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What Is "PROPHECY" And What Is A "PROPHET" by Godson222: 9:57pm On Jul 01, 2017
……. by Pst Daniel Phaladi


2 Pet 2:2 [NIV] Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.

Almost daily I receive inbox messages.,. Pastor Daniel.., how come you are not impressed by the “prophetic”. Are you against prophets? Are there any true prophets that you know? I wrote this article 6 months ago, but I felt that I needed to have some kind of an “Update” on it so as to clarify all these even more clearer. Let us start by this very important question.

What is a prophet?? All these questions will be answered by answering this one question, “What is a prophet”.

Christianity is not something new. It was our Lord Jesus Christ that ushered in the dispensation of “Christianity”. We hear the word for the first time in the book of Acts. Christianity did not begin in 2012, or 2017, The belief on the Lord Jesus Christ began 2000 years ago. After the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, He sent the Holy Spirit In the Church. The Holy Spirit was not sent last week..no, He has been around for 2000 years. In other words we have a SOLID record ,history and patterns of what the Holy Spirit has been doing in the church for 2000 years.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the SAME, Yesterday, Today and Forever. He cannot and will not all of a sudden change in 2016 to make room for unscriptural doctrines and practices. That is why I would like address the most misunderstood and overly abused title of a “Prophet”.

Let me just say this before I begin, because of the importance of this topic I will not cut corners, I will not half cook this article..so you want to not be in a hurry when you are going to read this. Make yourself a nice cup of coffee., or green tea, hehe, but I don’t advice anyone to consume alcohol while reading this article, it needs a sober mind.

I have heard many people trying to compare the “current” prophets to Old testament prophets. I heard one prophet recently saying..”If Moses could kill, If Elijah could kill, If Samuel could kill, and I also belong to the same prophets, I killed that boy!” This prophet was talking about killing another prophet who burnt his anointing oils. He says the prophet died like a chicken, so he killed that boy, He can do that because he belongs in the same class as old testament prophets.

Now let me tell you why it is SCRIPTURALLY IMPOSSIBLE and DOCTRINAL HERESSY to compare the new covenant dispensation “prophets” to old testament “LAW” prophets. The OLD testament prophets were inspired to lay down the word of God, which we now have as the “BIBLE”. Prophet Jeremiah could say new things we have never heard before, and that would form part of the scripture, Prophet Daniel would say NEW things that no other prophet and that forms part of the scripture. But in the Book of Revelations, the Lord Jesus says to John .

Revelations 22:19 I testify to everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

THATS IT!!! No more adding or subtracting from the book. All scripture has now received the seal of God and you can’t subtract or add. So there is NO WAY a new testament prophet can come with new things that are NOT in the Bible. Someone was wrote me an inbox that his prophet is above the Bible, so He can implement new things.., hehe.well, I don’t have the energy to address that right now.

The work of the Old Testament prophet like Moses was to Lay down the word which becomes scripture, now that Scripture is “SEALED”, you cant have the Holy Spirit dispensation prophet laying down scripture, which scripture, which Bible is that? So you cant compare your favourite prophet to ANY OLD TESTATMENT PROPHET!! Its just impossible.

Let me prove to you by scripture that no new testament prophet was used to even put one line of scripture. The prophets that are listed in the whole of the new Testament explicitly are the following.. Agabus (Acts 21:10), Barnabas (Acts 13:1) Simeon caled Niger (Acts 13:1)Lucius of Cyrene (Acts 13:1) Manahen (Acts 13:1), Judas Barsabbas (Acts 15:32), Phillip is said to have had four daughters who prophesied – Acts 21:8 He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied, The 2 witnesses of revelations are also said that they will be prophets. And that’s it.  None of the Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ are listed anywhere as prophets.

The Bible says in Hebrews 1:1, God who in times past has spoken to our fathers through the prophets hath in these days spoken to us THROUGH his son, in other words, in other words, this scriptures shows that New Testament prophets will operate differently from Old Testament prophets. The Lord Jesus also said that “ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS PROPHESIED UNITL JOHN”, making a clear distinction between Old Testament prophets and the New Testament prophets.

Don’t you just love the word of God. There is NO CONFUSION in the Bible, because none of these new testament prophets I just mentioned wrote any part of the Bible. NONE.. DOLOLO..ZILCH..


We see the same operation in the church for 2000 years. This is the simplified summary of Christianity for 2000 years. A period from the death of Christ till the Nicean council of 325 AD, also called an Apostolic age, Then we have Nicean council and the 7 ecumenical council from 325 AD to around 600AD, then the Middle Ages till the renaissance age, (800 AD till 1500 AD), then the reformation age, where we saw a man called Martin Luther raise up, and changed the face of Christianity forever. Today when you are not catholic you are called a protestant because of this great man’s work. That is when we saw the Bible first being translated to German and to other languages and the spread of Christianity like wild fire. Ask any Lutheran if Martin Luther was a prophet, they dont even know what you are talking about.. We then also saw an English man named John Wesley, we know his followers today as Weslians or Methodist church, they will tell you John Wesley was NOT a prophet.

