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"I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President - Education - Nairaland

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"I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Fynestboi: 2:33pm On Jun 21, 2017

This is the second time I will be writing on the bus issue because it has generated into what I did not expect nor plan. Some people want to use this avenue to hijack the union, paint me black, soil my name, tarnish my integrity and make people lose hope in my leadership. But as President, I remain resolute to truthfulness, transparency and trust.

How the money for the bus came?
It has never been in the history of this union that the University management releases backlog dues. When I came on board as President, I made the university management to understand why they have to release our backlog during the time the union was on suspension. Initially they opposed it, but I demanded it has to be released because it is our money. Later, the management agreed to release it, which was totalled to be 7.3 Million Naira on the basis that there must be something tangible we have to use the money for if they have to release it. Having fully understood the plight of students at bus stop at night and in accordance to my manifesto of easing the stress we face at bus stop at night by getting transportation buses, I made the management to understand that we need buses and we shall use the backlog to get buses. After making their findings they agreed to my proposal of getting buses and 3Million Naira was first released for us to get a bus, show them, defend it before releasing other funds. It should be clear to all that the money was deliberately released for bus and as such it can not be spent otherwise because the university management will also audit us on how we spent the money.

When the money came, how we got the bus
The money for the bus came days after we had the first congress that suspended the speaker‎ and dissolved the committees due to the petition written to the congress. At that point there was committee to deal with, and in the absence of such, work of the union cannot stop, the executive can keep working and when the committees are newly constituted, they shall be well informed. So, we went ahead to seeing how we shall get the first bus. We consulted four dealers and negotiated to the barest minimum. The first said 3.5Million Naira, the second said 2.9 Million, the third said 3.2Million and the fourth said 2.5Million. Before we went ahead with it, we met with the mechanics at the university maintenance to help us find out the amount the bus is sold because Department of Accounting has such which we saw at maintenance that day and the mechanics told us the bus is 3.5Million Naira from Lagos. After making all these findings, we went ahead with the dealer that said 2.5Million and we got the bus which is a Tokunbo Bus and Grade 1 (Not Nigerian used) as been reffered to by dealers.

Buses on Jiji, Jumia etc
While we were consulting dealers on how much the bus is being sold, we went online also as students and we saw a lot of such buses on Jiji, Jumia etc. Mechanics advised us never to get such buses even though they are quite cheaper, but we warned not to get buses from Jiji or jumia or any online seller because we cannot be so sure of the engine and majority of such buses are Nigerian used. In the process of making our findings, we were made to understand that we could get 14-seaters of Passat/Volkswagen for 1.4Million Naira but we should not go for such as they break down easily just like the ones we had in the union about 3 sessions ago that are no longer functioning, but should rather go for Toyota products.

Controversy, lack of trust and allegations
I am not unaware of all the controversy, lack of trust and allegations that has emanated since the purchase‎ of this transportation bus. Some are saying I inflated the amount, some are saying I have stolen money, some even said I am a thief, some are saying I should be impeached, some are even saying I should not be trusted and some are moving around one place to another to use this avenue to turn the students against me and hijack the union. Greatest Ife! Articulate Ife!! Yes, 2.5M is a big money which is making everyone think the bus is not up to that or I have inflated the amount. As President, I can say it anywhere anytime, the amount of the bus was never inflated and I will never do that, I am not corrupt and I will never. This union is not an end, it is just a means to an end and as such I can never soil my name or tarnish my name as we all have a long way to go. We are the ones this country is waiting for to save it from these corrupt leaders, and if we that the country is waiting for are now fraudulent in our dealings, then what is the hope of this country? What I fear most in my life is financial scandal and that is why I will never be involved in such because a good name is better than silver and gold. On this note, I challenge everyone who wants to investigate or making findings as regards to the amount the bus was bought, whether it was inflated or not, whether it has financial scandal or not to investigate and if it is proven to the world that I inflated the amount or I am involved in financial scandal, *I shall resign as President* immediately because what is the essence of being a leader when those you are leading cannot trust you.

On the pictures sent around
I must state that the person that took the picture of the bus only wanted to tarnish my name, because he took the picture after the bus has been used since morning and got dirty, just to make people think I inflated the amount the bus was bought. The bus is always parked at SUB, everyone is free to get close to the bus, check it extensively, take pictures and show it around to dealers or people that know about bus and make your findings and facts about the price.

On the type of bus
The bus is a Toyota Hiace 14 Seaters Bus. Dealers refer to such type as Grade 1 Tokunbo as it was never used in Nigeria, it is straight from US. All expected to be there are intact, we did not do anything to it, seats came with it, the steering was not changed from right to left‎. A lot of past alumni have been calling me on why it generated to such issue as they said the bus even costs more that 2.5Million but I made them to know some people wants to use it to tarnish my image. But I will never allow them succeed. And now, I am challenging all who thinks I inflated the price or I am involved in financial scandal, to make proper findings, bring up facts and figures and if proven that I am involved in financial scandal, then I shall seize to be President.

To Great Ife Students
Greatest Ife! Articulate Ife!! As your President, I have been up and doing to ensure I serve you dilligently. These are trying times for me as President because there is no such thing that spoils one's name as financial scandals, I can boldly tell you that I am not corrupt and I will never be because this Presidency is not my end and we are those to make this country great and as such I need us all to come together as one as a union and never allow some people use lies to divide us all because they want to get hard on me. 

