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Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? - Religion - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? (2862 Views)

Is Sabbath Saturday Or Sunday? Are We Obligated To Observe It? / What Is The Recommended Day To Rest (Saturday Or Sunday?) / Why Do Christians Go To Church On Sunday And Not The Sabbath(Saturday) Day (2) (3) (4)

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Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by Teebouye995(m): 9:36am On Aug 27, 2017
A lot of people, most especially christains do not know which day sabbath falls on between Saturday and Sunday?

Give ur answers backed up with reasons.
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by Nobody: 11:20am On Aug 27, 2017
Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday or Monday or Saturday or Sunday w
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by ysyowel(m): 12:00pm On Aug 27, 2017
undecided everyday is a Sabbath day believe it or not

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Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by ysyowel(m): 12:35pm On Aug 27, 2017
undecided Sabbath means rest, God rested on the 7th day and He declared the 7th day (Saturday) Holy and a day of rest and worship ...
Sabbath is a symbol and a shadow of things to come (Col2:16-17 Heb 10:1). Jesus is the reality and the fulfilment of the Sabbath, that is why he said "come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and i will give you rest" (Matt 11:28). rest (Sabbath) means receiving Jesus as Lord and Saviour, it is a rest from bondage. read Heb 4:1-16 for more explanation.
concerning the day of worship, everyday is a day of worship read Rom 14:5-6
Sunday is the Lord's day, a day that the first Church began to worship. so whether you chose Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday to worship God your worship is acceptable. But always remember Sunday was universally accepted as the worship day

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Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by PoliteActivist: 1:18pm On Nov 22, 2022
undecided Sabbath means rest, God rested on the 7th day and He declared the 7th day (Saturday) Holy and a day of rest and worship ...
Sabbath is a symbol and a shadow of things to come (Col2:16-17 Heb 10:1). Jesus is the reality and the fulfilment of the Sabbath, that is why he said "come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and i will give you rest" (Matt 11:28). rest (Sabbath) means receiving Jesus as Lord and Saviour, it is a rest from bondage. read Heb 4:1-16 for more explanation.
concerning the day of worship, everyday is a day of worship read Rom 14:5-6
Sunday is the Lord's day, a day that the first Church began to worship. so whether you chose Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday to worship God your worship is acceptable. But always remember Sunday was universally accepted as the worship day

What sort of convoluted answer is this?
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by TenQ: 1:32pm On Nov 22, 2022
A lot of people, most especially christains do not know which day sabbath falls on between Saturday and Sunday?

Give ur answers backed up with reasons.
Are you aware that there are several kinds of Sabbath in the bible?

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Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by TenQ: 2:03pm On Nov 22, 2022

What sort of convoluted answer is this?
Sabbath actually means REST or HOLIDAY CELEBRATION


Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by PoliteActivist: 4:30pm On Nov 22, 2022

Sabbath actually means REST or HOLIDAY CELEBRATION

Question is, when was it ordained by God. If Saturday, why then do we rest on Sundays?
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by TenQ: 4:35pm On Nov 22, 2022

Question is, when was it ordained by God. If Saturday, why then do we rest on Sundays?
1. Are you aware that several kinds of Sabbath exist?
2. Do you keep all in the four categories of Sabbath?

1 Like

Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:59pm On Nov 22, 2022
According to the God of Abraham Sabbath was established as a day to rest for both man and animals used for labour {Exodus 23:12} Jesus of Nazareth made us to understand that anyday can be a Sabbath as long as you choose for a rest and religious purpose so as to concentrate on sacred service.
So as a Christian each person can determine his or her own Sabbath {Mark 2:28} no day should be imposed on God's people {Colossians 2:16-17} since Jerusalem is no longer the center for pure worship {Matthew 23:37-38} and God's people now worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH! John 4:23-24

God bless you and may you have PEACE! smiley
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by sonmvayina(m): 5:05pm On Nov 22, 2022
Sabbath is an everlasting covenant between God and the Jews. It is a day of rest.

It is Saturday.....that is from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday....

FYI it is for our own good...

Nobody has right or power to change what God has ordained. Anybody doing so is a false prophet. And the punishment was death.
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by Kobojunkie: 5:24pm On Nov 22, 2022
A lot of people, most especially christains do not know which day sabbath falls on between Saturday and Sunday?

