiment, i pity u because if all Christian think like u Nigerian would have become history by now.I therefore urge u to pray for your leaders rather than engaging In senseless talk. Be sincere and answer this question "how long did u sing Hallelujah in the Church"?
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by Angel196(f): 9:37pm On Apr 22, 2017
my friend shot d crap, wht ur problem, dnt u have knowledge to know which side of d country dt is draging us behind..if u mst know?is he not thesame buhari who said abacha did not steal any money...who stole nigeria dry than the parasitic northern nigeria with the help of dea western friend called iyoruba and their evil islamic jihadist mind of killin and drinking blood...nah today e start...abeg lemme hear word jor...they can deceiv u,buh not me becos u are blind like them as a result of ur so called religion..jst kno dt unless u accept jesus, u and people like u are doomed for eternity..jesus is the only way

Seriously? This is laughable!

Pray tell, which part of the country is dragging us behind?

So Bihari said Abacha didn't steal any money but still probed his administration? You are really full of hate and I won't delude myself into believing you would open your eyes and stop being sentimental. I have experienced a lot to know that life is too short to be unreasonable and sentimental.

Do you think Northern Nigerian is made of Muslims or Hausa and Fulani's alone? Smh!

Which Islamic Jihadists in the north kill and drink blood? Book haram? If you still believe book haram is an Islamic group then you are more than ignorant.
When you receive news of mosques being boomed on a Friday, I'm sure you just scroll and skip it cause you don't care right?

I'm not the one being deceived here cause I'm not blinded by hate and religion. Any sensible person would know what's really going on.

Bihari is an extremist planning on Islamizing Nigeria yet he made a pastor and Christian his deputy. Such stupid logic.

You are just a religious bigot who is full of hate and blinded by sentiments. I never said my religion was superior nor did I ask anyone to convert to my religion so who's oppressing who?

I'm not gonna argue about religion with you cause I'm not even sure you understand the concept of Christianity. If you did I'm sure you won't have such hate in you. Jesus(peace be upon him) never preached hate neither did he oppress other people.

I do believe in Jesus(peace be upon him) and love him, so do I believe in Moses(pease be upon him) John the babtist and the rest of them. If you wanna argue about religion, go on and provide something reasonable.

I have no room in my heart for hatred, hatred is for the evil and cowards.
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by ISTANDWITHBUHAR: 10:59pm On Apr 22, 2017

They represent something bigger than a political party.

They represent nonsense, So becuase they are christian and when they have allegation hanging on their neck they should be left to continue?

Mind you most of those calling for the SGF removal are Christian starting fro Dino Melaye.. Maybe you will tell me Dino is a Muslim..
Re: Buhari Is Victimizing Those That Don't Belong To His Religious Group - CAN Youth by Coolgent(m): 11:40pm On Apr 22, 2017
3some doers!
Keep on wailing who cares

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