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Concrete Pond Vs Earthen Pond - Agriculture - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Agriculture / Concrete Pond Vs Earthen Pond (11914 Views)

Earthen Pond For Rent In Ibadan. / We Construct Earthen Ponds (best HABITAT) For Fishes CALL 08065781696 / The Making Of Our Earthen Fish Pond ( Pics, Videos) (2) (3) (4)

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Concrete Pond Vs Earthen Pond by edyken001: 5:01pm On Jun 04, 2017
Which is preferable between an earthen pond or a concrete pond.. State with reason
Re: Concrete Pond Vs Earthen Pond by edyken001: 10:57pm On Jun 04, 2017
I need suggestions please
Re: Concrete Pond Vs Earthen Pond by gspace1960(m): 9:54am On Jun 05, 2017
earthen pond is d best of all.bt MUST be sited in a little swampi area wit very high water table.....BT concrete and tarpaulin cn be constructed any where even at ur backyard

contact me 4 ur tarpaulin pond construction
Re: Concrete Pond Vs Earthen Pond by fison(m): 2:44pm On Jun 05, 2017
The many advantages of the concrete raceway rearing pond over earthen ponds is summarized below:
*No weed growth or bank erosion
*No structural maintenance
*Swim-up fries can be put directly into
ponds from incubators without excessive loss and the need for hatchery trough is eliminated
*Good water-air circulation
*Good control for chemical flush
treatment of disease
*Use of mechanical crowder for cleaning ponds, grading, and herding fish together for loading tank trucks or pumping into other ponds through a pipe
*Good accessibility for tank trucks, fish pump, and mechanical pellet blower
*Compact unit in small area to simplify working conditions
*self-cleaning devices aid in moving solid waste material from the ponds, *smaller area simplifies bird control problem
*simplifies overall management

Earthen bottom ponds have several
*They are relatively simple to build
*Inexpensive per unit of surface area,
and if well constructed, of low maintenance and usually long lasting.

However, there are many drawbacks to these ponds that make them a less advisable choice.
*Earthen bottom ponds require a great deal of land as small earthen ponds do not maintain themselves well.
*Small natural ponds never clear properly due to the slow but invariable dissolution of soil into the water and the difficulty of underwater shelf construction with clay soils.
*Any of the natural occurrences such as moles and insects digging into the pond will have a greater effect on smaller ponds.

NB: the best soils for fish culture are the sandy clay, silty clay loam or clay loam soils.
Pond soil must retain water. Soils with a low infiltration rate are most suitable for fish pond.

Earthen ponds are easier to manage on short run. They are also cheaper to run as water flows in and out naturally without aid. In earthen pond, you don't really have to worry about fish waste or how to clean it.
Where stealing is rampant, it is easier to steal from a concrete pond than an earthen pond.

Concrete pond is good but capital intensive and high management practice with higher yield and good profit.


Re: Concrete Pond Vs Earthen Pond by gspace1960(m): 6:45pm On Apr 10, 2018
fast growing and healthy pure clarias juvenile...#20 and post fingerlings...#12.....start calling or whatsapp nw.....
location:akute berger,lagos....07060523565
Re: Concrete Pond Vs Earthen Pond by gspace1960(m): 5:52pm On Apr 14, 2018
fast growing and healthy 12,000 juvenile catfish available ....#20@akute,berger Lagos...

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