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Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Lukgaf(m): 6:13am On Aug 25, 2017 |
In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, ‘Udhiya’ is an Arabic term which means ‘sacrificing an animal’, and ‘Qurbani’ is an Urdu and Persian word derived from the Arabic word ‘Qurban’ which literally means an act performed to seek Allah’s pleasure. It is technically used for the sacrifice of an animal slaughtered for the sake of Allah. Virtues of Udhiya (qurbani) Allah Most High Says: ‘So turn in prayer towards your Lord and sacrifice (animals).’ (Qur’an 108:2) There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Udhiya than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgment with its horns, hair, and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart. (Sunan Tirmidhi and Sunan Ibn Majah) Sayyiduna Zayd ibn Arqam (may Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Companions asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah! What is Udhiya?’ He replied, ‘It is the Sunna of your father Ibrahim (peace be upon him).’ They asked again, ‘What benefit do we get from it?’ He answered, ‘A reward for every hair (of the sacrificed animal).’ ‘And [what reward is there for animals with] wool, O Messenger of Allah?’ they asked. ‘A reward’, he said, ‘for every fiber of the wool.’ (Sunan Ibn Majah) When a person slaughters an Udhiya animal, he is forgiven at the fall of the first drop of blood, and verily, the animal shall be brought forward on the Day Of Judgment with its blood, meat etc., and shall be increased in weight seventy times more than its own weight, and thereafter it will be placed on the scale of deeds. (See: Kanz al-Ummal) Who is required to Perform Udhiya? Every adult Muslim, male or female, who owns 612.36 grams of silver or its equivalent in money, personal ornaments, stock-in-trade or any other form of wealth which is in excess of one’s basic personal needs, is under an obligation to offer the ritual slaughter (Udhiya). Each adult member of a family who owns the above-mentioned amount must carry out his or her own Udhiya separately. If the husband owns the required amount but his wife does not, then slaughtering will be obligatory on the husband only, and vice-versa. If both of them have the prescribed amount of wealth, then two separate Udhiyas will need to be performed. If the adult children live with their parents, Udhiya is obligatory on each one of them possessing the prescribed amount. The ritual slaughter offered by a husband for himself does not fulfil the obligation of his wife, nor can the Udhiya offered by a father discharge his son or daughter from their obligation; rather, separate sacrifices will have to be carried out for each individual possessing the required amount. A husband or father, apart from offering his own ritual slaughter, may offer another on behalf of his wife or son, with their permission. The Time of Udhiya 1) Udhiya is only valid during the three days of Dhu’l-Hijjah, namely the 10th, 11th and 12th, and cannot be performed in any other day of the year. 2) Although Udhiya is permissible on each of the above three days, the first day (i.e. the 10th of Dhu’l-Hijjah) is the most preferable and desired day. 3) Generally, Udhiya is not allowed before Eid Salat. If Udhiya is being done at a place where Eid Salat is not performed, the slaughter should commence after the completion of Eid Salat in the nearby town/city. However, according to the Hanafi School, in small villages where Eid prayer is not to be performed, Udhiya can be offered any time after the break of dawn on the 10th of Dhu’l-Hijjah. 4) Udhiya can be performed during night time. However, it is preferable to perform it during the daytime. Conditions for the Slaughtered Animal 1) The animals eligible for Udhiya are goats, sheep, cattle and camels, male or female. No other type of animal is allowed for Udhiya. 2) Castrated animals may be used for Udhiya. 3) Barren animals may be used for Udhiya. 4) Goats and sheep have to be at least one year old. However, a healthy sheep that looks like a one year old may also be used, provided it is at least six months of age. 5) Cattle (cow, ox and buffalo) must be at least two years old. 6) Camels must be at least five years old. Rulings on Defects in the Udhiya Animal 1) An animal that was born without horns or the horn is broken off from the middle is eligible for Udhiya. However, if the horn is broken off from the root, or the horn has been uprooted, then it will not be eligible for Udhiya. 2) An animal that is totally blind or has lost one-third or more of its eye-sight, or one-third or more of one of its ear is cut, or one-third or more of its tail is cut, is not eligible for Udhiya. 