Give ur answers backed up with reasons.
In the Old Covenant, the Sabbath was given as a day wherein the people rested from all their labors for perishable things of this world. God instructed the people to do no work of the worldly kind. undecided
8 “You must remember to keep the Sabbath a special day.
9 You may work six days a week to do your job.
10 But the seventh day is a day of rest in honor of the Lord your God. So on that day no one should work—not you, your sons and daughters, or your men and women slaves. Even your animals and the foreigners living in your cities must not work!
11 That is because the Lord worked six days and made the sky, the earth, the sea, and everything in them. And on the seventh day, he rested. In this way, the Lord blessed the Sabbath—the day of rest. He made that a very special day. - Exodus 20 vs 8 - 11
Following the teachings of Jesus Christ, instead, every day is a Holy day, a day of rest for His followers. The Lord of the Sabbath came to give rest from the labors of this world to His followers
28 “Come to me all of you who are tired from the heavy burden you have been forced to carry. I will give you rest.
29 Accept my teaching. Learn from me. I am gentle and humble in spirit. And you will be able to get some rest.
30 Yes, the teaching that I ask you to accept is easy. The load I give you to carry is light.” - Matthew 11 vs 28 - 30
... by way of the New Covenant/agreement which He brought to men from God - Matthew 26 vs 28 - 20. Those who belong to Jesus Christ no longer work for food that perishes but instead do work that is of God, good works, every day of their lives - John 6 vs 25 - 35 - meaning everyday is a sabbath day for those who are in and of the Kingdom of God. undecided
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:31pm On Nov 22, 2022

Sabbath is an everlasting covenant between God and the Jews Israelites. It is a day of rest.

It is Saturday.....that is from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday....

FYI it is for our their own good...

Nobody has right or power to change what God has ordained. Anybody doing so is a false prophet. And the punishment was death.

Israelites are the twelve tribes descendants of Jacob and they are the people God gave the Mosaic laws. Jews are just three tribes out of the twelve residing in Judea after the nation broke to two regions. So it's not the Jews who owns the Sabbath but the entire descendants of Jacob known as Israelites.

God told Moses that another prophet like him will be raised among the Israelites! Deuteronomy 18:15-18

Reason is because God sent Moses like a God into the midst of His people with great miraculous works {Exodus 7:1} so that they can identify Moses as a mediator of God's covenant with them. So God now promised the same people that another prophet like a God will be sent to them and they must believe what that prophet say in the name of the God of Jacob adding that whoever fails to accept what that prophet says will be cut off from the blessings of Abraham! Deuteronomy 18:19

Jesus of Nazareth is the one and only prophet who proved to be like a God in the midst of the Israelites {Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1-2} and he taught the Israelites in the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! John 17:6, 26

So whoever rejects Jesus' message has already been condemned by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That's why Jerusalem became a multi religious center instead of God's temple to continue been the one and only place of worship a mosque was erected right in the same place where the former temple was standing! Mark 13:14

Today people now stand in the same place but bowing towards a black stone in Mecca!

So that happened {Matthew 21:43} because the Israelites rejected the prophet (Jesus) who came in the manner of Moses:
The Prophet who also serve as a God! smiley
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by PoliteActivist: 6:59pm On Nov 22, 2022

1. Are you aware that several kinds of Sabbath exist?
2. Do you keep all in the four categories of Sabbath?

1. No I'm not aware several types of Sabbath exist.
I thought God commanded rest on Saturday and that was that!

2. Please let's hear it: what are the four types?
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by TenQ: 8:17pm On Nov 22, 2022

1. No I'm not aware several types of Sabbath exist.
I thought God commanded rest on Saturday and that was that!

2. Please let's hear it: what are the four types?
Let me give you the response I gave someone on NL on similar issue

The Jews had more than one kind of Sabbath.
a. Weekly Sabbath
b. Annual Sabbath
c. Seven Year Sabbath
d. Seventy Year Sabbath

There are actually seven kinds of Annual Sabbath that the Children of Israel celebrate. All thse are called HIGH SABBATH (Special Sabbath)

Examples apart from the Seventh day Sabbath (Saturday) :
i. Passover (the 14th of Nisan)
ii. Feast of Unleavened Bread, a holiday which is always observed on the 15th day of the month of Nisan
iii. Feast of First Fruits which was held on the Sunday following the Passover.
iv. Feast of Tabernacles

The day of Preparation is any day before a Sabbath.

