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Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:17pm On Aug 08, 2017
Secret service says Trump gets 6-8 threats per day, not worse than Bush or Obama.

The US Secret Service has an enormous task protecting President Donald Trump and his family, due in part to their complex structure.

Trump's adult children remain closely connected to the president while also maintaining the family business, and they must all be kept under federal protection.

Costs for guarding the Trumps were estimated to eventually surpass that of President Barack Obama's eight years in office.

Most of the costs have been accrued by Trump's frequent weekend visits to his golf courses and Mar-a-Lago, in Florida.

It costs a fortune to protect the first family, about $120m was allocated recently.

There was also significant backlash from New York City residents over the high security costs for first lady Melania Trump and their son, Barron, while he finished the school year in Manhattan, however the two have since moved to Washington DC.


Lalasticlala, Mynd44

15 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Kusibe77(m): 6:20pm On Aug 08, 2017
angry Costs for guarding the Trumps were estimated to eventually surpass that of President Barack Obama's eight years in office.

Apaa re o, arungun

78 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by BlackDBagba: 6:20pm On Aug 08, 2017
Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:20pm On Aug 08, 2017
Abraham Lincoln created the agency the day he was assassinated.

However, the original mission of the Secret Service was not to protect the president.

Only after attacks on the president happened did the agents' duties expand.

96 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:21pm On Aug 08, 2017
They claim they've never had a traitor in the Secret Service.

Although the FBI, CIA, and NSA have all been infiltrated by foreign spies, the Secret Service has never discovered a spy or traitor in its ranks.

88 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by vcente(m): 6:21pm On Aug 08, 2017
Explorers, you are doing good work here. But when will u start showing us African content

105 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Nobody: 6:22pm On Aug 08, 2017
Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:22pm On Aug 08, 2017
Agents are more than bodyguards.

77 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:24pm On Aug 08, 2017
They use quirky code names.

The US Secret Service uses code names (assigned by White House Communications agency) for the US Presidents, first ladies, and prominent persons and places.

39 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:25pm On Aug 08, 2017
All presidents and first ladies have Secret Service protection for life, and further that any children of former presidents get Secret Service protection until they turn 16.

64 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by temmytopsy1(f): 6:26pm On Aug 08, 2017
Carry on teacher, we(learners) are following


Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:28pm On Aug 08, 2017
The Beast aka US President’s state car has no keyholes on its doors.

The way to open the doors on the limousine is a secret known only to the Secret Service.

It has alse been reported that there are threee identical Limos that to throw off any would be attackers.

The car is hermetically sealed with theability to generate its own atmosphere in the event of a chemical or biological attack.

No exact specs on how thick the armor plating is but its been reported that the car could withstand the direct hit from a tank round without causing damage to the occupants inside the car.

With things like rocket propelled grenades, night vision optics and these multi spectrum infrared smoke grenades that allegedly work as a counter measure for RPG’s and Anti tank missiles you could easily put up a fight if needed.

But the main objective is to keep one occupants alive no matter the cost.

Anytime the Beast is moving there will be a motorcade of about 20 vehicles following him and one of those will be carrying medics that will be attending to the Commander in Chief in no time flat.

It has a private plane that transport it wherever the President goes.

70 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Harbeyg09(m): 6:28pm On Aug 08, 2017
Nawa oooo


Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:30pm On Aug 08, 2017
Secret Service agents use a presidential limousine for cover from spraying water as President Donald Trump lands via Marine One helicopter in New York, May 4, 2017.


Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Nobody: 6:31pm On Aug 08, 2017
The Beast aka US President’s state car has no keyholes on its passenger doors.

The way to open the doors on the limousine is a secret known only to the Secret Service.
lobatan......na God them won protect?

28 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:31pm On Aug 08, 2017
Only two identical aircraft exist in the world which both share the same high-level function.

They mirror one another precisely except for the numeric identifier on the tail.

One reads 28000, the other 29000.

They’re as sleek as they are majestic.

Air Force One is the ultimate military jet transport with a simple, yet singular mission; to serve the needs of the President of the United States.

Only the president, his family, invited guests, select White House staff, armed Secret Service agents and members of a small press pool are allowed as passengers during flight.

Even the president’s pets are treated as royalty.

It’s the tightest and most prestigious of all White House press pools, just 13members total with rotating representatives from each of the disciplines of journalism.

These “poolers” are present in all presidential motorcades, on all helicopter movements (but never aboard Marine One), and are housed overnight in the president’s 5-star hotel when his travels take him out of town or country.