None of these men that were mightily used by God in the holy spirit dispensation called themselves prophets, but Christianity is what it is today because of these men.

We then saw then saw the Asuza street revival the restoration of spiritual gifts in the church in 1906, revival started under an African American man called William J Seymour. This man lets make it clear now, he was NOT a prophet, he never called himself a Prophet. Then we saw the biggest revival in morden history called the Welsh revival, this revival in Wales spread through many countries. No one knows how exactly this revival started but it is widely accepted that the Welsh revival was started by a Methodist preacher called Joseph Jenkins he started having church services were the theme was “to depend our loyalty to Christ”. that started the largest revival in morden history.

John Jenkins was not a prophet. The man to regard himself as a prophet in the recent Christian history was a man called Joseph Smith, the founder of what is today referred to as the “Mormon” Church. Joseph Smith says that one day when he was in a cave, an angel came to him..the angel was dressed in white,and the name of the angel was “Moroni”. Another instance we saw a man calling himself a “prophet” rise up in modern Christianity was a man named William Branham. He also like Joseph Smith, had an angel that visited him in the cave. William Branham is today the founder of what is referred to as the “message of the hour”. A group of people worldwide, who hold dearly to his teachings and believe he is “Elijah the Prophet”. William Branham was the first “prophet” to tell people their names, their home address, what they did, ect., He called his ability to tell people their names ect “The sign of the Messiah”.

We then saw the same gift of telling people their names and address in a man called Prophet John Cain, who later offered a public apology for struggling with homosexuality and alchohol addiction. So that is how the “prophetic” as we call it in the church started in our morden day. Joseph Smith and the angel Moroni, William Branham and the angel that accompanied him (he never told people the name of the angel) and Prophet Paul Cain. Todd Bently did describe that an angel came to him and told him that he was the same angel that was with William Branham. The name of Todd Bently’s angel is Emma.

Since the advent of prophets and their angels we have seen serious scary things in the church. We saw people barking like dogs, we saw people rolling uncontrollably on the floor laughing (Toronto blessings), we saw prophets rise up and start to give or sell people annointed items and say those items were anointed. We never saw these things for 2000 years.

We have had revivals, reformations, Christian persecution where more than 100 million Christians died for this gospel in what is called the Spanish inquisition. Now today, we have a million prophets. We have men calling themselves ‘MAJOR’ prophets. Oh Lord help your children. People get told their ID Numbers and credit cards and they call that prophecy. There are 2 pieces of Chicken in your fridge, and people fall and roll on the floor and scream on top of their voices.., because they have been told there are 2 pieces of chicken in the fridge.

That is because many Christians have no intention to even study where Christianity comes from, if Jesus Christ is the SAME, Yesterday, Today and Forever, why don’t they at least find out what Jesus Christ did Yesterday..but no, people don’t want to study. People want financial breakthrough and Miracle money. People want a “prophet” to tell them what they eat last week.

Now many people say, well you speak like this because you cant “prophesy”. Let me address this thing right now. You see, as many of you are aware, I have an 8 year old boy.., who has a gift I have really not witnessed. Of course he can see anyone’s names, addresses, ID’s that’s nothing to him. He actually goes a step further. He can “see” the thoughts and intentions of “prophets” and see what angels accompany them. The Lord has taken him up to the 7th dimension (some call it 3rd heaven, and showed him the Book of life, I speak about this in my post – Is your name in the book of life”.., that is how I came to know that when people say they are being “delievered” is when lower ranking demons are substituted by high ranking spirits.., and the prophet say..”you are free..no you are not free.. your REAL problems are just beginning because your soul is now at stake. I spoke about this also in my post “DID YOUR PROPHET GIVE YOU SUPER DEMONS”.

Now how do these “prophets” do it. Im going to give you a do it yourself (DIY).. hahaha..how to become a major prophet..in 1 day.

