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How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? - Romance - Nairaland

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How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Toks2008(m): 6:36pm On Jun 25, 2017
Do you know that in the romance dictionary of women,a man's love expression is defined as "an act of care and sexual faithfulness towards his woman" and I guess I personally don't have issues with this but the question is "for how long shall we continue to lie to ourselves just to create an artificial happiness?

I watched a video file where a lady was trying to outsmart her co-debaters and she reiterated what i have always maintained that men are natural polygamist.

According to her and also n my candid opinion,monogamy and fidelity for men are unnatural situations forced down our throats by religious beliefs and societal pressures and once you take out these two factors,all men will cheat because by nature,men are polygamous and that definition of love expression above is for the women expecially that part of sexual faithfulness.

Before the ladies ask for my head,I want to point out that this write up has nothing to do with sexism,mysoginy or gender superiority but it is a fact every reasonable lady must calmly accept or be forced to accept and I will explain...

By God's grand design,sex is mainly for procreation and every other reason is Jara. Now a man can produce over 300million sperm cells in one healthy drop each time he makes love and each of these sperm cells could ferterlize 300 million female eggs but here is the catch....in most cases,a woman can only produce ONE EGG in one whole month during her ovulation period.

Frankly put,Men ovulate everyday and can conviniently ferterlize over 90 random ladies in one month if he makes love to 3 different healthy ovulating ladies each day of the month and in most cases,a lady can only get pregnant during her ovulation period and by just that one man whose sperm fertilizes that one egg or even eggs as the case may be...This means just about 40men can impregnate all the women in the world if each of the over 300million sperm cells per drop of semen is innoculated each day into different ovulating ladies.

This simple natural biological grand design of GOD is a strong pointer to the fact that men are indeed polygamous by nature and any lady who frowns at this fact is either naive,immature or simply looking for ways to remain unhappy.

So this brings me to the subject matter..."how does a man truly express his love for his woman"?

The answer is very simple...BY CARING AND PROVIDING FOR HER WITHIN HIS AFFORDABLE RESOURCES...anything else is an aberation. ..little wonder why most mature ladies of marriageable age naturally prefer men who can conviniently provide their needs regardless of their marital status over poor dudes who are sexually faithful to them

The act of sexual faithfulness from a man to a woman is a choice and yes many men including myself may choose to be but it must never be expected as a status quo or norm for everyman in love meaning if a man decides to be polygamous,the woman in his life should take fate or leave to remain unmarried and not foolishly seek for a faithful man cos by nature....there is hardly one sexually faithful man out there.

So as a lady,when next you are asked if you man loves you,don't ever judge his love by his sexual faithfulness to you but by how deep he cares for you within his affordable resources cos a man can deeply love you and still marry another lady let alone cheat on you..

This write up is not in support of sexual recklessness. A real man and a responsible one should have sexual discipline but this is one fact our ladies need to know and must be prepared for.

I definitely know this makes sense.

41 Likes 6 Shares

Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Oyindidi(f): 6:39pm On Jun 25, 2017
Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by BiafraBushBoy(m): 6:46pm On Jun 25, 2017
I think the only visible way to show that you really love a lady is by doing two things.

1) Spending and supporting her financially

2) Being available for her all the time.

Dating is not for broke guys. I wonder why some guys would want to date a very classy girl... but when she request for money... they start calling her a Gold digger. lol..

If you don't want a girl that will stress your pocket... I advise you to visit your village an pick up that girl that sells food in the village square. wink

64 Likes 7 Shares

Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by lalanice(f): 6:47pm On Jun 25, 2017
undecided I cant even begin to express my disappointment in this thread,
coming from toks2008 just made it worse. what are you really defending

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Ereolamide: 6:54pm On Jun 25, 2017
You don't know if it makes sense but it's what you want ladies to know, how does that resonate with common sense.

What makes human different from animals is 'reason' or intellect, if human can use reason to better themselves: organise complex society, make laws, form religions, invent technology, adopts better lifestyle above their base nature compared to animals whose lives are brutish, fierce, and act according to caprices of their emotions without reason, then why can't man especially 21century man hold up to marital vows of marriage and remain in complete fidelity to one woman.

Wise you are not - Master Yoda.

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Omotayor123(f): 7:13pm On Jun 25, 2017
A man who truly loves his wife must show;

Care for her, give her necessary attention, spend his quality time with her, doing most things together and most importantly, Never let her have the course to share him with another woman. cool

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Toks2008(m): 7:32pm On Jun 25, 2017
You don't if it makes sense but it's what you want ladies to know, how does that resonate with common sense.

