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Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? - Politics - Nairaland

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Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by WhiteRacist: 9:02am On Aug 23, 2017
black territorial region if not Africa as a whole is a wasteland. and land that should have been use to store faeces by the white. that big continent ever there with abundance of natural resources is occupied by animal species in human form.

if the white had never step their foot on Africa. the animals living there would have no idea what is minerals resources. in South Africa and Zimbabwe children were playing with Gold and Diamonds and the whole people over there have no idea what it were.

until the white came and shows to them the value of what they have over there. after that they are killing one another over the resources they never knew existed. blacks are the lowest of all human species and that has been proven.
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by benzene00: 9:03am On Aug 23, 2017
sense absent

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Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by optional1(f): 9:06am On Aug 23, 2017
thats how they were created...
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by NeeKlaus: 9:08am On Aug 23, 2017
You are white and 'supposedly' supreme yet you are battling with grammar and concords.

Fix your language deficiencies then come back.

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Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by baralatie(m): 9:09am On Aug 23, 2017
black territorial region if not Africa as a whole is a wasteland. and land that should have been use to store faeces by the white. that big continent ever there with abundance of natural resources is occupied by animal species in human form.

if the white had never step their foot on Africa. the animals living there would have no idea what is minerals resources. in South Africa and Zimbabwe children were playing with Gold and Diamonds and the whole people over there have no idea what it were.

until the white came and shows to them the value of what they have over there. after that they are killing one another over the resources they never knew existed. blacks are the lowest of all human species and this has been proven.

define wasteland?
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by markfemisgay: 9:11am On Aug 23, 2017
Only my yoruba land can be called a waste land.

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Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by madone: 9:11am On Aug 23, 2017
Lol another frustrated wannabe on the loose. Hahaaaha, u have lost touch with time my dear..go and get drunk on ur Silva cos u no reach.

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Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by WhiteRacist: 9:11am On Aug 23, 2017
You are white and 'supposedly' supreme yet you are battling with grammar and concords.

Fix your language deficiencies then come back.
not every white is English speaker

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Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by Yeligray(m): 9:12am On Aug 23, 2017
I can't trade africa for another place in the world though sometimes we make alot of mistakes but hey mehn, this continent rocks

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Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by AtkinsPlanet(m): 9:13am On Aug 23, 2017
When are we going to build this self-esteem, and be proud of our color?

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Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by WhiteRacist: 9:19am On Aug 23, 2017
Speaking generally of course, Africa is the poster child for famine, war, genocide, disease, whatever. Why is it that humans first originated there yet it seems like the most fucking neglected place on earth?
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by Markfemi3: 9:21am On Aug 23, 2017
problem is africa does not even know its cursed

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Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by Truckpusher(m): 9:24am On Aug 23, 2017
black territorial region if not Africa as a whole is a wasteland. and land that should have been use to store faeces by the white. that big continent ever there with abundance of natural resources is occupied by animal species in human form.

if the white had never step their foot on Africa. the animals living there would have no idea what is minerals resources. in South Africa and Zimbabwe children were playing with Gold and Diamonds and the whole people over there have no idea what it were.

until the white came and shows to them the value of what they have over there. after that they are killing one another over the resources they never knew existed. blacks are the lowest of all human species and that has been proven.

When was the last time you took your medication ? son!! grin
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by baralatie(m): 9:24am On Aug 23, 2017
Speaking generally of course, Africa is the poster child for famine, war, genocide, disease, whatever. Why is it that humans first originated there yet it seems like the most fucking neglected place on earth?
define wasteland first
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by freshest4live: 12:55pm On Aug 23, 2017
not every white is English speaker
Sharaaap before l slap your albino face.

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Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by Nobody: 6:06am On Aug 26, 2017
A sharp slap should help reset his racist dysfunctional brain!