Mark and John specified that Jesus was crucified on the day of Preparation (before Sabbath without specifying the kind of Sabbath).

John specified that the Sabbath was on a High Day (high Sabbath). This Sabbath was NOT the Weekly Sabbath but the Annual Sabbath. Jesus was crucified a day before the Annual Sabbath (Day of Preparation)


2. Jesus was said to have died just before Sabbath day (Saturday) which is Friday!

As explained above, the Day of Preparation was a Day before the High Sabbath NOT the Weekly Sabbath.

The High Sabbath Fell on a Friday (Thursday evening to Friday according to Jewish reconning of days), thus Jesus was crucified on a Thursday Morning and was buried before Thursday Evening.

3. High Sabbath is the day two festivals were celebrated on a single day.

No sir. A high Sabbath is ANY of the seven Annual Sabbaths of Israel even though, sometimes it falls on a weekly Sabbath

See Attachments!

4. It was impossible for Jesus to die of his two legs were not broken.
I laugh in Swahili and Turkish language.

A. Jesus said:
John 10:17-18:
"Therefore does my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man takes it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father."

In other words, Jesus gave up his spirit when He knew the Atonement it was completed.

Luk 23:46:
"And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into your hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."

B. Have you ever heard that two men were fighting and one slumped and died even when no weapon was used?
Time of use and the nature instrument of punishment does not determine how fast a person would die from his injury.
C. Jesus was Arrested on Wednesday night and tried overnight till Thursday morning in three different locations before being crucified about 9:00 am Thursday morning. He didn't rest throughout the night before he was crucified. This was probably why he couldn't carry his cross and this had to be helped by Joseph of Arimathea

Why do you think the Women came to anoint the Body of Jesus on Sunday and not Thursday, Friday or Saturday?

Jesus was buried just before the high Sabbath on Thursday Evening therefore there was tp time to anoint his dead body properly for his burial. The High Sabbath commenced from the evening of Thursday to the Evening of Friday (according to the Jews reconning of days).

Therefore, Jesus body could not be anointed properly for burial. By Friday evening, the Weekly Sabbath commenced till Saturday evening so, the body still couldn't be anointed. Thus, very early Sunday morning, the women went to anoint the body of Jesus.

Mar 16:1-2:
"And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him. And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came to the sepulcher at the rising of the sun."

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Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by PoliteActivist: 9:30pm On Nov 22, 2022

Let me give you the response I gave someone on NL on similar issue

The Jews had more than one kind of Sabbath.
a. Weekly Sabbath
b. Annual Sabbath
c. Seven Year Sabbath
d. Seventy Year Sabbath

There are actually seven kinds of Annual Sabbath that the Children of Israel celebrate. All thse are called HIGH SABBATH (Special Sabbath)

Examples apart from the Seventh day Sabbath (Saturday) :
i. Passover (the 14th of Nisan)
ii. Feast of Unleavened Bread, a holiday which is always observed on the 15th day of the month of Nisan
iii. Feast of First Fruits which was held on the Sunday following the Passover.
iv. Feast of Tabernacles

The day of Preparation is any day before a Sabbath.

Mark and John specified that Jesus was crucified on the day of Preparation (before Sabbath without specifying the kind of Sabbath).

John specified that the Sabbath was on a High Day (high Sabbath). This Sabbath was NOT the Weekly Sabbath but the Annual Sabbath. Jesus was crucified a day before the Annual Sabbath (Day of Preparation)


2. Jesus was said to have died just before Sabbath day (Saturday) which is Friday!

As explained above, the Day of Preparation was a Day before the High Sabbath NOT the Weekly Sabbath.

The High Sabbath Fell on a Friday (Thursday evening to Friday according to Jewish reconning of days), thus Jesus was crucified on a Thursday Morning and was buried before Thursday Evening.

3. High Sabbath is the day two festivals were celebrated on a single day.

No sir. A high Sabbath is ANY of the seven Annual Sabbaths of Israel even though, sometimes it falls on a weekly Sabbath

See Attachments!

4. It was impossible for Jesus to die of his two legs were not broken.
I laugh in Swahili and Turkish language.

A. Jesus said:
John 10:17-18:
"Therefore does my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man takes it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father."