What makes human different from animals is 'reason' or intellect, if human can use reason to better themselves: organise complex society, make laws, form religions, invent technology, adopts better lifestyle above their base nature compared to animals whose lives are brutish, fierce, and act according to caprices of their emotions without reason, then why can't man especially 21century man hold up to marital vows of marriage and remain in complete fidelity to one woman.

Wise you are not - Master Yoda.

As I clearly wrote..sexual fidelity from a man is a matter of choice and we know there are men who make that choice and there are some who don't. ...

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Ereolamide: 7:38pm On Jun 25, 2017

As I clearly wrote..sexual fidelity from a man is a matter of choice and we know there are men who make that choice and there are some who don't. ...
And the same goes for women.

Don't hide behind the akward veil of biology to propose fallible ideas, because intestinal acid can dissolve razor blades why don't majority of human include that in their diet.

38 Likes 1 Share

Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by greatgod2012(f): 7:41pm On Jun 25, 2017
@op, I've watched the video version of this your miscalculative analysis! It was a debate where she was trying to outscore the other contestants!

Back to your question, self control is one of the major qualities that distinguish humans from animals, if any man behaves like animal just because he's capable of producing millions of sperm from every release,, then,,such a man should be living with his mates in the bush and be inserting his instrument in every dick and harry holes! Ability to have self control and stick to the vow you made on your wedding day as a man is the greatest care and trust a man can give to his wife and wife to her husband!

FYI, if men are polygamous in nature,, women too are, because that hole we possess no get meter!

So,,the best way couples can care and show love to each other is by being faithful to each other in every reasonable and expected ways!

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Young03(m): 7:43pm On Jun 25, 2017
For a Nigerian woman
just give her money always

that's all
BT for a Cameroonian woman
just be real to her

I don't care if u support my opinion or not


Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by iphunanya(f): 7:49pm On Jun 25, 2017
Just be real with me and we'll be fine smiley


Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Toks2008(m): 7:51pm On Jun 25, 2017
@op, I've watched the video version of this your miscalculative analysis! It was a debate where she was trying to outscore the other contestants!

Back to your question, self control is one of the major qualities that distinguish humans from animals, if any man behaves like animal just because he's capable of producing millions of sperm from every release,, then,,such a man should be living with his mates in the bush and be inserting his instrument in every dick and harry holes! Ability to have self control and stick to the vow you made on your wedding day as a man is the greatest care and trust a man can give to his wife and wife to her husband!

FYI, if men are polygamous in nature,, women too are, because that hole we possess no get meter!

So,,the best way couples can care and show love to each other is by being faithful to each other in every reasonable and expected ways!

The hypothesis has always been there and her calculation was even below the facts which I just corrected.

Talking about Vow,there was never a part where it states that a man will never marry another lady or be with another was there?

It states till death and yes a man can keep his marital vows even if he marries as many ladies as possible.

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Toks2008(m): 7:56pm On Jun 25, 2017
Just be real with me and we'll be fine smiley

Sorry could you explain your definition of being "real"
Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by joseo: 7:58pm On Jun 25, 2017
different strokes for different folks.........listen to her very very well you would know how to express love

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by greatgod2012(f): 8:00pm On Jun 25, 2017

As I clearly wrote..sexual fidelity from a man is a matter of choice and we know there are men who make that choice and there are some who don't. ...

Sexual fidelity is also a choice for women.
Women may not release more than one egg in a month but they can give sexual satisfaction to as many men as they want even in a day, any woman who wishes not to tow that line chooses not to, it's a choice my brother. The truth is that anyone who can't stick to the vow he made on his wedding day do not have business getting married, for both men and women alike!

Like I said up there, toto no get meter o, it's a choice for man and woman to have sexual fidelity not based on that senseless analysis up there!


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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Toks2008(m): 8:09pm On Jun 25, 2017

Sexual fidelity is also a choice for women.
Women may not release more than one egg in a month but they can give sexual satisfaction to as many men as they want even in a day, any woman who wishes not to tow that line chooses not to, it's a choice my brother. The truth is tuhat anyone who can't stick to the vow he made on his wedding day do not have business getting married, for both men and women alike!

Like I said up there, toto no get meter o, it's a choice for man and woman to have sexual fidelity not based on that senseless analysis up there!


I totally agree with you..it's a matter of choice even if a lady has 4 children each from different father so that is that...

I have been seeing this talks of marriage vow and I guess we need to meticulously take a look at those words once again....and I can't find any place where it states that the man will not marry another woman or be with another woman or am I missing something?

Please understand that I'm not supporting any sexual recklessness from any man but I'm just being real about this subject matter.


Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by shinarlaura(f): 8:11pm On Jun 25, 2017
Just be caring to me.
Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Nobody: 8:11pm On Jun 25, 2017
Give her your ATM card and pin.................MUMU.
Tell her I love you, talk your own................. Area. grin


Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Nobody: 8:11pm On Jun 25, 2017
For sale.
Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Toks2008(m): 8:20pm On Jun 25, 2017
Just be caring to me.

Hmmmm! so you don't mind if he is cutting shows outside as long aa he is always there for you...interesting...

Buy honestly I wonder how some guys cope with 2 or more ladies...Chai! and some men have like 3 or more wives..odiegwu!


Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Fkforyou(m): 8:31pm On Jun 25, 2017
Another controversial thread again...Una no dey tire? undecided

No offense Toks, this your thread even though it might be unintentional, would encourage men to be reckless and unfaithful.

It's like saying we guys have no will to be committed to someone, whom, most times are fully committed to us. It's not fair if you ask me.

As for me Sha, I don't commit easily and it's a personal decision I made.

But when I commit to someone, I hardly go back. In essence, once I am in, I'm in. No time to be checking out other options. It shows conviction and strength of character.

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by yemmit90: 8:35pm On Jun 25, 2017

Sexual fidelity is also a choice for women.
Women may not release more than one egg in a month but they can give sexual satisfaction to as many men as they want even in a day, any woman who wishes not to tow that line chooses not to, it's a choice my brother. The truth is that anyone who can't stick to the vow he made on his wedding day do not have business getting married, for both men and women alike!

Like I said up there, toto no get meter o, it's a choice for man and woman to have sexual fidelity not based on that senseless analysis up there!


I think by now, every mature woman living in Nigeria should fully understand the way society addresses the issue of sexual fidelity between men and women.

Unlike men, the value of a women diminished the moment she starts sleeping around. Besides, sleeping with multiple men is not what a typical African woman can boldly proud of like men. You may not agree with this but that is a fact.

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Allwility: 8:39pm On Jun 25, 2017
Watch out Toks, the feminists are coming for ya head cheesy
Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Toks2008(m): 9:26pm On Jun 25, 2017
Another controversial thread again...Una no dey tire? undecided

No offense Toks, this your thread even though it might be unintentional, would encourage men to be reckless and unfaithful.

It's like saying we guys have no will to be committed to someone, whom, most times are fully committed to us. It's not fair if you ask me.

As for me Sha, I don't commit easily and it's a personal decision I made.

But when I commit to someone, I hardly go back. In essence, once I am in, I'm in. No time to be checking out other options. It shows conviction and strength of character.

The strangest twist is that the idea of the toks many nairaland ladies have in their head is totally different from the toks I know cos no one can know me more than myself.

I was on a fun thread where we were asked to calculate the "bad stuffs" we have done in monatary value and I had to force my way to N25k https://www.nairaland.com/3879634/paid-things-done-photo/3#57810001

And there was a day I was pondering over my life and I realized that as a man,I have not been so many ladies considering my looks and age and many 18year Olds of both sex here on nairaland would have twice the number of body count.

Lastly,all my life I have never been with more than a lady at any given time but please does this mean that is how other guys are? does this mean I should pretend that 9 out of every 10 guys can not stay faithful to one lady?

Except you want our ladies to be unprepared for the harsh reality but if you really want them to be emotionally prepared then don't waste your time preaching to guys who will still do what is on their minds but prepare these ladies for the bitter reality.

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Toks2008(m): 9:45pm On Jun 25, 2017
Watch out Toks, the feminists are coming for ya head cheesy

I'm used to it so I'm not bothered anymore cos I know that a day will come when all these threads of mine will make sense to them but until then...let them bash.


Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by OLAJADON: 11:21pm On Jun 25, 2017
@op, I've watched the video version of this your miscalculative analysis! It was a debate where she was trying to outscore the other contestants!

Back to your question, self control is one of the major qualities that distinguish humans from animals, if any man behaves like animal just because he's capable of producing millions of sperm from every release,, then,,such a man should be living with his mates in the bush and be inserting his instrument in every dick and harry holes! Ability to have self control and stick to the vow you made on your wedding day as a man is the greatest care and trust a man can give to his wife and wife to her husband!

FYI, if men are polygamous in nature,, women too are, because that hole we possess no get meter!