3) An animal which limps/walks on three legs and cannot put the injured (4th) leg onto the ground, or it is able to put the injured leg onto the ground, but is unable to walk on it, is not eligible for Udhiya. However, if it is unable to walk on it, but can still take support from it, then it is eligible for Udhiya, even though it is limping. 4) Animals having no teeth at all are not eligible for Udhiya. If an animal has lost some teeth only, and has most of its teeth, it is eligible for Udhiya. If most of the teeth are lost, it is not eligible for Udhiya. 5) An animal born without ears is not eligible for Udhiya. An animal with very small ears is eligible for Udhiya. 6) Thin and extremely weak animals, unable to walk to the place of slaughter, are not eligible for Udhiya. 7) If an animal sustains an injury whilst being slaughtered, the Udhiya is valid. ![]() 9) If an animal purchased for Udhiya gives birth (before being slaughtered), then the newly born animal should also be slaughtered. Specification of Animals for Individuals Performing Udhiya In most Western countries such as the UK, rather than one slaughtering the animal himself, Udhiya is carried out at the slaughterhouse on one’s behalf. In such a case, it is imperative that animals are specified prior to slaughter and that the specified carcass finally reaches the one performing Udhiya. To ensure this, whilst recognising the technicalities at abattoirs, the following steps should be adhered to: 1) It is important that the animal is purchased before the Udhiya is performed, or at least, specified for purchase and Udhiya on behalf of the one wishing to perform Udhiya. This should be done by tagging a label on the animal which displays the individual’s name or an assigned number. 2) If multiple Udhiya orders are placed through an agent (such as the butcher), the agent should list all the names with exclusive numbers and keep them securely. The agent should also at this stage provide the customer with his assigned number for his information. Thereafter, the complete list should be forwarded to the abattoir before Udhiya commences. 3) It is then the responsibility of the slaughterer at the abattoir to specify animals for each agent or butcher according to the number given. Furthermore, a particular animal must be specified for each name or assigned number provided by the agent and labelled accordingly, as outlined in the example below: a) Label or tag the animal with the name of the agent/butcher and his customer: e.g. (butcher/agent) XYZ & (customer) XYZ. or for the purpose of simplicity: b) Label or tag the animal with the name of the butcher/agent and specified Udhiya number: e.g. Butcher XYZ Customer No 1, Butcher XYZ Customer No 2, Butcher XYZ Customer No 3, and so on and so forth. As such, each animal must at least be numbered and this must be done before slaughter or at the latest when brought into the slaughter bay. Mere slaughter without specification is not sufficient even if the intention is to specify and number the carcasses at a later stage e.g. whilst loading. 4) Finally, care should be taken that each individual receives his specified and numbered carcass after slaughter and after implementation of the subsequent processess. Case Scenario ‘Abdullah Butchers’ has an order of 50 Udhiyas. He makes a list of the names of customers who have placed an order with him and assigns a specific number for each individual customer, e.g. Muhammad – 1, Ismail – 2, etc. A copy of this list is then given to the slaughterhouse and one copy retained by the butcher. When each animal is about to be slaughtered, the slaughterers specify that this particular animal is for order number x of ‘Abdullah Butchers’. The slaughterer then labels the animal accordingly to distinguish it as that particular Udhiya, so that when the order is collected or delivered, the butcher clearly identifies which customer’s Udhiya it is, according to the list he had drawn up. Dhabh (Slaughter) of the Udhiya Animal 1) It is recommended (mustahabb) that the owner of the Udhiya animal slaughters it personally, provided he is able to slaughter properly. If the owner is unable to slaughter, it is better to delegate the task to another Muslim who is acquainted with the requirements of a valid Islamic slaughter. If the slaughter has been delegated, it is desirable that the owner of the Udhiya animal is present at the time of slaughter. 