In other words, Jesus gave up his spirit when He knew the Atonement it was completed.

Luk 23:46:
"And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into your hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."

B. Have you ever heard that two men were fighting and one slumped and died even when no weapon was used?
Time of use and the nature instrument of punishment does not determine how fast a person would die from his injury.
C. Jesus was Arrested on Wednesday night and tried overnight till Thursday morning in three different locations before being crucified about 9:00 am Thursday morning. He didn't rest throughout the night before he was crucified. This was probably why he couldn't carry his cross and this had to be helped by Joseph of Arimathea

Why do you think the Women came to anoint the Body of Jesus on Sunday and not Thursday, Friday or Saturday?

Jesus was buried just before the high Sabbath on Thursday Evening therefore there was tp time to anoint his dead body properly for his burial. The High Sabbath commenced from the evening of Thursday to the Evening of Friday (according to the Jews reconning of days).

Therefore, Jesus body could not be anointed properly for burial. By Friday evening, the Weekly Sabbath commenced till Saturday evening so, the body still couldn't be anointed. Thus, very early Sunday morning, the women went to anoint the body of Jesus.

Mar 16:1-2:
"And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him. And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came to the sepulcher at the rising of the sun."

See this one. This is what happens when you try to twist something straight forward to fit something else - you confuse yourself.
Jews have all sorts of laws and traditions, some evolved over time, some were given by their priests. Moses was given TEN commandments
CLEARLY, what we are discussing here is the DAY of rest that is one of those commandments!
And here you are, deceptively trying to conflate that straightforward commandment with Jewish laws and traditions!
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by TenQ: 6:06am On Nov 23, 2022

See this one. This is what happens when you try to twist something straight forward to fit something else - you confuse yourself.
Jews have all sorts of laws and traditions, some evolved over time, some were given by their priests. Moses was given TEN commandments
CLEARLY, what we are discussing here is the DAY of rest that is one of those commandments!
And here you are, deceptively trying to conflate that straightforward commandment with Jewish laws and traditions!
After the lecture, have you considered if you obeyed ALL the Sabbath or not?

Are you guilty?

1 Like

Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by sonmvayina(m): 8:38am On Nov 23, 2022

Israelites are the twelve tribes descendants of Jacob and they are the people God gave the Mosaic laws. Jews are just three tribes out of the twelve residing in Judea after the nation broke to two regions. So it's not the Jews who owns the Sabbath but the entire descendants of Jacob known as Israelites.

God told Moses that another prophet like him will be raised among the Israelites! Deuteronomy 18:15-18

Reason is because God sent Moses like a God into the midst of His people with great miraculous works {Exodus 7:1} so that they can identify Moses as a mediator of God's covenant with them. So God now promised the same people that another prophet like a God will be sent to them and they must believe what that prophet say in the name of the God of Jacob adding that whoever fails to accept what that prophet says will be cut off from the blessings of Abraham! Deuteronomy 18:19

Jesus of Nazareth is the one and only prophet who proved to be like a God in the midst of the Israelites {Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1-2} and he taught the Israelites in the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! John 17:6, 26

So whoever rejects Jesus' message has already been condemned by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That's why Jerusalem became a multi religious center instead of God's temple to continue been the one and only place of worship a mosque was erected right in the same place where the former temple was standing! Mark 13:14

Today people now stand in the same place but bowing towards a black stone in Mecca!

So that happened {Matthew 21:43} because the Israelites rejected the prophet (Jesus) who came in the manner of Moses:
The Prophet who also serve as a God! smiley

You where making sense from the begining and I was nodding my head.

All of a sudden you switched to insanity mode..

And spoilt everything...

Read it again and correct your mistakes..
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:57am On Nov 23, 2022

You where making sense from the begining and I was nodding my head.
All of a sudden you switched to insanity mode..
And spoilt everything...
Read it again and correct your mistakes..

Just as Jesus sound like an insane in the hears of faithless Jews {John 10:20} yet he WAS God just as Moses WAS God! Exodus 7:1

Continue arguing up and down the forum your insults can never change the fact that Jesus is the prophet who came in the manner of Moses! Deuteronomy 18:15-18 wink
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by Lukuluku69(m): 9:10am On Nov 23, 2022

Israelites are the twelve tribes descendants of Jacob and they are the people God gave the Mosaic laws. Jews are just three tribes out of the twelve residing in Judea after the nation broke to two regions. So it's not the Jews who owns the Sabbath but the entire descendants of Jacob known as Israelites.

