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… On The Korean Peninsula Crisis - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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… On The Korean Peninsula Crisis by shehuolayinka(m): 11:11am On Aug 16, 2017
The bomb dropped on North Korea by the Americans during the Korean War, was more than the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima that killed hundreds of thousands by the same Americans.

North Korea lost more than a million citizen to the war.

Technically, the Korean War is still on. It didn't end on a mutual or on friendly agreement, but on armistice forced on both parties by the United Nation.

Don't blame the North Korea in it entirety for wanting a nuclear weapons. America has always renegade on agreements signed for peace to reign in the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea is suspicious of America presence in South Korea. There is a belief within North Korea hierarchies that America build up of military equipments and soldiers, actually not for countering the growing influence of China, but a plan invasion of North Korea for the purpose of forceful reunification of the two Korean State, Headquartered in Seoul that would be subservient to Washington.

The Chinese Angle

China is a major obstacle to the two Koreans finding a lasting solution to the crisis plaguing the two Korean State.

It is a known and indisputable fact, that having a United Korean State, would spell problems in multiple forms for the Chinese in the region.

Meanwhile, North Korea is a country with only four nuclear war head, while the United States is worth more than to 6000 nuclear war head that can strike anywhere in the world.

Those actors in North Korea are not that stupid or clueless. The said attack on Guam would not occur. Everything is just all talk.

The North, has been able to rebuild their country from scratch after the mass destructions of it land carried out by the Americans during the war and fighting a war now would only send them back to the days when they were under the rule of the Japanese.

Shehu Bello Olayinka is a graduate of Mass Communications from Lagos State Polytechnic.
He can be reached at Olayinkashehu@gmail.com, Twitter.com/ShehuBello
Re: … On The Korean Peninsula Crisis by Oshidaguy: 11:38am On Aug 16, 2017
He who the gods want to destroy they first off all make him run mad. That fat pig of a boy is already mad so you never can tell what his childish action can be.

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