2) The Islamic slaughter requires that the throat, the external jugular veins and the wind-pipe of the animal is swiftly and clearly severed with a sharp tool, together with invoking the name of Allah Most High. If only two of the passages and veins are cut, the slaughter will be deemed incorrect. If any three of the four are severed, the slaughter will be valid. 3) It is Mustahabb to face the Qibla while slaughtering. 4) It is preferable to sharpen the knife before slaughter to ease the suffering of the animal. 5) After slaughter, the animal should not be skinned or cut up into pieces before it turns completely cold. 6) It is disliked to slaughter an animal in the presence of another animal, although the slaughter is valid. 7) It is preferable to read the following whilst laying the throat of the animal towards the Qibla: ‘For me, I have set my face firmly and truly towards Him, Who created the heavens and the earth. And never shall I give partners to Allah. Verily, my worship and my sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah; Lord of the worlds. O Allah this sacrifice is from you and is for you‘ Whilst slaughtering the animal read, ‘Bismillah Allahu Akbar‘ (In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest). If the above are not memorized, then make intention of Udhiya and merely recite ‘Bismillah’ and the Udhiya will be valid. The Meat and Skin of the Udhiya Animal 1) It is allowed for the one performing Udhiya to either eat off the meat or give it to whomsoever he pleases, rich or poor, Muslim or non-Muslim. It is preferable, however, that the meat is divided into three parts: One part for the home, one part for relatives and friends, and one part for the poor and needy. 2) The meat or skin of the animal cannot be sold, or given to an employee or butcher in payment of his labour. It may be given as a gift. The skin of the Udhiya animal can be kept for personal use or given to anyone else for their personal use. If the skin is sold, it is necessary to give the money accrued in charity as Sadaqah. 3) It is not permissible to eat the meat of the following types of sacrifices: a) Sacrifice that is carried out as expiation (kaffara) for a mistake committed during Hajj. b) Sacrifice carried out for a deceased person due to his bequest (wasiyya). c) Sacrifice carried out due to a vow (nazr). The meat of the above-mentioned 3 types of sacrifices must be distributed to the poor and needy only. Distribution of the Meat If an animal is sacrificed on behalf of more than one person, like a cow or camel, its meat should be divided equally among its owners based on weight, and not randomly or by mere conjecture. Even if all the partners agree on its distribution without weighing, it is still not permissible according to Shariah. However, if the actual weighing is not practicable due to some reason, and all the partners agree to divide the meat without weighing, distribution by guess can be done with the condition that each share necessarily contains either a leg of the animal or some quantity of its liver. No Alternative for Udhiya Some people think that instead of offering a ritual slaughter (Udhiya), they can give its amount to the poor as charity. This attitude is totally wrong. In fact, there are different forms of worship obligatory on Muslims. Each one of them has its own importance and none of them can stand for the other. It is not permissible for a Muslim to perform Salat instead of fasting in Ramadhan, nor is it permissible to give some charity instead of observing the obligatory Salat. Similarly, Udhiya is an independent form of worship and cannot be discharged by spending money in charity. However, if an individual, out of ignorance or negligence, could not offer it on the three prescribed days (10th, 11th and 12th of Dhu’l-Hijjah) then, in that case only, he can give the price of a ritual slaughter (Udhiya) as Sadaqah to those entitled to receive Zakat. But during the days of Udhiya, no Sadaqa can discharge this obligation. Cutting and Clipping the Hair and Nails It is Mustahabb (and not necessary) for the one intending to perform Udhiya to refrain from cutting hair or clipping nails from 1st of Dhu’l-Hijjah to the 10th of Dhu’l-Hijjah, (i.e. until the days of Udhiya have passed). And Allah Knows Best (Shaykh) Zakariyya ibn Yusuf Edited and Approved by: (Mufti) [Mufti] Muhammad ibn Adam Darul Iftaa Leicester , UK 18 Likes 4 Shares
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Lukgaf(m): 6:30am On Aug 25, 2017 |
