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How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? - Romance (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? (8459 Views)

Poll: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ?

Daily: 69% (167 votes)
Hourly: 17% (41 votes)
Weekly: 5% (14 votes)
Monthly: 1% (4 votes)
I do not call at all: 5% (13 votes)
This poll has ended

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Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by koolkamzzy(m): 1:42pm On Jan 26, 2010

3 times in a day, amount of credit on phone determines atimes sha

Glad u learnt the lesson, most babes consider u a stalker if u call too often, thinking you are not such a busy man,

since you call three times a day, ARE YOU A STALKER? and how often is often?
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by kkkossy(m): 1:46pm On Jan 26, 2010
I cnt can't call my partner hourly or evry minute dats stupid na, unless it cals 4 it. She'l tink i dnt hv anytin important 2 do, conversations tend 2 get boring wen u talk hourly must especially if u dnt have any gud reason 4 calling. i prefer daily abeg.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by SamMilla1(m): 1:47pm On Jan 26, 2010

The question is simple but incomplete. If this was exam, many people would have failed already.

1. It is assumed that the partner is male or female in a loving relationship.
2. It is assumed that they are at different locations otherwise there is no need to 'call.'

As you can see, the location of the partner will determine whether you call and how often.

I hope the simple analogy above has clarified the reason for my previous post.

Guess what, You are absolutely right here.
I knew your reasons for your answer.
But the problem is answering questions based on assumptions
You don't have to assume that someone's question that ends with a fullstop/question mark is incomplete.
I just wanted to point out why w all fail exams.
Its important not to answer questions based n assumptions unless the questions has a clear indication for assumptions.

Enjoy yourself mate. I m just having fun around.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by Sparkles3: 1:59pm On Jan 26, 2010
I flash grin grin


i barely call my ex because i see her everyday. when we finally brea[b]k up[/b], she complain dat i was acting like i dont love or care about her dat was why she had to do wat she did.

hope to change as soon as i get another one, (not realy searching just wanted to be like dat for a while)

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Hiyaaaa so you are lonely? Sorry about that!
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by DivineR: 2:02pm On Jan 26, 2010
i ususlly call my partner on  daily basis, despite the cost of international calls.

we had issues last year April and made up December, ever since then am finding it difficult to call him, he is the one that calls when he feels like.

infact am in the group of ''I DON'T CALL''
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by baslone: 2:04pm On Jan 26, 2010
Hourly is boring no matter the distance!!
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by JUO(m): 2:06pm On Jan 26, 2010
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by sayso: 2:09pm On Jan 26, 2010
honestly I voted daily but the fact is that anytime I see a woman feeling herself around me I call my wife immediately.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by idifu(m): 2:11pm On Jan 26, 2010
almost every day
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by CuteAngel(f): 2:16pm On Jan 26, 2010
Twice a day, most time more than 3 times, depending on the mood.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by wales(m): 2:26pm On Jan 26, 2010
Every Sec. grin grin grin
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by Rooneyboy(m): 2:29pm On Jan 26, 2010
I dont have a partner yet , but as soon as i have one it will probably be daily.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by Bukittes(f): 2:35pm On Jan 26, 2010
At least once in 2 days and if absolutely important daily. Abeg give urselves some breathing space!
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by gentbuchi: 2:39pm On Jan 26, 2010
As many times a day as I can. We speak more than 10 times in a day. The job/work not withstanding.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by yuppydon(m): 2:56pm On Jan 26, 2010
I call my girl 3 times daily on the average, like 6 -7 times(good days) and 1ce(bad days)
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by kemisuga(f): 3:05pm On Jan 26, 2010
I DO NOT HAVE A PARTNER TO CALL, cry cry cry cry cry
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by ud4u: 3:08pm On Jan 26, 2010
daily, sometimes twice, but my husband can call many times as possible
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by SmashingM(f): 3:22pm On Jan 26, 2010
When we misunderstand ourselves and make up, we call each other once in three to four hours.


I DO NOT HAVE A PARTNER TO CALL, cry cry cry cry cry

Dearie you don't have to cry, you'll be blessed with a partner soon.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by Nobody: 3:26pm On Jan 26, 2010
to me it's wil be how often do my partner call me. . . . . . dat wil be once every three hours.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by koolkamzzy(m): 4:03pm On Jan 26, 2010

Hiyaaaa so you are lonely? Sorry about that!

I'm not lonely cos i'v got lot of work to do, meanwhile, if you think you can handle a non-calling partner then be free to send in ya application.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by koolkamzzy(m): 4:10pm On Jan 26, 2010

I DO NOT HAVE A PARTNER TO CALL, cry cry cry cry cry

Receive your partner in Jesus Name.


I dont have a partner yet , but as soon as i have one it will probably be daily.

It is easy to promise, but not so easy to fulfil
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by Kx: 4:21pm On Jan 26, 2010

As many times a day as I can. We speak more than 10 times in a day.

Little wonder why the telecoms coys are making a kill.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by iice(f): 4:25pm On Jan 26, 2010
Rarely. . .i don't do calls. He has learnt his lesson grin
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by Nobody: 4:29pm On Jan 26, 2010
may be once daily. cos he's the busy type jumpn from one meeting to another but we can send msgs as many as possible in a day even whn he is in the meeting whn we have any issue to discuss.Thats hw we r communicating right now.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by eyoniggar(m): 4:40pm On Jan 26, 2010

Rarely. . .i don't do calls. He has learnt his lesson grin

I know your type. One that ends the relationship when he calls too much.

You are tha kinda chic I can handle well, I know your type too well.

@OP, I call twice, in the morin and night.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by iice(f): 4:41pm On Jan 26, 2010

I know your type. One that ends the relationship when he calls too much.

You are tha kinda chic I can handle well, I know your type too well.

@OP, I call twice, in the morin and night.

No be only handle well cheesy
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by harpo(m): 4:46pm On Jan 26, 2010
Where ever you just answer the question how often, if na once a day or 500 times a day, and if u dont just say so

4-5 times before i close from work
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by kopknomie: 4:51pm On Jan 26, 2010
As a very busy person and he is also busy too, i call once a day mostly at night.This is to avoid disturbing each other.
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by adaphik(f): 5:22pm On Jan 26, 2010
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by Nobody: 5:38pm On Jan 26, 2010
I hardly call my husband.
Anytime i try to call he says, "baby drop the phone lemme call you back"
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by koolchicco: 5:42pm On Jan 26, 2010

Point of correction! I don't do partnership,

I have a wife and I call her several ounces daily! tongue
Re: How Often Do You Call Your Partner ? by Moyola(f): 5:45pm On Jan 26, 2010
I dont call him! tongue

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