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Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 10:51pm On Jun 12, 2017 |
Please Note: This story is a rough draft of the sequel to KASALA THE CURSE, a novel. Enjoy it while you can because I will have to take it down a week after completion. Recently, I've seen the impunity with which, peoples stories are stolen here and it is very discouraging. To that effect I have deleted some post and replaced them with summaries for my own protection. Thanks Summary When rumours spread, that strange people are asking questions about an ancient volatile stone axe, Ogunshola's honeys moon is cut short . In desperation he is forced to work with old enemies and a new friend. Consequently, he is soon trapped as a passenger in his own body, mounted by a god with a different agenda. Kasala the lightning stone is an uncanny, exhilarating, and mysterious tale that opens doors to a strange ancient and modern mythological world 1 Ancestral Spirits In the beginning was Olodumare the essence of all there is and more. It was he who created all things from the worlds to the gods, and frail fragile man. Death was his final creation. Initially men did not die they grew to immense sizes, after which they shrank into feeble old people. Because there were so many of them around, they prayed to him beseeching him to free them from long life. That was when he created Iku and tasked him with reaping the life of men once their destiny had come. Iku is death he kills a man weather he is awake or asleep. He doesn’t discriminate between a child and a man. Once your time is up there is no escaping Iku. Nike knew Iku was always hoovering around seeking who to consume but that didn’t bother her so much right now. She found herself all alone in a dark lonely street. “Where the hell am I?” she asked herself. She looked around trying hard to understand this unfamiliar environment. She heard strange footsteps; they couldn’t belong to a person for they were fast and loud. They sounded like bells mixed with hammering. This couldn’t be Iku she thought, for she had paid him his due. She moved back slowly then she heard a bark. She shivered it was the largest dog she had ever seen. Already she had a terrible phobia for dogs, so she ran, it kept chasing her, she climbed over a fence and landed into another compound. She paused panted for a while feeling she was safe but then again it jumped over the fence. She ran again to the entrance of the house, tugged at the door it didn’t open. She began to bang on the door . “Help me, help me!" She screamed. She saw a light bulb go on and there was a glimpse of hope but this was short lived, the dog was getting closer. It opened its mouth full of teeth and pounce toward her and she screamed. She woke up sweating. Nike just had a nightmare. It had only been three years since she came to America from Nigeria. She and Tunde sold the ancient artefact they smuggled in. Her share of the profit they made form it was big enough to meet all her financial needs. It took a month, but she was successful in getting in touch with her mother who she had wrongly presumed dead and was able to relocate her to America. She had invested some money in real-estate and the rest she spent on lavishing herself with expensive treats. America was fun and at that time her only problem was finding ways to pass time. She joined a gym kept in good shape, got a teacher who taught her Yoruba language,she even took self-defence and shooting classes. Life seamed good. This good feeling didn’t last for long because Nike carried with her a curse. Initially she had presumed that the jinx was broken when she had arrived in America. Until one day while after shopping she heard the howls. A familiar sound that occurs before her curse manifest itself, she had ran out only to witness a cars tyres flew off and tripped a security man before his head was crushed by a bus. Nike did not like the nature of her curse because of it random killing. So she accepted it as hers thus she gained a bit of control over it. This way it would only kill those she choose but if she denies it after three days it would numb a part of her body and this would continue till she is dead. Her victims were scumbags but this didn’t make it any easier. She had becomes the embodiment of guilt, a carrier of a burden and this nightmare was one of her many torments. Sometimes she had dreams of victims coming after her. America was no longer fun, looking for bad guys to kill was also difficult. She had to tap into police radio and make conscious effort to detect bad guys. It would have all been easier if she didn’t have a conscience. Nike had moved away from her mother to stop her from questioning her nocturnal activities but the worse part was that she had to keep it all from Tunde. She and Tunde had grown fond of each other. He had opened an art gallery and it seemed he had stopped his shady dealings. Their relationship got a bit strained after she discovered she was still plagued. He became concerned about her whereabouts so she kept a bit of a distance from him. They had already been through enough in Nigeria. He took it that she wasn’t interested in taking it further and since then they stayed good friends. *************************************************************** Ormorlehwah: Dyoungstar: DNA1: Dyoungstar: beey2: Sheybor: arabanibaba: Ladywilyms: I started ds piece today n finished it,it kept me glued to my seat 4 hours,u've gat great talent o oyestephen: beriangel: Bolt2011: Josphine4good: wizkris: Redmosquito: movmentish: beey2: Thank you guys, I am quoting your comments to thank you for supporting KASALA back then, and to let you know I've started writing the sequel so you don't miss out. [b] 2 Likes