Aluta Continua!

Oyekan Ibukun Edward
President OAUSU

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Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by toygod2: 2:49pm On Jun 21, 2017
F. T. C
FYNESTBOI, you're the General Secretary of the SUG,
What is ur take on this?


Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Nobody: 2:54pm On Jun 21, 2017
either way, this guy should have said this long ago before it detriorated to this.

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Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Nobody: 9:53pm On Jun 21, 2017
Was that not the same way Buhari promised not to travel out if he became president??

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Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by ladyF(f): 10:37pm On Jun 21, 2017
Hehehe... Fynestboi


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Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Nobody: 4:57am On Jun 22, 2017
Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Nobody: 7:32am On Jun 22, 2017
These people are extremly corrupt
When I was in uni, the transport dir in collaboration with SUG president use the SUG bus to ply the Northern part of the country during Salah period and eastern part during Christmas and new year
They guy made cool cash back then mhen
I want to sell my Samsung S4 biko
Location is abk, IB or Lag

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Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by ElectronicsGuy(m): 7:34am On Jun 22, 2017

Meanwhile, generator power booster for sale.. Now, you can use your pressing iron and other elements on your gen conveniently..
Even on I Pass My Neighbour ones..
No effect on the coil of the gen.. Just plug to any outlet and use!

N3500 only

Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Eyanmukaila(m): 7:34am On Jun 22, 2017
Resign already, maybe that will help lure Buhari to do same. Presidency should not be a life or death task.

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Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by babablogger: 7:34am On Jun 22, 2017


Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by ipobarecriminals: 7:34am On Jun 22, 2017
undecided tell ur people how much u buy ur bole kaja bus instead of speaking in unknown tongue. Tender receipt of the purchase not this trance u dey do

11 Likes 1 Share

Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by bastien: 7:34am On Jun 22, 2017
Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Onyinye15(f): 7:34am On Jun 22, 2017
Let's wait and see
It's a matter of time
Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Beverages: 7:36am On Jun 22, 2017
Their school, their matter, their concern
Next pls...
Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by slimthugchimee(m): 7:36am On Jun 22, 2017
Resign already, maybe that will help lure Buhari to do same. Presidency should not be a life or death task.

You that is talking, would you want to resign? undecided

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Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Nobody: 7:36am On Jun 22, 2017
This is how corruption starts, what's the difference between 3 million and 2.5 million sad
Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by savagefinder: 7:38am On Jun 22, 2017
Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Nltaliban(m): 7:38am On Jun 22, 2017
Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by hardeycute(m): 7:38am On Jun 22, 2017
This IBK is a thief.

How would you justify the purchase without concession from the parliament ?

Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by StamfordTraford: 7:39am On Jun 22, 2017
It shouldn't be "I shall resign if found guilty", it should be "I must be prosecuted if found guilty".If indeed you inflated the price of that bus, resignation is not an enough punishment for the crime.


Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by crazyABO(m): 7:40am On Jun 22, 2017
It easy tender d receipt n take dem to the dealer u bought it from lobatan undecided

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Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Nltaliban(m): 7:41am On Jun 22, 2017
It's disheartening to see that corruption is everywhere

Nigeria is synonymous with corruption

Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by buchilino(m): 7:48am On Jun 22, 2017


Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Mobsync(m): 7:48am On Jun 22, 2017
He is still telling lies and has refused to come clean. Rather than telling us the amount he bought the bus, he's saying he "went with the one that said 2.5 million".

Does that mean he got the bus for 2.5m or what?

Why did he also avoid mentioning the year the bus was made? Someone on the previous thread said it's 1999 or 2001, I cannot remember.

All I know is that the bus is not a current or near-current model and is too expensive for 2.5m.

OAU people, una don enter one chance.

Mr Ibukun, how much did you buy the bus?

Tell us so we can know the next line of action.

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Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by bolethings: 7:50am On Jun 22, 2017
This guy is a foolish fool. Anyone who buys that bus I saw for more than N1m needs to be in prison. I always thought OAU students are intellectuals but with this coming from an SUG President, I'm disappointed. The idiot is just ranting. I still believe in our youths but this idiot is one or the black sheeps in this country.


Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by seunlly(m): 7:51am On Jun 22, 2017
Victoria asata
Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by BiggyBamBam: 7:56am On Jun 22, 2017
Send me money and I will buy a very good Van for anybody
Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Namzy(m): 7:56am On Jun 22, 2017
What is the year of the bus model so we can actually know what a 'grade 1 tokunbo' sells at. Me thinks this dude is trying to spin this sympathy story and later feign ignorance that he was cheated by the dealer when the real price of the bus comes to light


Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by bankylan: 7:56am On Jun 22, 2017
It's disheartening to see that corruption is everywhere

Nigeria is synonymous with corruption


I am not sure the bus price is inflated. 2005 Corrola is now 2.5m........I don't expect this bus to be less than 3m

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Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by Anikulhapo(m): 7:58am On Jun 22, 2017
Abeg, who get the pictures
Re: "I Shall Resign If Found Guilty Of Inflating OAUSU Bus Price"--OAUSU President by ipobarecriminals: 7:58am On Jun 22, 2017
one can still buy 2nd hand Toyota Hummer bus at 2milla talkless of dis weather beaten kombi bus.Thief


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