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Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked - Education (8) - Nairaland

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Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by Rollyluv: 12:06pm On Jul 30, 2017
Snapping pix of a secondary school and yet they is no single secondary school student in d pix?. This pix must be from Lie Mohammed
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by banmee(m): 12:11pm On Jul 30, 2017
rivers state university , the environment is beautiful and it's well planned

Lol. If you take pesin wey dem born for village go Lagos for the first time, e go tink san na london e de. Guy, you need serious exposure.
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by obinna4Jesus(m): 12:22pm On Jul 30, 2017
Lack words to describe the state of our educational system. Many of our leaders will never have their children school in Nigeria because they the system stinks and is very close to collapsing. That is why they are quick to send them abroad for their studied because they know the truth. The obvious truth remains that we lack leaders in Nigeria that are sincere as gold is their god while greed is their creed.Buy the truth and sell it not.

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Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by jiangchu: 12:23pm On Jul 30, 2017
Nigeria is living under past glories.come and see ordinary secondary schools in ghana. I now understand why they top waec exams every year

not only Nigeria, American Infrasructure is on the decline chana infrastructure is better than American own
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by r2beez(m): 12:26pm On Jul 30, 2017
Ok we have seen them. In case you haven't finished secondary school, you can still go there. . . Make we rest abeg.

Bahd Nigga

Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by undefeateds: 12:41pm On Jul 30, 2017
And Last last day have poor Spoken English
and ur own English worse pass,just go back and read what u type

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Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by frankmoney(m): 12:46pm On Jul 30, 2017

Lol. If you take pesin wey dem born for village go Lagos for the first time, e go tink san na london e de. Guy, you need serious exposure.
have you been to rivers state university , if you haven't pls just keep quiet
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by Youngzedd(m): 12:48pm On Jul 30, 2017
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by enomakos(m): 12:51pm On Jul 30, 2017
Op stop this because you are just showing the best schools there.We also have better schools here though they are private.
why shall the private schools be better than the govt school?
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by banmee(m): 12:52pm On Jul 30, 2017
have you been to rivers state university , if you haven't pls just keep quiet

I don't have to. Is the university not a public university in nigeria? You guys can't even main toilets in universities in nigeria and you are here hailing one. Guy, like I said you need serious exposure.

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Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by RSVP: 12:58pm On Jul 30, 2017
Just imagine ursef schooling in one of these schools in ur secondary school days...And to say these are government secondary schools? OMG! We are doomed in dis country.

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Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by Yakzo(m): 1:00pm On Jul 30, 2017
Are you serious?
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by enomakos(m): 1:04pm On Jul 30, 2017
Lol. Ghana propaganda. They have paid mods to put this schools on advert so that our country children will go to their school. op you no try. How did you get the pictures now? Which camera and time you use tour Ghana abeg. Liars. Go to Anambra, Lagos and Abuja. You will see better public and private than that you published here. Who is with me?
post the pictures if the better govt schools in those state you mention

I am waiting
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by enomakos(m): 1:06pm On Jul 30, 2017

who are u people? under which body did u carry out ur visitation...if u like go and one tree hill pics from US I still will tell u that u have not travelled anywhere....if I have ur time nd I post just 2 schools with pics u will shiver
post it
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by RSVP: 1:06pm On Jul 30, 2017

I don't have to. Is the university not a public university in nigeria? You guys can't even main toilets in universities in nigeria and you are here hailing one. Guy, like I said you need serious exposure.

Some folks don't even know how a University looks like... Our universities are rubbish. No proper structure whatsoever!


Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by banmee(m): 1:07pm On Jul 30, 2017

Some folks don't even know how a University looks like... Our universities are rubbish. No proper structure whatsoever!

It ain't there fault really. They don't know any better.

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Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by Nobody: 1:16pm On Jul 30, 2017

Empty numbskulls like you are the reason this nation is soo effedup.

Just because I didnt join you guys in condemning the country because of pictures of the best secondary schools in Ghana doesn't mean I am not 200% smarter than you all...

Only unintelligent folks react to pictures the way you all did. Tell me, are 90% of Ghanaian secondary schools as good as the ones in the pictures?

