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Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by pureluck360: 5:17pm On Nov 14, 2019

CALL OR WHATSAPP: 09074086576
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by laivwire(m): 11:47pm On Jan 03, 2020
I'm just bumping into this thread. I never knew such a thread existed since 2016. I'm an agronomist working with Corteva Agriscience (formerly Dupont) and we are the custodians of Pioneer Maize seed hybrids.

I'm an old nairalander as well and will be willing to give inputs as regards maize cultivation in Nigeria, the right input, agronomic practices, value addition etc.

Any questions as we move into the new season this year? lets discuss
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by paito: 12:03pm On Jan 04, 2020
I'm just bumping into this thread. I never knew such a thread existed since 2016. I'm an agronomist working with Corteva Agriscience (formerly Dupont) and we are the custodians of Pioneer Maize seed hybrids.

I'm an old nairalander as well and will be willing to give inputs as regards maize cultivation in Nigeria, the right input, agronomic practices, value addition etc.

Any questions as we move into the new season this year? lets discuss

What are do don't of pioneer seeds
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by laivwire(m): 12:36pm On Jan 04, 2020

What are do don't of pioneer seeds
Pioneer seeds are maize hybrids just like other branded hybrids out there. The major difference is in the tolerance of certain diseases or pests and agronomic practices which affect the yield.

I can explain further on what hybrids are but for this post it’s good to know that hybrids can give way higher yield than the local open pollinated varieties around. They can also endure closer spacing and their yield can increase as long as you give more nutrients and optimum conditions needed for their growth.
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by paito: 9:53pm On Jan 05, 2020

Pioneer seeds are maize hybrids just like other branded hybrids out there. The major difference is in the tolerance of certain diseases or pests and agronomic practices which affect the yield.

I can explain further on what hybrids are but for this post it’s good to know that hybrids can give way higher yield than the local open pollinated varieties around. They can also endure closer spacing and their yield can increase as long as you give more nutrients and optimum conditions needed for their growth.
What are the optimum condition and the nutrients needed for their growth sir?

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Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by iyckson: 7:57pm On Jan 19, 2020
Can u asist me on maize farming?
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by shangodele974(m): 11:09pm On Jan 20, 2020
Has anyone planted dis maize b4? If yes share ur experience

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Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by noeloge82(m): 7:16am On Jan 21, 2020
Has anyone planted dis maize b4? If yes share ur experience
Is this maize even real I do see d add on jiji but I am wondering if its real
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by shangodele974(m): 7:27am On Jan 21, 2020

Is this maize even real I do see d add on jiji but I am wondering if its real
I think so
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by Isaaco82: 10:01am On Jan 21, 2020

Pioneer seeds are maize hybrids just like other branded hybrids out there. The major difference is in the tolerance of certain diseases or pests and agronomic practices which affect the yield.

I can explain further on what hybrids are but for this post it’s good to know that hybrids can give way higher yield than the local open pollinated varieties around. They can also endure closer spacing and their yield can increase as long as you give more nutrients and optimum conditions needed for their growth.

Where can I get the pioneer seeds in ibadan?
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by laivwire(m): 6:27pm On Jan 21, 2020

Where can I get the pioneer seeds in ibadan?
It's available at Solokad and Tocnoc in Ogunpa market. Quite popular agro stores there
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by Isaaco82: 2:33pm On Jan 25, 2020

It's available at Solokad and Tocnoc in Ogunpa market. Quite popular agro stores there

Any idea of the price per kg
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by laivwire(m): 4:17pm On Jan 25, 2020
Pioneer seeds unlike others are not sold in kg but per area (Acre and Hectare packs). The seeding rate is measured at 1 seed per hole at a spacing of 20cm between crops and 75cm between rows. This should give 55,000 seeds in a 1 Hectare pack.

We are introducing the 2kg pack into this market this year as well. Last year the price was #37,000 per Hectare pack. It will be revised lower this year but the stated price is what we are running with. Acre packs are #16,000.

No price for the 2kg yet
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by Isaaco82: 11:21pm On Jan 25, 2020
Pioneer seeds unlike others are not sold in kg but per area (Acre and Hectare packs). The seeding rate is measured at 1 seed per hole at a spacing of 20cm between crops and 75cm between rows. This should give 55,000 seeds in a 1 Hectare pack.

We are introducing the 2kg pack into this market this year as well. Last year the price was #37,000 per Hectare pack. It will be revised lower this year but the stated price is what we are running with. Acre packs are #16,000.

No price for the 2kg yet

That's much ...thanks, nonetheless
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by soundforce: 12:39pm On Mar 29, 2020
Pioneer seeds unlike others are not sold in kg but per area (Acre and Hectare packs). The seeding rate is measured at 1 seed per hole at a spacing of 20cm between crops and 75cm between rows. This should give 55,000 seeds in a 1 Hectare pack.