Questions and Answer Relating to (Udhiya/Qurbani) Q- What is Qurbani about? A- Qurbani is about: Love for Allah in contrast to love of the self obedience over rebellion. Loyalty to Allah in preference to loyalty to the family. Faith versus emotion. Struggle as opposed to pleasure. Q- What is the virtue of Qurbani? A- There is nothing dearer to Allah Ta’ala during the days of Qurbani than sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of judgment with its horns, hair, and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart. (Tirmizi, Ibn Majah) Q- On whom is Qurbani Wajib (obligatory)? A- Qurbani is Wajib (obligatory) on every Muslim who is of sound mind – mature (has reached the age of puberty), Muqeem (i.e. he is not a Shari traveller) possesses the amount of 612,36 grams of silver or wealth equivalent to that value which is in excess of one’s basic needs and debts on any of the three days of Qurbani. It is not necessary that this amount be in one’s possession for a complete lunar year. (Fatawa Hindiyyah) Note: Qurbani is not incumbent on a child or an insane person whether they own wealth equivalent to the amount above or not, nor is it Wajib upon their guardians to perform it on their behalf. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah) Similarly, it is not Wajib on a musafir (one considered a traveller in Shariah). A Shar’i traveller is he who proceeds on a journey with an intention of travelling 77 kms. He will be treated as a traveller as soon as soon as he departs his town. However if he intends residing at any place for 15 days or more then he will cease to be a traveller there. (Fataawa Hindiyyah) A person upon whom Qurbani is not necessary should not incur debts beyond one’s capacity to offer the Qurbani. If Qurbani is not compulsory on a person, for example, a musaafir then it is virtous to do so if it is within the person’s means. Q- When is the time for Qurbani? A- The time for Qurbani begins after the Eid Salaah on the 10th of Zul Hijjah and ends at the setting of the sun on the 12th of Zul Hijjah. It is better to make Qurbani on the first day then the second, and thereafter the third. (Fataawa Shaamiyya) In rural and village areas where Jumu’ah and ‘Eid Salaah are not performed, Qurbani may be performed as soon as Fajr (Subhus Saadiq) sets in on the 10th of Zul Hijjah. (Fataawa Hindiyyah) If a person residing in a town (where Eid salaah is performed) arranges for his animal to be slaughtered in a village (where Eid Salaah is not performed), then it is permissible for his animal to be slaughtered before he performs his Eid Salaah. (Fataawa Shaamiyyah) If the Qurbani has been offered before the ‘Eid Salaah, it will have to be repeated. (Fataawa Hindiyyah) It is preferable to slaughter during the day. (Fataawa Hindiyyah) Q- What type of animals can be slaughtered for Qurbani? A– It is permissible to slaughter a goat, sheep, cow, bull, buffalo or camel, male or female for Qurbani. The minimum age of: A goat, sheep, or ram is one full year, A cow, bull or buffalo is two years old, and A camel five years. Animals that are younger than the prescribed age are not suitable for Qurbani. (Fataawa Hindiyyah) If a sheep is more than six months old but less than a year, and physically appears to be one year old it will suffice for Qurbani. (Fataawa Hindiyyah) A cow, bull, buffalo or camel will suffice for seven persons provided no one’s share is less than one seventh and the niyyah (intention) of all partners is to attain reward and not merely to obtain meat. (Fatawa Shaamiyyah) A goat, sheep or ram will suffice for the Qurbani of one person only. (Fataawa Hindiyyah) It is permissible and preferable to slaughter a castrated animal. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah) It is advisable to purchase the Qurbani animal a few days prior to slaughtering in order to build up some form of attachment with the animal by taking care of it. (Fataawa Hindiyyah) Animals chosen for Qurbani should be healthy, free from faults and defects. (Fataawa Shaamiyah) Q- Which animals are not suitable for Qurabni? A- The following animals are not suitable for Qurbani: An animal that is blind, one-eyed or has lost more than one-third of its eyesight. (Fataawa Hindiyyah) Animals that has more than lost a third of the ear. Similarly, animals which have no ears from birth. Animals with small ears are suitable. (Fataawa Hindiyyah) Animals whose horn/s has been broken off from the root. However, an animal born without horns or if the horns are broken off but not from the root is suitable for Qurbani. (Fataawa Shaamiyyah) Animals which have one leg lame to the extent that it walks on three legs only and is unable to use the fourth leg. However if the animal can walk to the place of slaughter on the fourth leg with a limp it will be allowed. (Fataawa Shamiyyah) Animals so lean and thin that their bones have no marrow. (Fataawa Shamiyyah) If an animal gets injured while slaughtering , e.g. breaks it’s leg, ear