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Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly - Religion - Nairaland

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Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by LordofWinterfel(m): 6:50am On Aug 27, 2017
Good morning NLders.
Pls if anyone have an idea or knows the interpretation of my dream, kindly assist. Time and again, not frequently though, I've seen myself in my dream flying, as in disobeying the law of gravity. Flying not with wings, but like floating/swimming on water. If you can swim, you'll likely understand what I mean. Pls anyone with any idea should pls help. I'm really curious to know the meaning
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by heendrix(m): 7:09am On Aug 27, 2017
Good morning NLders.
Pls if anyone have an idea or knows the interpretation of my dream, kindly assist. Time and again, not frequently though, I've seen myself in my dream flying, as in disobeying the law of gravity. Flying not with wings, but like floating/swimming on water. If you can swim, you'll likely understand what I mean. Pls anyone with any idea should pls help. I'm really curious to know the meaning

when flying what do u notice?
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by manlawal(m): 7:38am On Aug 27, 2017
You Don collect witch. Because you like to long throat

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Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by LordofWinterfel(m): 8:40am On Aug 27, 2017
You Don collect witch. Because you like to long throat
you mustn't actually comment if you have nothing reasonable to say or offer. Thanks and try grow up
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by LordofWinterfel(m): 8:42am On Aug 27, 2017

when flying what do u notice?
Mostly, I notice myself averting an enemy or fighting one. And I feel myself panicking right in the dream
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by heendrix(m): 3:12pm On Aug 27, 2017

Mostly, I notice myself averting an enemy or fighting one. And I feel myself panicking right in the dream

it's shows or indicate God wants to take you higher in life but the enemies you see urself fighting are those who wana stop you or block your progress. but you need power and courage to face n overcome the challenges of life that you may go through and above all let God be ur anchor in exodus 14:14 God said he would fight for us and we would hold our peace. remind him of his word and see yourself overcoming. God bless u, Happy Sunday.
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by LordofWinterfel(m): 4:13pm On Aug 27, 2017

it's shows or indicate God wants to take you higher in life but the enemies you see urself fighting are those who wana stop you or block your progress. but you need power and courage to face n overcome the challenges of life that you may go through and above all let God be ur anchor in exodus 14:14 God said he would fight for us and we would hold our peace. remind him of his word and see yourself overcoming. God bless u, Happy Sunday.
Thank you for your effort, I'm grateful
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by LordofWinterfel(m): 9:58pm On Aug 27, 2017
Pls help me to get more perspectives and views
r231 mynd44 lalasticlala
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by Kingphilz(m): 2:16am On Aug 28, 2017
Good morning NLders.
Pls if anyone have an idea or knows the interpretation of my dream, kindly assist. Time and again, not frequently though, I've seen myself in my dream flying, as in disobeying the law of gravity. Flying not with wings, but like floating/swimming on water. If you can swim, you'll likely understand what I mean. Pls anyone with any idea should pls help. I'm really curious to know the meaning

This is exactly what I used to see myself doing in my dream frequently...On Friday I still saw myself flying above a mammoth of crowd [while some are walking, others were running]. And I saw myself been questioned by 2 police officers for flying....I simply reply them that I also cannot explain it...that I just see myself flying with ease

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Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by LordofWinterfel(m): 6:31am On Aug 28, 2017

This is exactly what I used to see myself doing in my dream frequently...On Friday I still saw myself flying above a mammoth of crowd [while some are walking, others were running]. And I saw myself been questioned by 2 police officers for flying....I simply reply them that I also cannot explain it...that I just see myself flying with ease
Have you tried to find out the possible meaning of your dream?
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by ollyfessy(m): 1:06pm On Aug 30, 2017
Good morning NLders.
Pls if anyone have an idea or knows the interpretation of my dream, kindly assist. Time and again, not frequently though, I've seen myself in my dream flying, as in disobeying the law of gravity. Flying not with wings, but like floating/swimming on water. If you can swim, you'll likely understand what I mean. Pls anyone with any idea should pls help. I'm really curious to know the meaning

Feel Free to send your dreams to crystaltaste@gmail.com for immediate interpretation.
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by isidiwent: 2:44pm On Aug 30, 2017
Flying in the dream also means being in marine world..........
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by Nobody: 2:48pm On Aug 30, 2017
Swimming on Water?? That's disturbing.

On a lighter note, flying means strength, when you're spirit man is strengthen
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by ysyowel(m): 9:13pm On Aug 30, 2017
undecided me i don't know the meaning of your dream oh, but i pray for you, may the good Lord raise an interpreter for you.
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by An2elect2(f): 9:30pm On Aug 30, 2017
I don't think it means anything...When I was little I use to see myself fall from a very high place, the frightening part is I never get to land. Just falling and falling till I wake up. I took it as nothing and it was nothing.