God told Moses that another prophet like him will be raised among the Israelites! Deuteronomy 18:15-18

Reason is because God sent Moses like a God into the midst of His people with great miraculous works {Exodus 7:1} so that they can identify Moses as a mediator of God's covenant with them. So God now promised the same people that another prophet like a God will be sent to them and they must believe what that prophet say in the name of the God of Jacob adding that whoever fails to accept what that prophet says will be cut off from the blessings of Abraham! Deuteronomy 18:19

Jesus of Nazareth is the one and only prophet who proved to be like a God in the midst of the Israelites {Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1-2} and he taught the Israelites in the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! John 17:6, 26

So whoever rejects Jesus' message has already been condemned by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That's why Jerusalem became a multi religious center instead of God's temple to continue been the one and only place of worship a mosque was erected right in the same place where the former temple was standing! Mark 13:14

Today people now stand in the same place but bowing towards a black stone in Mecca!

So that happened {Matthew 21:43} because the Israelites rejected the prophet (Jesus) who came in the manner of Moses:
The Prophet who also serve as a God! smiley

@Your first paragraph, the Jews Jesus met in Judea and any references to Jews consists of only TWO of the TWELVES Tribes that make up the Israelites.

The Tribe of Judah assimilated the smaller Benjamites while the other TEN were taken into Captivity by the Assyrians and deported from their Territories and are seemingly "Lost". We Muslims know ehte they are and who they are till now! If you want to know, I will show you from your Bible.

That Division came just after Solomon death when the other TEN Tribes broke away and form a separate Kingdom in Samaria. Despite being Kins, you will see that that eninity persisted till the time of Jesus because the Jews of Judea never reckoned with the Israelites of Samaria.

This is to correct your wrong notion ooo before you start bidding GOODBYE to the World. Lol

I am sure you won't get this kind of exposition from your Kingdom hall.
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by sonmvayina(m): 11:44am On Nov 23, 2022

Just as Jesus sound like an insane in the hears of faithless Jews {John 10:20} yet he WAS God just as Moses WAS God! Exodus 7:1

Continue arguing up and down the forum your insults can never change the fact that Jesus is the prophet who came in the manner of Moses! Deuteronomy 18:15-18 wink
Who was Moses addressing ?

You go school at all?

When you take a text out of context..what you actually have is a con
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by PoliteActivist: 1:18pm On Nov 23, 2022

After the lecture, have you considered if you obeyed ALL the Sabbath or not?

Are you guilty?

Read the heading of this thread again. The discussion is which DAY does the 4th commandment say.
NOT what I obey or don't obey!
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by MaxInDHouse(m): 2:14pm On Nov 23, 2022

Who was Moses addressing ?
You go school at all?
When you take a text out of context..what you actually have is a con

Moses was addressing his people and not you so the laws given to Moses has nothing to do with you! wink
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by TenQ: 2:16pm On Nov 23, 2022

Read the heading of this thread again. The discussion is which DAY does the 4th commandment say.
NOT what I obey or don't obey!
Which day is Sabbath was the Question!
I've answered: Sabbath is not just one day. It means DAY of REST or in modern language PUBLIC HOLIDAY ! Are the four classes of Sabbath I mentioned a Fabrication? If not,

I ask, do you keep the WHOLE of the Sabbath law?
Jam 2:10:
"For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."

So, again I ask:
Do you keep the WHOLE of the Sabbath law?

If you don't, I have a word for you

Mat 7:5:
"You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye."

Preach the Sabbath only AFTER you have kept the whole law of the Sabbath my dear!
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by sonmvayina(m): 2:18pm On Nov 23, 2022

Moses was addressing his people and not you so the laws given to Moses has nothing to do with you! wink


So is that why I should worship an idol?

He was addressing the people in front of him..

And the person who god raised for them was actually Joshua..
Not jesus, who according to the gospel writters had no father so he can't be from among them..Moses had a father and mother..

So understanding is key..
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by MaxInDHouse(m): 2:26pm On Nov 23, 2022

So is that why I should worship an idol?
He was addressing the people in front of him..