gets cut etc., the Qurbani will be valid. (Fataawa Shamiyyah) If an animal was bought in a healthy and perfect state and thereafter became unfit for Qurbani then, If the owner is not wealthy (possessor of nisaab) it will be permissible to offer this animal for Qurbani. If the owner is wealthy (possesses the Nisaab), then it is compulsory for him to obtain another animal. (Fataawa Shamiyyah) Q- Can a man purchase the Qurbani animal for his wife form his own wealth? A- A man may purchase his wife’s animal from his wealth with her consent. (Fataawa Hindiyyah) Q- What should one do if the qurbani animal gives birth before being slaughtered? A- If an animal purchsed for Qurbani gives birth before it’s slaughter,it is best to give the live new born in charity .Alternately, the new born animal should be slaughtered and the meat given in charity. (Fataawa Shamiyyah) Q- Can one use the skin of the Qurbani animal? A- It is permissible to utilize the skin for one’s personal use, eg. he may use it as a Musalla or a leather bucket etc. However, if the skin is sold, it is not permissible to use the income thereof. It is Wajib to give it in charity. Sale of the skin without the intention of disbursing the money in charity is not permitted. (Fataawa Hindiyyah) It is not permissible to give the skin in lieu of any services rendered. (Fataawa Hindiyyah). The needy and poor students of Islamic institutions are the most favourable beneficiaries of these skins. This entails the reward of Sadaqah which is coupled with the service of reviving Ilm (religious knowledge). However, it is not permissible to give these skins to the teachers and laborers of the institutes as wages or salaries. Q- What happens if a person does not perform Qurbani whilst he has the means to? A- Hazrat Abu Hurayra (radiyallahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said, “He who has the means of performing Qurbani but does not do so should not come close to our Eidgah ( Place of Eid Salaah). Q- When should the Takbeerat of Tashreeq be read? A- It is Wajib (incumbent) for every adult muslim to recite the Takbeeraat of Tashreeq after every Fardh Salaat-performed with Jamaat or individually from the Fajr of the 9th of Zul-Hijjah to the Asr of the 13th of Zul Hijjah. The Takbeeraat should be recited once only. The words are as follows: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar laa ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar. Allahu Akbar walillaahil hamd. Translation: “Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is no deity besides Allah and Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest and all praises belong to Him Alone.” NB. Men should recite this Takbeer audibly whilst females should do so silently 1 Like |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Occurstaem(m): 8:45am On Aug 25, 2017 |
JazakAllah khayr. About shaving the hair and cutting nails, is it obligatory on all muslims or only on those who will slaughter the animals? 1 Like |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by seegi(m): 10:09am On Aug 25, 2017 |
JazakAllah Kahiran |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by shakurkings(m): 10:16am On Aug 25, 2017 |
As-Salaam Alaykum It is obligatory on Muslims who have the intention to sacrifice animals. Allahu Allam Occurstaem: |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Tajbol4splend(m): 10:17am On Aug 25, 2017 |
May God in his mercy reward you abundantly |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Musaf(m): 10:26am On Aug 25, 2017 |
jazakallahu khair 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Guruboi(m): 10:28am On Aug 25, 2017 |
Thank you very much for that full info. May Allah (S.W.A) blesses you abundantly. Amin! |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by NabeelAbu: 10:33am On Aug 25, 2017 |
Shukran jazzeelan |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Agima1st: 11:07am On Aug 25, 2017 |
Proud to be a Muslim 1 Like |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by nasiest(m): 11:08am On Aug 25, 2017 |
Jazakallahu khairan. May Allah (SWT) help us all. |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Ameedan: 11:58am On Aug 25, 2017 |
Allahu akbar ! jazakallahu khair. Educating |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Baker77: 12:08pm On Aug 25, 2017 |
Jaza'kumu llahu khayran |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by JeffBezos: 1:42pm On Aug 25, 2017 |
Good afternoon all 1 Like |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by INTROVERT1: 2:10pm On Aug 25, 2017 |
Jazakumllahu khaeran. .... |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Lukgaf(m): 3:00pm On Aug 25, 2017 |