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 10:59pm On Jun 12, 2017 |
****deleted by author **** But in summary Nike and Tunde talked about stuff and she left to a shrine........ |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 6:20pm On Jun 13, 2017 |
***Deleted ***** Tunde spoke with Maryrose, an archaeologist, they discussed about how he would help her get Shango axe and she paid him some money. 1 Like |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by tahir01(m): 9:11am On Jun 14, 2017 |
Nice story line. loving it. @ OP more updates abeg. |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 10:28am On Jun 14, 2017 |
tahir01: Thanks, good to know you like it. Would post more for you. |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by tahir01(m): 10:41am On Jun 14, 2017 |
zubike01:Patiently waiting. |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by Jasmine4(f): 11:39am On Jun 14, 2017 |
Interesting story here op....I want more please |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 10:49pm On Jun 14, 2017 |
Jasmine4: Thanks Jasmine update coming up now |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 10:58pm On Jun 14, 2017 |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by tahir01(m): 11:45am On Jun 15, 2017 |
more updates. More inspiration to you bro. 1 Like |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 11:13pm On Jun 16, 2017 |
deleted |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by supizino(m): 7:13am On Jun 17, 2017 |
e dey sweet me baje oga zubike01 more update plz |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by tahir01(m): 3:51pm On Jun 17, 2017 |
Getting Intense. Nice one OP. |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 11:09pm On Jun 17, 2017 |
***Deleted *** Nike's can now control her curse, She joined the Nigerian Army, Goes to a Bokoharam zone and kill all the terorist using her curse. Her teams mates are scared of her but her commander decides she would work solo form now on. 1 Like |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by Nostradamus: 9:49am On Jun 18, 2017 |
nice story man, your imagination is out of this World. |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by Nostradamus: 9:51am On Jun 18, 2017 |
nice story man, your imagination is out of this World. however, i think tunde should have drop stealing and find something worthwhile doing,ogunsola will catch up with him now. |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by priestchurch(m): 5:53pm On Jun 18, 2017 |
Fantastic story, pls more update.. . 1 Like |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 11:32pm On Jun 18, 2017 |
Nostradamus: Thanks ...yep Tunde is like a leopard stealing is his spots. |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 8:15am On Jun 19, 2017 |
deleted 2 Likes |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by tahir01(m): 9:35am On Jun 19, 2017 |
Could it be Tunde calling? Bros more update. |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 5:14am On Jun 20, 2017 |
deleted |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 5:18am On Jun 20, 2017 |
***Deleted *** Tunde and Maryrose find the axe,Tunde warns her not to open it and runs away. Mary rose goes ahead to open it. 1 Like |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by tahir01(m): 8:59am On Jun 20, 2017 |
Excellent write Up. More inspiration to U. |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by redon12(m): 9:06am On Jun 20, 2017 |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 11:21am On Jun 20, 2017 |
tahir01: Bro thanks e be like say na only you dey read this story oh! |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by joyberry(f): 8:50pm On Jun 20, 2017 |
Wonderful story, I love stories about our heritage. Keep it up and coming |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 4:30am On Jun 21, 2017 |
joyberry:Thanks |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by supizino(m): 5:55pm On Jun 21, 2017 |
9ce write up kwantinu |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 8:29pm On Jun 21, 2017 |
deleted 1 Like |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by Nostradamus: 8:56am On Jun 22, 2017 |
this story is dope, ogunshola and his crew will never be able to stand the americans. |
Re: Kasala The Lighting Stone by zubike01(m): 2:43am On Jun 23, 2017 |
deleted |
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