Sharaaap before l slap your albino face.
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by WhiteRacist: 3:14pm On Aug 30, 2017
Sharaaap before l slap your albino face.
mess you
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by bamite(m): 5:46pm On Aug 30, 2017
black territorial region if not Africa as a whole is a wasteland. and land that should have been use to store faeces by the white. that big continent ever there with abundance of natural resources is occupied by animal species in human form.

if the white had never step their foot on Africa. the animals living there would have no idea what is minerals resources. in South Africa and Zimbabwe children were playing with Gold and Diamonds and the whole people over there have no idea what it were.

until the white came and shows to them the value of what they have over there. after that they are killing one another over the resources they never knew existed. blacks are the lowest of all human species and that has been proven.

What is this junkee saying here, have you taken your drugs today? Stupid motherfucker!
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by Nobody: 5:48pm On Aug 30, 2017
black territorial region if not Africa as a whole is a wasteland. and land that should have been use to store faeces by the white. that big continent ever there with abundance of natural resources is occupied by animal species in human form.

if the white had never step their foot on Africa. the animals living there would have no idea what is minerals resources. in South Africa and Zimbabwe children were playing with Gold and Diamonds and the whole people over there have no idea what it were.

until the white came and shows to them the value of what they have over there. after that they are killing one another over the resources they never knew existed. blacks are the lowest of all human species and that has been proven.

Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by motherfucker: 6:12pm On Aug 30, 2017
What is this junkee saying here, have you taken your drugs today? Stupid motherfucker!

Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by bamite(m): 6:13pm On Aug 30, 2017
[quote author=motherfucker post=59975795][/quote] Just look at the kind of name you're calling yourself. smh
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by WhiteRacist: 10:58pm On Aug 30, 2017
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by jumobi1(m): 11:01pm On Aug 30, 2017
If you're not a waste then your continent has potential and shouldn't be a waste
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by Amberon11: 1:11am On Aug 31, 2017
This guy hasn't said anything that is not true. However I doubt he's white though. Anybody can claim to be anything online these days.
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by motherfucker: 4:00am On Aug 31, 2017
Just look at the kind of name you're calling yourself. smh

Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by bamite(m): 6:32am On Aug 31, 2017
[quote author=motherfucker post=59986218][/quote]

Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by juman(m): 6:33am On Aug 31, 2017
nigeria is primarily destroyed by the military generals.
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by juman(m): 6:35am On Aug 31, 2017
Despite nigeria has everything to be great, but it failed because of those generals greediness and unpatriotic actions.
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by Nobody: 8:54am On Aug 31, 2017
Idiotic op needs a resounding barrage of hot slaps to reset his dysfunctional racist thinking. What a pathetic fool!
black territorial region if not Africa as a whole is a wasteland.
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Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by cybertyrant(m): 10:12am On Aug 31, 2017
I BELIEVE THERE ARE CHEAP SENSES THIS RABID WHITE DOG CAN BUY,I HAVE DASHED OUT SOME SENSES LATELY,BUT AM SURE A GOOD GUY MIGHT COME AROUND AND DASH YOU SENSE OR GIVE YOU MONEY TO BUY SOME SENSES. this is the outcome of the hardworking blacks taking over your white jobs worldwide,your favourite club's players are almost blacks and are doing well,your religon are been perfected by blacks,all this fear of blacks everywhere are fustrating your jobless kind,its eating your mind and its there in you like cancer,eating your senses,that why you registered on the world largest forum owned by a black,used by black people to come and voice your fustrations,but i believe you will get a job some day,just pray. TO THE GOOD WHITES DO THE RIGHT THING,DONT LET RACISTS BLIND YOU.
Re: Give Me Reasons Why Black Continent Is Not A Wasteland? by Nobody: 11:00am On Aug 31, 2017
ha ha DANites are against racisim from small minded morons like op.
lets respect our peeps with albinism .

This pathetic mindset may deserves resetting with a few hot slaps grin

Sharaaap before l slap your albino face.

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