There are madly amazing schools in Nigeria, but since you all went to Umuokoro secondary school, you went ahead to insult your country... Relocate to Ghana and see if you will have food to eat.
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by Michelle55: 1:18pm On Jul 30, 2017
Ghana isnt different from Naija
yeah..i know
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by FroshJaynex(m): 1:18pm On Jul 30, 2017
Wesley girls secondary school
This school produces the best oloshos in Ghana today lol �
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by bizzibodi(m): 1:18pm On Jul 30, 2017
ghana na our snr. bro wey get sense,we 9jeria na big 4 nothing slowpoke.

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Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by mechanics(m): 1:19pm On Jul 30, 2017
why are you shocked, although we don't have the facilities but we have the brain that's why we excel outside the shores of the country, so thank God.
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by Michelle55: 1:20pm On Jul 30, 2017

With that your profile pic you see why Biafra will be a hell of a place.
what has biafra got to do with the post or my dp?
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by afeda: 1:24pm On Jul 30, 2017
If this is all your brain can bring out, then i feel sorry for types in this county, it is evidently clear that you are nothing but a backward entity, sorry for you once again.
Ok we have seen them. In case you haven't finished secondary school, you can still go there. . . Make we rest abeg.
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by FroshJaynex(m): 1:27pm On Jul 30, 2017
Ok we have seen them. In case you haven't finished secondary school, you can still go there. . . Make we rest abeg.
They have arrived
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by Michelle55: 1:28pm On Jul 30, 2017

I pray a good man come ur way in time in the name of jesus...cn I get an Amen??
kiss.amen.. thx though .
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by Nobody: 1:28pm On Jul 30, 2017
If this is all your brain can bring out, then i feel sorry for types in this county, it is evidently clear that you are nothing but a backward entity, sorry for you once again.

You're unitelligent. . . There are secondary schools in Nigeria that are way better than that. Just because your parents sent you to a local one doesnt mean u should start raining curses on yourself. I'm not the cause of your frustration...
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by happyheart(f): 1:28pm On Jul 30, 2017
Well these are the top schools.in Ghana. They generally have great facilities but just like Nigeria,there are schools in delapidated buildings and under trees.I live in Ghana and know this.
Ghanaian schools are better than our naija schools to a large extent. Nigerians have taken over the schools here

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Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by Nobody: 1:30pm On Jul 30, 2017
are you not ashame to type this nonsense?

Why am i even expecting more from an average Nigerian who is only focused on the crumbs on the floor and see nothing wrong that a much smaller country in size and potential has a better education system that his... Shame on you for not seeing this as relevant....Animal

That very minute and limited thing you call a brain will bring curses upon you by your future generations for not facing the truth.

I'm not responsible for your frustration. There are better schools in Nigeria... Blame your parents for sending you to the one under the mango tree...
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by kingsley666(m): 1:33pm On Jul 30, 2017
Snapping pix of a secondary school and yet they is no single secondary school student in d pix?. This pix must be from Lie Mohammed
pls u can cross check from google if u think am lying.the names are there

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Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by TheEminentLaity: 1:34pm On Jul 30, 2017
Other african nations have been busy educating their children. When I call out the bastardic educational and health systems in Nigeria zombies like the local fowl pidgin2 will come here with delusionary proclaimations like Nigeria is even in the conversation of countries making progress. Anyway, she is a product of these rubbish state institutions so has no idea of what is normal or acceptable.

In Nigeria it is either you are rich or doomed. Really sad. Birth determines destiny almost entirely. Pathetic!

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Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by Michelle55: 1:34pm On Jul 30, 2017

Why do you want to reap what you have not sown?
Is it not possible for you to engage with others in our country to improve things here?
What will you do when Ghanaians chase out foreigners halfway into the schooling of your offsprings?
what is it that I've not sown? the schools you attended,did you by any chance know how it came about? the life you are living, did you create,own or sow it? all this sanctimonious fellas cascading in the name of proving some aimless points that helps no one... when has it become a crime to love something or wish to have such things? please I beg you, maintain your lane. if you thumbs is itching for e-fights, kindly curtail it. can't one express him/herself anymore without judgemental speech been heaped on them? Your matter tire me sha.
Re: Adisadel College In Ghana That Got Me Shocked by DonMekino(m): 1:35pm On Jul 30, 2017
In Bauchi state

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