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Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? - Education (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by siie: 12:05pm On Jun 01, 2017
Depends on the school's standard.

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Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by takenadoh: 12:07pm On Jun 01, 2017
The France People are coming back.

Not true the only thing that count in the Labour Market here in France is your class of degree.
Example of you graduate from that your unknown University with First class you will get better job than a graduate of Unilag or UI, or Unimaid or ABU or UNN.

Haba where did u study?
Do u understand what "I have no idea"? Actually mean?
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by ogawisdom(m): 12:09pm On Jun 01, 2017
Please Is This True About Private Universities?

Good morning everyone, please Is it true that if one attends a private University if not covenant that it will be hard getting a job later on in future as most companies only accept graduates from good public universities and then for private if not covenant universe then forget it?

I am asking this question because I didn't pass this year's jamb so I decided to enroll in a private University around my region, Delta state, the University is western delta university but lots of people discouraging me that private uni is only good for girls and not boys, to make matter worst my sisters said most good paying company only accept graduates from covenant only if it's not public uni,

please I need advise from experienced ones here, if I enroll in this private uni will I have a hard time securing a job later on in future?

Dts a lie, once a uni can mobilize you for nysc program then u r good.

D main issue is dt there is no job even if u like attend havard uni it doesn't guarantee anything
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by holluphemydavid(m): 12:10pm On Jun 01, 2017
cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by Nobody: 12:14pm On Jun 01, 2017
Actually covenant university graduates are the ones I won't like to hire . Most private universities are top notch.
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by Flashmove: 12:18pm On Jun 01, 2017
Please Is This True About Private Universities?

Good morning everyone, please Is it true that if one attends a private University if not covenant that it will be hard getting a job later on in future as most companies only accept graduates from good public universities and then for private if not covenant universe then forget it?

I am asking this question because I didn't pass this year's jamb so I decided to enroll in a private University around my region, Delta state, the University is western delta university but lots of people discouraging me that private uni is only good for girls and not boys, to make matter worst my sisters said most good paying company only accept graduates from covenant only if it's not public uni,

please I need advise from experienced ones here, if I enroll in this private uni will I have a hard time securing a job later on in future?

Hello, don't go to university to search for a job, Go to university , get knowledge and employ people.

I graduated from Unzik 8 years ago, I never worked for someone,rather I saved money and opened my own business, now I have 14 workers whom I am paying salaries every month.

The mentality of some Nigerians is to get express work after graduation. Thus making us to be lazy and visionless.


Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by won91(m): 12:22pm On Jun 01, 2017
OP maybe you might find this helpful in your decision.


Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by Uchemus(m): 12:27pm On Jun 01, 2017
Where the problem comes in is majorly MBBS. The hard truth is, Doctors from private universities are not too regarded where Doctors from public universities are especially in job placement. There are exceptions though.
whats your field and why do you think so?
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by Sirhethat12(f): 12:27pm On Jun 01, 2017

Hello, don't go to university to search for a job, Go to university , get knowledge and employ people.

I graduated from Unzik 8 years ago, I never worked for someone,rather I saved money and opened my own business, now I have 14 workers whom I am paying salaries every month.

The mentality of some Nigerians is to get express work after graduation. Thus making us to be lazy and visionless.

wow! But if you never worked for someone how were you able to save up money? what was your source of income?
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by joenor(m): 12:40pm On Jun 01, 2017
is what I call fabu.
Please Is This True About Private Universities?

Good morning everyone, please Is it true that if one attends a private University if not covenant that it will be hard getting a job later on in future as most companies only accept graduates from good public universities and then for private if not covenant universe then forget it?

I am asking this question because I didn't pass this year's jamb so I decided to enroll in a private University around my region, Delta state, the University is western delta university but lots of people discouraging me that private uni is only good for girls and not boys, to make matter worst my sisters said most good paying company only accept graduates from covenant only if it's not public uni,

please I need advise from experienced ones here, if I enroll in this private uni will I have a hard time securing a job later on in future?
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by unikprince(m): 12:49pm On Jun 01, 2017
Blatant lie.

