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Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel - Politics (10) - Nairaland

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Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by bilazego(m): 6:53pm On Aug 05, 2017
Did King Pharoah tell israelites to go and they refused to go ?

Dont even yourselves unto the israelites. Arewa has asked yall to go but you cried instead. Israelites also never at any point tried to coerce other peoples lands (like y'all are trying to steal Niger Delta lands) while being freed.

The war between Israel and the Arabs is all about land and boundaries. Religion is least of thier problems with Arabs.


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by CryptoCoinr(f): 6:53pm On Aug 05, 2017

Hebrew language evolved from the time of Mose through the time of David/Solomon to the period AFTER the Babylonian exile. . . more than a thousand years.

Provide legitimate evidence backing this claim and linking your fraudulent image to anything Hebrew. I'm waiting.

You dont just jump to Google without getting your Hebrew History sorted out first.

Posting meaningless drivel like that doesn't come close to refuting Strong's Dictionary. Try harder, much harder.

Dont let zoo-philic reasoning make you engage in shabby so-called RESEARCH.

Seeing as my research is backed by evidence, that is a clear projection. Did people call you "zoophile" a lot when you were a kid? I sense a lot of emotion from your usage of word.

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Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by linearity: 6:53pm On Aug 05, 2017
If indeed you are Jewish, why are you black while other Jews are White and why do you worship Amadioha and other gods instead of Yahweh?

Not all Jews are white, there are black, red and brown skinned Jews all over the world. It is a matter of how far one is from the Equator.

Not all Jews worship Yahweh, there are Jews who are Muslim, Buddhist, Christians, Atheists, traditionalists, etc.

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Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Barfibassey(m): 6:53pm On Aug 05, 2017

Jews live all over the world. Why bundle Igbos back to Israel?

All Igbos ask for is Biafra in Africa, another mini-Israel in Africa.
shukuku abiama come and go bak to isreal,we africans don't ned mini skirt isreal in our soil,please am begging you in the name of shukuku abiama come and go
you have overstayed in africa,biko.

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Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Nobody: 6:54pm On Aug 05, 2017


Bread - lechem.

If you want to claim the Hebrew word for bread has changed since 800 BC to the writing of that dictionary, present evidence. Hint: Flailing doesn't count.
So when does this word date back to? The Solomonic times or the post-Babylonian-exile times?


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Guestlander: 6:54pm On Aug 05, 2017

Don't be deceived by facial appearances.

Jews prosper wherever they are.

That Igbos lost everything in 1970, but today buy even your door mouth, does that alone not prove to you the Jew in the Igbo?

This unfortunately does not prove your Jewish ancestry. The Falashas in Ethiopia were not known to be particularly entrepreneurial.

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Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by CryptoCoinr(f): 6:55pm On Aug 05, 2017

Mr ode, where is the source to this you copy and paste?
Mine is from Wikipedia.

A bastion of integrity I'm sure:

Wikipedia is not considered a credible source. Wikipedia is increasingly used by people in the academic community, from freshman students to professors, as an easily accessible tertiary source for information about anything and everything. However, citation of Wikipedia in research papers may be considered unacceptable, because Wikipedia is not considered a credible or authoritative source.

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Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Cooly100: 6:55pm On Aug 05, 2017

If Everyone was black until Noah, It also mean that Adam was Black, and if that is so, It means God is Black because he created Adam in his image and likeness. Wow! Tiri Gbosa for you. The first blackman mentioned in the Bible is The Ethiopian Eunuch. Abeg stop all these fabrications jare.

Mister lay your hands on books about black hebrews...Moses wives were cushites...black....Do some reading...


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Nobody: 6:55pm On Aug 05, 2017

Seeing as my research is backed by evidence, .
Your use of evidence is quite uninformed and unscholarly


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Cubeet2: 6:55pm On Aug 05, 2017

A study of [51] Lucotte and Smets has shown that the genetic father of Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jews) was close to the Ethiopian non-Jewish populations. This is consistent with the theory that Beta Israel are descendants of ancient inhabitants of Ethiopia, not the Middle East.
Hammer et al. in 2000 [13] and the team of Shen in 2004[44] arrive at similar conclusions, namely a genetic differentiation in – other people in the north of Ethiopia , which probably indicates a conversion of local populations

Mr fraudster you deliberately left out this part. Typical igbo man. Always wants to fool people

usalem. [40] Early DNA studies showed that they were descended from Ethiopians, but in the 21st century, new studies have shown their possible descent from a few Jews who lived in either the 4th or 5th century, possibly in Sudan


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by baby124: 6:56pm On Aug 05, 2017
grin grin grin
This thread is hilarious. The comment that said Yoruba are philistines got me ROTFL


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by herich(m): 6:56pm On Aug 05, 2017

tales by moonlight grin a simple glance at the map of africa will show you how far river nile is from west africa
Is it hatred that's making you reason like this.

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Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by CryptoCoinr(f): 6:57pm On Aug 05, 2017

So when does this word date back to? The Solomonic times or the post-Babylonian-exile times?

Do you have any evidence the word has changed since Hebrew came into existence?
Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Warship: 6:57pm On Aug 05, 2017

Akwa Ibom and Kogi people, are that also Israelites?

They have Jewish blood.