P.s: God doesn't speak through dreams or prophets or interpreters anymore. In these last days it's through Jesus only. Just sayin
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by Nobody: 12:49am On Aug 31, 2017
I don't think it means anything...When I was little I use to see myself fall from a very high place, the frightening part is I never get to land. Just falling and falling till I wake up. I took it as nothing and it was nothing.

P.s: God doesn't speak through dreams or prophets or interpreters anymore. In these last days it's through Jesus only. Just sayin

God still speak through prophets, dreams, interpreters...

[i]For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.

15.In a dream, in a vision of the night
, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;

Open your heart

Acts 11:28

And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the spirit that there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar.

Did I forget to mention that Agabus was a prophet of the Lord

Acts 11:32

As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.

Here the spirit spoke to those who have ears(spiritual ears),the elders, to confirm the call of St Paul n Barnabas . That's the prophetic in operation. So saying God does not speak through dreams and prophets is like saying God doesn't speak at all. I concur Jesus speaks, but how will he speak to you if not in dreams and visions?

Bia Take your time cheesy

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Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by Amberon11: 1:19am On Aug 31, 2017
If you're flying to avert enemies then that's good but if you're flying with unknown entities/persons then it's bad and signifies being initiated into world of witchcraft.

How can someone say God doesn't speak through prophets, dreams or interpreters anymore?

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Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by godfromGod: 2:38am On Aug 31, 2017
Dreams can be so confusing at times
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by godfromGod: 2:40am On Aug 31, 2017
If you're flying to avert enemies then that's good but if you're flying with unknown entities/persons then it's bad and signifies being initiated into world of witchcraft.

How can someone say God doesn't speak through prophets, dreams or interpreters anymore?

Their was a time I had this dream that I went to buy a particular food called "Egbo" and beans in my language(Yoruba).

I order for some and the Food seller was eulogizing me, gave me more of the Egbo for free and again asking me if I still want more.

I finished eating and was leaving, I bade the Mama good bye.

The next thing is quite unexplainable but literally, I suddenly started to hear some strange bird voices twitting and I try to move closer to where the voices are coming from, behold it was from a waderobe of towels(The understanding of the towel was revealed to me in the dream as the towels represent My dad, uncles and aunties each).

The towel were different colours as one is a red new one, while the other one was fairly used brown and the third one is colour blue that is more used(in reality this is my dad's towel, as I know it is too n that dream).

These strange voices was twitting very loud where my dad's towel was placed I stretched my hand into the wardrobe to take the towel out and suddenly I saw these birds all escaped into the sky running up to one another because they were many.

Funnily, I tried to kill them with my hands folded like a gun grin with the believe that I must at least kill some if not all, but unfortunately it didn't work out and I was sad.


Don't you think I have been initiated?

The next dream I was flying forward in a very high speed like a teleporter I traveled very far within second and I saw my self in an island which was revealed to me to be somewhere around India or some Asian land.

Seeing these clean white ladies coming out of water unclad with a very sweet music playing, and took me into the water to bath me the next scene was me dancing round a tree with 3 ladies with these long Ankara wrap that an unknown language was inscribed on it(looks like Arabic but not sure) the wrap is very short in length but very long in breath.

the wrap on me was not big enough to cover myself so the other lady share hers with me and we kept dancing round the tree.


Am l initiated? What is the way out?
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by An2elect2(f): 10:46am On Aug 31, 2017

God still speak through prophets, dreams, interpreters...
No he doesn't. He did of old speak to them through prophets. Now, we have the Spirit of Christ to teach us all things , so we don't need all that anymore.

Hebrews 1:1-2
In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. Take note. Through the prophets and in VARIOUS WAYS. it was so because they HolySpirit was not given but when the Holy Spirit comes upon the children of God in these last days they would prophesy, see visions, dream dreams by themselves and for themselves and not depend on "prophets" or "dream interpreters" Acts 2:17. This outpouring is only going to happen to the seed of Abraham, the church and not to anyone.

For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.

15.In a dream, in a vision of the night
, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;

Open your heart
That was in the old na. And did you see "yet men perceiveth it not" In the old the Israelites had eyes but could not see, they had ears but could not hear. In this dispensation, it is not so anymore. Jesus made this clear to His disciples. They would not depend on dreams, visions or prophets
[u]But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

John 14:26
And what says
Hebrews 8:11?
No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, 'Know the Lord,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.
And if we know the Lord why do we need "prophets" to teach us? Why would the church depend on "prophets" still?

