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Urgent!!! Need Help On Means Of Transportating Cakes To Different States - Food - Nairaland

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Urgent!!! Need Help On Means Of Transportating Cakes To Different States by nkoyo08(f): 12:33pm On Jun 05, 2017
Hello bakers in the house,
please I need advice on how to package and transport wedding cakes to different states from Abuja. Also what transport company would you recommend for this.
Re: Urgent!!! Need Help On Means Of Transportating Cakes To Different States by nkoyo08(f): 5:32pm On Jun 05, 2017
kindly respond someone or send a pmail on this please.
Re: Urgent!!! Need Help On Means Of Transportating Cakes To Different States by lifenajeje(m): 9:26am On Jun 06, 2017
Transport company does not matter what's important is the vehicle although I use God is good motors cos its close to my house to and fro but if my destination does not fall within their routes I go for any other one with the high roof hiace airconditioned buses..

The tiers determines the number of seats I will pay for

For instance if am transporting a 6,8,10,14,16
I will stack the 6 on 8 : 14 on 16 then pay for 5 seats therefore 6on 8 takes a seat , 10 its on seat, 14 on 16 third seat , cut out pieces and myself on two other seats...

Make sure u put wedge i.e passenger bags, foam, gallons to prevent the cake from tilting forward or backwards when descending or ascending hills

Use polywraps for the cake so other passengers can see the cake so everyone gets careful

The seats behind the driver is ideal for transporting cake

Remember I Mentioned AIRCONDITIONED HIACE HIGH ROOF BUS.. If u enter those old hiace ..Mazda..Isuzu or Mitsubishi buses that plies Ibadan ..markudi....jos....benin to Onitsha sorry ns ur name ..the hottest parts of those vehicles are behind the driver with no air-conditioning... Lol

Golden rule : tip the loader 2 k and tell him what u want afterall u have charged for the job except its family and friends cake.
Re: Urgent!!! Need Help On Means Of Transportating Cakes To Different States by nkoyo08(f): 3:27pm On Jun 06, 2017
Thanks so much for this reply.
Re: Urgent!!! Need Help On Means Of Transportating Cakes To Different States by nkoyo08(f): 3:31pm On Jun 06, 2017
Transport company does not matter what's important is the vehicle although I use God is good motors cos its close to my house to and fro but if my destination does not fall within their routes I go for any other one with the high roof hiace airconditioned buses..

The tiers determines the number of seats I will pay for

For instance if am transporting a 6,8,10,14,16
I will stack the 6 on 8 : 14 on 16 then pay for 5 seats therefore 6on 8 takes a seat , 10 its on seat, 14 on 16 third seat , cut out pieces and myself on two other seats...

Make sure u put wedge i.e passenger bags, foam, gallons to prevent the cake from tilting forward or backwards when descending or ascending hills

Use polywraps for the cake so other passengers can see the cake so everyone gets careful

The seats behind the driver is ideal for transporting cake

Remember I Mentioned AIRCONDITIONED HIACE HIGH ROOF BUS.. If u enter those old hiace ..Mazda..Isuzu or Mitsubishi buses that plies Ibadan ..markudi....jos....benin to Onitsha sorry ns ur name ..the hottest parts of those vehicles are behind the driver with no air-conditioning... Lol

Golden rule : tip the loader 2 k and tell him what u want afterall u have charged for the job except its family and friends cake.

Also have you transported a wedding cake without going along with it to your clients?
How did you handle it?
Re: Urgent!!! Need Help On Means Of Transportating Cakes To Different States by lifenajeje(m): 3:35pm On Jun 07, 2017
Madam if u don't go with the cake who will stack it...

Even for family and friends if they don't pay for the materials charge them for delivery

Anything can happen on the way whereby the final cake presentation would need ur expertise..

What if someone injects something into the cake?

Pls its not adviceable for the cake to travel alone even if its a one level traditional wedding cake

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Re: Urgent!!! Need Help On Means Of Transportating Cakes To Different States by Kelechijoan(f): 2:40pm On Jul 06, 2017
Transport company does not matter what's important is the vehicle although I use God is good motors cos its close to my house to and fro but if my destination does not fall within their routes I go for any other one with the high roof hiace airconditioned buses..

The tiers determines the number of seats I will pay for

For instance if am transporting a 6,8,10,14,16
I will stack the 6 on 8 : 14 on 16 then pay for 5 seats therefore 6on 8 takes a seat , 10 its on seat, 14 on 16 third seat , cut out pieces and myself on two other seats...

Make sure u put wedge i.e passenger bags, foam, gallons to prevent the cake from tilting forward or backwards when descending or ascending hills

Use polywraps for the cake so other passengers can see the cake so everyone gets careful

The seats behind the driver is ideal for transporting cake

Remember I Mentioned AIRCONDITIONED HIACE HIGH ROOF BUS.. If u enter those old hiace ..Mazda..Isuzu or Mitsubishi buses that plies Ibadan ..markudi....jos....benin to Onitsha sorry ns ur name ..the hottest parts of those vehicles are behind the driver with no air-conditioning... Lol

Golden rule : tip the loader 2 k and tell him what u want afterall u have charged for the job except its family and friends cake.
God bless u for this. Plz just explain more on wedging the cake. I have a wedding cake to transport from Lagos to Asaba. 5tiers and a traditional cake

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