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The True Story Of Ozubulu Church Killing by Ikennacyber(m): 5:20pm On Aug 07, 2017
[/b]Church Killing at Ozubulu

Written by a Survivor Emeka Ugwu[b]

The police commissioner and Governor Willi Obiano lied to the public.
We all were in the church during the 6am morning mass today, we saw two cars that drove into the church; because it was a Church premises we over looked it and we considered them to be people that came for morning mass(service). But to the surprise of everyone, the car halted at the center of the gate, meaning you cannot close the gate, since it is open already.
“The driver came out of the car pretending he was fixing a problem; so everyone still ignored the drama happening outside the premises.
“Suddenly, some men came out from the car, fully armed, all in Army uniform. I was lucky because I was sitting at the back, just beside the door, but I was clearly seeing what was happening. The sky was cloudy and everywhere seemed dark; no one saw what they were carrying, whether it was gun, but surely they were fully equipped.
“They immediately rushed to the front door. I was too lucky to jump the fence, but before I had jumped, I heard gun shot everywhere in the building. They obstructed the front gate, because for women that is their only route to escape. That was why women were killed more than men. Children were killed as well, many were seriously injured.
“After I had escaped, I started making calls to link my church members who were in the church, but they were not picking up; not knowing they were dead already.
The gun men were not igbos, because their language were not igbo, the government should stop lying, I heard they said That, they gun Men were flashing touch light on us, but it a lie, because the whole church was so lighted that even from outside you will see who is inside. Even at that, if they were really flashing touch light to know who is their target, those that were killed, are they their target.
Like I said before and I will say it again, I was at the back door, I saw all that happened, they were with Army uniform, face covered, standing at the Front door, holding their trigger, and shooting at anything that moves.
When the police came, I was waiting for them to ask questions of what happened, so that I will explain, but they were busy taking pictures of the dead ones, without knowing the fact
“Not too long after they had gone, I went back to the church. I was shocked with what I saw; my Mother was lying dead! Many people were unconscious but later succumbed to death.
“After about one hour of the killings, the Police arrived the church. Two hours later, the Governor, Willie Obiano arrived too. Everyone was shocked, wandering how the perpetrators stormed in Army uniform. Questions began to arise: “Who gave them the Army uniform?” Who gave them the Army car?”
Surely jihad is here, and everyone have to defend him/her self.
A woman who still survived the mayhem said, “All I could remember is that I was sitting at the front when some people in Army uniform invaded the Church and started shooting at everyone. They just held the trigger and fired at everyone they sighted. I managed to hide under the seat but was shot in the leg.
“A boy was shot in head, his brain bursted, and blood spilled everywhere – even at my face.”
No more election in Biafra Land starting from Anambra state until a date for referendum is giving us to determine our faiths cos Biafra Nation must be restore back on EARTH again.


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Re: The True Story Of Ozubulu Church Killing by Adekamkpe23: 5:24pm On Aug 07, 2017
Yeebos killing other yeebos since 1456AD

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Re: The True Story Of Ozubulu Church Killing by Nobody: 5:52pm On Aug 07, 2017
To every bereaved family, please accept our condolences.
Re: The True Story Of Ozubulu Church Killing by FUNNYBONE1(m): 6:05pm On Aug 07, 2017

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Re: The True Story Of Ozubulu Church Killing by nototribalist: 6:05pm On Aug 07, 2017
Yeebos killing other yeebos since 1456AD
wrong, Fulanis terrorist attacking the children of God. My badoo attack your family soon

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Re: The True Story Of Ozubulu Church Killing by Pavarottii(m): 6:30pm On Aug 07, 2017
Obiano don Bleep up sha. The event that took place doesn't even match with drug feud story. Who even thought of that as an excuse.

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Re: The True Story Of Ozubulu Church Killing by Maduawuchukwu(m): 6:34pm On Aug 07, 2017
Sick IPOB folks have come again. Trying to incite crises where there is non. When Army starts killing them na then their eye go clear.

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Re: The True Story Of Ozubulu Church Killing by zamirikpo(m): 6:44pm On Aug 07, 2017
Liar.....u mean u r d only person that saw the whole thing. Now answer two questions
1. Does wearing army uniform proof they are not indigenes
2. Did I hear u say they are not Igbo's? Pls how did u come to that conclusion, was it b4 or after u ran away. Or d men came to church and started discussing....close to where u sat.


Re: The True Story Of Ozubulu Church Killing by vicadex07(m): 6:55pm On Aug 07, 2017

Re: The True Story Of Ozubulu Church Killing by SalamRushdie: 7:00pm On Aug 07, 2017
Anybody trying to turn this into a tribal crime is not sensible or just being plain mischievous , I have looked critically at the lifestyles of the personality involved , the church that was being dedicated and the crime it self and You can take it from me this was indeed a drug related crime..Shame on the Catholic Church for allowing it's institution to be used a platform for show boating and pepper demming by a character whose source of income was clearly over questionable..


Re: The True Story Of Ozubulu Church Killing by PenSniper: 7:56pm On Aug 07, 2017
Yeebos killing other yeebos since 1456AD

What do you mean ?

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Re: The True Story Of Ozubulu Church Killing by DerideGull(m): 8:04pm On Aug 07, 2017

Who gives a ratass as long as the cannibals actualize Biafra as a country?

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