We are introducing the 2kg pack into this market this year as well. Last year the price was #37,000 per Hectare pack. It will be revised lower this year but the stated price is what we are running with. Acre packs are #16,000.

No price for the 2kg yet
I planted @ 3 seeds/hole. If you are recommending a seed per hole, what's your % of germination per seed?
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by easyson: 9:51am On Mar 30, 2020
@ fison, 4.7tons with or without cobs?

4.7tonnes after it was shelled

Pls sir what variety of maize was used here and how did u source for it.

Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by hadex90(m): 12:24pm On Mar 30, 2020
hi, please I need someone to give me one on one tutoring on maize farming, I've invested and experience loss before. I need someone to guide me all through. thanks in anticipation
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by westbuoi(m): 5:18pm On Mar 30, 2020
I will equally need some tutoring...Do have a 20ha land cleared and tractorised...want to plant cassava and maize!!
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by hadex90(m): 6:51am On Mar 31, 2020
my first question to the able farmers in the house, when intercropping maize and cassava, can we still use fertilizer? because I never heard of using fertilizer for cassava
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by damilonya(m): 12:27pm On Apr 10, 2020
Please, which seed is the best for fresh corn farming and where can I get it in Bwari Abuja?
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by Teetunz64(m): 4:42pm On Apr 10, 2020
Manual planter with fertilizer compartment is available for sale. I bought it last year. Call me if you want to buy. zero eight zero seven six one four three six six four. Thanks

Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by CodeTemplar: 2:42pm On May 09, 2020

Pls sir what variety of maize was used here and how did u source for it.
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by LatietaAfrica: 1:48am On Apr 17, 2021
Does anybody have experience with planting Seedco Sc719 and SC510? What yield did you get?

What about DEKLAB DK234.

I am looking for a seed that will give me the highest dry yield for poultry feeding. Don’t mind white or yellow hybrid
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by bezaleeltech(m): 4:26am On Apr 17, 2021
Get a manual planter today. Design to make job done easy and faster for farmers.
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by Reality11: 7:16am On May 05, 2021
I just got the following:

- 20kg of Oba98 at N375 per kilo from Premier Seeds: (7,500)
- Leased 1 hectare of land: 10,500
- land clearing: 20,000 (opted for manual clearing to preserve the top soil. I also want to plough in the stump remnants into the soil)
- 3 litres of Paraquat @ 1,600 each: 4,800
- 3 kg of Atrazine Powder @ 2,300 each: 6,900
- Sprayer will spray the herbicides at 10,500 for the entire hectare.
- Seed planter from China: 50,000 (could have been cheaper but I used express shipping). I plan to hire 1 person to plant the whole hectare in one day @ 5,000 max. I want to get the spacing spot on and reduce labour costs.
- Tractor hiring for tilling and harrowing: not yet negotiated.

Here is my plan.
- I will plant half the land now, and half in two weeks time. This is to provide a gap in fruiting to allow me sell the first half fresh.
- I plan to use organic fertilizer 100%. I have searched for the inorganic one at govt price of 5,500. It is not available and it is N10,000 in the open market. Not cost-effective if you ask me.
- Insecticides will be used at the appropriate time.

- Rodents
- Birds
- ??Army worms
- Herdsmen

Still searching for solutions to these possible threats. I am told that special routes for grazing were created for the herdsmen in that area and there have been no squabbles between farmers and the herdsmen in that area in recent history. We shall see how this goes.

2 cobs per plant, X 50,000 plants at spacing of 25cm X 75cm goal will deliver 100,000 cobs.
Allowance will be made for 50% loss of plants, so we aim to get 50,000 fresh cobs, 100 cobs per bag, N3,000 per bag. This will deliver returns of N1.5m as worst case scenario (for investment of N200,000).

I plan to sell fresh maize, not shelled maize. I will do shelled maize in the dry season with a borehole on another land I own.

Please note: this is a pilot project so my goal here is to learn, learn and learn before I expand.
- Shelled maize vs Fresh maize: which pays better?
- is 100% organic fertilizer use a feasible replacement for inorganic NPK/Urea?
- what is the best solution to contain the threats I mentioned above?

These are the questions I seek to answer.

Hi, please what area of land can the seed planter plant like from 8am to 4pm?

Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by SanctifiedSista(f): 8:16pm On May 22, 2021
Maize in available in metric tonnes
Reach out to me ( 08169827645) so we can supply your company immediately. The price makes mad sense
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by Tohsynetita1: 11:14pm On May 22, 2021
Re: Maize Farmers Come In Here by stagger: 10:28pm On Jul 01, 2021

Hi, please what area of land can the seed planter plant like from 8am to 4pm?


You can do one hectare in 6 hours using 3 guys that rotate. It is tiring.

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