[quote author=Occurstaem post=59805657]JazakAllah khayr. About shaving the hair and cutting nails, is it obligatory on all muslims or only on those who will slaughter the animals?[/quote if you think you can get the money and the intention of killing, then you shouldn't shave |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Jibham73: 8:01pm On Aug 25, 2017 |
Jazakumuh llahu kharahn for this piece... May ALLAH spare our lifes to witness dis year EID nd more in our lifetime in dunya as better Muslims.. |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by udatso: 11:50am On Aug 26, 2017 |
This isn't clear. Does this mean the little baby will equally be slaughtered as udhiya 1 Like |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by AgentXxx(m): 1:25pm On Aug 26, 2017 |
Its a preferred sunnah and not obligatory shakurkings: 1 Like |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Lukgaf(m): 7:36am On Aug 27, 2017 |
udatso: it should be slaughter because it is product of the Animal we intend to kill as Udiya |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by udatso: 12:37pm On Aug 27, 2017 |
Lukgaf:Do our have any daleel for this comment? Are you saying Allah commands us to slaughter a premature animal or its just your view? If we slaughter it, we can't eat it and that's just unjustified murder. If you don't know it's better to say so than speak what's not right. |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Lukgaf(m): 6:01pm On Aug 28, 2017 |
udatso: Walau Ahlam. but we can do more research on it sir |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by neighy(m): 3:28pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
udatso:it is stated in d article.. "its better to give it out in charity and alternatively slaughter it and give the meat as sadaqa to d needy" |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by neighy(m): 3:34pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
Occurstaem:if you will slaughter animal or you appoint someone to slaughter for you.. It is not permissible to clip the nails or shave any hair on the body... But if otherwise u should clip d nails n shave... (e.g.. If mr A buy ram to kill for himself nd hin family Mr A must not shave buh d pikin nd "wife fit shave 'provided d wife sef no buy ram'" ![]() |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by udatso: 6:12pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
neighy:I think you haven't been following our discussions. Perhaps you should check my first comment in this thread. How do you slaughter a newly born animal and give out the meat for consumption? |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by Empiree: 7:13pm On Aug 29, 2017 |
udatso:They rely on certain ahadith (Al-Bukhaari (4101) and Muslim (2039) where nabi(sa) and a companion(ra) ate young goat. But there seems to be condition to that. Although generally, there is no age limit of animal we eat. I personally would not eat vile (baby) animal talkless of newborn. But in this context, it is about Udhiya, there is age in animal we choose for qurbani. Under the heading which this baby animal is cited, is under defected animal not eligible for Udhiya. So what's the point of slaughtering the baby since mother is considered defective and needs to care for her baby?. Well, it is fiqh issue of certain people. It is not binding. Spare the baby and let it grow. There are other options. These ahadith seem to refute slaughtering baby animal for "sacrifice" (eran ileya) al-Bukhaari (5556) and Muslim (1961) 1 Like |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by neighy(m): 7:18am On Aug 30, 2017 |
udatso: this should help |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by udatso: 7:23pm On Aug 30, 2017 |
neighy:jazakallahu khairan for the link. The link stresses that as long as an animal is for consumption purpose only, there is no restriction in age. But this little lamb (kid) that is to be slaughtered is slaughtered on account of udhiya. And we all know an animal for Udhiya must be matured. So I find this confusing. |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by neighy(m): 7:37pm On Aug 30, 2017 |
udatso:amin.. Wa iyyakum.. No not on the account of udhiya buh as a product of the animal meant for the sacrifice.. Thats why u can either slaughter it or give it out |
Re: Eid: What You Need To Know About Udhiya (slaughtering Animals For Allah) by udatso: 7:55pm On Aug 30, 2017 |
neighy:For now, Let's say it's on that account. Do we have a daleel to support the permisibility of slaughtering the baby of animal meant for sacrifice? |
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