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DW Blogger Competition - Webmasters - Nairaland

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DW Blogger Competition by Getjobsng: 5:51pm On May 18, 2017
Are you a blogger in Nigeria? If yes, DW is inviting you to participate in a blogger competition on how to preserve the environment.

Read the following instructions and click on the link below to participate.
Do you have ideas that will help the environment in Nigeria?
Do you want to be recognized as being a digital hero for environmental issues in Nigeria? If your answer is yes, we are excited to invite you to join our blogger contest “Digital Heroes - Generation Nigeria”.

Who can participate?
Bloggers must be at least 18 years old at the time of submission.
Bloggers must be active on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, etc.)

What kind of work can you submit?
We accept entries in three journalistic formats:
Video (max. 3min.)
Photo gallery (max. 10 photos)
Article (max. 5,000 characters)
All files submitted for the competition must be a product of your own work.
Submitted links should be posted on one of your social media platforms.
Each blogger is allowed to submit only one entry (for only one category).
Your entry must cover issues involving the environment.
The competition language and the language of entries is English.
You cannot submit any work that has been published or broadcast by Deutsche Welle.

How do you submit your entry?
On the form below, you must include a link to the post on your social media platform.
Submission deadline: Friday, May 26, 2017.
Please note: We will not accept any entries after that date.
By participating you declare that you accept these terms and conditions.

Who selects the winners?
1st phase:
A jury of experts will evaluate the entries, based on criteria such as clarity, narrative structure, research, innovation, authenticity and originality. The jury will choose the top three entries from each category.
Out of these nine finalists, the jury will choose the winner of the grand prize: a two-week internship at Deutsche Welle, Germany.
Decisions of the jury are final and are not subject to legal appeal.
2nd phase:
All nine finalist entries will be published on DW.com/africa. The audience will then determine the ranking and winners from each category with a public online vote.
The voting starts on Monday, June 5, 2017.

What can you win?

Grand prize
Two-week internship at DW in Germany.
All categories
1st prize: GoPro camera
2nd prize: Smartphone
3rd prize: iPod
In addition, all nine winners will be invited to attend the awards ceremony to be held on July 5, 2017 in Lagos, Nigeria.
What are you waiting for? Send your entries now!


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