Afonjas can hang themselves if they don't like the news


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by CryptoCoinr(f): 6:57pm On Aug 05, 2017

Your use of evidence is quite uninformed and unscholarly

Regurgitating that doesn't come close to making it true especially given the fact that you've been caught pedaling a fraudulent image.
Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Nobody: 7:00pm On Aug 05, 2017

Do you have any evidence the word has changed since Hebrew came into existence?
Begin your research from Paleo-Hebrew, dont just jump to Google translate LMAO grin grin



Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Nobody: 7:00pm On Aug 05, 2017

Regurgitating that doesn't come close to making it true especially given the fact that you've been caught pedaling a fraudulent image.
Jumping to Google translate for a language dating back to Egyptian times is NOT GOOD RESEARCH work grin grin grin


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by scholes0(m): 7:02pm On Aug 05, 2017

Don't be deceived by facial appearances.

Jews prosper wherever they are.

That Igbos lost everything in 1970, but today buy even your door mouth, does that alone not prove to you the Jew in the Igbo?

Yeaaah sure mate.
Its a free world, believe anything you want.

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Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Nobody: 7:03pm On Aug 05, 2017

They have Jewish blood.

Afonjas can hang themselves if they don't like the news
Afonja on this thread grin grin


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by herich(m): 7:03pm On Aug 05, 2017
Stupid Igbos. Why not tell the land grabbers Jews that they are Ibos. Why the other way round. It's beginning to seem that some Ibos dont even have identity. Nonsense
Someone's definition of himself, shouldn't be the reason why you should be lamenting in pains. Get a life.


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by CryptoCoinr(f): 7:04pm On Aug 05, 2017

Begin your research from Paleo-Hebrew, dont just jump to Google translate LMAO grin grin

And your display your ignorance yet again. If I was copying GT, I'd be posting this מְטַאטֵא for "broom" not lechem. You fail in your attempts to come up with any reasonable rebuttal.


How does a variation of Hebrew alphabet change the Anglicized alphabetization of Hebrew?


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by KemjikaEme: 7:04pm On Aug 05, 2017
In as much as i don't believe this suggestion of Igbo-jewish origin,it's important to ascertain that this isn't a hoax/fraud to hoodwink igbo people.
Who were the folks that submitted themselves to this Dna test?
Do you know anyone that attended the dna test screening in Feb/March?
Where are genetic details that indicate the percentage of jewish ancestry in Igboland?
Let's ask questions and not swallow every news from these Rabbi.

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Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by CryptoCoinr(f): 7:04pm On Aug 05, 2017

Jumping to Google translate for a language dating back to Egyptian times is NOT GOOD RESEARCH work grin grin grin

Claiming I'm doing that is not a valid rebuttal or non-mediocre ad hominem.
Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Ewedegubbler: 7:04pm On Aug 05, 2017
Stupid Igbos. Why not tell the land grabbers Jews that they are Ibos. Why the other way round. It's beginning to seem that some Ibos dont even have identity. Nonsense

This coming from a man whose ancestors claim to fall from the skies. I guess its time you Yorobastards muslims are catapulted back to skies...

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Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Richyicon(m): 7:04pm On Aug 05, 2017
Mediocrity at its peak!
Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Nobody: 7:08pm On Aug 05, 2017

Claiming I'm doing that is not a valid rebuttal or non-mediocre ad hominem.
Trace ONE Hebrew word as it evolved from Solomonic times to the post-Babylonian-exile period lets see. . . grin grin


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by CryptoCoinr(f): 7:10pm On Aug 05, 2017

Trace ONE Hebrew word as it evolved from Solomonic times to the post-Babylonian-exile period lets see. . . grin grin


- Provide one piece of evidence against the Hebrew in Strong's Dictionary else you're a fraud pedaling a fraudulent image.
- Provide a legitimate citation backing your spurious translations in that image else you're a fraud pedaling a fraudulent image.

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Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Nobody: 7:10pm On Aug 05, 2017
I am an Israelite according to the scriptures.
God bless u..



Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Habeyy(m): 7:11pm On Aug 05, 2017
Am happy now at least no bad name for Nigeria anymore.
Isreali man, emeka igwe was caught with 500grams of cocaine in jakarta airport yesterday.
Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by MiddleDimension: 7:13pm On Aug 05, 2017
If indeed you are Jewish, why are you black while other Jews are White and why do you worship Amadioha and other gods instead of Yahweh?

good questions.

i have never seen people as deluded and self uating like the IPOBS. note tgat i didnt not say ndigbo but IPOB. they are different from true ndigbo


Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by Nobody: 7:13pm On Aug 05, 2017


- Provide one piece of evidence against the Hebrew in Strong's Dictionary else you're a fraud pedaling a fraudulent image.
- Provide a legitimate citation backing your spurious translations in that image else you're a fraud pedaling a fraudulent image.
Ok let me indulge in your weak research a bit grin grin

Ask your Igbo friend about the Igbo word for "bread" (roughly translated as Achicha in Igbo)



Re: Jewish Scientists In Anambra To Present DNA Result To Show Igbos Are From Israel by CryptoCoinr(f): 7:15pm On Aug 05, 2017

Ok let me indulge in your weak research a bit grin grin

Ask your Igbo friend about the Igbo word for "bread"


You're aware "a raisin cake" is not "bread" right? You fail at Hebrew and now you show you fail at even reading English. Fraud, you're not helping your case.

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