Hi Sharon, how are u doing?
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by ephi321(f): 12:52pm On Jun 01, 2017
Please Is This True About Private Universities?

Good morning everyone, please Is it true that if one attends a private University if not covenant that it will be hard getting a job later on in future as most companies only accept graduates from good public universities and then for private if not covenant universe then forget it?

I am asking this question because I didn't pass this year's jamb so I decided to enroll in a private University around my region, Delta state, the University is western delta university but lots of people discouraging me that private uni is only good for girls and not boys, to make matter worst my sisters said most good paying company only accept graduates from covenant only if it's not public uni,

please I need advise from experienced ones here, if I enroll in this private uni will I have a hard time securing a job later on in future?
In addition to what others have said, don't restrict yourself to just Nigeria. You could decide to do masters overseas or similar, so you need to ensure these institutions are recognized outside the country as well.
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by Amgreat70(m): 12:54pm On Jun 01, 2017
Guy private universities are fuckingly recognised, go for the best eg Igbinedion university, cu, babcock,Biu etc....
Atleast someone failed in Igbinedion but made first class in a public university,

A certain time we had mock trials back then we killed unn students, them no sabi for law at all...
Igbinedion has made ist class in law school, how many private universities have tried that,or how many public uni can confidently boast of a ist class in law school...


Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by Uchemus(m): 12:59pm On Jun 01, 2017
Op, to tell you the truth, most Nigerians esp the youths are hypocrites. I can assure you most ppl bashing the private unis do so out of jeleousy, most of them cant afford the money to be trained in such unis coz they are expensive. Nigerians would complain that the universities are not enuf nd there is so much burden on the public schools, and private unis are springing up to lessen such burden, but instead of them to support and encourage the universities theyll keep critcizing. Some of the so called public uni are even delapidated. I was in the medical hostel of the so called great uniben and the place was a disaster. The thing is that most of the people that attended these private unis dnt even give a sh¡t abt these criticisms, when they are done with sch, majority try to leave the country to further their studies, while most of the critics are still in the public schls studying a course they neva wanted to study after spending majority of their youthfull years pursuing admission into the so called decayed public instituitions where they are treated as slaves, as if slavery equates quality education.


Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by ehinmowo: 12:59pm On Jun 01, 2017
well, some yrs ago, I was working under one accountant in a small firm in lag. When I told him I wanted to write JAMB he sat me down and advised me abt choice of school. He told how he felt dehumanised wen he went for one interview. He said they first called d major public schools and later packed d rest of then together in one category called "others". Of course less than 5% of the "others" were considered

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Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by pukena(m): 1:05pm On Jun 01, 2017

Graduating from Covenant or Bowen university doesn't guarantee you a job. Right now it's not even about having an MSc degree in this country. The country is fvcked up. Except you are from an influencial home then your getting a job is sure. If you are from an average home likes me then you better pray for a miracle to get a job in this dying country after you graduate.
Shut up!
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by GuntersChain(m): 1:08pm On Jun 01, 2017
False like phosphorus, naija factor comes first if you like school in Mars and the normal naija factor will still come into play. Padi padi government, who send you come. I urge you to study what you have passion for.

Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by WHALEY7(m): 1:12pm On Jun 01, 2017

I have no idea.
I schooled in France
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by WHALEY7(m): 1:14pm On Jun 01, 2017

To be honest, this public vs private uni debate is far drawn. My simple advice is try and get quality professional certificates in your field. Some public universities will swear they have the best LAW faculties yet when they meet babcock law students in Law school, they discover they are also equally good. If you go to babcock or unilag to study accounting, try your best to have your ICAN or ACCA by the time you graduate. Same thing with professional IT certifications. Gone are the days employers have perception towards particular universities. Now its about your individual abilities and qualifications. I work with brilliant graduates from Adeleke university and Joseph Ayo Babalola university just like i have colleagues from Ambrose Ali University and IMSU who are also brilliant and good at what they do.