You see, inside a human brain there is something called the Pineal Gland. Science has studied this gland and many scientists call it the seat of the soul or the gate to the spirit. Many babies are born with this glad “activated” and that is why is not uncommon to hear a 2 year old saying he/she sees angels, demons, witches..ect. 2 year olds can say things that are going to happen and they happen..haha..I guess many 3 year old are “Major Prophets”. The Pineal gland gets shut when most kids are around 4 to 5 years old. God closes them for a reason. Imagine if we were all seeing in the spirit, nothing would get done, No one will go to the shop,,you will be seeing all these demons everywhere.. and you will just hide under the bed. There will be no one going to work.., imagine you try to get in a bus and you see 100 demons inside the bus driver looking at you. I have heard many cases where some dogs have their pineal glands opened al their life. In other words some dogs can easily see into the spirit world. They will bark and demons.. see angels..ect. I have a friend of mine Helene Fulton who one day while visiting her, told me how her dog barks at demons. (She can also see into the spirit). So are we now going to call Sportie a Major prophet? Because Sporty can see in the spirit??

So because God is an all wise God, he closes our “eyes”, so we can operate by FAITH.

It is impossible without FAITH to please God, not the Pineal gland.

I did not say this in my previous write up, and I have never mentioned this in any of the sermons I have written before, but I was also born with my spiritual eyes opened. My mother has told me many things that I used to say and do from when I was 3 years old. One day my mother tells me when we were still staying in Zeerust, Lehurutshe, I was about 3 years old, She says I went to the other side of the village and went to the house of a certain lady, and I just went straight to the bedroom where she was laying and I said to her.. “God has healed you” and I came back home. That lady then came to my parents and told them what had happened, and indeed the Lord healed her. There was a time my parents were visiting Johannesburg, and before they left Zeerust I remember seeing what was going to happen when they got to Johannesburg. So I said to my mother, Mommy, we will be saying “Where is Jan Smuts, Where is Jan Smuts”, so no one took it serious. So we got to Joburg and got soooo lost!!! The only point of reference my parents had was the airport, which at the time was called Jan Smuts not OR Tambo, so my dad started asking people, Where is Jan Smuts. I don’t remember seeing demons, but I do remember seeing a man with a white robe next to my little cot when I was sleeping.

The “seeing” gift was deactivated from when I was 5. I did ask the Lord why he deactivated the gift, and the answer he gave me was perfect. I was raised in a church that believed only our prophet could have that gift. We called it the gift of discernment. So, we really did not believe any such gift can operate “outside” of our prophet. So my parents would not have been able to guide me and mentor me in growing into this gift because they believed it was “the last sign” given to our prophet. So because of the wisdom that one needs, the word training to operate that gift within the word, He had to deactivate it. However it is different with my son. His gift does not have to be deactivated, because I teach him the word, I teach him humility, I train him to depend on the Holy Spirit and not the gift, because this gift can EASILY be manipulated by the devil.

So the more my son grows, the more I train him in the way of the Lord, is the more the gift expands and grows. The Lord knows that we will not call attention to the gift, but to Him. I don’t care what gift you have, whether its singing, preaching, or seeing in the spirit, the minute your draw people’s attention to the GIFT and not Jesus, I can tell you, you are finished right there.

Just like this habit of “prophets” after telling people their names, they say.. do I know you, do you know me.., how come do I know all this”, what is happening? They are trying to call ATTENTION to the gift..!! Then when you are still mesmerized that someone knows your uncle’s name..haha..there goes your Money.

So like I said, God closes the Pineal Gland on purpose. So we can call on Him by Faith. But we have seen of late, people are not happy with their closed Pineal Glands. No..they want to open it. Everyone is going to and fro asking for their spiritual eyes to be opened. Do they even know the deception that lies in the spiritual world.

If you think this physical dimension is confusing..the spiritual world is FAR FAR FAR More complicated. The chances of people being deceived by seeing in the spirit is far more increased. The fallen angels that accompany these prophets appear just like real angels. Unless God through the Holy Spirit told you that this angel is fake, there is NO WAY of knowing. These beings are mighty intelligent spirits, yet they were deceived by lucifer. To read the complete piece visit the website link.

So people don’t understand this dynamic, no, they want to see in the spirit. People want to prophesy!!! So they ask other “prophets” to impart the gift of seeing in the spirit. Oh Lord, that is where fallen angels go to work. I have heard many people say..”this prophet imparted on me the gift to prophesy”.., I wish they knew what really happened. You now have a ton of “angels” following you, your pineal gland is not activated..and you are officially in trouble!!

Lalasticlala Mynd44


Re: What Is "PROPHECY" And What Is A "PROPHET" by auntysimbiat(f): 10:03pm On Jul 01, 2017
Nice one op
Re: What Is "PROPHECY" And What Is A "PROPHET" by obataokenwa(m): 10:36pm On Jul 01, 2017
Nice write up. Many gifts operating in churches today are of the devil especially deliverance ministries. As soon as some begin to hear prophesy of how village this and that, their problem increased.

God is not the respecter of persons and He won't change His laid down principles and rules to favour a lazy WORD reader.

Joh 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

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