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National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) - Education - Nairaland

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National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Explorers(m): 12:02pm On Jul 15, 2017
Made a post earlier, i said if the ice in Antarctica should melt into the ocean, the water level will rise.

Like dropping an ice weighing 5kg into a full bucket of water, it's gonna spill.

That's how i understand it.

Some said its wrong, that the ice is already in the water, that it has no effect(fine).

What about the Million miles of ice lying on the ground, hundreds of meters above the soil in Antarctica?

Antarctica is just like other Continents with land mass, mountains and waters.

But the only difference is that the continent is frozen.

Aside the millon miles of ice floating in the water, another million miles of ice is having land beneath it in Antartica.

About 40% of ice in Antartica rests on the ground.

About 44% of the ice is floating in the water.

About 5% lies on the few mountains available in the area.

So whats going to happen if the 45% million cubic miles of ice or frozen water resting on the Ground and on the mountain melt and flow into the ocean, not the 44% floating already

Pictured: Under the ice in Antartica(part).

The second picture, you can see the floating ice around the landmass in Antarctica.

The third picture shows the massive ice covering the land of Antarctica and that's what m talking about.

Lalasticlala, Mynd44

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Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Destined2win: 12:06pm On Jul 15, 2017

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Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Explorers(m): 12:06pm On Jul 15, 2017
The Antarctic ice sheet is one of the two polar ice caps of the Earth.

It covers about 98% of the Antarctic continent and is the largest single mass of ice on Earth.

It covers an area of almost 14 million square kilometres (5.4 million square miles) and contains 26.5 million cubic kilometres (6,400,000 cubic miles) of ice.

Approximately 61 percent of all fresh water on the Earth is held in the Antarctic ice sheet, an amount equivalent to about 58 m of sea-level rise.

In East Antarctica, the ice sheet rests on a major land mass, while in West Antarctica the bed can extend to more than 2,500m below sea level.

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Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Tstone1(m): 12:06pm On Jul 15, 2017
Front row smiley

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Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Daeylar(f): 12:08pm On Jul 15, 2017
Here for the ride, let me hold this space, will be back soon

all right,
so will Nigeria survive?

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Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Ehiscotch(m): 12:08pm On Jul 15, 2017
Gearing up for front page.

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Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by decatalyst(m): 12:11pm On Jul 15, 2017
I made a post earlier, i said if the ice in Antarctica should melt into the ocean, the water level will rise.

Like dropping an ice weighing 5kg into a full bucket of water, it's gonna spill.

That's how i understand it.

Some said its wrong, that the ice is already in the water, that it has no effect(fine).

But i'll like to say that Antartica is having land beneath the ice.

About 40% of ice in Antartica rests on the ground.

About 44% of the ice is floating in the water.

About 5% lies on the few mountains available in the area.

So whats going to happen if the 40% of the ice resting on the ground should melt and flow into the ocean

Explorer, not all persons on nairaland needs to be argue with. Some argue blindly because they do not know, some argue because they saw others arguing and they feel they should take a side, while while some argue in order to be noticed.

You just have to ignore...since what you are saying is logical and factual!


Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Explorers(m): 12:12pm On Jul 15, 2017
National Geographic has created a series of maps showing what continents would look like if the Earth’s ice melted.

Ice sheets surrounding the North and South poles make up over 10% of our entire planet’s surface, and it’s thought Earth contains over 7, 000,000 cubic miles of frozen water so what would happen if it all melted?

National Geographic has created a series of interactive maps demonstrating the catastrophic effect Earth’s ice could cause if it melted and flowed into the oceans and seas.

This could cause sea levels to rise by 216 feet, devouring cities and even countries all the while drastically altering how continents and coastlines look, and wiping out entire populations.


National Geographic recently created a series of maps demonstrating the catastrophic effect ice could cause if it melted and flowed into the oceans and seas.

If these ice sheets melted, the rest of the world would be affected.

In Europe, pictured, cities including London and Venice would be lost underwater, as would the whole of the Netherlands and most of Denmark.

It would also cause the Mediterranean to expand and swell the Black and Caspian Seas.

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Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Explorers(m): 12:14pm On Jul 15, 2017
North America.

The U.S would vanish, wiping out Florida and the Gulf Coast.

While the hills in San Francisco would become islands and San Diego would be lost forever.



Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Explorers(m): 12:19pm On Jul 15, 2017

In the east, parts of Asia, including China and Bangladesh would be completely flooded, wiping out around 760 million people based on current population levels.

Parts of India's coastline would also be lost and eroded inland.


Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Alexk2(m): 12:19pm On Jul 15, 2017
sad sad..africa nko?
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Narldon: 12:19pm On Jul 15, 2017
I love @Explorers

Always has something educative!!
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by bigtt76(f): 12:24pm On Jul 15, 2017
What of Africa? Nigeria? National Assembly? Would National Assembly be wiped out completely? grin


Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Nobody: 12:26pm On Jul 15, 2017
What of Africa? Nigeria? National Assembly? Would National Assembly be wiped out completely? grin

I need not be told, if the whole ice should melt, Nigeria is gone, starting from Lagos.
Nigeria is a potential Atlantis

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Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Nobody: 12:27pm On Jul 15, 2017
Explorers baba. Against your view that the water level of the world will rise, no i disagree.
Let's take a look at this... If you put some volume of water into a refrigerator and allow it to ice off. Will it spill out of the cup after it has gotten iced?
No, we will only experience water level rise if the 4% of Ice on the mountains melt...

Drabeey was HERE

have you read this story?



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Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by chukwukapromise(m): 12:27pm On Jul 15, 2017
I made a post earlier, i said if the ice in Antarctica should melt into the ocean, the water level will rise.

Like dropping an ice weighing 5kg into a full bucket of water, it's gonna spill.

That's how i understand it.

Some said its wrong, that the ice is already in the water, that it has no effect(fine).

But i'll like to say that Antartica is having land beneath the ice.

About 40% of ice in Antartica rests on the ground.

About 44% of the ice is floating in the water.

About 5% lies on the few mountains available in the area.

So whats going to happen if the 40% of the ice resting on the ground should melt and flow into the ocean
Over-flooding Nah!...And if that happens Then We Just Shuld wait for d End of The world.
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Explorers(m): 12:34pm On Jul 15, 2017

Compared with other continents, Africa would lose less of its land to the ultimate sea-level catastrophe, but Earth’s rising heat might make much of the continent uninhabitable.


Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by magabounce(m): 12:39pm On Jul 15, 2017
Explorers is back again
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by NevetsIbot(m): 12:45pm On Jul 15, 2017
As long as it won't cause a tsunami
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by 7footre(m): 12:47pm On Jul 15, 2017
There are ripple effects of course

Loss of farmland, specie displacement, loss of biodiversity displacement, succession e.t.c e.t.c

Sustainable development is really an issue that must take global concern
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Daeylar(f): 12:51pm On Jul 15, 2017

Compared with other continents, Africa would lose less of its land to the ultimate sea-level catastrophe, but Earth’s rising heat might make much of the continent uninhabitable.

I thought Lagos will be the first to go
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Explorers(m): 1:00pm On Jul 15, 2017

I thought Lagos will be the first to go

So i saw it, let the day come first.

Maybe it will be worse.
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Wukari(m): 1:02pm On Jul 15, 2017
It will eventually happen, but when is the ?.
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Blakjewelry(m): 1:04pm On Jul 15, 2017
Nice write up. any scientist who argue against global warming is a rogue scientist, and anyone who says global warming is a propaganda is a fool like Trump

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Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by julioralph(m): 1:26pm On Jul 15, 2017
I made a post earlier, i said if the ice in Antarctica should melt into the ocean, the water level will rise.

Like dropping an ice weighing 5kg into a full bucket of water, it's gonna spill.

That's how i understand it.

Some said its wrong, that the ice is already in the water, that it has no effect(fine).

But i'll like to say that Antartica is having land beneath the ice.

About 40% of ice in Antartica rests on the ground.

About 44% of the ice is floating in the water.

About 5% lies on the few mountains available in the area.

So whats going to happen if the 40% of the ice resting on the ground should melt and flow into the ocean

Pictured: What's under the ice in Antartica(part).
@Bolded, No mind that fellow. So many kids running their mouth anyhow.

The Ice will undergo a change of state (from ice to water) and thereby cause an increase in the volume of water we have in the ocean.

You're right boss, global warming must be tackled.
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Nobody: 1:58pm On Jul 15, 2017
Lol....still on this global warming thing ehn?

The globalist are really doing a fine job.
Even without industries, do you realise the level of methane being excreted by cattle alone?
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Ashez: 2:25pm On Jul 15, 2017
gladly taking a seat
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Funjosh(m): 2:57pm On Jul 15, 2017
We are Blessed in Africa cool
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by stormfather(m): 3:01pm On Jul 15, 2017
Global warming is one of the biggest scams in history, along with the war against terrorism.
I pity those falling for it


Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Explorers(m): 3:16pm On Jul 15, 2017
We are Blessed in Africa cool

Them no talk say at all o, they said less and that less no one can say o bro.
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by valgbo(m): 3:36pm On Jul 15, 2017
Re: National Geographic: The Continents If All The Ice On Earth Melted(Photos) by Oluwamuyeewa(m): 3:38pm On Jul 15, 2017
mother nature don vex o

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