In conclusion,every university in Nigeria is below par. Take any subject field in the world and No Nigerian university is in the top 30 in any field. That alone says all universities are crap here and thus only individual abilities matter. It is as bad as the admission process. Do you know that if you are in the UK and you want to do a Masters degree in UNILAG, you must physically come to Nigeria to write exam and do other things ?Whereas if you are in Nigeria and want to do masters in UK, all na online things. Even babcocks website is one of the worst university websites known to man and last i checked it used a run down theme with 2015 listed at the bottom of the website. No information on research being done, faculty and departmental information and other things all missing. God help us.

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Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by WHALEY7(m): 1:19pm On Jun 01, 2017
That's not true....Private University graduates get solid jobs too. it's all about YOU. A few companies recruited recently and a large chunk of their intakes were graduates from Bowen, Caleb, CU, Babcock, Crawford and the likes... with a few from public schools. Sooo... it's about who u really are not by Uni whatever.

stop the deception! private university graduates finds it hard to secure job in Nigeria labour market unlike their public counterpart.
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by TheVictorious(m): 1:19pm On Jun 01, 2017
stop the deception! private university graduates finds it hard to secure job in Nigeria labour market unlike their public counterpart.

Like I said earlier, it depends on the schools. It's not a private university vs public university thing in general as you may feel. And even the school don't matter as much as the individual in question.
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by TheVictorious(m): 1:22pm On Jun 01, 2017
Actually covenant university graduates are the ones I won't like to hire . Most private universities are top notch.
lool. what an irony!
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by WHALEY7(m): 1:23pm On Jun 01, 2017
That's not true... graduates from private Universities get solid jobs too. A few companies recruited recently and a large chunk of their intakes were from Bowen, Caleb, CU, Crawford, Babcock and the likes... a few public schools tho....so it's about YOU. forget about the uni waheva.

stop the deception! private university graduates finds it hard to secure job in Nigeria labour market unlike their public counterpart.[/quote]
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by Demmzy15(m): 1:30pm On Jun 01, 2017
My sis did a Micro biology in a private university after that she tried doing nursing with her bsc in MCB in Canada guess what?

The Canadian institution only recognised 3 private uni in Nigeria covenant, babcock and bell

Just make your plans well
I don't want to say you're lying but a senior of mine just graduated in Canada(M. Eng) from a private university(ABUAD)

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Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by babablogger: 1:40pm On Jun 01, 2017
I don't want to say you're lying but a senior of mine just graduated in Canada(M. Eng) from a private university(ABUAD)
did you read where I wrote the Canadian institution she applied to

And also did he take a transcript or he went there for his masters?
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by Demmzy15(m): 1:42pm On Jun 01, 2017
did you read where I wrote the Canadian institution she applied to

Oh!!! Apologies!

And also did he take a transcript or he went there for his masters?

He sent his transcripts from Naija after graduation
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by babablogger: 1:44pm On Jun 01, 2017

Oh!!! Apologies!

He sent his transcripts from Naija after graduation

Did he go. There for his master?
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by Demmzy15(m): 1:46pm On Jun 01, 2017

Did he go. There for his master?
Yes na, he graduated last month sef
Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by TheVictorious(m): 1:49pm On Jun 01, 2017
I don't want to say you're lying but a senior of mine just graduated in Canada(M. Eng) from a private university(ABUAD)

He may be saying the truth, and of course ABUAD is a very good scool, I can't dispute that!

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Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by babablogger: 1:53pm On Jun 01, 2017
Yes na, he graduated last month sef
then you didn't read my first post then

I wrote she wanted to study nursing after her degree in micro biology

So it's a different thing going for masters


Re: Do Private University Graduates Find It Hard To Get Jobs In Nigeria? by Nobody: 2:00pm On Jun 01, 2017
My sis did a Micro biology in a private university after that she tried doing nursing with her bsc in MCB in Canada guess what?

The Canadian institution only recognised 3 private uni in Nigeria covenant, babcock and bell

Just make your plans well
Sorry which university is that? Is it uni of Quebec?

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