So,,the best way couples can care and show love to each other is by being faithful to each other in every reasonable and expected ways!
I don't understand why you women like to prove strong head to the truth, every single word toks2008 said is the truth if we put religion and society know esp religion aside all men will cheat not most I repeat all will cheat, commitment for a man is a choice not a norm.
this your attitude of both man and woman must be committed can't work because God has a reason for creating us differently, a promiscuous man can't be easily unlike a lady I.e women tend to change with time when they are promiscuous unlike a male.
in the back centuries, our mothers has learnt to accept this bitter truth, men then usually have more than a wife in fact it was a achievement then if you have more children and more wives but I don't know who re-oriented 21st century Lady that a man must be faithful.
firstly, some guys forming faithful are actually cheating underneath without their partner knowing because it is very difficult for a guy to stick to a single girl for the rest of his life, if you see a guy that is truely faithful to a girl it take serious fear and respect for God I tell you.
like I said cheating for a man is a choice not a norm, I know you won't accept this but it is the truth.

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by OLAJADON: 11:29pm On Jun 25, 2017
@op, I've watched the video version of this your miscalculative analysis! It was a debate where she was trying to outscore the other contestants!

Back to your question, self control is one of the major qualities that distinguish humans from animals, if any man behaves like animal just because he's capable of producing millions of sperm from every release,, then,,such a man should be living with his mates in the bush and be inserting his instrument in every dick and harry holes! Ability to have self control and stick to the vow you made on your wedding day as a man is the greatest care and trust a man can give to his wife and wife to her husband!

FYI, if men are polygamous in nature,, women too are, because that hole we possess no get meter!

So,,the best way couples can care and show love to each other is by being faithful to each other in every reasonable and expected ways!
I don't understand why you women like to prove strong head to the truth, every single word toks2008 said is the truth if we put religion and society know esp religion aside all men will cheat not most I repeat all men not most, commitment for a man is a choice not a norm.
this your attitude of both man and woman must be committed can't work because God has a reason for creating us differently, a promiscuous man can't be easily spotted unlike a lady I.e women tend to change with time when they are promiscuous unlike a male.
in the back centuries, our mothers has learnt to accept this bitter truth, men then usually have more than a wife in fact it was a achievement then if you have more children and more wives but I don't know who re-oriented 21st century Lady that a man must be faithful.
firstly, some guys forming faithful are actually cheating underneath without their partner knowing because it is very difficult for a guy to stick to a single girl for the rest of his life, if you see a guy that is truely faithful to a girl it take serious fear and respect for God I tell you.
like I said cheating for a man is a choice not a norm, I know you won't accept this but it is the truth.
P.S relationship for a woman is love with your heart unlike a man, who can always cheat without a single string attach or a single love for the girl he cheated with, it is just urge.
Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by OLAJADON: 11:41pm On Jun 25, 2017
Just be caring to me.
abi o
if a guy can show you love and enough attention, it means he loves you, sleeping around doesn't means he doesn't although I don't involve in it, it take alot alot and alot of self discipline for a guy to be faithful to a single girl all through his life till he dies, ask 2face he will confirm what am saying.
Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by shinarlaura(f): 12:03am On Jun 26, 2017

abi o
if a guy can show you love and enough attention, it means he loves you, sleeping around doesn't means he doesn't although I don't involve in it, it take alot alot and alot of self discipline for a guy to be faithful to a single girl all through his life till he dies, ask 2face he will confirm what am saying.

Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Lalas247(f): 12:09am On Jun 26, 2017
Trust n honesty
2 key factors

It is not that hard to stay faithful ! That is love ...
how does cheating equate to love sad
You on the edge Toks grin on the edge grin

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Hannysmilez(f): 12:09am On Jun 26, 2017
I'm not sure if you wrote this as a deliberate attempt to be controversial or you really believe it.
This is a dissapointing thread coming from the OP,I know you to make sense-unfortunately,today isn't your day.
Firstly,I assumed you were a Christian from your previous posts,really shocked that you're out here justifying promiscousness-I don't care bout the fancy ass name you gave to it.
Men generate millions of sperm so they should impregnate women with it? Are you aware that women also produce eggs which they shed monthly while enduring cramps?
Polygamy isn't my problem,neither is promiscousity-my problem is with you,who is supposed to be a Godly fellow,excusing it-to the point of including God in your weak and silly argument. The same God who asked men to love their spouses as Christ loved the Church. An important part of Christ's love is faithfulness,he turned down bread even after fasting for 40days just for the church.

If you're going to be a Christian,be one with your posts as well and represent God well.
From a free-thinker,Hanny

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Re: How Does A Man Truly Express His Love For His Woman? by Toks2008(m): 12:25am On Jun 26, 2017
Trust n honesty
2 key factors

It is not that hard to stay faithful ! That is love ...
how does cheating equate to love sad
You on the edge Toks grin on the edge grin

There are faithful men no doubt but it will be foolish for any woman to start looking for sexual faithful man upandan.

Many ladies are regretting today after leaving a man because he cheated on them just to end up with a worse man.


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