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Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. - TV/Movies - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / TV/Movies / Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. (11157 Views)

Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li, Who Is The Better Martial Artist? / Who Do You Prefer Jackie Chan Or Jet Li ? / Real-life Fight: Donnie Yen Vs Jet Li (2) (3) (4)

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Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by teeluv(m): 9:07pm On Jan 16, 2010
ill pick Jet li. the guy jst too much. jackie chan too like to dey play.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by KunFuPanda(m): 9:10pm On Jan 16, 2010
Kung fu Panda will beat both.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by teeluv(m): 9:15pm On Jan 16, 2010
very funny. that no na cartoon. anyway sha anything fit happen.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by Heymus(m): 9:59pm On Jan 16, 2010
Reality jeti lee will win but in acting i 2much gbadun jack chan
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by teeluv(m): 10:06pm On Jan 16, 2010
i love Jackie chan's acting too.his choreography is very coordinated and he even shows you his mistakes. kinda aiting for him to come out with a new movie. i hope he can still do all those stunts.
that jet li guys is always looking serious jare he doesnt even smile.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by Daboncrush(m): 12:27am On Jan 17, 2010
The fight will be tough, esp. for Jet Li.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by freecocoa(f): 8:10am On Jan 17, 2010
I love them both but i think jackie will.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by Hardballer(m): 4:47pm On Jan 17, 2010
if you give jet li rope so he can fly he will win
else jackie chan will win
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by puskin: 5:21pm On Jan 17, 2010
Jet Li is way too serious in his films while Jackie brings humour to Kung-fu.
Overall, its kind of hard to tell who would win.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by teeluv(m): 9:15pm On Jan 17, 2010
jackie is the bomb. i wonder why we havent seen him in any new movies recently. and also jet li too.hope they bring something out soon. loved forbidden kingdom it was awesome.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by mamagee3(f): 10:23pm On Jan 17, 2010
Jet Li would win this one.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by Bluhazel: 7:07am On Jan 18, 2010
Do you think being a 5 time wushu world champion in real life is a child's play? If you are into marshal art, you'll know what i'm talking about. So my friend let's be real here. GIVE IT TO JET LI!
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by saharachic(f): 11:06am On Jan 19, 2010
mr poster, can we vote?
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by teeluv(m): 12:03pm On Jan 19, 2010
@ sahara vote on.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by javier33: 1:30pm On Jan 19, 2010
Jet Li!
no question specially if looks will count hehehe!

I like this man!
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by teeluv(m): 10:05pm On Jan 19, 2010
jst saw jackie new traile awesome.that movie is going to be bam
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by faozidion: 11:06am On Jan 28, 2010
JET LI all the way!!!!! grin[b][/b][/size][size=8pt]
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by Emmyk(m): 3:30pm On Jan 28, 2010
Obviously, obviously it Jackie: He act hilariously even if in trouble, he will pave a way out for him self,both the ones he act in china and Us are great :RUSH HOUR,ROB B HOOD,ALL VERSION OF POLICE STORY, his fights looks real, as I said earlier he trickishly beat the antagonist to get outta trouble. He shows his film tricks at the end. You cant watch any of his movies and not laugh your ass Off! While on the other hand Jet Li, I get furious wif his movies because he does the impossible at a flash. Fictions too high.! You dont know the real technic and skill he has in real life,unlike Jackie,he shows his trial and error (like having an injury when tryin a stunt,hurting himself wif fire(in police story,while tryin to help his team, that were hanged in the building) @ d end, which makes it PERFECT! But Jetli tries to act perfect wif out any error. Like been Stabbed in Lethal Weapon, underwater and still fighting?! He looks dumb, Suite Yourself!
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by macnuel: 2:24pm On Mar 03, 2010

Kung fu Panda will beat both.

yeah! Kung Fu Panda anyday.

But guys, it's who will win not who do you prefer? I'm getting preferences from people. As for me, I think Jackie will. Try watching The Forbidden Kingdom and judge. Jackie has got it. It was depicted more like a win-win situation. Wushu champion? Well it's not about the belt always.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by Ak4all(m): 11:36pm On Mar 03, 2010
All what Jet Li does is some stupid film trick.Jackie Chan is the real fighter,he will beat Jet Li anytime,anywhere,everyotherday
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by rubber321: 8:38am On Mar 05, 2010
They both will have a tough fight and the result will be a draw.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by teeluv(m): 1:58pm On Mar 05, 2010
just saw spy next door by jackie.cool movie even though i think it was targeted at kids. but all in all nice movie.
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by Djdeji: 7:16am On Mar 06, 2010
I will choose Jackie
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by Energieman(m): 3:44am On Dec 22, 2011
obviously, jetli Will kill jackie, He will blot out all his heart and bones with his budha palm, Jackie will forget the way them they follow go heaven because the beating don too much for am, Jet na the guy , He is alwayz extra ordinarily fast
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by Ogaga4Luv(m): 12:51pm On Dec 22, 2011
[size=13pt]Like someone said and people have been saying , obviously Jet li will kill Jackie within a twinkle of an eye --- cheesy cheesy cheesy
Pishooon!! wink
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by dyabman(m): 1:11pm On Dec 22, 2011
Jackie chan loves jumping from one trees to anoda so that he won't get touch ,

Jet li can fight one stand fight for minutes , watch Black Mask ! Jackie will never beat the soldier guy grin
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by Ogaga4Luv(m): 1:26pm On Dec 22, 2011
[size=13pt]I know what Jet lee can do ----- my dear can't u see Jackie is too short and can easily be carried with only one arm? cheesy cheesy that is , when his dodging skills fail ^^ grin grin[/size]
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by dyabman(m): 1:42pm On Dec 22, 2011
likes running from one place to the other so that hes opponent will get tired. . but i like jackie's movies too especially ''Rumble in the Bronx''
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by Ogaga4Luv(m): 2:08pm On Dec 22, 2011
[size=13pt]Yeah just to suffer his opponent he does all type of funny things even some kind of impression on his face to set confusion during fight lol cheesy cheesy --- Rumble in the Bronx is a rather typical Jackie film from the point of view that it features intense fight-scenes and equally intense comedy scenes. While the film works on a level of a "Hong Kong Action Comedy" it doesn't work quite well on all levels of production.

The neo-American feel of the film isn't completely wasted but does feel a little artificial from time to time. The intensity of the film is definitely at its best in the first two thirds but these unfortunately lead to a rather miss-mashed third act which just feels shoddy and over-the-top.

However to say the film is a complete waste would be too harsh. It is definitely recommendable to Jackie fans but far from his greatest works. cheesy cheesy wink


likes running from one place to the other so that hes opponent will get tired. . but i like jackie's movies too especially ''Rumble in the Bronx''
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by swill388: 12:20pm On Apr 19, 2012
My poll is for Jet Li. He is the master of Kung Fu....
Re: Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li. Who Do You Think Will Win. by tajiri786: 7:06am On Apr 20, 2012
thanks dear jaikey chain is mine favorite...

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