And the person who god raised for them was actually Joshua..
Not jesus, who according to the gospel writters had no father so he can't be from among them..Moses had a father and mother..

So understanding is key..

Ọmọ since Moses was addressing his people then the Torah has nothing to do with you and if it's the definition of Torah that you're carrying in your head regarding an idol then you've failed woefully because it's not the Torah that will teach me what an IDOL is! wink
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by Kobojunkie: 3:19pm On Nov 23, 2022
Moses was given TEN commandments
CLEARLY, what we are discussing here is the DAY of rest that is one of those commandments!
And here you are, deceptively trying to conflate that straightforward commandment with Jewish laws and traditions!
What God gave Moses was Constitutional Law for the Nation of Israel, a Nation which He constituted of the people of Israel in the Land of Canaan comprising of about 613 total statutes, commandments, ritual ceremonies(including holy days-holidays-to be observed) - not just the first 10 commandments which those of you who have never in fact taken time for yourselves to read through the Law are aware of. undecided

God made it abundantly clear to all that that Constitution serves only those who are of the blood of Israel in the land of Canaan - foreigners who live amongst them in the land benefit in some ways .I.e. the dogs benefit from the crumbs that fall from the table - Deuteronomy 30 vs 15 - 20
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by sonmvayina(m): 4:36pm On Nov 23, 2022

Ọmọ since Moses was addressing his people then the Torah has nothing to do with you and if it's the definition of Torah that you're carrying in your head regarding an idol then you've failed woefully because it's not the Torah that will teach me what an IDOL is! wink

You are not following this conversation..

Like you rightly said. The Torah was given to the Israelites..
I have no business with it...

I follow the tradition of my ancestors..

But you, you are following the god created by the Roman empire, the jesus is the new testament is not in anyway related to the Jews or the Torah. The Torah warned the Israelites not to make the image OR LIKENESS of anything in heaven, on earth or under the waters below the earth, not to serve it or bow down to it. They are also warned not to have any other god (intermediary) before God. That's all I have been singing in your ears.. ... The best you should have done is follow your heritage..

Can't you see your foolishness?
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by sonmvayina(m): 4:46pm On Nov 23, 2022
What God gave Moses was Constitutional Law for the Nation of Israel, a Nation which He constituted of the people of Israel in the Land of Canaan comprising of about 613 total statutes, commandments, ritual ceremonies(including holy days-holidays-to be observed) - not just the first 10 commandments which those of you who have never in fact taken time for yourselves to read through the Law are aware of. undecided

God made it abundantly clear to all that that Constitution serves only those who are of the blood of Israel in the land of Canaan - foreigners who live amongst them in the land benefit in some ways .I.e. the dogs benefit from the crumbs that fall from the table - Deuteronomy 30 vs 15 - 20

Where did you get the idea that Jesus is for the gentiles or non Jews?
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by Dtruthspeaker: 4:46pm On Nov 23, 2022

Sabbath actually means REST or HOLIDAY CELEBRATION

The Bible specifically said "Holy Day"!

And Not holiday.
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:52pm On Nov 23, 2022

You are not following this conversation..

Like you rightly said. The Torah was given to the Israelites..
I have no business with it...

I follow the tradition of my ancestors..

But you, you are following the god created by the Roman empire, the jesus is the new testament is not in anyway related to the Jews or the Torah. The Torah warned the Israelites not to make the image OR LIKENESS of anything in heaven, on earth or under the waters below the earth, not to serve it or bow down to it. They are also warned not to have any other god (intermediary) before God. That's all I have been singing in your ears.. ... The best you should have done is follow your heritage..

Can't you see your foolishness?

I choose my own God and told you the qualities that attracts me so if you're not interested in the qualities then you're not in any position to tell me the God that's best for me! wink
Re: Which Day Is Sabbath? Saturday Or Sunday? by sonmvayina(m): 4:57pm On Nov 23, 2022

I choose my own God and told you the qualities that attracts me so if you're not interested in the qualities then you're not in any position to tell me the God that's best for me! wink

Can't you see pass the deception?

You have chosen the wrong God.

Jesus has no connection to the creator of the universe..there is no historical evidence for his existence..none at all..

I just don't know how to stress it again ..

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