Reuters assigns a wire service correspondent and a news photographer to travel on board during all presidential travel.

Armed military police and trained dogs make sure no one goes near Air Force One without a complete security vetting process.

All personnel assigned to the squadron have a top secret clearance and, in Air Force-speak, “a need to know” before working on the aircraft.

All press and their equipment are thoroughly sniffed, scanned and searched before being issued an additional U.S. Secret Service credential which allows him or her to walk on the tarmac towards the jet.

The “security sweep” at Andrews Air Force Base involves no less than ten different challenges to each member of the press pool at the beginning of travel.

Starting with manifesting by the White House, security continues through elements of the U.S. Air Force, TSA, U.S. Secret Service (both Uniformed Division and Presidential Protective Division), explosive ordinance experts, bomb-sniffing dogs, and finally, Air Force One’s own armed bouncers, their exclusive security force.

Only then are you allowed to board the aircraft using the rear stairs.

The front steps belong only the president.



Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:31pm On Aug 08, 2017

13 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:32pm On Aug 08, 2017
Secret Service agents take positions on a tarmac as President Donald Trump arrives at Morristown municipal airport, New Jersey, after attending the Celebrate Freedom Rally in Washington, July 1, 2017.

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Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:35pm On Aug 08, 2017
Secret Service agents maintain a watch before President Donald Trump departs for a trip to the G20 Summit from the White House in Washington, July 5, 2017.

A Secret Service counter-assault team member keeps watch from the roof of the White House during a potential security threat on the North Lawn in Washington, May 31, 2017.

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Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by dfrost: 6:36pm On Aug 08, 2017
cheesy smiley

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Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:36pm On Aug 08, 2017
A Secret Service agent stands guard over the Presidential limo as President visits Waukesha County Technical College in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, June 13, 2017.


Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by dfrost: 6:37pm On Aug 08, 2017
Secret Service agents maintain a watch before President Donald Trump departs for a trip to the G20 Summit from the White House in Washington, July 5, 2017.

This is actually the work of the Uniformed Division of the SS.


Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:39pm On Aug 08, 2017
A Secret Service counter assault team members walks before President Donald Trump's inauguration on Capitol Hill in Washington, January 20, 2017.


Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:41pm On Aug 08, 2017
Every flight is considered as a military operation.

The air Force crews inspects Marine One along side Air force one, and the runway, before every flight.

When it’s time to head off, the Marine One helicopter brings the president from the White House to Andrews Air Force Base.

Teams allover the base keep an eye outfor any unauthorized craft in the area and are authorized to shoot on sight.

The helicopter can cruise at over 150 mph and can continue flying even if one of its three engines fails.

Marine One has ballistic armor, missile warning systems, and antimissile defenses.

They are equipped with flares for protection against heat-seeking missiles, chaff (fine particles of metal or plastic that cloud the enemy's radar screen)for protection against radar-guided missiles, and AN/ALQ-144A for protection against infrared-guided missiles.

The helicopter is also equipped with secure communication lines for the president to remain in contact with the White House and the Pentagon always.

Marine One helicopters always fly along with 3-5 identical helicopters acting as decoys.

They also constantly switch positions during the flight to keep the President's location hidden.

No matter where in the world the helicopter lands, the president is always greeted by a Marine.

27 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:43pm On Aug 08, 2017
Secret Service agents arrive on a backup helicopter following President Donald Trump at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, before his travel to Bedminister, New Jersey for the weekend, June 9, 2017.

Securing Marine One.


Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:50pm On Aug 08, 2017
President Donald Trump is surrounded by Secret Service for an event with fellow G7 leaders during their summit in Taormina, Sicily, Italy, May 26, 2017.


Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:52pm On Aug 08, 2017
A Secret Service counter-assault team arrives just ahead of U.S. President Donald Trump's helicopter at the Wall Street landing zone in New York, May 4, 2017.

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Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:54pm On Aug 08, 2017
Secret Service agents secure the area outside The Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea in Palm Beach, Florida, as President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump attend Easter Sunday service, April 16, 2017


Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 6:57pm On Aug 08, 2017
Secret Service agents tidy-up President Donald Trump's limousines.

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Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Explorers(m): 7:00pm On Aug 08, 2017
Secret Service agents walk alongside of President Donald Trump's limousine as it passes empty viewing bleachers as he participates in the inaugural parade after his swearing in at the Capitol in Washington, January 20, 2017.

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Re: Inside Donald Trump Secret Service Detail(Photos) by Kakamorufu(m): 7:24pm On Aug 08, 2017
Hahahaha. see protection of the first order


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