Acts 11:28

And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the spirit that there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar.

Did I forget to mention that Agabus was a prophet of the Lord
Agabus was one of them, a Christian who was given the gift of prophecy like many not the set apart kind of prophet we yarping about. He was fully part of the church and ministering according to the measure of grace given him. Nevertheless this gift of prophecy can be coveted and given to anyone as the Spirit wills for the common good of the church. 1Corinthians 14:39.

Acts 11:32

[i]As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.

Here the spirit spoke to those who have ears(spiritual ears),the elders, to confirm the call of St Paul n Barnabas .
Acts 13:2 rather. In vs 1, we were told that these men were teachers and prophets and among them was Paul and Barnabas. While they were gathered together ministering to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Ghost said to them all even in the hearing of Paul and Barnabas because they were part of the teachers and prophets gathered. He didn't reveal it to elders but to all of them gathered.

Pray tell, how can every Christian not have Spiritual ears or what do you mean by "spiritual ears" ?

That's the prophetic in operation.
No. That's the Spirit of Christ in operation not "prophets"
So saying God does not speak through dreams and prophets is like saying God doesn't speak at all. I concur Jesus speaks, but how will he speak to you if not in dreams and visions?
You are kidding me right? "How would Jesus speak if not through visions and dreams?" Nopy Jesus does not wait for us to fall asleep before He speaks, He lives inside of Christians through the Holy Ghost. Prophecies, visions are not giving in isolation they are giving for the benefit of the church and mostly when they are gathered together.

The gifts of prophecy, vision given the church are nothing like the one-man prophetic ministration of old which is being copied today by false teachers and prophets. Be guided.

And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against

1Corinthians 4:6

Bia Take your time cheesy
Na you suppose take your time o grin

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Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by LordofWinterfel(m): 2:34pm On Aug 31, 2017
Thank you all for your contributions. I'm grateful
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by Nobody: 2:49pm On Aug 31, 2017
It means you are about to leave Nigeria for good cheesy
Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by Onliie(m): 11:31pm On Dec 12, 2020
No he doesn't. He did of old speak to them through prophets. Now, we have the Spirit of Christ to teach us all things , so we don't need all that anymore.

Hebrews 1:1-2
In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. Take note. Through the prophets and in VARIOUS WAYS. it was so because they HolySpirit was not given but when the Holy Spirit comes upon the children of God in these last days they would prophesy, see visions, dream dreams by themselves and for themselves and not depend on "prophets" or "dream interpreters" Acts 2:17. This outpouring is only going to happen to the seed of Abraham, the church and not to anyone.

That was in the old na. And did you see "yet men perceiveth it not" In the old the Israelites had eyes but could not see, they had ears but could not hear. In this dispensation, it is not so anymore. Jesus made this clear to His disciples. They would not depend on dreams, visions or prophets
[u]But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

John 14:26
And what says
Hebrews 8:11?
No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, 'Know the Lord,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.
And if we know the Lord why do we need "prophets" to teach us? Why would the church depend on "prophets" still?

Agabus was one of them, a Christian who was given the gift of prophecy like many not the set apart kind of prophet we yarping about. He was fully part of the church and ministering according to the measure of grace given him. Nevertheless this gift of prophecy can be coveted and given to anyone as the Spirit wills for the common good of the church. 1Corinthians 14:39.

[i] Acts 13:2 rather. In vs 1, we were told that these men were teachers and prophets and among them was Paul and Barnabas. While they were gathered together ministering to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Ghost said to them all even in the hearing of Paul and Barnabas because they were part of the teachers and prophets gathered. He didn't reveal it to elders but to all of them gathered.

Pray tell, how can every Christian not have Spiritual ears or what do you mean by "spiritual ears" ?

No. That's the Spirit of Christ in operation not "prophets" You are kidding me right? "How would Jesus speak if not through visions and dreams?" Nopy Jesus does not wait for us to fall asleep before He speaks, He lives inside of Christians through the Holy Ghost. Prophecies, visions are not giving in isolation they are giving for the benefit of the church and mostly when they are gathered together.

The gifts of prophecy, vision given the church are nothing like the one-man prophetic ministration of old which is being copied today by false teachers and prophets. Be guided.

And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against

1Corinthians 4:6

Na you suppose take your time o grin
. Acts 2vs17
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

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Re: Help Me To Interpret My Dream; I Do See Myself Fly by orisa37: 6:23am On Dec 13, 2020
You have overcome Covid19 PANDEMIC.

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